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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by scout47

  1. I haven't read it but I hear Bandwagon was a great book. Also, look into a support group. And I find tracking my calorie intake on myfitnesspal.com has been great. Glad you're feeling better! And good luck in the future!

    Thanks so much I will ckin to Bandwagon immediately and the other tips later.

  2. Was banded April 2009, lost 40lbs in first few weeks. No more w8 loss since then. With no fill have been throwing up 4-5 times a day. Finally after going to mayo Clinic and back to my original surgeon in Nashville it was determined that my problem has never been my band, but my esophagus. Am now on meds for that and hardly throwing up at all now. So bottom line, I need to start over and learn how to use my band as a tool. Can anyone suggest a book explaining the whole post-op do's and don'ts. I don't need all the "talking into surgery" stuff. I really want this to work, please advise. THX

  3. I am diabetic and got banded in May of this year. For some reason, my diabetes improved immediately after my surgery. I went from 10 pills a day to zero now. I pretty much stick to my diabetic diet but, I have totally eliminated all processed white foods, (no bread, no Pasta, no rice, yes and no pizza) I have not had any since being banded. I have Proteins shakes, Beans, chicken, fish, and lite baby bel cheese for my Protein intake. Before surgery I was almost at the point of having to be put on insulin and that was when I decided to have the lapband. Either die being fat, and diabetic taking shots evryday or choosing to be healthy and live longer. I am very happy with my decision and happy to not have to take meds anymore.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I think one of my biggest problems is that I was in denial regarding being diabetic; so I never really had a "diabetic diet". The Nutritionist I saw when I was first diagnosed was terrible, made no sense, and then soon after I saw her she was no longer there. So I am on two types of insulin and also Metformin. So I definitely need to make my own structured eating plan. Thanks again for answering my posts.

  4. I am diabetic and got banded in May of this year. For some reason, my diabetes improved immediately after my surgery. I went from 10 pills a day to zero now. I pretty much stick to my diabetic diet but, I have totally eliminated all processed white foods, (no bread, no Pasta, no rice, yes and no pizza) I have not had any since being banded. I have Proteins shakes, Beans, chicken, fish, and lite baby bel cheese for my Protein intake. Before surgery I was almost at the point of having to be put on insulin and that was when I decided to have the lapband. Either die being fat, and diabetic taking shots evryday or choosing to be healthy and live longer. I am very happy with my decision and happy to not have to take meds anymore.

  5. Have you looked into alternative Protein sources? I use Protein shakes for Breakfast (when my band is too tight for solid food). I'm allowed light, protein-rich Snacks, so I will eat soy butter on apple slices (I'm allergic to peanuts, but Peanut Butter would work, of course)--the soy butter is too sticky on crackers, but on apples it's just right (just be sure to peel the apples!). I'm also deeply fond of Revival Soy Chips: http://www.revivalso...products/chips/ . I eat a bag of them (100 calories) with one or two rounds of Mini Baby Bel light cheese. It's my current lunch of choice. :) I love Greek yogurt, so I usually eat one of those a day. I like an ounce or so of salmon mixed up with a wedge of Laughing Cow Herb and Garlic cheese and served on Blue Diamond brand Nut Thins (crackers, but thin and crunchy and lower carb).

    I think the key is to be creative. :)

    Izzy, thanks again for your info. I wanted to look at your post again but everytime I tried to find my original post and view my answers, I can't find either. The only way I can find it is to click the web address given in my emails telling me someone has commented. It's been so long since I've posted on this forum and so many things have changed, can you tell me how I can go directly to my question and view the answers?? Thanks.

  6. Have you looked into alternative Protein sources? I use Protein shakes for breakfast (when my band is too tight for solid food). I'm allowed light, protein-rich Snacks, so I will eat soy butter on apple slices (I'm allergic to peanuts, but Peanut Butter would work, of course)--the soy butter is too sticky on crackers, but on apples it's just right (just be sure to peel the apples!). I'm also deeply fond of Revival Soy Chips: http://www.revivalso...products/chips/ . I eat a bag of them (100 calories) with one or two rounds of Mini Baby Bel light cheese. It's my current lunch of choice. :) I love Greek yogurt, so I usually eat one of those a day. I like an ounce or so of salmon mixed up with a wedge of Laughing Cow Herb and Garlic cheese and served on Blue Diamond brand Nut Thins (crackers, but thin and crunchy and lower carb).

    I think the key is to be creative. :)

    Thanks for the good tips. I usually have a Myoplex (42 g protein) every morning for breakfast. Also,I love Nut Thins and Laughing Cow Herb and Garlic cheese -- hadn't thought about mixing it with salmon or tuna would be great!

  7. I too am diabetic. My endocronologist just told me to eat just like before the band, only less. Once the weight starts coming off, and it will, then my meds will be adjusted accordingly. I still look at carb intake, which is very little or minimal, and just eat healthy foods. Nothing really changed, other than the portions of what I eat. This is why I wanted the band, to have better Portion Control, NOT to have to give up foods or change what I ate! Go talk to your doctors and see what they recommend and go from there.

    Thanks for your comment. My lap band surgeon has already told me what to eat: Protein three times a day--no Snacks. However, since most Proteins come right back up, I wanted a good alternative. Guess the best thing for me to do is look on the web and find a list of all types of proteins. Thanks for making me think!!

  8. Depends what your diabetic way of eating is - here in Australia I know they often recommend low GI rather than actual low carb but I would imagine if this new medication fixes your esophageal problems, you may find you can eat solid Proteins the way you are supposed to.

    Hopefully that is what will happen, I would still like to find a structured eating plan for both. I can do better if I know exactly what I’m going to eat at what time.

  9. It's been a long time since I have been on this site. I was banded 4/1/09 and from the beginning I had a problem eating the Protein I am supposed to without throwing up. It has now been almost 2 1/2 years and I still throw up almost every time I eat. To say I've been frustrated is an understatment. I have only lost about 30 lbs total. Anyway, this week I was given some hope :) I was told at mayo Clinic that I had a hiatal hernia and needed to have that repaired and the band removed; I was scheduled for surgery in August and then my employer (from whom I have retired) changed my insurance and Mayo decided they would not accept the new ins. Finally my original surgeon said he would see me even though he does not accept the new ins either. He allowed me to do self-pay for my Monday appt (September 19) and the good news is that I do not have a hernia, I do have Esophageal achalasia which does not allow the esophagus to relax enough to allow my food to pass through into my pouch. As of Monday I am taking a new med which is supposed to fix this problem. So, bottom line is that now I have to start from the beginning using my band. Can anyone suggest an eating plan that works with my band and my diabetic needs?? Of course, the idea is that when I lose weight I can stop taking my insulin and a bunch of other meds. Any help anyone can give me would be much appreciated.

  10. I dont have to be miserable which I was. I went ahead and had an unfill. It just seemed like even liquids were a pain. So I am gonna take it easy for a bit let my stomache heal. I feel like not having the restriction and is better than feeling horrible at this point. I will just watch what I eat from now on closely. chicken did not work for me and i am sure it was too dry.
    I had my lap band surgery in April 2009 and have given up with it working for me :thumbup: I haven't been on this website since Jan 2010). I usually throw up 4-5 times a day, which I could even live with if I were losing w8 but I just keep gaining back my original 40 lb loss. I have had all of saline removed from my band except 2 oz; tried to get the dr to remove that too, but he thought this would be OK. He said the reason I'm so hungry is that I'm starving myself since I can't keep Protein down--especially chicken--and I'm not losing because I'm eating carbs--but I've got to eat something; I am also insulin dependant diabetic. I had to cancel my last 2 appts because I was too sick to travel to my dr in Nashville (it's almost a 4 hr round-trip). So I just keep trying to eat and just keep barfing. I had an MRI and it showed everything was in place, I did the 5-day pouch test, but the minute I eat other than liquids or mushies it comes back up. I know I sound like a pity party, but I am sort of pitiful :frown: Any advice?

  11. I would do any of my surgeries again in a heartbeat. :frown: I've had a Tummy Tuck, boob lift, arms and lower facelift! If I can't get rid of my fatty upper legs so my jeans fit better, I will be getting that taken care of next! :thumbup:

    I have before and after pics if you want to check out my album.

    Good Luck, Joanie :o)

    Even though I can't seem to lose much weight even with lapband, I agree, I would give anything to have my flab (especially stomach) removed. Is it very, very expensive? I assume insurance does not cover these procedures.

  12. How long does it take for self-payers (which I will be) from consultation to surgery? I can't go down for the consultation until the 19th. I hate that I have to wait that long without knowing how the process works. :smile2:

    Hey, since you are self pay I don't know what Dr. Morton requires. It was my insurance that required the 6-month weight loss (try) documentation and the pysc exam. I know how it is to be so curious. You can call Dr. Morton's assistant, her name is Anoosh, I don't know her last name but there is only one Anoosh (not sure of spelling either, but that is the way it's pronounced)--she is a great lady--and I'm sure she can tell you the time line. I don't mind if you tell her that I told you to call her. Hope she will help.

    Anita Barrett

  13. Anita~Thank you SO MUCH for responding! That is good news! I really appreciate you for asking just for me! I've decided to go down for a consult on the 19th when I'm off work for spring break. I'm really looking forward to it!

    Thanks again :w00t:

    You are so welcome! Stay in touch.:smile2:


  14. I'm new here and just getting started in this whole process. I'm leaning towards Dr. Morton, and will be self-pay. Can you tell me how much he charges for fills?

    Thank you!


    I just saw Dr. Morton today and asked him your question; he said if you are self-pay, fills are FREE for one year!!! :( This is a somewhat new policy at Baptist Hospital--they have the lowest weight loss costs in the US. Good luck, I do not think you can go wrong with Dr. Morton.


  15. I too, am going to Charles Morton. I am in the beginning of the process and am curious as to 1) how long after insurance approves the procedure do you actually have the surgery and 2) what type of pre op diet did he put you on?

    Thanks, Denise


    Sorry it has taken me so long to answer, for some reason I couldn't log on to this site. But I'm baaaack:thumbup:

    After my ins approved (they required a 6-month weight-loss program, to prove I would be consistant with my follow-through--I just went to my local GP, and a phyc evaluation) then Dr. Morton scheduled my surgery immediately following a two-wk pre-op of a liquid diet.

    I am not losing w8 like I did at first, but I've been having trouble finding my exact fill needs. I take over 30 prescription meds and if my fill is tight enough to keep me full it is too tight to get my meds down. But I think I am finally on the right track. Head-hunger and self-control have been my two main problems, but hey, if I could have controled those two things I wouldn't have needed the lap band!

    Hope this helps.


  16. I don't know what I would do if I was self pay, so I am very lucky that I'm not. I feel for you.

    Alliemorris gave you some good advice. I find that if I journal everything I have better success. So, start over as if you have just been banded. I don't mean a long liquid diet but a day or two. Journal all your intake, pick up some extra exercise, drink a little more Water. This may jump-start you into weight loss again.

    You can do it! Just try. Don't be discouraged. Hang in there.


    :confused:Speaking of Journaling, is there a place to Journal on this website? Or is the only option we have is to Blog?


  17. So on Saturday night, I ate some very mushy squash casserole which I'm sure went straight through my band because I was extremely hungry so then I ate the grilled chicken, cheese, and refried Beans off some nachos for Protein. Nothing got stuck but after I ate I was VERY full and I didn't eat more than 4-6 oz. I started having weird pressure pains on my left side under my rib cage and in my shoulder. Sometimes if I overeat, I get this pain but it goes away pretty quickly. As of today, its still here. I've tried Maalox because it sorta feels like gas/air pockets but nothing has helped. I still feel really full and can't eat much. Has anyone ever had this happen or have any suggestions?

    I live 8 hours away from my doctor and they are not helpful AT ALL when it comes to problems which is why I am hoping someone can offer some insight.


    I just read your post. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but if you still have this pain I suggest you call your local doctor. These pains sound like the ones my grandmother had when she was having congestive heart failure episodes. Seems like gas pains would have passed by now--however, what do I know. But just to be on the safe side, check with your local GP.

    Let me know how you're doing.

  18. Thanks so much for both of your insights! It is really helpful. I was wondering if you have a problem getting in to get a fill or see a doctor? The waiting is really doing me in. I haven't been tight enough to stop eating. Maybe this next one will be the charm. I wish I could feel the rest of the time like I do the 2 days after the fill. It feels terrific and I am almost euphoric but that fades in about 6 days. I read a lot of the posts from here and everyone seems to be doing great. On average about 10 pounds per month. That's all I want. I started at 233 on the date of surgery and right now I weigh 230 and it's 4 months later. You have been a great help for me.

    And SCOUT My doctor told me to stop taking the Metformin after surgery. My blood sugar hasn't gone down at all. So even that has me worried. Take care and keep writing.



    I haven't noticed that going back to the Metformin has changed anything weight-wise, but it has helped keep my glucose lower. I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and go back to my doctor. I am more determined than ever to be healthy--so, yes, that means exercise too :biggrin:. Keep in touch.

  19. Even though nobody has responded yet I know that it is my fault. I really need some restriction. I'm eating the wrong things and too many of them, too. And although I knew this was to be a "tool" I really didn't expect to have to have all the willpower to get through this. I mean, that's just like being on a diet. I read and re-read everything before surgery and just knew that 1/4 cup was all I was going to be able to eat. That never happened. I can eat just as much now as I did before. I don't have the willpower and that's why I'm back to not losing. Still really want help.

    :biggrin: I really can't help much, but I just hated to see that you had no response. I have been banded since 4/1/09 and have just stopped losing weight. Like you I thought you weren't supposed to be able to eat a lot of anything, but I can eat a ton of all the wrong foods, but still have a problem keeping down the food I'm supposed to eat :) I have hesitated getting another fill (I'm only at 4.5 cc in a 10cc band) because when I was filled more I could not swallow my meds--and there's a lot of them. I crush them but still have a problem. Yes, I want to lose more weight (need to lose at least 100 more lbs), but what I want most is to be healthy--I am still taking a ton of meds and am still taking 4 insulin shots per day. Like I said I have no answers even for myself, but just wanted you to know you are not alone :(

  20. Has anyone tried The Bariatric Advantage High Protein Meal Replacement shakes? Anyone have a favorite flavor??

    Im really picky and too sweet or too chalky makes me puke or gag.

    Anyone have a recommendation on another brand?



    My favorite Protein shake is Myoplex Carb Control; it has 25 grams of Protein and only 3 net carbs. I buy the already mixed shakes (11.2 oz) and only buy chocolate Fudge. I get them at my local GNC health food store (our grocery stores don't carry the Carb Control), but you can also order them online--I can just get them a bit cheaper at GNC. You should give these a try, I highly recommend them:thumbup:


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
