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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by findingme2

  1. RitaAnn: as Fran said it really is a quick and fairly easy thing. I have had one fill. The hardest part for me was waiting for the surgeon to get to Radiology. He had a problem in surgery and we (the 4 people getting fills) had to wait for him to finish. Well, they told us we had an option to reschedule but none of us wanted to do that. Anyway- they take you in, lay down, he numbs the area of the port, inserts port syringe and saline and then let's you test how it feels. You watch the whole thing on a TV type monitor. I was chicken and didn't get enough of a fill. I need another!!

    Wow Fran you have done great!!!! What an inspiration. I had heard Dr. Pupkova had left and wondered why???? She was at my seminar in March. Hmmmm....who knows. I love Dr. Bertha though he is all business. He's so cute he can be forgiven for that...lol.

    Glad you guys said hi. I live in Morris County in Rockaway Township. Nice to have others in the area to chat with!!


  2. Hi Julysters:

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words. I keep saying I think I was absent in school the day they taught you how to handle these stressful things. My mantra is I have options, I have options. There is NOTHING that strikes more fear in my heart than thinking I am out of options.

    You know Mary I read your post earlier (about the confession) and started thinking that I have a habit of once you eat a little something how easy it is to eat the whole thing. Kinda like Beth's story about the sopapillas. The other night I had put some of my DH's favorite candy on a plate and not even thinking popped one in my mouth. It must have been the sugar. I ate 6. I sat and thought about it and decided I am not one to ban certain foods (unless they could get stuck) from my life. I swear I will go crazy and eat 20 times a normal amount. Can a person be OCD about food??? I wonder if they dissected an obese person's brain would they find a bowl of sugar in the core. That bowl that constantly needs filling????

    Got out of the house today and DH and I went to a local German park for Octoberfest. I had a small portion of veal, ate a little potato pancake with applesauce and tasted a bite of DH's dessert....something called beehive made with custard, orange zest and almonds. I am not much of a drinker so I passed on the German beer (even though it tastes better at Octoberfest....lol). I thought about those choices too. Maybe a trick "normals" know and I never did is it's all about moderation???

    Okay guys....have a lovely week and who wants to bet Michelle is combing her files for the wildest, off-the-wall pic she can find???? Go girl!!!

    Kari- feel better!!!! Even warm things don't soothe??? Ouch on the scratchy throat!!

    Stesti- I am embarassed to say I am not familiar with Bobbi Brown make-up. Is it only sold at certain stores??? I know who Bobby Brown is but I don't think he does make-up even though he should try to "make-up" with Whitney b/c he is losing his gravy train!!

    Beth- there is NOTHING in life nicer than bed/rain combo!!!! Enjoy!!!

    Stephanie- your fill story is horrible. Yikes....I know the thought of another fill doesn't thrill you!!!

    My brain has forgotten who else I wanted to respond to.....guess I need to write them down...so my love and kisses to all.


  3. Hi all July folk:

    It's nice to hear your stories, victories and comforting to hear the support for those having down days. I too am having a down time with my DH's caregiver situation. We went through 4 in seven days. I don't think the agency is being up-front with the fact that he needs a lot of assistance due to 2 strokes. The lady who left yesterday (in her Ghanian accent) said "they told me I would be sitting for an elderly man (well, he's not THAT old) but they didn't tell me I would have to observe him." Duh. When you take care of disabled people you usually need to keep an eye on them. Anyway....I went back to square one and am going in a different direction than the agency. I am just so depressed today. I have something in place for next week but still feel so overwhelmed by it all. I miss pieces of him so much. His strokes have changed our lives and I try not to get down about it but....well, wish me luck, please.

    On a happy note I had a nice NSV yesterday. One of our teachers is a "Mr. Muscle" competitor (whatever they are called....body-builder). We are kind chummy (I listened to his divorce saga #1 and #2). I had the opportunity to chat with him yesterday and asked him if he did Protein Drinks and what does he use. We had a conversation about Protein, etc and I finally told him about my band. He said "I KNEW you had lost weight but some women freak if you say anything. You look amazing!". Wow. That was lovely coming from mr. beautiful body.

    Michelle....the Hooters pic MAY be your best yet. What a perfect Halloween costume. I don't think my principal would approve though....what do you think...lol???? YOU are a hoot.

    Have a nice weekend all you nice July people.


  4. Hi...my insulin need has been cut in half post banding plus I am off of Glucophage. Yes, the band will help with your diabetes because ANY weight loss will help!!! My primary has told me I will probably be able to eventually discontinue insulin all together and maybe just be on a low dose of one of the meds.

    The biggest question is what is right for your life. The band was the only answer for me and after 2 months and 3 days post banding I am convinced more and more every day how right I was with my decision.

    Good luck!!

    Banded 7-11-06

    Dr. N. Bertha

    Dover-St. Clare's Hospital, NJ

  5. OK Michelle and Kari....here's a bunch of hugs and kisses

    ;) :kiss2: :) :kiss2: :Banane13: :kiss2: :Banane21: :kiss2: .

    Michelle....don't beat yourself up so much!!!! Just get Mama back on the llama and ride back to center and "fugget about it"!!! We all have times where we would really like to just step out of our realities and binge, go wild, cross THAT (whatever that is) line, etc. So pick yourself up, brush yourself off and know you had fun (even though you felt miserable later). You still have 3 days of punishment though!!! (lol)

    Kari....sweetheart Kari......you couldn't sound bitterchy if you tried!!!!! Besides, isn't that why we come to this place.....to share, explore and walk together on this journey that we have chosen??? Sometimes we may laugh, be charming or grumpy. Take your turn sistah!!!!!

    Okay, must go drive to school in this pouring NJ rain and try to find calm in a classroom that was turned upside down this summer (hey, I found my textbooks....yea!!!!) and try to somehow feel like I am making headway through my curriculum in the middle of chaos. Have a lovely day all.


  6. Michelle- a happy Mama, of course deserves a dancing llama. Which you aren't right now so okay....bad, bad Michelle. No sex, laughter, shopping, watching TV, listening to music or football (you live in Knoxville....you would not be allowed in Knoxville if you were not a Vol fan) for 4 days (one for each course). You cannot smile or eat anything that is appealing.

    Is that enough punishment? If not, force your 15 year to spend an entire day with only you and the 2 of you have to go shopping for pet food or to a hardware store. THAT would be punishment enough.

    Jersey is actually okay. I am just soooooooo far from my family and with my DH's illness sometimes it's just too much. Anyway. Marietta (Muretta) is lovely. My family is east of Atlanta in Gwinnett Co. and Dekalb Co.

    Happy Bday btw.


  7. Beth (or anyone else interested) as promised here is the person's e-mail address to request a teal colored "I'm with the band" Bracelet (similar to the yellow Lance Armstrong one). When I sent him a request I listed my date of surgery, hospital and Doctor just to verify I was banded. He will probably e-mail you that he has mailed it. It is free from Inamed (however you spell it!) that makes the lap-band.


    Hope this helps!


  8. Beth...I will look up the person's e-mail for you from the lap-band company. I wasn't ignoring you....it's after 11 PM here and we just got home from a stint at ER (DH's vision was blurry and with someone who has had a stroke you don't ignore blurred vision...he's okay as far as we know....gonna follow up with retina specialist). I promise to find it for you though!!!!


  9. Michelle- Tennesse huh? I knew I liked you (I am really a Georgia girl love-jacked to Jersey). I also like your pic.....green. Nice color. Today sucked for me but I will not dwell on it because I will become crazed like the far right side of the pic. All I (or anyone) can do is pray and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Got my teal colored wrist band in the mail today (like the yellow Lance Armstrong bands) from Iamed (or however you spell their name- the company that makes our lap-bands) and it is pretty cool. Says "I'm with the band". They are free.

    Here's to a good Tuesday.


  10. Hi Everyone!!! Boy even cowgirls get the blues. What a week for us July girls (and Chris.....you are having a SUPERB week with your weight loss!!!). Me??? I hanging in.

    First, met your challenge today Kari. DH and I went to his college's opening day football game and then his fraternity's family picnic. I pushed him in his wheelchair at least 30 minutes (probably more). It was an incredibly wonderful and fun day except......

    Second, and here is my blues time......the caregiver who started Tuesday quit today. I wasn't shocked. She hadn't done live-in in a while and her husband is now retired and she really missed him. Guess she didn't realize weekends were not enough time to spend with him. Soooooo...we are back at square one without a caregiver for my DH while I go to school. The agency will send a fill-in but of course I will worry while I am gone if she is a whack job or something. He is such a sweetheart....it breaks my heart to leave him (we need my benefits as much as salary) much less to leave him with someone we don't know. It sucks. We have NO one around here to help. So that's my blues story.

    Sherri and Beth....sorry hubbies are in a poor communication mode. Husbands can be weird. It seems like the more you need them the more they distant themselves and their emotions. It's like they have an antenna. "Oops she's needy....throw up the road block....annoy her so she will stay away". We all argue with our significant others but what about fighting fair???? Urgh.

    Hey Michelle....we need some more funny pics/comments to lighten the load around here!!!! Where is our resident comedian?????

    Sorry this post is not peppy......so I will try this: you guys are great! We won the game today. I didn't eat everything in the stadium (not even those ice cream dots thingies) nor at the picnic. I kept drinking my liquids and chose food wisely. Our neighbor and his son put up our new mailbox (the teenagers had bashed the other one)...that was nice. It was a beautiful sunny day. How's that for pep. Rah. Gimme a J, gimme a U, gimme a L, gimme a Y. yea JULY bandsters.

    We still don't have a caregiver though......:think Rats. Anybody nice and competent want to fly to NJ and take care of my cute DH???? LOL. Have a good weekend cowgirls.


  11. Hi Tigger: In my opinion Morristown is the better known and more respected hospital, which it deserves. It has a wonderful reputation and has been well-managed. Again, this is my opinion. When I first became acquainted with area hospitals (too acquainted via my DH's heart attack, heart by-pass, heart transplant at Col-Presb in NYC, etc) I was so impressed with Morristown.

    Now, all this being said, Morristown is also one of the area's largest. I had out-patient knee surgery there. I woke up in extreme pain with stuff all over my knee (huge ice bags and stuff) in a recovery area of about 50 people in one large room. One guy was yelling because he had tried to pull out his catheter and generally it was so noisey I felt a panic attack coming on. I chose Dover St. Clare's purely on that experience. Their recovery room is cozy and only holds like maybe 10-20 people. There are fabric dividers between each patient and you don't feel like you are in a cattle yard. The nurses are incredibly attentive checking on you every few minutes it seemed. It was so quiet and calming. It was much more to my liking. St. Clare's was mismanaged for many years and their reputation has suffered. MY DH has told me to let him die before ever going back to their ER. However, they have spent a lot of money creating the new bariatric surgery center and have hired great people. The director of the center has called/e-mailed me every 2 weeks to check on me. The nutritionist came to see me in recovery to check on me. Dover-St. Clare's is small and the parking is literally right at the door. For me, I definitely made the right decision.

    Again, just my opinion.


  12. Yea Mary!!!! Congrats!!!!! Love those clothes that now fit!!!!!

    First day back at school and lots of comments....but I had also told a large circle of friends so I was a curiosity. My personal NSV for the day: I drive the gas efficient car to school (an Accord) even though my knees are at my throat (remember 4 ft legs). I don't use that car during the summer because I use our big ole roomy Van. Welllll.....last year I had not been able to make the seatbelt reach to buckle it (ok our fault for buying a car made by little people) and had to rig something up to connect it. Guess what?????? It connects now. Wahoo baby!!!!


    Banded 7-11-06

    First fill 9-5-06 (4 ccs)

  13. Hi Tigger!

    Yes, there are lap-band support groups at Dover/St. Clare's Hospital. I know it meets twice a month but am not sure when or what part of the hospital. Call the main # and ask for the Bariatric Surgical Center and ask them.

    I too researched it for a long time but knew me well enough if I kept putting it off I would keep putting it off longer. So, as the saying goes, fish or cut bait, I signed up for the consults and met with the surgeon and set a date. I wanted to wait until school was out for the summer so I had from April to July to think about it. It was way too long. I almost backed out but am SO glad I did not. The closer I got to surgery date the more nervous I was but again.....I am soooooo glad I did it. I am out 8 weeks and have more energy than I have had in years. Personally, it took me a few weeks to adjust to whole thing but I admit I don't do change easily. And it is change. You still have to make food choices and make yourself get off your duff and move!!!! You don't have to adjust overnight just inch by inch.

    Good luck!


    banded 7-11-06

    Dr. Bertha/St. Clare's-Dover

  14. Michelle- I had a little mushie food (1/2 c broth from minestrone, about 1/4 cup baked Beans and about 5 small bites of watermelon) this afternoon for the first time and it filled me up. Thank goodness!!!! We went to an end of the summer picnic and they passed out ice cream and stuff but I was fine not having any. Pre-fill I had gotten to a point I felt I could eat like pre-surgery if not more!!!!!

    Hang in. Just chew on your husband's arm or something. That might help the hunger panges!!


  15. Hi Guys:

    Stephanie- glad you had a good start. Sounds like you could be the Principal with your instructions to the students. LOL...as I have said we teachers all know who REALLY runs the school anyway!!! The Secretaries!!

    Beth- yea for the one pound. Hey, it's one pound. 4 sticks of butter. Better off than on. Hope you have fun at the store...I am one of those weird people who love to food shop. Guess you could say I LOVE food.....oh gee, I am overweight. I guess one could tell. LOL

    My school year starts tomorrow :nervous !!! I guess I am the old geezer in our LBT July circle. I will be starting my 29th year. :omg: :omg: :omg: Holy Cow!!! Wasn't I JUST wearing my Farrah Fawcett shag hair-do???? Students start Monday, 9-11. We had major construction going on this summer so I fully expect to be kicking aside the sawdust. Thursday and Friday are dedicated to listening to the same speeches we listen to every year. Time to actually get our classrooms together??? HA

    And speaking of 9-11.....if you are of the mindset.....please remember to fly the flag! My school is 15 minutes from Ground Zero so I will remember that day forever. What a horrific day for the students who's parents worked in the financial district where WTC was. All cell phone towers went down with the collapse so no one could get in touch with anyone. Anyway....God bless those families involved in WTC, Pentagon and the plane crash in PA.

    Hey you guys the sun is FINALLY shining in New Jersey today!!!! NO MO RAIN!!!!!! Oh happy day!!!!!

    :( to all you guys!!


  16. You Guys are soooooooooo funny!!!! I look forward to the humor. Michelle, that is one of the funniest pictures. Having taught in the depths of south Georgia (before my husband saved me from spinster-hood) people would try to set me up with numerous toothless and brainless men. No matter if they were only tall enough to see my knee caps. I think this picture must feature one of them.

    The fill was weird but little pain and yes, I heard that cherry pop baby and was it odd. I said to my cute little surgeon "oooh the cherry popped. He looked at me like I had stripped naked and said very clinically that was the scar tissue". He puts 11ccs in all of his patients because he said he has found they erode less. So I ended up with a fill of 4ccs. The worse part was the barium but yes, it was way cool to watch it go through the band into my very large stomach. You'll do fine Michelle....it lasted maybe 15 minutes.

    Stesi- you get yourself out there and date girlfriend. What did Auntie Mame say? "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death". I agree with Dezadoo....if they like you they like you. Say you wait and they fall in love with you thinner and you marry him and get prego and he turns Elvis on you and won't touch because you have gained weight (well, Elvis' thing was a Madonna complex but it sounded good). Plueeeeeeze....kick that to the curb with toothless from the rug. Get out there, get on to a chat room or do match.com. Run Forrest, run.

    Kari- you HAD to be a cheerleader because you definitely have those pretty cheer legs!!!! You look great.

    Hey and I am also with Michelle.....love all you July girls!!!!

    Ruthie (filled with saline and a clear liquid diet)

  17. Michelle, Michelle- how in the world did you find my photo album!!!! OMG- I am dying here!! How funny are you? I am speechless. The fat WW's leg are way too short but the cartoon....yes indeed!!!! Now THAT's a goal!!!! Wahoo....

    Yes, I guess I did ask for it. LOL

    Hey, wish me luck for my first fill tomorrow.


  18. Hi guys and I totally volunteer to be the super-hero ONLY if I get to wear that cute outfit Linda Carter did (when nearer to goal weight of course). And I am one of those strange people who don't mind being referred to as big......just not the horrible "f" word. I have legs that are four feet long and in my single/thinner days wore my Halloween costume "Scarlett O'Terror" lady wrestler with pride. Yeah baby, bring it on. Oh and no "Jolly Green Giant" comments either.....always hated that one too.

    And Stephanie...you hang in there and ignore sister. I adore both of mine but honestly if anyone can get next to me or hurt me it is one of them. It's like they know EXACTLY how to annoy you. And yea for Daddy hugs.

    Mary- omg I thought you were going to say the harness came loose on the ride. Good for you for going on it though....most of us would have stood at the bottom of the ride wishing we had the nerve to risk the seat not fitting. When I first walk on the plane I ask the attendent standing at the door for an extension. It is not overheard by anyone (I don't even care anymore) and she simply hands it to me when she's done with the "show and tell" thing they do. My sister bought one so she wouldn't have to ask.

    Kari- you are so sweet and it must suck to feel the negatives from Mom. It has to be her.

    Michelle- you had to have been chosen "Most Humorous" in your class. I too laugh at your postings. And the MC Hammer reference....too funny. And btw- Alice has left the building and the laundry is yours....lol.

    BigGirlP- the dress is awesome and when you wear it- work it!!!!!

    And to all of us- those who were skinny when young, those who knew Lane Bryant's chubby department well, or those in between.......these are the days that belong to us because we have made the commitment to take back our bodies.


  19. Hi Guys and thanks for the encouraging words about my first fill. I am actually excited about having it because I eat and then could eat again. I am ready for that "full feel" I had when first banded. I hope Dr. Bertha will be doing the fill--- really don't know who is scheduled. He has those little perfect "surgeon hands" so I am sure he does a superb job (okay I confess- I think he's too cute and stared at his hands during the pre-surgery conference...lol). Their office hasn't given me any direction as far as preparing for the fill so I am thinking maybe only liquids after midnight and nothing to eat or drink (except sips of water) at all 5 or 6 hours prior. I also understand from reading other people's post that I should be prepared to stay for an hour to drink Water.

    NJ Chick I teach close to Hackensack (Fair Lawn) so I am familiar with Bergen Co. I totally hear what you are saying about someone taking over a support group. I too have had that experience and I get "squirmy" and bored. And thanks for the invite to the chat....I will check it out.

    And no Seppi, I haven't been to any support groups. DH had a stroke a while back (yes, it sucks) and his former caregiver didn't work at night. We have a new caregiver starting Tuesday who will be living here during the week so maybe I can get out and check out the groups. Do you go to the one at their office, at Dover or at Olde Mill??

    And hello Alexandra and thanks for saying hi. Wow you've done great on your weight loss journey. Congrats!!!! What an inspiration. Haven't checked out trails at Split Rock. I take DH with me and push him in his wheelchair so he can get some fresh air too so I look for paved trails. But that is a beautiful part of the county.

    Have a great week....with the fill, the new caregiver (especially a live-in) and starting back to school on Thursday it's a rather crazy week. Yikes.


  20. Hi Dezadoo....I did the exact same thing and it was making me mental!!! I decided to stay away from scale-obsession. Lo and behold when I went for my 7-week check-up I had lost 7 more pounds. Surgeon said muscle weight weighs more than fat and when your body is adjusting to weight loss you are shifting weight. He said throw the scales out and rely on clothes, movement and hunger. When you feel hungry after eating you need a fill.

    May not help but thought I'd share.

    School this week??? Good luck.


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