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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lml32937

  1. lml32937

    Pilates Anyone?

    As a former ZUMBA addict (i'm done due to a back injury and increased problems with Rheumatoid arthritis) I am looking for a fun (key word) energetic/fulfilling work out that gives me as much satisfaction as Zumba.. I have been reccomended Pilates by my doctor as a way to strengthen my core, limber up and also tone- NEVER done this before and it is a bit more intimidating to me than Zumba was/is.. Weird I know- Any feed back would be GREATLy appreciated...
  2. lml32937

    Compression Spanx

    is the shaper you are wearing 1 or 2 peices- I need to look into this but am tall and most of the ones for the thigh/upper leg are either too short or not enough compression- the waist ones always roll up...
  3. lml32937

    Random Subject

    I would say this.. we cannot predict the future and cannot predict how we will look without the weight on our bodies but be thankful for what you can see on the outside and the postiive changes you are making to get there.. all of the internal things you cannot see will reap the benefits as well- your heart, your lungs, your joints etc... Don't worry about what you cannot control- we will all be beautiful in our own way- saggy, baggy skin and all if necessary-- I call it battle wounds....since this has been my "war"...
  4. lml32937

    I Want A Salad

    I watied 4 mos and then it personally wasnt worth it- it didnt really stay down too well- but now I don't have any problems with salad at all..
  5. I LOVEd chinese food before my sleeve- After my sleeve it does not settle well AT ALL.. I have since become a vegetarian and have fallen in love with general tso's tofu and that is delicious. But everytime I ate chinese food- no matter what it was it never settled(s) right in my new tummy- so I avoid it like the plage- Thanfully I can still eat sushi but rather than 3 or 4 rolls I can now only eat 3 peices... go figure.. lol Luvin it!
  6. Great topic.. My hubby has always assured he loved me both before and after- and was very intimate all throuought but it is very difficult to accept compliments when you never got them before- regardless if they are genuine or not.. He looks a differnt way now and so do LOTS of other people- THat is nice but at the same time- it's hard to accept- THis for me willt ake the longest time...
  7. lml32937


    i'm almost 6 mos post op and to this day I can take a few sips and feel a buzz- totally not worth it to me...
  8. I had a VERY rough post op period.. like 3 months- I still am not eating "normal" There is no rhyme or reason- some days I can eat more than others- I stopped compring me and what I eat to others a LOOONG time ago when it was proven we are all different. I do notice however during my cycles that I have different cravings and can eat a little more than normal-
  9. lml32937


    I eat oatmeal 4-5 days a week- and if you make it extra milky (using protein drink) or almond milk during mushies it works really good and fills you up- I remember the days I could eat 3 pouches- Now I eat 1 and am stuffed all morning and 1./2 the afternoon...
  10. Ive always beleived that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.. Unfortuntaely I could bathe in this stuff and surgery would still be inevitable due to the rapid weight loss in my 2 surgeries but i'm looking forward to seeing how all of you do if you in fact try it.. GOod luck!
  11. lml32937


    Its those little things that keep us going.. this weekend I could a) wrap a regular bath towel ALL the way around with NO gap in front/back. cross my leg comfortably c) walk a theme park and NOT be exhausted...
  12. I lived off of watermelon.. Pineapple even now is rough. It is very acidic and it just doesnt digest well.
  13. Recently switched to a vegetarian lifestyle (still eating cheese and fish as a protein source though) and would appreciate any advice, recipes or any other tid bits to help me stay on track... Thanks.
  14. I have RA and take Ibuprofen 800mg as needed- PRE surgery it was 3x a day EVERY DAY. My body went into shock- I now use Tylenol double dose to equal something close- but it doenst work as well. I also have Tramadol on my bad days to use during the day and Percocet @ night- This is in addition to my RA meds... The Tramadol causes me to often have a headache, and I dont know that it really works- It is a good solution for a non-narcotic pain releiver but really doesnt have any anti-inflammatory factor in it. I also use biofreeze on my back, hips and knees when I have a flare up and LIVE On my heating pad..
  15. lml32937

    I Want Sushi

    I love sushi and have re-started eating in in the last 3 months- However- Rice is VERY VERY hard- and I can only eat 3 peices of sushi before I feel like I just ate thanksgiving dinner!! IT's crazy- so I only go with someone willing to share because a whole roll is a huge waste... Also I ask for brown rice now and ask them to cut the peices thinner than normal. OOH and I CANNOT stand the seaweed they wrap it in- don't know if it's consistancey or what but post op no no... everything else is great.. Ginger and wasabi...
  16. lml32937

    Hair Loss Solution

    When you go for your follow up's you may want to have your doctor's check your thyroid as well- Thyroid conditions can cause hair loss and a lot of symptoms that mimic "post op" complaints. Having had thyroid cancer- my hair loss was way on it's way well before my VSG. Now it still happens- thankfully like others I had a full head of hair and you cant tell much- it is just a lot thinner. I have used Biotin 1000mg every day since 2007.
  17. Why would you deprive yourself of something you enjoy and in correct size/portion is perfectly fine to eat?? As a vegetarian, I would be lost without potatoe- Obviously I eat them in a minimal way but I certainly don't deprive myself. I lived off of potatoe soup during my mushy phase and mashed potatoes too. Now I prefer a baked potatoe with greek yogurt and thats it. GO for it!!
  18. lml32937

    Any Vegetarian Sleevers?

    Oh I eat a lot of beans, vegetable soup and have also tried rice- it is ok but fills me up too fast so I choose not to eat it.
  19. lml32937

    Any Vegetarian Sleevers?

    I am 5 mos post op- last month I did a 21 day vegan challenge and LOVED it and will NOT go back to eating chicken, beef or pork products. I choose to eat eggs and cheese for protein only because I am still getting the tast/hang of tofu. I have become pretty lactose intolerant so milk is out of the question- I have switched to coconut or rice milk. I have been getting my protein off of eggs, cheese, hummus and plant based items (Kale, Spinach etc). I have NEVER felt better, more satisifed and my tummy agrees with me every day- I had a hard time eating meat so it was a no brainer to try it. I do eat fish when we go out and that too is a good source of protein. PS in my 21 day challenge I managed to break a plateau and loose about 16 lbs... go figure...
  20. Ive been on Omeprazole for a zillion years- I tried going off of it and ended up going back on it only because I have a problem with my esophagus (nothing related to surgery) and feel much better on it. I think it is an individual thing.
  21. lml32937

    Sleeping On Your Back

    I'm a stomach sleeper and was on my tummy 4 days post op- It was tender but I did it- Heating pad helped too...
  22. lml32937

    So The 19 Will Be A Month

    I think you cannot compare anyone's journey to yours- We all have different surgeons with different post op plans- we all have individual chemical make ups which enable us to loose faster or slower than others. I personally lost a lot my first month and then stalled as most people do- I have seen/heard others that dont loose a lot at first but then 3rd or 4th out start drastically loosing. It all depends on your consumption and level of exercise as well. Some do more than others..
  23. Re: hair loss- I am 5 mos out and still having problems. BUT I also didnt loos much with my lap band- I just keep taking my Biotin and it helps. RE: child care- I think you will be fine to take care of her but in the beginning you won't be able to lift her- Normally for 4-6 weeks you cannot lift anything over a certain amount of pounds to prevent a hernia- Ask your doctor. RE: your party- I would say you should be fine- My surgery was Nov 19 and I hosted xmas dinner 1 month later with no major problems- I was tired sooner than normal but that was to be expected. I would say you should be fine. Having said this- being hispanic just to let you know- Your way of eating is going to completely change and things you eat now you won't be able to eat and won't want to eat post op- mainly- rice, possibly pork etc... I miss rice and when I do eat it can only eat about 3 tsp and then i'm done- it is very filling and it expands it isnt even worth it... but aside from that- Good luck!!
  24. For those of you that got band removed and had VSG all at the same time... a) did you get your band completely emptied?? If you didnt did this effect your healing and if you did what benefit does it have?? c) if you had it emptied- did you obsess about gaining too much weight back- I see benefits to both....
  25. lml32937

    Any Sleevers That Are Vegan?

    I made the change to vegetarian about 3 weeks ago and am in love wtih my new lifestyle. I am still eating fish and cheese to get in the protien- I have never had tofu but know that I must try it and other forms of plant based protein- hopefully once a taste is aquired from that I hope to come off of the dairy- It's good to know that it can be done even with the surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
