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Posts posted by joleng5

  1. I think I haven't been able to eat much the last 2 years and I just really over did it. But am going to get fill and get back on track. Again thanks for the words of encouragement and it is nice to know I'm not the only one and hear your story. Thanks I will keep u all updated.

  2. Your totally right I wish I had watched it. My digital scales battery went dead and I kept forgetting to replace it plus I hadn't watched my weight for a while but was continuously losing. But now I'm ready to get my but in gear and lose some serious weight. Again thanks for the encouraging words it really does help.

  3. Thanks for the encouraging words. I am trying to keep my spirits up about it, it's just very hard. I just got to the 100 lb lost mark now down 30 . Your totally right though I just gotta get my fill and get back to work on losing again!! I know I can do it I have this amazing tool to help me. Thanks again

  4. About 2months ago my band had suddenly gotten so tight I couldn't eat a thing. Went to my dr she took nearly all my Fluid out of my band. I could eat whatever whenever something I hadn't been able to do since getting the band 2 yrs ago. I know I shouldn't have ate all those bad for me foods and should have went back to dr right away but didn't due to my kids being home from school, the long drive to dr. i know i still shoulve but didnt and I just got a battery for my scale today. I started crying when I seen I gained nearly 30 lbs. I knew it was gonna be bad cause I could feel it. I am going to dr first of next week and am going to be so embarrassed since I gained almost a whole year of progress in 2 months. I'm feeling terrible right now and needed to share.

  5. Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to get any out I don't want to b able to eat anymore than I can now I am not chocking just coughing so hard mucus and or saliva come up forcefully sometimes. I had to get some out one time due to waking choking in middle if night. This is a little different but I agree I need to see my dr. And will its just not that bad so I haven't been urgent about seeing the dr.

  6. Hi, I have not been on here for awhile but decided to try the app so here I am. I am coughing and spitting up mucus and or saliva at night it's waking me up sometimes the mucus or saliva is sometimes black don't know if that's due to what I drank or ate earlier. Don't think I'm too tight because I can eat just fine and plenty and have cut out eating too close to bedtime which helped a lot I just wanted to see if anyone else experienced this or I should b alarmed

  7. Jim my band was checked because i was worried about that when i all of a sudden stopped losing and didnt have as good restriction so we started doing small fills until i had to get that very tiny unfil dr said she didnt take very much out at all not even the full last fill before taking out. i just hope i can get back to the way it was or better when i was losing good. the thing is i see alot of people on here saying they only eat 1 cup of food, i have always been able to eat more than that in fact my dr wants you to eat more than that, she said that just isnt enuf. but every dr. is different.

  8. my band holds 10 cc. I know about the bread thing. I am a yr out and had good restriction up until about 2 months ago and had counted bread out totally at one time. but now can eat bread with very little issues. I don't know what is going on but i am ready for it to be like it was when i didnt even think of food. i also havent been losing weight the last 2 months i havent gained either (which is good). i had an issue where i had some taken out because i was waking up choking on my own saliva (which was scary) but the thing with that was i lost weight and was able to eat about a1 cup of food(which i had never been that restricted) at a time i thought i had good restriction other than the fact of choking when i layed down. I havent had a fill since then, but really feel i need one.

  9. My doc tells me i have quite a bit in my band and she don't really want to give me anymore fills. She will give me fills she just tells me everytime i have quite a bit in my band and she discourages it. i feel like i am close but still not quite there. For example i ate a 6 inch sub loaded with vegies yesterday just had to wait a little in between bites and a small bag of baked lays. sometimes i eat less but i still feel like i am eating way more than most people with the band. and am not losing very well.

  10. my dr office wants you to eat more than a cup. they have a little plate that they go by Protein 4-6oz. being the biggest part of plate then veggies 1/4-1/2 cup there is even a spot for starch believe it or not on that plate . the plates are between medium plate and saucer but definately larger portions than a cup. In fact when i mentioned to them i read on here lots of people were being told to eat no more than 1 cup of food she said that was not enuf. I KNOW I KNOW everyones dr is diff. just thought i would share.

  11. I was doing great losing weight steadily 1-2 lbs a week, then it came to a halt i noticed i was able to eat more and was snacking. over the next few weeks i went in for small fills, finally i noticed i was eating less and not snacking BUT i was sick and had alot of drainage so when i would go to bed i would wake up puking it would come up so fast and forceful i would jump up out of bed and to the bathroom (sometimes i did not make it) and i could not get over my cough. It was a thurs. when i got the small fill and by the next tue. i went in and they gave me a small unfill but i had lost 3 lbs.

    Well then i went in 2 weeks later and weight was the same no loss. She said she just took a teeny tiny bit out and didnt want to put any back in. she said i had a considerable amount in and should be good at this point. i have 5.5 in a 10cc band.

    one of my questions is does that teeny tiny bit make that much diff? i dont understand how at one point i could eat good amount then get a small fill and am too tight then has a teeny bit taken out and now am right back where i was, does she not want to give me a fill because it will be too tight again? i feel like i dont have the restriction i once had when i was losing but am close. again i am not gaining just staying the same.

    is it possible i could have a stretched pouch? i think i am going to try the 5 day pouch test. i am also thinking about going back in for a fill. although i am not sure she will give me one. any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.

  12. ya i do.. I feel sooo much better and have said if i didnt lose another pound it has been worth it so far. BUT i am not stopping i am going to lose more and get to goal. I just have to start really working at it. thanks for your kind words of encouragement btw you have done great also.

  13. hji all, I just got a small fill last week because i suddenly 6 weeks ago was able to eat more and was getting hungry between meals so i have been going to my dr every 2 weeks for the last 6 weeks getting fills i gained 3 pounds over this time period. anyway i got this fill and i feel good restriction finally BUT when i go to sleep i wake up choking on vomit acid reflux or whatever. so i have not gotten much sleep. i thought it was due to me being sick i have had a horrible cough which is when i would vomit when i would cough so hard but now it happens without coughing just when i sleep. it finally dawned on me that my band might be too tight i am calling dr in morning because i have not been able to get much sleep the last several days. i just thought i would see if anyone has had any similar experiences. thanks

  14. i still have alot to lose but am hoping to do some toning up (i know there is going to be access skin) i was looking at my arms (they are still big and have skin hanging) really scared me so i am going to start hitting the gym and hope it helps

  15. my surgeon does not recommend it it's empty calories, but says there is nothing wrong with every once in a while. So no it does not stretch the pouch, believe me i asked! i love cola also and couldn't imagine giving it up forever. I love my band i do not deprive myself of ther things i love just have them in moderation.

  16. i don't eat much at all i have a carnation instant breakfast in the morning then at lunch i have a green salad with chicken and hardboiled eggs (protein) i also put any veges i have on hand tomatoes, green peppers. Supper i like to have chicken or i love tilapia fish fillets i also love steamed veges broccoli, carrots and i also love idaho instant mashed potato packs just 1$ at Walmart and they have all different flavors. those are just some examples of my favorate meals. like the other poster said you need to get in your Protein. i also like yogart and cottage cheese for a night time snack. i find that i don't snack at all but every 4 hours i get hungry so we eat supper at 4 so by 8-9 im hungry again so need a light snack before i go to bed. and as far as food choices the tighter you get the more you wont want certain foods your band will eventually make you make healthier choices. i am loving my band i don't even think about food much anymore the chains are broken i am free. cheesey i know but it is an awesome feeling.

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