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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reneek

  1. reneek

    Husband hid my scale

    I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess were it was? The little booger hid it in the deep freezer. I told you he was good at hiding things. I never use the deep freezer it has all his deer meat in it but my brother stopped over and asked for some deer meat and i opened the lid and right there it was. Tee hehehe he will never know i found it.
  2. reneek


    Anemia can cause dizzyness. Which is a lack of iron. You may not be getting enongh iron in you diet and may have to take a iron pill. But i am not a doctor so please get checked.
  3. I am also a little embarassed. I found also that the kids menu is fried foods and high in calories. So what i do is i order a healthy meal and split it with my 6 year old who eats like a bird also.
  4. I have really good restrition and i can eat about anything. As long as i chew really well. If i don't chew really well sometimes i feel the pain in my chest untill it gets down to my pouch. I can't eat bread alone but if i eat it on a sandwich or something it goes down i think that is because you chew it up with meat and stuff so it isn't as gummy going down.
  5. reneek

    Help! Really Need to Know

    Here is what it was told. The pouch can hold a certain about of Volume weight has nothing to do with it. How much something weights isn't as inportant as how much volume it has. For example if you eat something that only weighs 2 oz but has the volume of 1/2 cup you still are going to fill up you pouch on that 2 oz because of the volume. So what i do is i messure all my meat on the scale and then veggies and everything else in cups. This is what i was told by my nutritionist but i think it is going to depend on who you ask every nutritionist is different and some people are going to get different answers.
  6. reneek

    what if my bmi changes before surgery

    Here is what my lap band surgeon told me that once i weight in with him during my first consult that is the weight that they us to get the approval.
  7. reneek

    Husband hid my scale

    Hey this is good Ammo. I will tell him that in the name of science he has to give me back my scale hehehehehe:tt2:
  8. reneek

    Oops...I've had Slurpees

    I do believe that once soda is frozen that it looses all that CO2 and since it gets mix for so long in those machines i could propable bet there is no more bubbles left. But it would be the calories that i would worry about.
  9. B- oatmeal-160 L tuna light mayo crackers-260 S chicken and baked potato-400 Total 820
  10. reneek

    Husband hid my scale

    Still haven't found it. I am having withdraw. hmmm i wounder if it is in his tackel box (ya right it wouldn't fit or would it). I am going to look.
  11. reneek

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    I have only drank once since being banded and i feel really guilty about it because of all the empty calories (it was bike week). Even though the drinks i was drinking were mixed with diet ice tea i went a little overbroad. I told myself after that if i can't just have one then i will have none at all. it has stopped my weight loss this week because of all the empty calories. No more for me it just isn't worth it.
  12. reneek

    SO frustrated!

    I had a problem with my large incision it keep getting yuckie at the end because i had a stitch sticking out of skin so it couldn't heal. it final desolved enough i could put it out and now it is scaped and healing well.
  13. reneek

    Confused, How much can you eat?

    I guess you learn as you go. My doctor handed me this form with it highlighted no more the 1/4 to 3/4 cup in you band. And you are right Kathy those instructions do help you not eat past the the full signal. I am the same way i don't care to eat anymore. I still have the problem of overloading my plate (mind thing looks better full) then only eating my cup of food because i don't care to eat anymore.
  14. reneek

    Confused, How much can you eat?

    I am very happy with 1 cup since i am losing and feel full after one cup and stay full it was just confusing to hear that you shouldn't be able to fit more then 3/4 cup from the doctors i started to worry about stretching. Thanks Amy least i am not alone on the one cup and it does make since what you said about eating all protein and eating protein with other things. I guess as long as i am not overstuffing and not having pain and just feel full then i should not be stretching the pouch. Hey 1 cup at meal is way less then i ever eat before.
  15. I had 4.25cc put in during surgery and then 1.5cc but in during the first fill for a total of 5.75cc after the first fill.
  16. Girl you are beautiful just the way you are no need to tan. But if it bothers you and your really want some color Bare escentiauls (Ulta, sephora, QVC sales it) has a really nice self taning and it has color so you can see where you are putting it and i never turns orange and i am the lightest person you will ever see in you life (can't find foundation light enough some times)
  17. i had the same problem i went from liquids to soft foods and gained 2.5 lbs i was so upset when i went to the doctors for my 2 week appointments i was almost in tears because i had gained he told me that it was normal and that (TMI) because i was on liquids for so long that my bowls were empty (you are filling them back up) and you have less water in you because you get water from food too i wasn't gaining fat that my body was adjusting that was the best answer he was so nice and that week i lost the 2.5lbs plus 3 more so don't worry.
  18. No i havn't PB or sliming i did have some pain i take to big of a bites without chewing really well. I have got to learn to chew better.
  19. I just had my first fill on monday june 19 so it has been 8 days from my last fill and i have lost 6lbs already so i couldn't be happier because i have read so many posts about bandster hell and how it takes people several fills to start really losing i have great restriction but i also have a good bit in my band my doc put 4.25 at surgery and then 1.5 at the first fill so i already have a total of 5.75cc. Don't worry you will get there this isn't a race you will get to the finish line.
  20. reneek

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    My bras are no longer squeezing the life out of me. i have an 11month old and i can now fit back into the jeans i wear before i got pregnant. It is amazing what 23lbs will do.
  21. I think my first fill went great. I had my first fill on June 15 under flouro. He tried to put 2cc's and i could get the water down so he backed it to 1.5cc and that was perfect i have great resriction. He said i have a total of 5.75cc in my band so i must of had 4.25 at surgery which i also didn't know.
  22. Surgery date May 12 as of today i am down 23lbs
  23. reneek

    MOM's with kids (exercise)

    I need to to learn to be more selfish. I am a very giving person and i always put people before my self. My husband is a very helpfull man he will clean the house if it needs it or do the dishes and he is so good with the kids and me. I just always feel bad taking time for my self. I just need to do it. I just joined and summer vollyball league over the weekend and that will be monday nights my husband is the person that signed me up i wasn't going to but he told me that i should do something and have fun. (Comtemlating) that was a very good idea about doing the exericise video in the morning before the kids get up since they are so young i can't leave them to go exercise. Do they sell alarm clocks with no snooze button (i think i hit it about 5 times).
  24. I want to start exercise but just can't find the time in the day to exercise. I am not making excuses but just need some ideas. I have two young kids ( 6 and 11 months) and work a full time job. THis is a day for me 630am get up shower get the kids dress and feed everyone 730am leave for work drop kids of school and daycare 8-5 work hardly get a lunch eat at my desk 530pm pick up kids 600pm make supper eat clean up 700-800pm bath kids put to bed by this time i am so tired How do you find time to exercise and still spend time with your kids. I so much want to exercise and the only time i get is saturday and sunday but i know this isn't enough. Can anyone give me any ideas or tell me how you do it.
  25. reneek

    Tired of it!!

    I know how you feel just the other day my mom said to me "I didn't think you were able to eat that much" mind you i only had 4 oz of chicken on my plate and a 1/4 cup of veggies. How much did you expect me to eat 3 peas? And i haven't even had my first fill yet. And every day someone is asking how much weight have i lost. If they ask me how much i have lost i just tell them i won't get on the scale only once a month at the doctors then the stop asking.

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