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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lml32937

  1. lml32937


  2. lml32937

    My Sexy Lisa

    From the album: FUN

  3. lml32937

    Relationship with Spouse

    Since being banded 4/2/09 My husband and I (8 years) have had problems but I know it is me. I think they put the band in and took the libido out... :crying: I have talked to my doctor and because I had a few other health issues it has been decided that I have had somewhat of a hormonal rush but in the opposite direction.... I have talked to other females my age who were also banded and they ahve also shared similar stories of feeling forced for lack of a better word to have relations etc and just not feeling like in the mood. For me personally- it has nothign to do with the way I look- I look better now than ever i just dont have the energy to do it....
  4. I am the "middle" people. I work VERY hard to have VERY little... I bust my A$$ to live pay check to pay check- And in doing my job I must submit to random drug screening which I have no problem submitting to dont get me wrong.... Being in the medical field for the the last 20 years and more specifically neurology at this point- I cannot tell you how many people have come into the ER strung up on dope with seizures, unresponsiveness etc... and are on Medicaid, Medipass, Disability etc.... I I have to work and their idea of "work" is to "work" the system then by all means they should have to submit to it too.... If they have the $$ to buy the drugs in the first place why do they need assistance- I couldnt afford to buy a bag of pot if I neded to and I work 40+hours and then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE are the ones that need to be cut off- The people on disability who doctor shop for pain meds and such--- THOSE are the ones who should be cut off... Rehabilitation only works for those who want to get help- Most of the people on assistance do nothing for themselves and expect everything to be handed to them therefore rehab wont work-Plus there are so many under or non-insured people who are struggling now there are just not enough beds/room for the truly down and outers effected by the economy right now.... The entire public assistance program needs to be revamped and re-become assistance- not a way of life... hrmf.. i feel better now...:juggle:
  5. If every recipient who was on any type of government assistance program was required to go thru random drug testing and lost benefits the moment they tested positive- thre would be a jazillion xtra dollars able to be spent elsewhere...
  6. lml32937

    Vitamin D

    2 years ago I had a severe vitD deficiency that was causing me a lot of other health related issues. When we found out I was put on a RX of like a million units every other day for 4 weeks then a daily dose of 4000u every day then after a few months it was creeping back to normal and I could do 2000u a day. At the time of my surgery it was normal and now I just use my Viactive multivitamin and if I start to feel any joint pain or "weirdness" like I felt before I will "pop" an extra pill that day... But once it got normal I felt 100% better and never would have thought that was the problem-- I live in Florida and dont "lay out" so to speak but I did make a more positive effort to get some more sun as well.... Hope you feel better soon!
  7. lml32937


    I NEVER burped b4 my band- now I can take a sip of water and sound like a grown man burping... :scared2:there are days that I am more out of breath than others- mostly around the fill time or my period cycle... Good luck with your journey...
  8. Do you have any secret for releiving gas (aside from farting?):scared2: I didnt know if beano worked or papaya or anything.... It doesnt matter what I eat or when- I have terrible gas (farting and shortly after burping) all the time.... NEVER had this problem pre-band...
  9. Hola mama... glad you found this.... you will find a ton of usefull info-

  10. For the last 3 days or so I have had this weird senstaion under my rib cage on both sides. It feels as if someone is sitting on my chest- I dont have any chest pain and am not wheezing- I am able to eat, no vomiting or diarhea or fevers. I feel fuller sooner since this started and was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I was home for the long weekend and was able to lay around but now that I am back to work and sitting and moving it sometimes is sharp on the left side- If I didnt know any better it feels like gallstones (but on the wrong side) and I have no gallbladder or appendix.... Weird huh? Any advice would be helpful- I have appt with mydoc on Friday. :tongue_smilie:
  11. lml32937

    Little known facts about you??

    1.Were You Named After Anyone? nope 2. When was the Last time You Cried? last night 3. Do You like Your Handwriting? yes 4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? publix sweet cooked ham 5. Do You have Kids? yes 1- christopher 6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? of course 7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? daily 8. Do You still have Your Tonsils?nope 9. Would You Bungee Jump? hell to the no way 10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? pre band- coco puffs after surg- shredded wheat strawberry 11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? no 12. Do You think You are Strong? mentally yes- physicall- getting there 13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? ben and jerrys chubby hubby 14. What is the First thing You notice about People? their smile 15, Red or Pink? neither 16. What is The least thing You like about Yourself? my current weight 17. Who do You Miss the Most? my g'ma 18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? jeans and tennies- blue 19. What was the Last thing You Ate? ensure yum yum 20, What are You listening to now? key board strokes 21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be?violet 22. Favorite Smells? the ocean, a baby, cool water perfume 23. Favorite Sports to Watch? ultimate fighter and U of Miami football 24. Hair Color?dark brown reddish 25. Do You Wear Contacts? nope=- must wear glasses 26. Favorite Food? pre band- pizza, cheeseburgers... post band- cottage cheese, string cheese, chicken 27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? def happy endings 28. Last Movie You saw? no idea 29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing? black 30. Summer or Winter? winter in florida 31. Favorite Dessert? pre band- any now- not too much 32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? st marten 33, Where would You like to Travel Next?anywhere 34. What Book are Reading now? how to loose weight with meditation 35, Where were You Born?dubuque iowa 36. Big Band or Rap? rap 37. Interesting Fact about Me? I will tell you like it is... i dont hold back 38. What did You Watch on Televison Last Night?big brother 39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? beatles 40. Do You have a Special Talent? thats a secret :tongue_smilie:
  12. lml32937

    Weird discomfort

    Well after my appt yesterday with both my surgeon and PCP it was determined the discomfort was from working out harder and using muscles that have not been used in like 4 EVER!!!
  13. lml32937

    Weird discomfort

    I know it isnt heartburn- I take 40mg of omeprazole a day- and yes i have been doing curves x 1 month- my workouts just got more intense last week- funny.. never thought it was that but now that you mention it it does feel like i just did a thousand sit ups.... weird....:tongue_smilie:
  14. lml32937

    Feedback on Curves Fitness Centers??

    with the curves smart program you are tested by one of the staff on each machine to check and moniter your endurance and strength and range of motion. the machines then light up red, yellow or green to let you know how you are doing based on how you tested. the program keeps track of how you are doing and lets you know how you need to excel and tracks your progress. it also tells you how many calories you burn each work out and the average for every 10 sessions. it is awesome because it also raises you at various stage from beginner to excellent as needed. i;m not an expert but i think i explained it right...
  15. lml32937

    Feedback on Curves Fitness Centers??

    I just got my 1 month measurements last night and lost 11.5 inches!!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally stoked! I also started the Curves Smart and it kicked my butt but I am looking forward to the more challenging work out...
  16. lml32937

    200 lb loss photos

    Congratulations! you are truly an ispiration to me! :thumbdown:
  17. lml32937

    United Health Care

    I have UHC thru my hubbies employer. THey paid 100% I only had to pay my $100.00 copay for the hospital. I had to get letters of med nec from my physicians but it wasnt a problem cuz I have been planning for a long time.
  18. lml32937


    Thats cool How did you start that? Good luck with your journey...
  19. I just had my 1st appt for a fill today and my surgeon could not feel/find my port even with Ultrasound. I am scheduled on Monday to go the hospital to have flouroscopy done for my fill and he will put in 2cc's. Has anyone else had this? I was very frustrated but he said not to worry it isnt my fault. He also said the first few fills are the hardest because when you loose more weight it is easier to palpate the port... Also I found out that even though I gained some weight since being back on solid foods my total weight loss has equaled 2 lbs per week since surgery- so up and down like so many others... how do you deal with it?
  20. lml32937

    same ole same ole

    I like breakfast burrito's or oatmeal bars. Some cereal without milk is good too- Strawberry shredded wheat is my fav!
  21. lml32937

    Breaking up with my Mom

    I have 2 sisters that I do not speak to and I do not speak to my mother unless necessary. Over the years we have had our issues and the older I got the more emotional baggage I carried because of her and one day I had a wake up call and said NO more... I stopped visiting, calling and my life now is so much happier! (this is the abbreviated version of course) There is a book I read by Max Lucado called Traveling Light. It helped me a lot to let go of a lot. Because you have such a financial tie to her it may be more difficult for you and I wouldnt wish what I have been thru on anyone- I am at that age and have many friends who's BFF's are their mom's and it cringes me inside that I cannot have that type of relationship with her... I have a great relationship with my dad and talk to him regularly which I know pisses her off too.... Good luck whatever you decide to do!
  22. Melissa right? How are you feeling? Missed you at the support group tonight... Lisa

  23. Hay! It was so nice to meet you tonight- It is nice to see our group getting bigger.. Feel free to email me here or at lml32937@cfl.rr.com with any questions or anything.. Good luck with your journey!

  24. lml32937

    IBS and the Band

    My IBS has actually gotten better since being banded. I no longer am eating inappropriate foods and feel better since exercising daily. I also have cut back to my meds to use only as needed instead of daily.
  25. lml32937

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    I was advised at my seminar and thru my own personal research that my surgeon and I would be come buddies for life. I was told at the seminar and by him pre-op that if we moved I needed to let him know asap and that he and his team would coordinate my care to where ever I was moving to- I thought this was standard protocol- obvioulsy not- I am glad I am not planning on moving but sympathize with all of your problems.... Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
