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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lml32937

  1. Ok girlfriend... where ru? you havent responded to my msgs- just makeing sure you are ok....

  2. I am doing well am now about 3 weeks post op and have been on mushies and am slowly graduating to more variety on puree..... I am unsure if I know what "restriction" is exactly- from what I am reading it is the feeling of fullness. I was much more full in the beginning than I am now but eating/drinking WAY less and healthier than pre-surgery. I have been averaging (during the week) a smoothie or an egg for bkfst, mid morning cottage cheese, lunch- tuna or egg or soup, dinner is whatever and pm snack either yogurt or Protein shake- Because I was not feeling as full as I thought I should I increased my drinking of h20 and crystal light trying to fill on liquid rather than food- but sometimes that is hard- I see the surgeon on 5/15 and am hoping to get a fill so I can be back to the way I felt right after surgery but dont know if that is possible.... I weighed myself today and lost 3 lbs in 10days and I think that is good- 32 all together and I am very happy- but I am not goign to weigh again until I see him- I think too I may be reading too much and have to take astep back and realize everyone is different and to take things with agrain of salt.... I am thankful for all of you and your encouragment and support! lisa
  3. I have been on mushies for 2 weeks and am slowly graduating... I feel full most of the time- I dont see the MD till 5/15 and possibly may get a fill depending on the # of lbs lost. Some things go right thru others linger a while.....Glad to hear you are doing well! keep in touch. lisa

  4. lml32937

    Mushy vs. Pureed

    I have lived on Re-fried beans and cheese all melted with a little taco sauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, fresh smoothies etc. I have also gotten spaghettis sauce in a bowl wtih cheese and nuke it for a few- I made taco's the other night and blended everything (minus the shells) and it was great! Creem cheese melted wtih salsa and cheese- Cottage cheese- I have eaten more cheese in the last 3 weeks than I have in my life- Hope this helps!
  5. lml32937

    Missing my food!!!!

    For me personally not dwelling on what I couldnt have and rather enjoying and experimenting with what I could have has gotten me thru. I have lost all my cravings I had before my surgery and don't really have that "desire" to chow down anymore- It is only 3 weeks out..... I have been out twice with friends and havent felt out of place- Most places have soup or something mushy-last night I ate with a spoon instead of tortilla chips spinach and artichoke dip and it was good- yeah I only had a few bites but it was nice to be with friends.... I think those feelings you have is normal- That is what this board has brought me- reassurance you are not alone and encouragment to get thru this! Good luck!
  6. lml32937

    Too much weight for Banding?

    I commend you for starting this journey and want to encourage you not to get discouraged. I started at 437 pre op and I am 5'7. 1 week after surgery i was down 29 lbs- 16 pre op 13 1 week post op. For me the decision to do Lap Band was a given. I considered bypass about 5 years ago but then met too many people that had bad experiences and side effects. I knew my weight didnt get on in 1 day so I was willing to do something that would work with me making lifestyle changes and re-learn to eat correctly and exercise- so I opted not to get a quick fix- Although I do agree for some the bypass my be a better option- Good luck on your journey!
  7. I am fine with mine and no pressure changes or "extra" air in the belly...
  8. I am in the process of adding pureed to my mushies stages but there have been a few days that I will do liquids in the morning/lunch and have Soup or liquids in the afternoon/evening because I am full. If I am doing liquids (ie Protein shakes, soup, broth etc) do I still need to wait and not drink during the "meal"? what do you do if you eat something that is nasty and you need to get the taste out or if it is too hot? Silly questions but curiosity is killing me on what others do in this situation.....
  9. eggs are my new friend!!!!!!!!!! scrambeled, hard boiled- in egg salad etc. Tuna has been good chicken and dumplings (home made) blended was good Tacos in the magic bullet were the best!- meat, cheese, sauce and sour cream and a few tomoatoes.... Fruit smoothies- fresh fruit and Vanilla Slim fast or Vanilla ensure- Ensure shake- chocolate with a banana and ice- is just like a shake! (but healthy!) I love my magic bullet- have used it every day! Thanks for all the good ideas!
  10. lml32937

    How Active?

    I was hospitalized over night but was up and walking 5 hrs after surgery. Once home I relaxed a little and only moved around a little. I started walking outside (around the neighborhood) about 4 days after I was home. Now I walk 4-5 x a week and after ny mext appt May 15 I plan to join Curves-
  11. I have noticed that as I incorporate more "real" foods (as opposed to liquids) into my day I tend to feel hungrier. Is this normal? When I did liquids, soup, jello etc- I felt full and satisfied. Now I eat lets say a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 1 hr later I feel hungry again. I know it is hunger hunger and not mind hunger because it is a true discomfort from not eating (similar to before surgery). Any advice?
  12. 7-11 has slurpees that are not carbonated- the cherry ones are not and neither are the crystal light ones.
  13. Hay ? 4u.... Since I have started eating mushies- I notice that I am hungrier more often than when I was doing liquids? Riddle me that one.... Is this normal? It is like I eat and my pouch is wanting more- not at 1 time but at like when i did liquids/soup etc I could susstain myself no problem- now that I am "eating" breakfast- mid am snack- lunch- mid aft snack- dinner and snack i feel more hungrier despite that at least 2 of these are liquid supplements?

  14. Hello there- Hope you had a happy easter! how are you doing? I am good- got great news friday- 13 lbs more lbs lost since surgery! yeah! i got to introduce mushy foods this weekend and had mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs- it was nice to have something different- how have you been doing?

  15. Hi there- Hope you had a happy easter! am doing well- got to introduce mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs this wknd- yummm nice to have something different.! Have a good week!

  16. lml32937

    Pureed foods...Pass them up?

    There is another posting (I am not sure what it is titled) that gave a great example of a variety of mushy foods- I think part of the problem is that you are on liquids for so long you long for somthing to chew or taste different. I was just banded 4/2/09 and this past weekend introduced mashed potatoes and some scrambled eggs- they went well- For the week I have also purchased grits, oatmeal, yogurts, thicker soups, and some sauce (tomatoe) with ricotta and mozzerella cheese to put on it as well as refried beans and cheese- Just to add variety to not get "burnt out" but still sticking to dr's orders..... Good luck!
  17. HA! Found you--- Hope you had a hoppy easter!

  18. Hay Courtney! How goes it? Hope you had a hoppy easter! haha- Tried mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs this wknd.. yummmm.... BTW- had my 1 week post op on Friday- lost 13 lbs- total of 29 just so far- YEAH! I am so stoked!

  19. lml32937


    I love (ed) Sushi- I was informed by both physician and dietician no more after banding- 1 rice getting stuck- 2 peices being too big. So before my pre=op diet- I had a sushi fiesta- haha- and got my fill..... I do miss it maybe one day I will be able to again but now am too afraid....
  20. Had my 1 week f/u this am and all is well and healing great! Better yet- I lost 13 lbs so total of 29lbs YIPPEE!!!!! I'm so stoked it isnt even funny- Thanks for all the support!!!!!:thumbup:
  21. lml32937

    1 week post op update

    Also any advice on how to change the ticker thingy? I cannot get it changed...
  22. lml32937

    Diet coke :)

    Wasnt much of a Diet Coke fan but Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Sierra Mist was the bomb! I really dont miss it too much and I was told NEVER again any carbonated beverages due to expansion and gas....
  23. lml32937

    Officially A April Bandster Bunny 1 day Post-op

    YEAH! I was banded 4/2/09 SO I can relate....... Post op is going ok for now- I have my 1 week f/u tomorrow- cannot wait to see the weight. (or lack of) haha....
  24. lml32937

    Have anyone tried Wii Fit?

    My husband and I have a Wii system but not the Wii fit. I was worried about the weight limit on the board and wanted to wait a while.. but I love the other games and personally was NEVER a gamer....
  25. lml32937

    Looking for Space Coast Bandsters

    Do any of you attend any type of support group locally?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
