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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lml32937

  1. I was told by my dietician: 1. No drinking _0__ min. before meals? 2. No drinking _30__ min. after meals? 3. Must drink _64__ oz. per day? H2o, crystal lite, any SF drink /low calorie 4. Protein _80-90 gms per day. But 1-2 shakes (ie ensure, boost) 5. Total meal size 8-12oz per meal 6. Snacks or no snacks between meals? Snacks ok- Should be fruit, carrotts, Protein shake or cheese, cottage cheese etc. 7. Calories? 1200-1600/day 8. Any other rules? no gum, no soda, no rice
  2. lml32937

    Flouroscopy anyone?

    Thank you all sooooooooooooooooo much!!!! :grouphug: I feel so much better now...:hurray:
  3. Last night like at 2:30 am I woke up extremely nauseated and with a little diarrhea. I felt like I was going to throw up but tried very hard not to... I finally gave up after 30 min of holding it in and let go- But nothing came out- I had like dry heaves and burps of air- nothing came up- I woke up feeling fine and after this happened did take a phenergan in case it happened again- I fear vomiting now but was feeling so bad I didnt know what to do- I have been on foods for 10 days and the last 5 we were out of town so my "schedule" and routing were off kilter- I have not eaten anything bad; stayed healthy- but it was weird.... I dont know if I ate too much or too fast and it just settled in an akward place... Has this happened to anyone else?
  4. Any reccomendations on how to live in the "bandster hell" everyone talks about?

  5. Did u have this "bandster" hell and how would you describe it.... I think i'm in it...

  6. I am ok... I havent had any fills yet- But I think I am in this "bandster hell" they talk about- ALWAYS hungry- worse since starting on foods- I feel like going back on liquids..... I have my f/u on 5/15- we will see- how much have you lost? I know I am loosing inches- dont know about the #'s yet...

  7. lml32937

    Anyone looking to lose 300+?

    MEE TOO>>>> I have a lot to loose as well + 200 if possible- I know I need to take it 1 day at a time... Thanks for the support!
  8. lml32937

    How do you NOT drink with meals?

    This problem (drinking) has been one of my biggest hurdles to overcome- I have ALWAYS drank with my meals and it is undoubtably the hardest thing I have tried to stop doing.... I have "cheated" by including some sf popsicles or watermelon into my meal so that I can have some liquid going down- I fear something getting stuck although I know the liquid is actually pushing.... HELP!!!!
  9. My hightest weight was 437 and that was what I was before I started this journey- I too worried about the excess skin but after doing my research I realized that oer 60% of all people at some point in time will have some sort of procedure done before they die regardless if they have weight loss surgery or not- I talked to a personal family friend who is a plastic surgeon and he said you (I) should not even think, worry, get workied up about anything until I am at least 2 years out from my surgery. My surgeon has encouraged me to exercise more and try to tone- this helps with the excess so that you are toning as you are losing and for that I have decided to join Curves; we get a discount wtih the lap band. I would hate to see you discouraged because of your fear of plastic surgery- most likely it will be inevitable... But please seek a 2nd opinon with a surgeon that will a) agree to do the LP for you and :cool2: offer some encouragement. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer if I am able... Good luck!
  10. lml32937

    New and feeling needy

    During Pre- Op I knew I could have Soup, yogurt, Protein shakes etc. Now being advanced it is more challenging trying to figure out serving size, portion size, protein vs carbs ets.. It was just simpler... Not that I enjoyed it anymore- I totally am happy now wtih more variety.... But it was much easier so to speak...
  11. lml32937

    New and feeling needy

    Congrats on the beginning of your journey! I did best with broth's, soup's, and lots and lots of crystal light- I was able to eat yogurt as well and that helped..... After the 10days you will be like "I cannot beleive I just did that"... But it is only the beginning- For me, that was the easy part..... Now 1 month later it is more challenging- Any questions, feel free to ask or email... Good luck!
  12. Question.... Today I had my f/u with my dietician. I am doing great but am not getting enough calories and she was very worried- I am getting plenty of protein but she said 1800-1900 cal a day is fine with 75-90 gms of protein as well. She also told me to "get over my fear" of carbs and such that carbs are important and that I am not on a "diet" so to speak. this was hard for me to hear becuase in re=training my brain- I feel like I need to "think" i'm on a diet to follow direction otherwise I may end up not losing anything and fail... does this make sense to anyone? Dont get me wrong- I am not discouraged by anymeans- I was actually happy to be told I could eat some more- I have been on the verge of hunger for a long time afraid to "overeat" Any comments or advice would be apprecaited.
  13. lml32937

    Week 3 plateau???

    Ditto Ditto Ditto--- Banded 4/2/09- I weighed myself last at about 2 weeks post op- My next f/u is 5/15/09- Don't know if I will get a fill or not... I don't feel as if I am loosing lbs but I know I am losing inches because I am able to wear clothes I tucked away 4 years ago for a "thin day".... I was told to be on "solid foods" by the time of my appointment but a part of me is fearful of gaining some weight when I do- Hopefully my dietician can clear up my worries Friday.....
  14. lml32937

    I've been loving these salads!!!

    When di dyou all re-introduce salads to your diet? This past weekend I was CRAVING a salad- being only 1 month out I didnt for fear something bad would happen- I have not been given the green light to go to "normal" foods yet...
  15. lml32937

    Chewing Gum . . .

    Thanks- To be totally honest I really dont know- There were so many no's involved (gum, straws, soda, bread, rice, sushi etc). I am being ANALLY careful so as not to mess up either "cheating" or with the band so for me personally a no means no like never again..... BUT having said that- when I get slinky enough to be comfortable and fly somewhere...you better bet your bippies that I will be chewing gum- Have to to prevent my ears from popping- Personally I think the gum thing is a bigger no for the porbability of swallowing it rather than the air part but who knows........
  16. lml32937

    Chewing Gum . . .

    My doc said absolutely no gum, no straws, no sucking air into the belly- I have used some of the sugar free hard candy when needed or the SF mints and they satisfy the need for now....
  17. lml32937

    Have you used CURVES?

    I am going to join when my doc clears me on 5/15/09 already went and did the tour and it looks great- and because of the lap band I get a discount- YIPPEE!!!! it works out to like 1 dollar a day and is right near my house.... Not crazy about the hours they have but I will manage... I am looking forward to it... right now- Walking is boring...
  18. I love tropical smoothie too-- I generally just order a regular and bring the rest home- it is so easy to re-freeze. Sometimes I only want a few spoon fulls... just a thought it works for me.
  19. YOu look fabulous! keep up the good work- it is very encouraging for a newbie like me!

  20. I just found out that my doc is scheduling our support meetings on the 2nd thursdays of each month- I wont be able to clone myself and be 2 places at once but pls keep in touch with me....lisa

  21. Bad news... I just found out that my doc's support group is on the 2nd thurs of each month so I unfortunately wont be at yours. I hope maybe if there isnt interest or we have cx or something then I can return- so having said that can you tell Margie (she was sitting on the other side of Jessica) to email me? I tried to eamil her and find her on myspace but her email address was invalid.... Thanks- PULEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ keep in touch with me....

  22. lml32937


    From the album: FUN

  23. lml32937


    It seams when I graduate to a new food or style (ie) liq to mushy- mushy to pureed- pureed to more solid.... the first time I try something new I get hiccups too... One time I know I was eating too fast but after I caught my breath and slowed down they were gone- MInd you I had only had 2 tsp of the food.. haha but I am learing to put my spoon/fork down between eacy bite and this helps a lot!
  24. You should notify your doctor- With your history of COPD you may have an underlying cardiac condition that may be causing you to retain water or which can ultimately effect your breathing as well. RE: Diarrhea- Maybe you picked up a bug at the hospital or something..... but most def call your doctor..... expecially sicne you are already on O2
  25. Ditto here... Viactive Caramel chews 2 per day- YUM! :rolleyes2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
