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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hope2bthinr

  1. I was going to say it sounds like they want Stepford Children....but someone read my mind. It sounds like they just don't want to have to deal with controlling the undesirable behaviors that naturally occur and are part of the learning experience, peer pressure results in correcting ones behavior when it deviates too much from the group norm, but there won't be any of that kind of learning in that environment. I wonder if this is some kind of experiment or punishment or if it's like that every day? I don't think I could leave a little bundle of energy in a school run that way. Where do the kids get to blow off steam and develop friendships? This is when they are figuring out who they are and their relationship to the rest of the world. What can they figure out if they're all just staring at each other in silence? Sounds like something you'd see in a creepy movie...

  2. I have to add two cents... psychos like that know the sort of woman to harrass that way, not to say you did anything wrong, but he was betting on the fact you'd be afraid to tell anyone and might be intimidated "for your daughter's sake" to go along with his blackmail. That creep needs some real strategic lesson learning courtesy of every kind of law enforcement and complaint system you can throw at him. It would not be overreacting to do every bit of what is suggested here. I hope you are able to provide all those lessons for him. He isn't the kind to hear what you say that is a "no". He needs it from all directions. Then, sure as anything he'll be telling people what a little c*nt you are for causing all these problems for him. Heck, I'd take my daughter and warn all the other parents about him. When he has no more business, he won't be around very much longer. I know you can't slander him but if there's a way to "help" the other parents see what kind of person is teaching their kids "the self discipline of martial arts" they might think hard about bringing their kids back.

    You go girl!! I hope it all turns out well for you and your family.

  3. chystynaw, so glad you are doing well. Keep up the good work!! Did your dr. clear you already to do that P90X work out program? It looks like it will kick anyone's butt into shape, literally!! LOL! I've thought about ordering that so many times....but I think I've contributed a fortune already to the diet/weightloss industry. The only money I'm gonna part with over this anymore is going to be my gym membership, a trainer maybe a little later, and this surgery. If there was one stock you could buy for the weightloss/diet industry, I would have made enough to retire already!! Because I have tried everything from phenfen to hypnosis and all that's in between.

    My update--When I thought I was done with all the testing and everything should be moving rapidly forward, it wasn't. My primary was supposed to send 5 years of my records to my surgeon, and it took a while to get ALL of them. Then, I have primary insurance with an exclusion clause but in order to satisfy Tricare, we had to submit and get a decline so that Tricare can decide to authorize and pay for the procedure. SOOO, now that's really ALL done and as soon as the decline is faxed/sent to the surgeon's office, THEN THEY CAN SUBMIT TO TRICARE FOR AUTHORIZATION!!! They already gave the surgeon a verbal and the written form is on it's way. So I'm probably within 3-4 days of finding out if I'm authorized and what my surgery date is!!!!! OMG!! OMG!! I can't believe it!!! I may not make an August date, but probably will in September. Depends on how quick I can get scheduled with the surgeon. OMG!! I'm trying to take off what I can before surgery so I will have that much less to lose. I've lost 7lbs over the last month so I am happy about that. I'm determined to keep at it whether banded or not, restricted or not. I'm gettin' closer to being able to say "I'M BANDED!!!" YEAY!!! Thanks for reading.

  4. I'll try to answer although I'm not banded yet...I've been reading a lot about what kind of diet to follow. Atkins starts out at 20 grams of carbs per day which is pretty hard to do unless you have nothing but high Protein and hardly anything else but green veggies. But I got this link for Lindora.com (clinic in CA) that offers online support and 10 weeks free through the lapband.com site when you sign up to track your online Lapband Journey. So I looked at it and bought the book.

    They have a little bit different approach, low carb, high Protein only for 3 days to start off and then low carb high protein with one veggie or one fruit at each meal, keeping carb grams between 60-100 per day depending on whether you're still able to lose weight. They claim rapid weightloss by this method.

    So to sum up, if you start out low carb, around 20 per day till you start losing and then increase till you're losing weight at a rapid but healthy pace, that would be what this program is recommending. No definite number, just what works for YOU. I bought the book they use with the program because I was intrigued and plan to do it once I'm banded and use the 10 week period to get a good start. The book is "Lean for Life". It's meant for all kinds of weightloss, whether you've had surgery or not. Found it on the internet through Amazon.com.

    I would have thought the nutritionist would have talked about this if you had to meet with one. There are also lots of other books regarding low carb diets. My doctor wants me to eat protein first always, then whatever else after I've gotten the protein eaten. But every doctor has their own opinion on the diet they want you to follow.

    Don't know if this helps, and you'll probably get all kinds of answers on the question with a wide range of recommendations. Good Luck!!!

  5. I don't have one traumatic thing that happened but rather a few embarrassing ones that got me to make the decision.

    1. Coming to the realization that I weigh 100 POUNDS MORE than when I was 30,

    2. being so off balance because of the weight I took a really embarrassing fall in front of a whole bunch of people and nearly busted my ankle a few years ago,

    3. riding on a plane recently and could just barely get the buckle to reach the receiver but couldn't get it to buckle so I faked it rather than ask for an extender,

    4. got up out of a Dr office waiting chair and the chair got stuck on me when I stood (full waiting room of course),

    5. and the big one is, I'm at the limit buying larger clothes, I'm not buying ANY MORE LARGER SIZES and I can barely fit in the ones I've got, so that's all there is to it.

    6. these are all besides the health problems slowly creeping up on me and not being able to sleep because of feeling like I'm strangling under the weight

    7. my back, ankles and hips and knees ache. I was never built to weigh this much.

    8. missing horseback riding, skiing, hiking, camping and other activities because it's just too uncomfortable or impossible with the weight being in the way.

    Bottom line... I just decided I need to be living instead of being a spectator of my life. Too many years have gone by feeling this way. It's time to change!!

  6. Hey hope2bthinr, Sorry you have to go through all of this I know it must be annoying beyond belief! Just hang in there it will all be wroth the wait in the end!! I hope things go faster for you!!! Keep me updated on your progress! Hugs :laugh:

    Thanks for the encouragement!! At least this is the last test I need, unless something comes up but I'm pretty healthy, so it's unlikely. Turns out I'm scheduled now :tt2: for the EGD procedure on Tuesday so just a few more days!! Then waiting for results from the echo and EGD to get to the surgeons office so they can submit to insurance....so I'm very hopeful I'll be an August bandster. :smile2: OMG!! I can't believe I'm this close....it seemed like forever...

    I can just imagine what I'm going to be writing when I'm on that darn liquid diet!! LOL! Stay tuned..... I may end up repeating your words!! HA HA HA :wink2: Really, I feel for ya. But it is all going to be worth it, very soon, if we all just hang in there. Right? It is going to feel so good to not carry around these extra pounds.

  7. Ok, I guess mine is going to be strung out a little longer....what I thought was my LAST TEST today, is actually a consult (uuuggghhh!! more money for nothing!! ok excuse me...money for the doctor for a 10 minute visit to tell me he's going to do this or that, then another appointment so another fee can be collected to maximize the wallet weight for the same dr.) and then the test is "scheduled" sometime in the next two weeks. One more delay. My surgeon's paperwork said she wanted the blood tests, Echocardiogram and endoscopic thing within two weeks of the actual surgery but won't file for insurance approval til they are all done. How is that possible if 1. the referrals to these test have to go through my primary to guarantee ins will pay for them just in case, 2. each referral for the test seems to take a week or to to get scheduled, then it's out a week or more 3. and all this is assumng my insurance will move on it fast. I'm sure Tricare will but it has to be filed with my primary insurance first and denied so that Tricare will then give the approval. So that depends on my Primary insurance acting on it quickly too. But again, the surgeon won't submit till all the tests are done...it's like a catch 22!! I'm hanging in there, trying not to get wound up about it but ggeeeezzzzz!! What a royal pain in the butt. Guess that's the price I pay for having extra insurance coverage.... When they told me yesterday that my appointment today was for a consult, not the test, I just want to scream and throw something. I guess because I don't have as much control over just getting the job done quickly and efficiently without big chunks of time going by. BBIIIGGG GGGGRRRROOOOAAANNNNN!!!!!

    I'm sure six months from now I'll be glad I can say I thought about this 8 months before asking for referral, then waited another 5 months through all the appointments so I had over a year to think about it and definitely didn't rush, BUT THAT'S NOT BY CHOICE!!! LOL

  8. Hey there! Congrats!! I'm hoping for the same outcome with Tricare. My LAST appointment is this thursday :lol: and I can't wait!!! All my appointments will be done and most were paid by my primary insurance which won't pay for the surgery (I have Aetna at work and Tricare Standard through my husband). I started out at the end of April and it just seems to take forever to get through this process. But then, I could have pushed harder to get all appts done sooner. I just didn't know how to coordinate all of it to get it done. I've never used Tricare before because I always carried and used my primary insurance. I sure hope they approve me as quickly!!! I don't think they'll have any reason not to :smile2:. Anyway, maybe I'll be joining the August groupies!! Woohoo!! I can sure relate to how excited you must be! I'll probably cry with happiness just to be done with the hoops. liquid diet? BRING IT ON BABY!!! (please don't remind me that I said this when I'm whining that I'm hungry later...LOL!)

  9. Princess, there are a lot of threads talking about different Protein drinks because apparently one kind doesn't work for everyone. Maybe trying samples of different Protein drinks would help you find one and a lot of sites offer that, a groups of sample sizes flavors so you can try them out without wasting a lot of $. In my support group there was someone that came and gave us taste tests. She also sells samples at www.greatprotein.com. I liked the chocolate. Didn't like the strawberry, but everyone has different tastebuds. And it's sold by someone that uses her own product.

    I'm still in the searching stage, pre-op as well. I've tried EAS low carb and they do the big D to me too, at least the chocolate fudge ones do. But taste wise, I love them. Those are in the grocery store and have 17 gr protein each. I've used Isagenix in the past as well, for dieting. It's available on the internet too. Then there are a lot of products at Bariatric Advantage on the internet too.

    I hope you eventually find one that you like, and I'm sure if you try different ones, with different kinds of Proteins, you'll find one that doesn't give you the trots!!

    Good luck!!

  10. SuzanneG!! Thanks so much for that info. I want to make sure ahead of time that I can get rid of that adhesive stuff. I have a mental thing about bandaids, tape, and sticky stuff in general, eeuuuww, and was worried about that. (I know, weird thing to be mental about!) I will have to endure it for as long as necessary, but now I will be prepared for when I can get rid of that icky stuff.

    mbranham, thanks for asking a very important question!

  11. I haven't had the surgery yet but from all of the stuff I've been reading, the FDA (food and Drug Association)approves the use of the gastric band and sets the recommended limits for BMI (in the USA at least) and the band makers themselves have recommendations for use as far as when the risk to a person of staying obese outweighs the risk of surgery. That's probably why you're having trouble finding a clinic or Dr to do it. I hope you are successful, but do weigh those things for yourself. Is it worth the risk? I know when I was back there at that lower weight, I still would have said "yes" knowing my genetics and family history, but that doesn't mean a doctor or clinic (or my insurance) would have agreed. What I would have given not to have gotten this heavy to begin with!!

    You might try looking for the approval recommendations from whatever agency reviews medical drugs and devices, specifically for gastric bands, in your country. Then see what the exceptions to the rules are. Lot's of research sometimes will help you understand the limits and also how they apply to your case.

    Good luck!! Sometimes if you just keep hunting for the solution, it will present itself. And I hope this info helps.

  12. HHmm, I'm thinking we did, otherwise we wouldn't have made all the missions afterwards, sent equipment to Mars or have a space station with a dozen+ people up there. Funny thing is though, I guess hollywood had to replace the footage because NASA erased it...so now it's touched up....and that almost sounds like an excuse for not having the original to scrutinize for originality. There are always conspiracy fanatics though that will make something out of nothing. I do have to say though that the equipment they took to the moon looks pretty cheesy when you look at it through our technologically advanced hindsight!

  13. I had a 20 year reunion I didn't attend because of my weight gain. (I was a state champion gymnast weighing 110lbs, and homecoming queen and now I'm more than twice that.) My 30th year reunion is in October and I'd like to go but don't think I'll get surgery till August and I don't think I'll lose enough by then to feel good enough about myself to go :frown:. So, my list of things in a perfect world would be to:

    1. run into some of those people and look really good in the near future,

    2. to dance without being self conscious,

    3. snow ski again,

    4. Water ski again,

    5. ride horses without hurting them!!

    6. wear regular clothes with a single digit size,

    7. buy my bras at Victoria's Secret just because I CAN!

    8. take new family portraits (none since 13 yrs ago)

    9. do my own pedicures

    10. get rid of back, shoulder, knee and foot pain

    11. See my mother just once without her asking me if I'm doing anything about my weight ( I've BEEN doing something, that's what got me where I am!)

    12. My husband is wonderful, the very best but I don't feel even one bit sexy or like doing anything in that department looking like I do, so I'd like to have desire again,

    13. I'd like to be able to clean my house and car without feeling run over by a truck.


    15. Run on a treadmill at the gym on the second floor without feeling like I'll end up on the first floor

    16. Run without feeling like I'm doing more damage than good to myself

    17. to have energy!!!!! this should actually be #1

    18. to swim without feeling like a whale

    19. to not be embarrassed anymore

    20. To sleep in skimpy little sexy nighties without "all that" hanging out

    Ok, I could go on and on..........

    But the best part is looking forward to maybe a year or two from now, I'll actually get there instead of taking off some and putting on more!!

  14. Thank YOU!! I guess I really didn't understand what they meant by that, the way it's written either. But then, policy manuals...what's perfectly clear to the writer may be perfect mud to the reader!! Thanks so much for posting what you found out.

    I had downloaded all the pertinent parts of the manual to provide to my doctor's patient coordinator (they hadn't done a preauth for lapband thru TriCare before) because I wanted to make sure they knew what the records need to say perfectly so I don't get a denial. I don't want to delay anything by having to go through the appeals process. Good luck to you!! and to all of us joining the journey.

  15. If you're talking about TriCare, it requires you meet the 100lbs over both the high and the low. Which just seems crazy because obviously if you're 100lbs over the high of that range, you are more than 100lbs for the low end. So why don't they just specify "you need to be 100lbs over the high end of the range for Metlife Height and Weight for the applicable body frame." Anyway, I read the particulars for Tricare which is the only ins. besides maybe Medicare/ medicaid that doesn't go by Body Mass Index. This is copied from the manual...

    B. In determining the ideal body weight for morbid obesity using the Metropolitan Life Table, contractors must apply 100 pounds (or 200%) to both the lower and higher end of the weight range. Payment will be allowed when beneficiaries meet all requirements for morbid obesity surgery including the ideal weight within the newly determined range.

  16. Wow!!! You look fantastic!! You were beautiful before and even more beautiful after. May I ask how tall you are? And what kind of eating and exercise routine you had?? I'm starting exactly where you did weightwise. Thanks for posting your pictures. They really are inspiration!

    BTW, I was born in Everett and I come back a couple times a year!

  17. Hey y'all, I'm using Tricare for the first time ever, to try to get LB too. This is very encouraging. I'm not sure yet how far I am from getting the paperwork submitted by my Drs. Can you all shed some light on hoops you had to jump through for Tricare and what weight/comorbs etc you had? I know what their policy says, just wanted to hear some personal experiences. Thanks all. (Sorry for hijacking the thread!!)

  18. Wow!! Sunny Rachel, I was feeing the same as abcan and thinking about all the failures and wondering "well, how will this attempt be so different? why should I try this thing knowing how big a failure it could be, financially asa well as psychologically?" Your post is so RIGHT ON!!! I need whatever therapy got you there! Heh, heh, heh!! You have some great insight.

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