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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by viprvenm

  1. Hello. I actually decided not to have surgery at this time. I have explained why in my post. I am doing very well right now and am very determined to keep up the positive changes I have made in my life. Thanks for the note! I appreciate any support.



  2. abbypoo - If only you knew... hehe!! I am sooooo ready for Thursday to come!!! The liquid diet has not been near as difficult as I had imagined it being and for that I am thankful. This is day 3 of that for me. How are you???

  3. I will start the Pre-Op Diet of liquids only on the 13th of this month. Looks like I am getting away with just one week. I got lucky I suppose!



  4. abbypoo - HaHa!! I do my weekly weigh-ins every Monday. I go for my Pre-Op class on August 13th & my surgery date is set for August 20 @ 9:30am!!!


    tripletmomma2000 - LOL @ the rope comment!!! I told me wife that another woman wanted to throw a rope around me and that she better get on this forum and defend herself. She read the comment and started LOL!!! We had fun with that one! Thank you for the compliment!!!



  5. abbypoo - I am so awesome to hear comments such as yours. Thank you very much! I feel great with the progress I have already been able to make. I am looking very forward to getting the band and having a long term tool to keep the weight off. Again thank you for the kind words & best of luck to you as well if you are seeking the band or weight loss of any kind.



  6. tripletmomma2000 - Yes I am at 64lbs and very happy! Thank you so much! I feel great already & can only imagine how I will feel with another 100lbs+ lost! Talk to you soon.



  7. Thank you tripletmomma2000! I am up to 58lbs now & looks like my surgery date is August 20th! Talk to you soon.



  8. Hey chatty... thanks a lot! I wish you well too on your journey. I hope you get a surgeon that makes you feel comfortable and you can relate with. I luckily got an awesome one. I think that helps so much when making such a life changing decision. Keep me and everyone posted on what you decide and what the doc says. Best of luck to you! Talk to you soon.



  9. sweetheart181 - I do not have a surgery date yet, but Dr Fox said that he was having the receptionist schedule me for August.


    Mary_Thompson - Hey! Thanks for reading and for your support! Luckily it has been easier than I thought it would be to transform my life. The workouts (walking & weights) are actually enjoyable & like most people say it really makes you feel great to do something for yourself. I have already had to change pants once to a smaller size & now those are starting to creep south! HaHa!! I love it. Anyhow thanks again & I look forward to hearing more from you as well!!! God Bless.



  10. sweetheart181 - I am using Dr. Fox and so far he has been a pleasure to work with. He is very caring and supportive. He lifts my spirits on my journey and encourages me. I started at a weight of 489 BMI 74. I am now at 437.5 BMI 66.4. I already notice a huge difference in the way I feel and I am still VERY heavy... I cannot wait to lose another 200lbs (another person)!!! Life is looking up now... and a lot longer in the future!!!


    jujuvee - Thank you for the kind words! This board has been awesome for the strangers that come and give you support! People like you help so much in my journey... I hope each of you know that! You keep up your hard work and I will follow close behind!!! Thanks again!



  11. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/so-got-some-work-do-93033/index2.html


    Thank you for your kind words. Soon am will post up a pic so that everyone can put a face with my name... I have not even thought to do so as of yet. It is gratifying to receive such uplifting support from nice people whom I have never met such as yourself. Please let me say Good Luck to you as well. It is so nice to have a group of people that understand in detail what it is like to go through this type of decision in our lives! I wish you the best and look forward to keeping up with your journey!



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