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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ousooner

  1. ousooner

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Happy Birthday Kim!!
  2. ousooner

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    I have a NSV (well I guess its scale related, but...) I recalculated my BMI this morning after my weigh-in and am now down to Obese instead of extremely Obese. BMI of 39.7. That means I probably would not qualify for surgury now since my comorbidities have gone away and I am under 40 BMI! lol
  3. ousooner

    side sleeping...

    I am a stomach sleeper. I was in the recliner for about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks, Then I was able to sleep on my side in bed until I was able to rotate to my stomach at about 3 weeks or so post op. That was my experience. Well worth a little inconvenience.
  4. ousooner

    Non - Scale Goals:

    This was not a goal I had thought about, but definitely a cool moment. I was able to get on the ladder (weight limit of 275) and climb on the roof to make some repairs to the chimney. It was a good feeling to be useful again! :rockon:
  5. ousooner

    Getting depressed

    Don't be depressed . If you want the band to work, it will for the most part. For the most part (and i know there are exceptions), most of the people who have not lost on the band are the ones who still make bad food choices. I have several co-workers who have lost just a little and are discouraged. About a month ago, one said to me that she was struggle to loose, she just couldn't give up the fried foods. Just this morning a friend at work was upset because I have lost twice what she has and she was banded before me. Then she says, "I guess the McGriddle I ate this morning isn't helping, huh?". So if you have made up your mind that the band is the way to go and you will succeed with it - you will! Be encouraged, it does work!
  6. Perv? Guilty as charged!
  7. ousooner

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    I had a happy day at the doctor's today. I went to my PCP today due to a sinus infection. I haden't seen him since before being banded. Him and his nurse both commented on how much weight I had lost and was glad to see the band was working so well for me. The last time I went to see him was about 3 months prior to being banded for a physical. I was supposed to go back because he wanted to pull on pills for high blood pressure and high blood suger, but I never went ( I know, bad me!) He said today that my blood pressure was normal and that it looked like it is working itself out with the weight loss. I am so glad. I have also checked my blood sugar with my father's kit (he is diabetic) and it is fine also. Its amazing what 2 1/2 months can do!
  8. ousooner

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Great job Marcy!
  9. ousooner

    Favorite Motivational Saying

    I found this one the other day by Zig Zigler: "Success is one thing you can't pay for. You buy it on the installment plan and make payments every day. "
  10. Just wanted to update. I am about 2 1/2 months out and have lost 58 lbs. I started in the fitness center 2 weeks ago and can really tell the difference.
  11. OK, I am stealing this topic from another site's board, but here goes. Share a moment during your weight loss that made you say to yourself - wow. I had one this last weekend. My wife and I love to go to Dallas Stars hockey games. I have a Star's jersey that I haven't worn in several years. I was trying on some older, smaller clothes this last weekend and low and behold, my jersey fits very nicely again! I almost teared up as I thought to myself that I was getting my life back. It inspired me to keep up the good fight and not go back.
  12. ousooner

    Dr. prescribed diet before surgery..?

    My doctor did not have me do a pre-op diet. I am thankful for that. I did well, but struggled a little bit during the 6 weeks post op liquids. I don't know if I could have made it two weeks before the band.
  13. Diva - Wish I would have found this site before surgury so I could have prepared myself better. Doing well though. Glad you have your date. I know things will go well for you! Good luck.
  14. I have been banded for just over 2 months now. I think it has been very beneficial. I too was a huge eater. I see from your posts that you realize this is a tool and not a "cure all" for weight loss. You still have to work at it - at least in my experience. I still feel hunger, but its so much more managable. My stomach will growl and rumble a little once in a while. But then it passes and I can control it. Prior to surgury, If I didn't eat breakfast pretty soon after getting up, I would become literally sick and feel bad physically. As you research, you will find there are foods you should no longer eat. From someone who has lost 75 lbs and 110 lbs in the last ten years and put it all back on, plus some, I can tell this is going to be very successful for me. Hope this feedback helps.
  15. ousooner

    Pondering the Band

    Biggame - Congrats on your banding. I used Dr Hamm's partner, Dr Cribbens. Love the office and staff. Good luck
  16. Photonut, Great progress. Your a great inspiration. The alcoholic comparison is exactly how I feel. It may not be quite the physical addiction, but it surely is mental. I don't want to fall off the weight loss wagon. I too did not mean to be judgemental or even cocky. Hope I did not come across that way
  17. Guilty here of being a rule follower I wish I had the will power I have now before I had the surgery. If I had the will power before, I wouldn't have been overweight. I lost 41 pounds before the first fill. I get my second fill this Friday and can't wait because I still feel a lot of hunger. I have been scared to try anything on the bad list because I am afraid if I try it once, I will lapse back into my old habits. I am 2 months out and and have not had a bite of bread, rice, sugar, pasta, etc. I guess I needed the surgery to "scare" the will power into me.
  18. ousooner

    Another portion question

    Jack - I agree with Mouse. That is a great explaination. I think I have only felt full once in the 2 months since my surgery. I have tried to only eat until I am no longer hungry. That is so hard for a big eater like me, but working well so far. Like I have said in some other posts, its easy to fix the phsical but it takes time to retrain the head.
  19. ousooner

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    I have been meaning to post this for a while. I am 2 months out now, but here I am couple of days post op. I am glad my doctor used skin glue and liquid bangage of some sort. They are healing nicely.
  20. I am a very open person, so the privacy thing does not bother me. In fact I think I have helped out several people who have come to me asking how I lost my weight and have since made appointments to have consultations. I am proud I made this decision and don't care who knows. I guess I have become the poster child for WLS in my "arena". Then again, I have not had anyone critisize me for doing it, so I can not speak to that.
  21. The funny thing for me is that I am trying new dishes at resaurants. I used to stay away from the menu items I didn't think I would get enough food, now its just the opposite. For instance, some of the smaller cuts of steak are more tender and flavorful, but I wouldn't get them because it was not enough food to fill me up. Kind of a quirky obsevation I made this last weekend when we went to Outback Steakhouse.
  22. ousooner

    Another portion question

    I am cetainly no expert, so someone correct me if I am wrong. 2 cups of food seems like a lot for being 3 weeks out. Certainly every doctor has different orders, but I beleive my doctor's instructions during that time was about a half a cup. I didn't feel full very often, but I wasn't hungry either.
  23. Big - I agree with you. I can tell a big difference. It is one benefit of being banded I had not even considered.
  24. I have not had any bad reactions yet. But I am lucky that a work in a big place and there are probably a couple of dozen people who have been banded or had bypass. Its great having that built in support group.
  25. ousooner

    Some regrets

    Hang in there. For me, it was easy to fix the Physical by getting banded. It is taking much longer to fix the mental aspect of loosing weight. I am 36 and have struggled with weght as far back as I can remember. Thats hard to try to fix my head after that long of making bad food choices. It will get better, give it a chance and you will see. Hang in there, we are all here for you.

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