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Everything posted by Meredith2424

  1. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I haven't checked in to say anything lately. I have been reading all of your posts, but I have been so tired to even think about typing. So, finally tonight I have a little time to check in. Laura~ I am soooo sorry to hear about your daddy. I don't really know what to say at a time like this. I have never been good at those kind of comforting words, but I can tell you that I can give a pretty bad ass hug, so heres one to you! Hang in there and thanks for keeping us posted. You poor dear. You have so much on your plate right now. Apples~ Yes, I too think that you are nuts for wanting to go back to work, especially because of that super long drive! Great~ You are doing so well! I'm glad that everything went well for you! I knew you would do wonderfully! I know that you think that you can do the crutches or cane now, and you probably can, but I would wait to ok it with your PT first. I just don't want anything to happen to you. Janet~ I too had one of those wild eating days the other day and felt so guilty about it. Oh well, it is a new day! Oct~ What kind of cement blocks or tiles are you making for your garden? Sounds interesting. Mrs. B~ Where in Ohio are you going? I'm not far from there! Well, I dont feel very well today at all. I woke up with a terrible sore throat and it has just gotten worse through out the work day. The house thing is going. I put an offer in on the house on Saturday, but since it is a short sale, God only knows how long this one is going to take? I have heard horror stories about how people wait months and months to get approved for the short sale. I have all of my mortgage stuff secured, but now it is up to the sellers bank. UGH! The banks could really care less. If the November deadline for the first time home buyer tax credit was not coming up so quickly, I could easily wait the 4 months for this whole process. I really want to be able to cash in on that one! I guess that in order for me to be able to I will have to close by Nov 30th. Hmmm. Hopefully this goes well! BUT..... there is rumor that the government is planning on extending the credit until june 30th 2010, so lets hope that all of this goes through! I keep praying! Ok, prayers to Laura and your family. I will be thinking of all of you. Goodnight. Love, Meredith
  2. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone! Sorry I have been such a stranger, but you know how it goes some weeks! So busy! There is lots of good news though, 1) Found a great house with a new realtor that is andrews bro-in-laws mom and put an offer in on it yesterday! It is in "quick sale" with the bank who the owners now had their mortgage through so hopefully they can get it through before the Nov 30th deadline that the government has for the first time homebuyer program! Pray. Please. 2) Lost 4 more pounds this week! :smile: 3) I went over to my parents house last night and took my sweatshirt off. My mom, who is not very emotional started crying! And said that she is just so proud of me and happy for me. I laid on the couch with her and cried for a minute. It was nice to have that moment with just the two of us.:thumbup: But, there is some bad news: my best friend is in the process of having a miscarriage and it is just so sad and devastating for all of us. I have to eat something now, so I will check back tonight. Sorry I've been such a stranger. More later on everyone else, I promise! Love, Meredith
  3. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Oh my! I now totally understand what restriction is!!!! I could use a little more, but I am really happy with the restriction that I am feeling so far. I've had some pain today though because I'm having a hard time getting used to it. Good though!!! Laura~ This realtor is making me mad kinda. She never e-mailed me back and I had to call her this morning to set up a time to see the house! What the heck? And, she was rude to me at first on the phone. I don't think that she realizes that I REALLY want this house!!!! Ok, so its super late again. I have to get to bed. I just finshed homework. UGH. Talk to you all tomorrow, Meredith
  4. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Well, after all of that complaining about food and everything, I got on the scale this morning and great news!!! I have officially lost 50 pounds!!!!! About 10 more pounds and I will be at the half way mark! I thought that I was going to lay around all day today and chill out and do laundry, but that did not turn out to be the case. I slept in, weighed, at something, went to get my mom and dad some gatorade and juice (they are still so sick), then went to a co-workers house to pick up a couch that he was getting rid of because he is moving. We got there around 5 and didn't get home until around 9:30. We didn't come home with the couch though, instead we got a christmas tree (fully trimmed with fabulous ornaments. No one can trim a tree like a gay hairstylist!), a brand new glass and metal tv stand, and a bunch of shoes. This man is super tiny (5 foot, 110 pounds) and has a ton of boots that I LOVE and can pass as womens shoes. SO, I took about 7 pairs! I have never seen a human being own so many pairs of shoes! I swear to God he had about 3 or 4 of the same pairs and didn't even know it! Anyhow, time for bed now. I have to call the mortgage center in the morning as well as the realtor. I e-mailed her this morning saying that I would like to see the house today or tomorrow when I'm done with class, but she didn't get back to me yet. Kinda strange considering times are so tough here still in the real estate market. So, I will call her tomorrow letting her know I would like to see it. Maybe she just didn't check her e-mail today? She did e-mail me back promptly yesterday after I told her I was interested in the house. Good night all. Sorry I didn't respond to everyone. Will do that tomorrow. ~Meredith
  5. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    So, it's super late here. Almost 3 am. I just got home from the hospital because my grandma was taken there in an ambulance because she thought she was having another stroke. My mom and dad are both super sick with double ear infections, sinus infections, and both have a fever. They needed to stay far away from grandma, so I went to be with her. I don't think that she had a stroke, but something is definately not right with her. We'll see, they took a CT scan and blah blah blah, so much to remember. I'm sure you all understand this! Also, I've been super busy (as usual) with school and work, but on top of all of that, I have decided to buy a house. I found a super cute one and hopefully the real estate agent can show it to Andrew and I tomorrow. It is a great deal and in perfect condition. Although it is not Andrew's idea of an ideal house (he wants 3 bedroom brick), I don't care. I love it and I am going to be the one on the Mortgage and on the Deed, so ultimately it's up to me. When we get married I will include him on both of those documents. I have heard so many horror stories about crazy things happening when people buy homes together before they are married. Although I don't see any of these circumstances occuring in our lives, one never knows what is in store for the future. Janet~ I am so so so sorry about your Aunt. I hope that you can find a reasonable flight to get there. And, you are totally right about the death really effecting everyone that is left behind by their loved one. Sad. <HUGS> Eva~ I loved the turtle pics!!!!! Exactly what kind of tortises are they? I am totally obsessed with all things turtle! I bought the coolest hand carved turtle box at the antique store the other day. It is about the size of a telephone book and is just too cool. I'm telling you, totally obsessed! I should take a pic and post it on here along with the pic of the house I want to buy. Troll beads are a brand of bracelet and bead. They are very similar to Pandora Beads/Bracelets. Google "Troll Beads" and you will see what I'm talking about. They're pretty cool. Laura~ You just keep trucking along huh? You go girl! Good luck with the SIL. I am not really high maintenece either so I find it so difficult to deal with someone else that is. You will do just fine I'm sure. Great~ EEK! Sorry about your ribs. I think that you should still go to the doc on mon even if you feel better. I would rather be safe than sorry. Phyl~ You sound like you are doing just great with all of your rehab! Once again, I'm totally impressed. Cheri~ DS sounds like he really gave you a run for your money!!!! Holy Moley! Julie~ Girlfriend, I am totally sleeping:sleep: the day away tomorrow and I'm not going to feel bad about it for one minute! I think that I deserve some good quality rest at least one day a week. I'm also glad to hear that you did so well health wise at the casino! FUN! Sharon~ I am sure you are totally impressed with DD's actions since she has been out of rehab. It takes a lot to stand up for yourself to the people that brought you (her) down so much for so long. I am really proud of her and I don't even know her! She is totally right about not having to apologize to anyone for anything. Just as long as she keeps this spirit she will have a successful recovery I think. Well, I suppose thats about all. I had a TERRIBLE food day today! :seeya::cursing::blushing: I am embarassed:blushing:. However, it was not nearly as bad as it would have been if I didn't have my band. Thank God for my band! Tomorrow I am going back to being super strict with all of my caloric allotments as well as documenting everything that I am eating. I haven't done that in awhile and I'm sure that is the reason why my weight loss has stalled recently. The scale is not my friend anymore. I have restriction (kinda), but it is not enough! I ate like a mad woman today. Perhaps it is all of the stress of the day? But, that is a terrible excuse. I'm not even getting on the scale tomorrow night. It is so late! I'm off to bed to sleep:sleep: and sleep:sleep: and sleep:sleep:! Good night (morning really) all! ~ Meredith
  6. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Ok, I'm back. Eva~ I thought that I might fall asleep for the rest of the night too! I woke up and had some chicken kebob with a fattoush salad. Delish. After my fill that I had on Monday, I feel as though I have some more restriction, but I know its not nearly as much as where I know that I need to be. I have 3 cc's in there now. I go back in a month or so to get another fill. Arlene~ That test sounds like it could be beneficial for everyone! I should check it out. Thanks for the info. Julie~ Good luck sleeping tonight! Laura~ Hope dad can find some help with his situation. Hopefully this 3rd (opinion) time is the charm! Phyll~ So impressed with all of your progress! Amazing! Ok. I think that is all I have in me for now. I don't have an early day at work tomorrow, so thats good. I do need to still weigh myself yet tonight also. I really really really want to put that -50 pound bead on my bracelet! I have been buying Troll Beads for my bracelet every 10 pounds I lose. I have had this one sitting in my purse ready to go for some time now! Good night! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! ~Meredith
  7. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. I didn't forget about you girls, I've just been so busy with everything going on. I just wanted to check in and say "hello" and let all of you know that I have been reading. I will post more later on tonight, but I need to lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes right now. Janet~ Sorry about the bad day. :mad: TTYL~ Meredith
  8. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. Just a quick check in. Once again, I am exhausted! Phew! I need to take a shower and go to bed really soon. I have aerobics at 1 and weight training tomorrow at 3. I got my fill yesterday. I have been doing liquids, so I have no idea how much restriction I have. At lunch today I had about 1.5 cups of crushed lentil soup and I was really full, so hopefully that feeling will continue once I am eating foods tomorrow. Ok, I read everything, but this has to be a fly by post. I watched biggest loser tonight so i didn't get everything done as early as I wanted to, and I didn't even get home from school until 5 minutes til 8. Ok, will check in tomorrow and respond to everyone. Sorry, I just need to "hit the hay" as my mother says. Good night, Meredith P.S. I am in the 220's!!!!!!! One more pound til -50!!!
  9. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. I have a terrible headache today and was so sleepy that all I've done is lay around and relaxed. My weeks are so insane that I don't even feel guilty about not doing anything. Sharon~ I finished the Shack last night. It was awesome! I'm so glad that you recommended it! Thanks. I think that I might listen to a few of the chapters over again because they had so much dialouge that I kind of spaced out and got sleepy listening. I always listen to my books on tape in bed before I sleep. Well, I get my fill tomorrow. Good thing because I need a bit more restriction. Hopefully this will bring me close to my sweet spot. Also, last night I had a dream that I was eating donuts and all kinds of other "no no's". I hate those dreams because I wake up thinking that they are so real. Oh well, this is just a quick one. I will CBL after dinner. My head hurts so I'm going to close my eyes for a few also. TTYL, Meredith
  10. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hey girlfriends! Sorry I haven't really written lately. I've been reading every night, but really haven't had much time to sit down and write. Between school, work, and exercise, I don't have very much extra time. Anyhow, things are going well. I lost another pound, FINALLY!!! But I will adjust my ticker when I know that its for good. You know. I was so nervous about being stuck at -46. Actually, I was starting to get really pissed. I've been exercising my rear end off, and eating really really well and was so surprised to not have lost in so long. About two weeks really. Good thing, because I get my second fill on Monday and then go right to my aerobics and weight training classes. I really hope that I get some good restriction this time. Also, does anyone notice that when you exercise the band gets a little tighter? I think that mine does. Anyhow, I went to the chiropractor yesterday. I haven't been since before my surgery. She said "hi" to me and walked right past me! I was like "hello"! She turned around and looked at me for a second and then said "Oh my gosh! Meredith! Is that you? I didn't recognize you at first." She said that my face looks so much thinner. It was nice to hear, but I don't think that I look THAT different. But, my face and boobs are the first places I lose my weight. Anyhow, got home from work late today (8ish) and then Andrew and I went for a walk/jog this evening for about an hour. Lake St. Clair is right at the end of our street so we walked up there and then to the Coast Guard station and beach area where we saw 2 foxes. We are really close to Detroit, so we were so pleasantly surprised to see them so close up (about 10 feet away)! Anyhow, I am pleased with our exercise and it was nice to spend so much quality time together with out cell phones or tv's to bother us. We should do this together more often. Since I've lost this weight, I am just amazed at how much energy I have!!! Usually I would come home from work and lay around and eat and be super lazy because my feet would be killing me. I never would have thought that I would be JOGGING!!! Not far, but I will get there! Laura~ Nelson is the cutest thing! What a sweetie pie! He looks like he is a lot of fun. Sorry about your dad. What a bummer. I will continue to pray for him. Also, sorry about all your "girlie" problems. Ick. Janet~ I cannot believe that wake up that early!!! OMW! Julie~ Get some sleep girlfriend! Great~ I just cannot wait to see your MOB dress when you pick it. This is just such an exciting time for you and your daughter. Plus, you will get to spend such wonderful time together! Apples~ Enjoy your time at the lake while it lasts for the season. See you back Tuesday! Phyll~ You are hilarious! I loved that sign! HEHE! Linda~ Hope that your new schedule is going well for you. Oct~ Girl, you sure do a ton of traveling! I wish that I liked to travel, I just am such a homebody. Don't get me wrong, I like going places, I just like staying at home and relaxing just as much. It always seems like going anywhere is such a chore and ends up being a ton of work. Maybe just thinking about it is worse than it really is though? Nawz~ I felt HUGE when they were wheeling me out of the hospital! I think that my belly was really swollen like that for almost a month. Then, when you start losing, you see it disappear before you know it! Such an amazing feeling! You will look back and know that this is the best thing that you have ever done for yourself. When people ask me if I would ever do this again, I tell them that I would do it over again 100 times! I just wanted to say YAY FOR ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, love you all! Meredith
  11. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry i forgot to attach the pic of Mr. Marley Marbles. Here he is!
  12. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening girls. I just finished laundry too. Ick. I hate doing laundry. Especially now since we are living on the 3rd floor of our apartment building. All the way down to the basement with the heavy clothes and then back up. It helped tonight that Andrew was home. He carried the laundry up. My calves hurt so bad from all of the exercise I got in yesterday. It's a good kind of hurt though, you know the one Also, I was such a dummy today...... I printed my paper at our local library and then headed down to school. On purpose I parked in the parking structure all the way across campus from where my class is so I could get my exercise in walking to and from class. Once I parked and walked about 3/4 of a mile to class I realized that I left my paper in my car!!! I turned around, walked back to the car, got my paper and then returned to class. Good thing I got to school early today or else I would have been in big trouble. Dummy me. Oct~ What kind of Tortises? I love all things turtle. I collect turtle trinkets and stuff and have a three toed box turtle. I may have told you about him before, his name is Mr. Marley Marbles. I will attach a picture of him. I love the little guy and he has such a cool personality. If~ Sorry about your crappy day. Tomorrow will be better. Ok, thats about all for tonight. I have to pack my duffle bag and back pack for tomorrow. I'm going to have to take a shower at school after my aerobics and weight training because I have another class two hours after. Ick. I don't like taking showers in locker rooms or whatever, but it sure does beat going to class all stinky and sweaty. I don't really know where I'm going to find all of the room to put all of this stuff, but I will have to get creative. Ok, good night all. Love, Meredith
  13. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello girlfriends!!!!! Sorry I have been so MIA for the last few days. School and work have been keeping me super duper busy! I am so excited today!!!! I started my hard core working out. :sad::thumbdown: 1 hour of "stretch, sculpt, and tone" aerobics with an instructor that is no joke, and then 20 minutes on the recumbant bike, and 40 minutes of weight training with the same instructor.:w00t: This is going to take place every Monday and Wednesday until December when the semester ends. I am so happy that I have the ability to take these classes at school! I actually did pretty well in class, we did step aerobics today, and boy oh boy it was something! I am so happy about working out! Yay! It came at just the right time too. I think I have reached a small plateau, or maybe I can eat more than I am supposed to because of minimal restriction. I was lucky enough to move my fill date up to the 21st because my Doctors office had a cancellation. Thats next Monday already! Food wise, I did pretty well today also. Breakfast~ Special K Red Berries and Light Vanilla Soy Milk Lunch~ Grilled chicken breast and small salad w/ light dressing Dinner~ 4 oz grilled chicken kebob and fattoush salad I will probably have some watermelon in awhile for a snack as well. I have a whole huge half of one that is not cut up yet that is taking up a ton of room in the refridge. Doodle~ I have taken a small break from the shack because it was keeping me up too late at nighttime and then I was so sleepy in the a.m. I think that I am going to get back to it tonight. I'm only at chapter 8. It's really good though. Really different, but good. Congrats on DD's graduation. My mom too always used to tell me not to stoop to the level of others who are not there to help you. They only want to hurt you because they too are hurting, and misery loves commpany! She just needs to remember that in this difficult time, and I'm sure you won't let her forget it :thumbdown:! Laura~ Congrats on the loss of the poundage and getting back into the gym. Feels good! Super cute pics of Nels and his buddy! I feel ya on his mom though. She's probably just miserable with herself in her own skin and just is jealous. Janet~ Hangovers are the worst! Hugs. I think that I may go see my sister in Cali in January or so. We should meet! How far away from Huntington Beach did you say you were? The furthest West I've ever been is to Las Vegas. If~ I love the 10-10-10! It's like with quitting smoking, everyone always says there will be something that tests your will power in 3 days, 3 months, and again in 3 years. Julie~ Yay on getting back to working out again! Awesome! WTG! Graminator~ You rock! Newbies~ I love these gals so much. They have helped me through some of the worst days on this journey, and then have cheered me on again through some of the best ones. You won't find another group better than this one! Ok, sorry I didn't get to everyone, I have to get back to homework! Long day tomorrow. Ok, love you all! Meredith
  14. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening gals. Well, today was not a very good food day. I can eat more than I should be able to, but I am eating meat first, then romaine lettuce and tonight one piece of pita bread. I ate two salads today. I think that the first one was okay since it was early in the day and I know that the cals are low. Plus, I did not get the pita with it. The second salad I had for dinner when I got home from work. It was a ceasar salad and i think that I over did it on the dressing :thumbup:. I just really lost control with it. My main problem is the condiments. Always has been, and apparently always will be. I need to go back to my good old fattoush salads with the vinegarette dressing that my dietitian says is alright for me. When I was eating that I was LOSING. I am stuck at -46 pounds. Really, I am pissed about it to be honest. I'm also really mad at myself for putting so much dressing on my salad. To be accountable, and perhaps get a "virtual" slap from Janet I am going to list what I ate today below. Breakfast: Boost Glucose control 190 cal 16 g prot Snack: Bananna, slice of pear and slice of peach Lunch: Quiznos Black and Bleu Salad w/ small amount of blue cheese and tiny amount of Balsamic vinegarette. Dinner: Ceasar Salad w/ 4 oz. chicken and too much dressing Snack: rest of Ceasar Salad and Chicken w/ the excessive amount of dressing and pita TERRIBLE I know. Today was the worst day I have had food wise to date. I am just disgusted. I must re-train my brain over night and remember that tomorrow is a new day. I think that I am going to go all liquids tomorrow and perhaps Saturday as well. Good thing I just moved my fill appointment up to September 21st. Thank God! This girl needs all the help she can get! Another thing that is keeping me going is remembering that I am getting more exercise in walking now than I have had since my first try at college almost 10 years ago. My classes are spaced so far apart this semester and parking is so expensive that I just strapped my big ole back pack on trucked my butt all over campus all week. Plus, I have these exercise classes to look forward to! Julie~ Really, I don't have that much energy at all. In fact I'm glad that you said that the more I do it the more energy I will have. I am terrified that I just won't have it in me yet, but I am going to give it a go! Glad to hear that Mimi seems to be feeling a bit better. Sorry about all of your aches and pains. Janet~ Sorry to hear about all of your pics. I never ever print any of mine unless they are from a special occasion or something. All of them are on my computer and I really need to back them up or else I might lose mine as well. I hope Walgreens can do something to help you with that disk. On a LB note, girl, you need to whip me into shape or something! I am feeling pretty terrible about myself right now and need some help. Can I really do this? If anyone were to ask me today, I would say "no". Yesterday, I was totally gung-ho and would have yelled "yes" from the rooftops. Are these feelings along this journey normal? When you and everyone else who have been successful ever feel like this along the way? Please offer me some insight into what is going on with my psyche today. Thanks, you are the best! Laura~ Ok, sorry, last night after I logged off I realized that I didn't answer your question. I plan on specializing in Bariatrics when I become a PA. I thought about becoming a nurse, then a nurse practitioner, however, I just don't think that I am cut out to be a nurse. I respect anyone in the nursing community a great deal. Your job is a very difficult one, and I thank you for your work. Ok, so I'm sooo sorry about all my rambling, but I didn't know what else to do, or whom else to ramble to! VENT!!!! Alright, I am going to try to go to sleep now as I have a really long work day ahead of me! Night! ~Meredith
  15. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Im in for Florida for sure!!!!! And, good for you Julie! Can't wait. Hope Mimi gets better soon! You poor things. Ok, I don't know how I'm gonna do it this semester, but I must. Just got home about an hour ago from school. Have to get in the shower and get to bed as I have class in the a.m. and then work until late. Laura~ Poor little Nels and his scolding. Aw. That was totally me when i was little. And, girl, we are going to be working our butts off! I'm so glad you got your trainer back! I went to my weight training class today and afterwards I spoke with the instructor. She told me that she runs a stretch sculpt and tone class thats an hour long before the weight lifting class and that I am more than welcome to join that class as well, but FREE!!!!!!! I'm totally gonna do it! I'm so excited! But, I'm going to be so pooped! Janet~ Thanks for all of the info! Great stuff! 1day~ Those damn coffee drinks! I steer clear of Starbucks 100 percent because I know that I love the caramel macchiatos (sp)! I even have a $25 gift card to there, but haven't used it yet. I guess their iced tea is pretty good, and its not sweetened. What about that for an option? You could even add splenda if you wanted. IDK if you would like that or not, just a suggestion. To all of the new ones~ You will love it here! Everyone is so great and a ton of help. Ok, sorry to all that I didn't write to, I will try tomorrow to get to all of you. Oh, but Great~ This erosion stuff makes me so nervous!!! Are you able to find out more about it? Eek! Ok, good night! Love! Meredith
  16. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. Real quick drive by post. I am so tired after this day at school I just need to take a shower and go to bed. Had Nutrition class and Medical Ethics class today. Was on campus from 1-7:30. Plus, the parking was horrendous so at least I got my exercise in. But, my NSV today was that I did not get tired when I climbed (quickly I might add) the 3 flights of stairs that in May had me exhausted! I was happy about that for sure. Did well on my eating today. So that was good too. Ok, I'm so sorry, but I am so tired that I feel like my eyes are crossing. Real quick though, Phyll.... You go girl!!!! Way to get out there and back into the swing of things! I give you a lot of credit. Super impressive. Oh man, you must have felt awesome getting out! Ok, more tomorrow, will comment on everyones then. It took me awhile to read all posts bc I had been reading all day long. I start my weight training sculpt and tone fitness class tomorrow, then Physics in the evening. Will be on campus 3-10, so I wont check in til later since I have to get all my stuff together for tomorrow. I get nervous driving downtown sometimes. Its only a 15 min drive, but I have to go through some sketchy neighborhoods on the way there and back. Makes me kinda nervous, so I get super stressed now that I have to go there 4 days per week. Ok, I thought this was going to be much shorter than this. It's already 12:30!!!! Night. Love. Meredith
  17. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. Just got home from mom and dads. Grandma, Andrew, Dad, and I all went out on the boat this afternoon. It was fun! The water was very refreshing and the fresh air wiped everyone out. Mom decided to stay home. She goes back to work Tues (teacher) and just wanted to relax. I don't blame her. Grandma was cute though with her little 90 year old self out there. She loved it! I will add some pics when I am done writing. Grandma, Mom, and I are going to the park tomorrow morning to do the Labor Day walk that they have every year. It's nice. Mom and I cannot keep up with Grandma, so she just whips right ahead of us and we meet her at the end. Really, no one can keep up with her. Like I said, she is 90, walks 2 miles every single morning in 28 minutes! She flies! Janet~ I am a total water rat! I too am really really fair and have to put on at least SPF 45+ to feel like I am not being burned to death out there. I have no idea how you do it in all of that sun that you have year round? My sis, Courtney is now living in Huntington Beach, Cali. I'm sad that she's gone, but so happy that she has done this for herself while she's young. This way she won't have any regrets! Are you close to her? Great~ Yes, rents = parents. At first I didn't understand what DH, DS, etc. was. But I got it too! Sharon~ I love this book! I thought that it was you that recommended it, but i wasn't positive. I cannot wait to discuss it with others who have read it. It's so different and intriguing! Laura~ Glad everyone is feeling better and that you and DH can spend some time together since he's not on call. Nice. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Let us know what you think about your fill situation. I know I cannot wait to get mine! Today I ate an entire hamburger patty and a tomato all at one sitting. Far too much, but at least it wasn't junk right? Julie~ Sorry to hear about MIMI. Geez, that is terrible! Poor little thing. I hope that she gets well soon. Glad that you and DH got out for awhile though. I cannot wait to see Julie and Julia, however, I don't go to the movie theatre, so I will have to wait until it comes out on film. Ok, thats all for now. Enjoy your Labor Day everyone! TTYL~ Meredith
  18. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Lovelies! Sorry I haven't been writing as much as I should. I've been obsessing about school starting and with work...whew! I have worked so much the last few days! It's a good thing though. Making money is never bad. It does cramp my social style though! LOL. Today was absolutely gorgeous and my best friend and her husband took Andrew with them out on her in-laws boat. Gosh! It would have been so nice to go, but I think that we might go tomorrow also, so thats great! No other plans this weekend though. Just laundry and cleaning. My rents are having both of my grammys over for a bbq on Monday. So I am looking forward to that also. Laura~ I too feel like I'm stuck. The scale has not been the nicest to me by not moving. Also, I can eat way more than I am supposed to. So, I try to eat mostly lettuce or veggies once I am done with my protein. I do need to exercise more, but after such a long day at work it is difficult to find the motivation. However, I do start a weight lifting sculpt and tone class at school 2x per week. It's Mondays and Wednesdays. I guess this instructor also likes people from her classes to go to her other cardio classes too! Free of charge! So, thats even better! It does not hurt to have this class count for 2 credits either. At least I know I will have to work out twice a week now. Hopefully that will kick my butt into gear. Also, I get my next fill at the end of the month. Whew! Also, who was it that was talking about the shack? I got it on itunes for my ipod the other day so that I can listen to it at nighttime with out bothering Andrew in the bed next to me. I have been listening to about a chapter per night. It's pretty good so far. Different, but good. I didn't realize it, but my mom read it too. She said that she liked it also. Anyhow, I'm only on chapter 6 or so, so I have a lot more to go. Thanks for the recommendation! Have we decided anything more on our vacation/meeting? I was just telling my aunt about it today and she was asking where we decided to go, but I wasn't really sure. Should we decide soon? Perhaps we should get a feeling on exactly when (Pres. day weekend?), where, who has decided to go for sure, and how much each of us are willing to spend on accomadations. Ok, well, I just want to get some planning out of the way because I need to decide when I am going to California to visit my sister. Sheesh, I wouldn't even mind to just travel for the whole month of February! Not that I have the funds to do this, but a girl can dream, right? Ok, well I am sitting here with a very sunburned boyfriend waiting to watch our Saturday late night movie. Since I come home from work and take naps on Saturday afternoons, I am always up so late. Oh well, I like it. I feel like a teenager when I stay up late on the weekends! Fun. Alright, goodnight. I will check in tomorrow. It looks like everyone is still doing really well. Love ya! ~Meredith
  19. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Doodle~ Eli is soooo cute! He looks like such a happy little boy! When I was in high school, I met my best friend Andre. He was the only black kid in our high school, and let me tell you, until this day we are still best buddies! I just love him! Oh, and, the other day, I went to visit my "sister" Neakia in the hospital. She is also black, and she was introducing me to all of the nurses and stuff. She always tells people that I am her sister. You should see the looks on their faces! When they leave the room, we laugh so hard! I do though feel as though she is really my sister. Who cares what color someones skin is? Geez, you would think that people would have realized by now?! Detroit and it's suburbs are the MOST segregated of any region in the US. It's so sad. You would think that living one mile away from Detroit people would realize that everyone is the same on the inside? Guess not. Linda~ Girl, you look just awesome! So pretty! I love the curly hair too. Laura~ I used to love show and tell day at school. I laughed at the hermit crabs! I think that I harassed my mom for months about getting me some! Who know whatever happened to them? Your little Nelson is just such a dear. What a great kid! Rose~ So sorry to hear about your double whammy of bad luck with your mom and your MIL at the same time. Stay strong. Also, you look great! So beautiful! I love that lipstick too! Apples~ Good luck to your "Mom". I will be thinking about her and her success with her surgery. You are so sweet to make all of that food for the fam. So thoughtful of you. Have a nice weekend at the lake house. Enjoy. You deserve it! Oh, and the melon..... LOVE IT! Sorry the canteloupe got stuck though. I was really surprised that melon got stuck. Janet~ You are the best! Let me tell you, that girl will just remember you and love you forever and ever. What an amazing thing you are doing for her. Wow! And, as for your DGS, 18 is when I was at my sassiest! I think my mom did slap me a few good times! Also, tell Phyl hello for me! I hope she gets back soon! Great~ How's the wedding planning going? Glad you have a date for your knee. Lots of people say that not living in pain anymore is worth it after the initial pain of the surgery. Mrs. B~ Whew! Glad you are sleeping better now! I NEED my sleep! If not, I am a total "B word". If~ CONGRATS!!!!!!!! You must feel great!!!! Ok, sorry if I missed anyone. It wasn't intentional. Start classes again tomorrow. EEK! Time for bed. Love you all! ~Meredith
  20. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Ladies~ Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been taking a little break from the comp since I was supposed to be up north anyways. I've been reading though and have caught up on everyones posts. Looks like all is going pretty well for all of you. I will comment on posts later. Just wanted to update on a few things. Lost a few more pounds, which is great! Andrew bought me an iPod for my birthday so I loaded it with music and bought an armband for it and walked and ( I cannot believe this!) JOGGED!!!!! It felt great to get out there today in the nice fresh air and move my body in a way that it hasn't moved in years! Oh man! I cannot wait to start running again! I've been keeping the calories low, and I am so happy with everything so far. I do know though that I need another fill. I can just fit too much in there. It's not like I'm cramming food into the pouch, I just stop when I'm full. Have a LB support group meeting tomorrow. I always love going to those! Oh, the pics that all of you have posted are amazing! I love them! Andrew and I went to a wedding on Saturday night (my birthday night) so I've decided to post a pic of us at the wedding to commemerate the first time that I have worn a dress in years! No spanx either! More tomorrow! Love all of you! Counting the days until our vacay in Feb! ~Meredith
  21. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello ladies! I know, I'm supposed to be up north, but I woke up today and decided that I have far too much to do here at home and really just do not feel like going anymore since I start back to school on Thursday. I kinda just want to lay around and relax since I know that I won't be able to again until Christmas time. It will feel much better staying home and not working until Thursday anyhow. Going to the cabin is far too much work for it to be relaxing. Laura~ WTG on the eating! You have every right to be proud of yourself! I am proud of you too! Oh, btw, when I say "up north" I mean, up north Michigan. I guess when we say "up north" here, we stay close to home. We have a cabin about 3 hours away. I would love to go to New England some day though! Haven't been there since I was about 12. More later, gonna take a nap. It is so cool here! About 65. It seems like everyone has already begun their hibernation! Oh, and thank you to all for the birthday wishes! ~Meredith
  22. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello ladies, and thank you for all of the birthday wishes! We are going to a wedding on my birthday night, and I will have a piece of cake there. Hey, it only comes around once a year, right?! I took the day off of work, but have one of my best buds come over for me to do her hair for the wedding, then I will work on getting myself ready. She is such a great gal, shes the one who took me to get my mani pedi today. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know (like apples has to do now) that I will be up north until Wednesday night. I know how all of you worry. I will post at more length when I get home, but I need to swiffer the floor now before Andrew and I watch our late night movie. BTW, I must add how sweet he is..... He went to the movie store all by himself tonight while I was taking a nap and picked out a movie for me all by his self. Guess what he picked without me telling him I even wanted to see it? Bride Wars! What a great guy! Love him. Ok, g2g, love you all, I read everything, but I was too late checking in to post on all. ~Meredith
  23. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    All is good today on the home front. Actually it was when i went to bed last night. Our arguements tend to never last very long. Which is a good thing. Worked loooonnnggg hours today at work. Before my band I would've been complaining so much about how badly my feet hurt right now, but they DO NOT hurt at all!!!!! 10 hours straight on my feet and no pain! I am pleased. I did pretty well on my calories today. Breakfast- Boost high protein 240 cal 15 prot. Lunch- Boost High Protein 240 cal 15 prot., Snack- 2 low fat string cheese 100 cal. 12 prot. for both Dinner- Lean Cusine 270 cal. 20 prot. TOTAL= 850 calories and 62 grams protein I feel like I'm back on track. GOOD! Have to take a shower and go to bed. Long day tomorrow also because I took Saturday off because it's my birthday and we have a wedding to go to. Laura~ You are so funny! I love how you add what the tone and volume of your voice would be! I think we are doing great! You have lost soooo much! You're the best, and that little Nelson makes me smile. What a blessing to your lives he is. I was just talking to a client today about how everything happens for a reason. Oh, and those two pounds that I dropped were like overnight. So strange how our bodies do that. Whatever it is that it's doing, I like it! Linda~ OMW. I am so sorry about your friend. So sad. She is in a better place and I am just glad that she no longer has to suffer. May she rest in peace. I have been journaling all of my food since I've begun this journey with the exception of about 7 days here and there. It really does help to keep me accountable of every single bite that i put into my mouth. BTW, congrats again on being "overweight"!!! Julie~ Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Keep it up. Great~ Those damn fritos will get ya every time! I used to love them when I was in high school and could eat like a horse. I would dip them into sour cream and onion dip. Mmmm. Apples~ I am glad that you are so strong. You really were given some lemons and made lemonade! I admire you so much. If~ Good thing you have some restriction now. I have a little, but not enough to where I need to be. Oct~ Cool plant! I am not a desert dweller, so I was not familiar with that plant at all. I don't really want to have my own children. I've never been into having kids. I don't think that it's for everyone, but, don't get me wrong, i love children and cannot wait for all of my friends to start giving birth! 2 of my besties are due within the next few months and I could not be more excited!!!! I just want to be the fun aunt that sleeps in a tent with them in the back yard and gets them all sugared up and back to the parents they go! Everyone tells me that I might change my mind, but I honestly don't think that I will. I'm just glad that I know that maybe I'm not cut out to be a mom. I see so many people that have kids that absolutely should NOT. Ok, time to get moving in the bedroom direction. Check back tomorrow after work and my birthday mani pedi. Love, Meredith
  24. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening everyone. You have all been so busy!!!! It's late now, as usual, and I had a pretty long day. I just got into a huge fight with Andrew because I asked him a simple question about his mom telling me that someone once tried to drown her when she was little. All I asked was who tried to drown her? I understand that yes, it is something terrible, but she brought it up to me. Touchy subject. Then he tried to make me feel bad and hurt my feelings by asking about some sad things that happened in my life. I thought that was pretty shitty of him. Some people tend to do that to defend themselves though I guess. So now, my blood is boiling. Whatever, I will just let it roll of my back. Ok, I totally sound like Debbie Downer here. Sorry. Laura~ That little man is sooo cute!!!! Those curls are amazing! I wish I had them now. Thank goodness your dad is out of the hospital. Here's to a speedy recovery! Cheers! Apples~ I think that it is great that you are so open and honest about things. I think it makes people stronger and better able to cope with what has happened in their lives. Also, so glad you got your hair done! It is the best feeling when you get a fresh color and cut. Usually we are so busy at the salon that I never have time to get them both done at the same time. Boy, I want my hair done now! Janet~ Hopefully your days will be better now that you got that crappy one out of the way! Great~ LOL. Too funny asking if im single!! Love it. I guess I just kinda went through some stuff at a young age before everyone else my age did, and now I know the direction in which I need to be going. And, I am totally intent on getting there! No one will ever stand in my way! Right now, Andrew probably wouldn't care if I got another boyfriend anyways. HAHA. Linda~ So funny about technology! I just have a cell phone and no house phone. My favorite button is the "ignore" one. But I'm not gonna lie, I've been known to spend hours on it with my besties. My television is the one that my grandma and grandpa bought for me when I left for college almost 10 years ago. It has a VCR built into it that I still use. None of my friends get it because all of them have very fancy tv's that rewind and pause and stuff. They are nice, but only for their compact nature. The only program that I have ever taped is the Bachelorette. I don't know why, but I got addicted. Otherwise, I don't care. I wish sometimes that I was more like Laura with all of her technology! Now that is impressive! I just cannot get into it. Julie~ Take it easy girlfriend!!! Hope you feel better. Oct~ I'm glad that there is someone on here that had their band around the same time as me. It kinda helps me gauge where I should be and how I should be feeling. Tonite I had my first real meal since my fill. Breakfast- protein drink, Lunch- Oatmeal, Dinner- Tofu and steamed veggies. I took it easy, but do not think that I have the amount of restriction necessary for me. I did notice today though as I was drinking my iced tea that if i drink it quickly I get an uncomfortable pukey full feeling that I do not like at all. Does anyone else feel like this ever? 1day~ Thank you. I look to my grandmother as an excellent example of how to handle finances. She is 90 years old and has never had a credit card. She paid for her car when it was new with a personal check! Save, save, save! She and my grandfather worked so hard to have a nice, simple life. I love their example. Just amazing people really. I do have credit though from the macys charge and gym memberships that i have paid off. Stuff like that. I guess that I would rather have minimal credit than screw myself over like I know I would if I got a credit card now. Student loans will be enough debt for me once I start the PA program! EEK. Well, I'm gonna get in the shower and hit the hay. I'm sad my sister left today, but I am so proud of her! I'm too pooped to participate. I feel like I'm missing a lot. Sorry. I had to give the condensed version of a post because I am sleepy and all of you have written so much! More tomorrow. Love, Meredith
  25. Meredith2424

    I'm here to help...

    Hello all. Geez, sorry about all of your bad days today. That stinks! Why does it all happen at the same time? Annoying. Well, it's really late for me. I just cannot sleep lately since I too am a worry wart. I am just so sad/upset/nervous about my little sister moving so far away. We are so close, this is gonna be hard, but I am so proud of her. Linda~ I despise cell phones and pretty much most technology. I turn my phone off whenever I go up north or on vacations. I figure if there is an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me they will find me! I think that I am probably the only human on earth that doesn't have cable television. I don't even want it! Also, I don't have a major credit card. Strange I know, cash only. However, I do have credit cards to Macy's, Lane Bryant, and Best Buy, but I NEVER use them! Apparently I don't belong in my generation! LOL. I am more like my grandma and she is 90! Laura~ Continuing to pray for dad and the fam. I don't care where we get a place, just as long as everyone can make it. Hell, I would tent it if I had to! Janet~ Hugs on your rotten day. Tomorrow is a new one at least! Eva~ I hear ya girlfriend on the not being very good at will power for extended periods of time! Ick. I think that I am going to be in the same boat with you for the next 4 weeks! Julie~ You poor dear. It seems like you just cannot get a break! Hope that everything is ok. If~ Good luck on your first day back to school. I know my mom always despises going back after such a relaxing summer. Heck, I take that back, she is such an exercise fanatic that I think that she relaxes her body more when she is in school than when she's not! Apples~ I just lover your enthusiasm! We are going to have the best time ever! Yay!!!! Great~ Be proud girl! It is GREAT to be thin and you should be yelling it from the rooftops! WTG on being asked to speak about your weight loss. That is awesome! Ok, I'm going to try to get to sleep. Finally. Sorry this was on the shorter side. More tomorrow. Night, Meredith

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