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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by blj5362

  1. My fill was just checked out 2 weeks ago. My doc actually added .3 I was just at 1. It seems if I go higher than the 1.3 I start to have major problems of reflux and PBing. I know in my head what I am supposed to do and have done it but my goodness now I am struggling I think mire than ever. Today is a new day Im trying very hard to stay on track. Thanks everyone I actually feel better just talking about it and that someone else understands what I am going thru.

  2. I was banded July 2006 and have lost right around 100 pounds gaining and losing those same few pounds over and over again. I can't tolerate large fills currently I am 1.3 in the small band and I feel restriction as long as I eat the type of food that I am supposed to eat. My problem is I am eating junk junk junk it slides right down with no problem at all. I know I have to work with the band to make it work I need to get that back into my head but I think I am getting tired now after 2 years of constantly watching what I eat. I know it is to be for a lifetime but I think Im getting burned out. Does anyone else have a problem like this and if so tell me how your handling it. Please, Ive worked so hard and I so afraid of gaining the weight back.

  3. I too have this problem. I h ave been banded since June of 2006 I have lost 101 pounds but recently I have been having some problems. It seems Im either to tight or not tight enough. I had to have a complete unfill for reflux reasons. My docotr wanted to give my stomach a rest so I was without any fill for 3 weeks. Now I am back at 1 cc in my band. My problem is I have gained 10 pounds and am afraid to go back for an adjustment because my doctor is leaving and Im afraid that if I start having problems of not being able to eat I will have to drive to Pittsburg which is about 3 hours away from to havea doctor take care of me.

    Now I am struggling with a 1cc and being able to eat way too much and not having a lot a will power to lose that 10 pounds before it turns into 15, 20 and so on. I can't let that happen. If anyone has any advice please please I am all ears.

  4. I have the same problem with heartburn. It starts out early in the morning and makes me miserable thru out the day. I started taking an over the counter acid reducer just an off brand name and it makes the world of difference. I take one every morning and it takes care of the problem all day long.

  5. Im just alittle over a year out and I do get frustrated sometimes about wanting to eat like I used to eat. I don't think that feeling will ever completly go away. But I have to say that the majority of the time I am glad I can only eat just a small portion of what I used to. Last night was one of those evening when I wished I could just eat a whole sandwich with a tall glass of milk. Instead I ate a couple bites of Peanut Butter and a couple sips of milk (Skim) and this morning I got on the scales and its all worth it. I am down 92 pounds yipppppeeee and you know what I feel great and would do this over and over and over again. I am finally learning to look in the mirror and tell a difference in me. Which everyone has been telling me for a long time that they could tell a big difference but I just could but when those scales said 159 this morning I took a long look in the mirror and I saw it for the very first time.

  6. TerriDoodle, I never thought about that. I had a few drinks last weekend and had problems eating the rest of the week. I ended up having a few more this past weekend and yep sure enough I am having the same problem this week. I am going to experiment and leave the drinks alone for awhile see if that makes it easier for me to eat. Thankyou.....

  7. Thanks everyone.....You guys really help me more than you know....

    rcorn, thanks it was so good to meet you finally, thanks for the compliments but I do have a ways to go before I meet goal and I guess I am going thru the denail thing of not thinking I look any different than before Iwas banded. I feel like I am still at 251. Anytime you need to chat feel free to contact me you know my numbers :-).

  8. Thanks, Iluvharleys.....I love your name hubby and I bought another harley this year and were enjoying riding so much. Our kids are grown now so we have the time to just take off and ride. Its kinda funny both kids keep asking us aren't you ever going to stay home anymore? Usually we leave Fridayafter work and come back home on Sunday afternoons. It can become very habit forming.

    I too am allowing foods that I wouldn't eat in the beginning I just need to get stronger again and JUST SAY NO :-)

  9. Well, Its been one year today that I received my band. All in all its been a good experience. I am down well sometimes 85 pounds sometimes 75 pounds. I had a dr app last week he added .2 more after taking out and putting back in over the last couple of months I am back to 1.4. He praises me everytime I go see him telling me how well I have done. He says I have lost 60% of my body weight in the first year and the norm for this surgery is 70% in 5 years. Well that is great but I feel like I should be doing better. I am kinda at a stand still right now. I can't seem to go below the weight that I am now I feel just as fat as I was before I started this process. I have to be honest I have been eating things that I shouldn't not alot but still doing so and I have increased my walking. Now I know I need to get back to being more strict with myself but I need a good boost and I'm not sure just how to get back on track again. My head just doesn't want to cooperate. Does anyone have any good suggestions in getting my head back on straight?

  10. PurpleGirl I felt the same way. What if it didn't work for me and I just knew that GB wasn't for me and that I had tried everything else that I could possibly try that this would be my last option. I was more scared about that than the actual surgery. I can tell you that it does work as long as you work with it. Sometimes I mess up and eat things that I'm not supposed to but the key thing is just not be to hard on yourself when you do. Remember we are human and we sometimes make mistakes. Just remember to get right back with the band rules and the weight does still come off. Now its not easy it takes lots of hard work and patience. But for me I am so very glad I had this done, and I think your will be also. Take Care

  11. I have tanned for 2 months now. When I first started I was alittle nervous about the scares from surgery but actually they look better now then before. The girl at the salon started me out at 3 min (I am very fair) and I bought some pretty pricey lotion but it was worth every dime. Now I am up to 20 minutes Tues-Sat using bronzers and extra lotion at home. The girl told me moisture is the key in keeping your tan longer. Walmart has a great lotion with Hemp in it makes your whole body feel soft and it gives it a little special glow.

  12. I have joined a wellness program at work, they did my screening this morning and gave me my results. Before my unfill I weighed 165. Today at my screening I weighed 174 and their weight range goes from 154-173 for my height @ 64 inches. So that means I am 1 pound from being on the high end of the target range. My goal is 150 pounds but I just had to share from their range I am almost at a normal size


  13. I also had to quit before my surgery. I used the patch and along with that I cut a straw the length of a cigarette and used it when I felt in need. But sad part of it is after my surgery I started again. But I 'm not giving up hope I want to quit for good I just need to find that secret on doing it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
