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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by karakent

  1. Hi guys! Yesterday was the beginning of month 8 for me. I’ve been doing a lot of reflection. I am hoping to reach 100 lbs by year 1. Which will be on 8/22/23. I’m about 20 lbs away…give or take. I have to keep reminding myself of a few things along the way: 1. My surgery is a revision because my lapband slipped and eroded. I was warned weight loss would be slower than the first time…and it is. (No comparison shopping for me! Lol) 2. I’m older than I was when I first had surgery. That also makes a really big difference. 3. I have to make sure I am keeping myself aware of the difference between stalling out because my body is adjusting and stalling out because I am making the wrong choices in terms of eating and movement…that last has been happening more than not. 4. Beating myself up has never helped me. It doesn’t motivate me, it doesn’t make me make better choices, it doesn’t guarantee that I’ll do what needs doing. It just makes me feel bad. 5. Giving myself grace doesn’t mean allowing myself to eat anything and not move my body. It means I will acknowledge when I’ve gone off path, where I need to improve, and taking those next steps to do that WITHOUT first making myself feel like s**t.

    My stats so far:
    Total loss from pre-surgery to now 81.
    Loss needed to meet my year 1 goal, 19.
    Loss needed to reach my ultimate goal, 36.

    I’ve lost a total of 50 inches all around! which is great.

    Thats all for me. And its a lot. Lol. Thanks for reading if you got through it all. I hope you all have/have had a great month eight! (Hey that rhymes!)

  2. Hey Buddies! Today makes 5 months for me! I was sleeved 8/22:) Thought I would post my progress.

    Today I’m down 71lbs from my pre-surgery weight. I’ve also lost a total of 45 inches all around. Including 11 inches around my waist! Can you believe it?! I am so glad I decided to track that along with my weight. 🤗

    I rewarded myself with an exercise bike!! Lol.

    On Friday I had jeans and a t-shirt on and the difference must be telling because lots of people commented on my weight loss. But more importantly I noticed I was once again sitting cross legged without even thinking about it. I don’t even know how long I’ve been doing it,🤣 but I was pretty damn excited.


  3. On 12/22/2022 at 09:09, Sunnyer said:

    I'm happy that I've now lost a little bit more than half of my goal. I've lost 19.8 kilos (43.65 pounds) and I have 19.2 kilos to go to reach my goal weight.

    Also, since I'm at 93.2 right now I'm likely to reach my goal weight of 93 this month. Of course, it's Christmas this weekend, and I have to be a bit careful, but I think it will be ok.

    The only negative is that I have an UTI, for the first time in more than a decade. I looked it up, and yes, there's an increased chance of UTI's after bariatric surgery. So, I went to the drs office and got antibiotics. Hopefully, they will work and I won't be sick during my Christmas break.

    Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. I didn’t even know that was a thing! Thanks for the information! Congrats on being halfway to goal! That’s great!

  4. On 12/11/2022 at 08:43, Sunnyer said:

    After a stall for a while, my weight finally went down today and I'm 94.3 kilos, which is a little less than 208 pounds. It has become more likely that I'll meet my goal of 93 kilos (205 pounds) before the end of the year. That would meand that I'd lost 20 kilos even (44 pounds) since this summer.

    Of course, reaching 91 kilos (200 pounds) would be even better, not to mention 90 kilos (198 pounds). That would mean I was no longer technically obese and also at 90 kilos I'd weigh less than I did a decade ago. That's the next goal for the new year.

    But I'm happy to see the number on the scale moving again. I'm trying to get used to shorter hair, although I feel it makes me look older.

    That’s awesome! Congrats! Keep going and I’m sure you’ll reach your goals and then some! And don’t worry about the hair. The good thing is that it grows back. 😉

  5. 12/01/2022 02:17 PM, I Am Enough! said:

    Hey August Buddies! I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in being an Exercise Accountability Buddy. I have been exercising but not enough to be consistent, and I need more motivation. Does anyone have the FitBit app and might want to try sharing fitness and exercise plans?

    I meant to reply to you but replied to @SHORTY_ instead. Lol. Anyway, this is what I said:

    I have an Apple Watch but I would also be down to do this. This might be exactly the motivation that I need. I guess maybe we could find a third-party app that we can use on all of our phones with our individual trackers?

  6. On 12/02/2022 at 11:06, SHORTY_ said:

    I have a Samsung galaxy watch but not a Fitbit. But I'm in if a group wants to be started to push each other!

    I have an Apple Watch but I would also be down to do this. This might be exactly the motivation that I need. I guess maybe we could find a third-party app that we can use on all of our phones with our individual trackers?

  7. Today is month 3 since surgery. All together I have lost 55 lbs and 36 inches. I need to start an exercise routine. I think that’s my biggest growth area. But I am definitely happy with my progress. Very excited about this. This is a revision for me and this time it feels very different. My surgeon said my weight loss will be slow but I don’t find that to be the case. I think I’m progressing just fine😊.

  8. Hi guys. Today I’m exactly 2 months out and wanted to give you all an update! I’ve lost 43lbs. Since my revision to sleeve. And 23 inches all around. This is so much faster than I ever lost with my lapband. I still have an aversion to certain flavors and I can only drink my Protein Shake if its in coffee. On its own it sends me running to the bathroom. Which is weird. My dr told me to stop drinking the Protein Shakes anyway and that I should start getting my Proteins only from meals. I think I’ll be able to do that even though I can usually only fit about 4 ounces (we’ll see) the problem is that I’m not really a cook or kitchen person so I find myself eating the same things over and over and then making myself sick of them. This in turn means I’m quickly running out of choices.

    I weirdly can’t see the changes in my body but I know that they’re there because I’d definitely fit differently in my clothes and differently into seats and things like that. But the body dysmorphia is real y’all! I usually take pictures at every month anniversary and when I look back at what I looked like from the beginning to now, I still feel like I look the same—which again is weird because I thought that the pictures were supposed to show me that I actually am losing weight but oh well. Luckily I have a therapist, so I think I’m gonna bring this up at my therapy session tomorrow. I don’t come on here often, but I do read every single comment that gets posted so I really do appreciate people continuing to post here and talk about how they’re doing…it makes you feel a little less lonely, so thanks!

  9. On 10/17/2022 at 14:21, SuziDavis said:

    How are all my August buddies doing?

    Doing well. Down 40 lbs already. From highest weight. 30 from day of surgery. Almost 2 months out. Feeling better every day! NSV yesterday, went to a football game and very comfortably fit in the seat. I was nervous the whole ride there!

  10. Hi guys! For those of you struggling, I’m saying this as much for myself as for you. Be patient with yourselves and your bodies. Do what you know you have to and what you know is right and the rest will take care of itself. Get off the scale if its making you flustered. Focus on how your body feels and what your stomach is now telling you, so you can keep doing what’s right. Remember, today is the last day of the month, so even those of us who had surgery 8/1 are only now a month out, we’re still healing and learning. I believe in us August 2022 Buddies! I know we will help each other be successful. I myself am super nervous about today. And I have not weighed myself since halfway through my pre-op. So I have no idea what I am going to hear at my 1 week post-op. But even if its a gain or not a lot I still know I am going to succeed because I am prepared to! And I know you guys are the same! We got this! You can do this! We’re here for health and NSVs! The scale can suck it! 🤣 (for now, lets not go crazy, we still need some base measurements, lol. I hope you guys all took you inches too, so you’re measuring multiple things😃) But, We’re the MFing, ABs!! We can do this! Everyone who reads this pick up your water bottle and give your self a toast and a sip to Celebrate that you are here, you did this great thing for yourself and you will keep on moving! AND YOU (we) WILL SUCCEED, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALE SAYS RIGHT NOW!! 💪🏻💪🏻

  11. On 08/28/2022 at 16:31, Jennalulu said:

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help me out :) my surgery was done on the 17th of this month and im supposed to start my Multivitamins asap. My Multivitamin comes in a capsule form and opening the capsule and take it with clear liquid was a fail. Should there be a problem if i take the capsule as is?

    I looked it up because I haven’t had my follow up and it was one of the questions I meant to ask. Now I’m not a medical expert and I don’t believe in being an internet doctor but it might help you.

    Here’s what I found.

    “Can you take pills after gastric bypass?
    Capsule, chewable and liquid medications can be taken immediately after surgery, but tablet medications need to be broken up or crushed for the first three months. This prevents medications from getting stuck in the digestive tract or not being fully absorbed.”

    I think if you think you can tolerate it than you can probably take it. I took a 500mg Tylenol tablet last night and didn’t have an issue. (And I did not crush it because it was late at night and I didn’t even think about).

  12. Anyone who has had the surgery gotten a strange stitch in their side? Its not the incision its deeper inside. Painful to yawn or breathe really deeply.

    Also, anyone else get random hiccups. Like just one when nothing has happened to cause it. Like this morning I woke up, had 1 hiccup and then winced because it hurt my side. I don’t really have gas pain anymore and I’m doing my walking, staying hydrated and taking in my Protein regular. Not many issues there.

    btw its my left side.

  13. Hi all! Everything went off without a hitch but this gas pain is a b#%^+. Last night I was going in circles around my bedroom trying to dislodge some. No nausea or vomiting. That whole tastebuds changing thing is really real! But I was still able to eat some of my greek yogurt. I can eat about 1oz before feeling full.

    The last doctor I saw before I left told me not to worry as much about eating. And to focus on my liquids. I need to make those 64 oz daily, but she said to remember that my Protein Shake counts towards that. She said dehydration would land me back in the hospital faster than anything else.

    If I can just get rid of this gas I would be doing fantastic.

  14. On 08/18/2022 at 19:39, Emilyjaguar said:

    I think what I am struggling with is wanting more. I know its me mentally thinking that. I eat my 2oz of Tomato Soup and I think about, can I get another 2 oz? Lol send prayers I can get over this hump.

    Sending prayers and lots of good vibes that you start feeling clarity from the head hunger!

  15. On 08/17/2022 at 10:54, Former heavyweight said:

    Hello everyone,

    Brit here who went to Turkey for the sleeve, had it done on the 12th August, and here's a little about how it went...

    Surgery went well, apparently, so that's nice. Woke up in intense pain, I'm guessing from the gas, but I was shocked at just how much that actually hurt. It probably didn't help that I'd never had surgery before.

    After 2 days in hospital, I was discharged to a hotel but found myself totally unable to sleep - I just had this wave of anxiety and regret, despite the fact I was excited for the future. It's odd, and it lasted a full 72 hours before I broke yesterday and went to my doctor and they put me on zopiclone. Holy hell that stuff knocks you out!

    Flew back on the Monday, and yesterday went to my doctor, who checked on me and my vitals and it seemed ok. That was until about 2pm, where I broke into the most incredible hot sweat, agonising pain to the point that 999 was called. Cut a very long story short, bloody gas again! The pain (I was on dihydrocodeine at the time too) was massive, and because of the sweats they were worried about a leak. It wasn't, and today is loads better.

    Anyway, that's where I'm at, I'd love to meet up with any east midland Brits going through this, would be awesome

    Congratulations 🎊🍾🎈 so glad you’re feeling better. Hope your recovery continues well without any crazy pain! And that you find a buddy!

  16. On 08/17/2022 at 10:17, LookingForward22 said:

    Surgery was yesterday: still on Clear Liquids (can have full liquids when I get home if tolerated. I can’t wait for Tomato soup! Lol. So far I am tolerating and keeping everything down. No nausea today … moving around well.

    The binder they gave me was a wonderful help.

    I’m still sore where the took my stomach out and in the center near my sternum - but that’s where all the work was done (hernia repair also).

    Meds are making me a little groggy but not horrible.

    I’d say I’m dealing more with discomfort than pain (though some movements are painful), but even the worst is bearable and manageable).

    No problems with drinking. I seem to be able to do the warm and cold liquids with no issue.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Congratulations! 🍾🎊🎈 hope you continue to heal quickly!

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