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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kristine73

  1. Kristine73

    emotional tsunami

    I was banded 6/08. I know how you feel. I think a lot of us have been, or will be, where you are. With the right toolsand a lot of passion/desire, a person can succeed at anything. I think w/the hoops you jumped through, you have the passion/desire. Just keep in mind the band is a tool and not a 'magic pill.' Give yourself some time to heal and learn to use this tool before you go down that road!
  2. I was hoping to be back at work monday. I do not have a physically-demanding job. But surgeon can't see me for a couple more weeks fro my post op. Basically 3 weeks after the surgery for the 'one-week eval'! GRRRR .... In order to go back to work, I need a note from him saying I am capable of working. I can't afford to loose 3 weeks of pay, I don't have vacation pay or sick days. I'm stressed over the bills that won't be paid if I loose 3 weeks of work .... I have an apt with my PMC on tuesday the 16th. Hope he'll give me a note, but he may don't want to step on the surgeons toes. On top of it all, I have fibromyalgia. All I know is that my fibro decided to go into full on flare. I am having a hard time walking, but I AM doing it. Between the stress and the pain, I am beginning to develop post-op blues Sorry, I just needed to rant.:smile2: I'm in pain, frustrated, scared and in fibro-flare to top it all off. *Though the pain is getting better, though the port-site is a pain in, well a pain in my side. Normally I am NOT a big baby. I've had 3 bikini-cuts, (endrometriosis, pcos, and total hyst) plus removal of my galbladder in 2007 and my tonsils last year. Let me say, I don't regret the band, i'm just overloaded w/everything else taht is being flung my way.
  3. Kristine73

    HELP Three days post op and hungry!

    do a Protein shake/drink. You can buy the powder and/or mixed drinkes at walmart. I had surgery on 6/08/09 and the shakes have been good. I was specifically warned to stay away from ice cream! I bought the myoplex Protein drinks at walmart. You can also get them at most CVS's or Walgreens Good luck
  4. Ok, I know I made the right decision, but I hate the day before and the morning of surgery .... I wish I could sleep through all of this, LOL! I'm trying to keep busy, three loads of laundry down, kitchen scrubbed clean, as well as bathroom. I'm thinking of washing the car .... think I'll think more on the last one, LOL! Maybe I'll play another game of mahjong. Blah ....
  5. Kristine73

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Well, some men are sneaky little b*st*rds. They seems to think, "All I have to do is ram this in there before she figures out what I'm doing. Once it's in there, she'll look at me at say, "ohhh you big stud, thank you for showing me what I've been missing all my life!" :wub: As some have said, a woman needs to be relaxed and a willing participant! Just think of a woman putting on a strap on, sneaking up on your ass w/o your permission :crying: .... yeah now you know why I call it the "rear sneak attack" :drool:
  6. Kristine73

    Questions about Liquid diet

    Hi, my doc recommended prescriptfit, which you can find at: PrescriptFit, Medical Nutrition Therapy and Weight Loss Plan Figure 2 tubs/week. I'm a vegetarian so I didn't try the Soup. But, the shakes are very filling. I know with slimfast and such, I was hungry w/in a 1/2 hour after drinking them. The prescript fit shakes kept me full for 3 to 4 hours. I lost 10 pounds the first two weeks on the shake. And that included one meal out with friends to olive garden. Good luck
  7. Kristine73

    Would you get breast implant.....??

    After gaining and losing over 100 lbs, twice, my boobs are no longer "perky." :thumbup: I'm afraid that after the surgery weight loss, my boobs will be like golf balls in saggy socks. So yes, i will save my pennies and have something done to make my boons resemble healthy 35 year old boobs. :party:
  8. Kristine73

    Do you douche?

    This may be a stupid question, but I've always wondered how you treat an yeast infection w/yogurt? Does one eat it or 'apply' it? If it's eating the yogurt, then it it would seem to lead back to Probiotics as many yogurts have acidophiles in them.
  9. My surgeons office took a 'before' pic the other day. I hadn't thought of getting one for myself ... I run from the camera but maybe I'll have hubs take one later this week ... surgery scheduled for 6/08
  10. Kristine73

    Angry with shallow husband since Lap

    My hubs tells me everyday he loves me. He kisses me good morning and good night. But I can't remember the last time he initiated sex. Shoot, I can't remember sex :cool: Last night he told me he could wait for me to get "all sexy," again .... huh Personally, that hurt. I love him and I have never said no to him, unless I was sick or hurting (endometriosis and PCOS). I've been up and down on the scales over our 16 years of marriage. He's always told me that he loves me no matter what and no matter the weight. But, when he made that comment last night, I got pissed. I begged, cried and bribed for sex .... rarely happens. I'd like to say that when I get 'all sexy' again, I won't be petty and push him away to show hom how it feels, but right now I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind.
  11. Kristine73

    Why do women have anal sex?

    I've tried it and didn't like it. I tried it relaxed and, nope. And I had an ex-who tried the rear sneak attack ... well I couldn't sit for a couple of days (or so it seemed) and he found himself out of the relationship. Trust is key with me. I'm married now, but when I was single I made it clear what my limits were before we hit the bed ... I don't have too many limits ... so it's not like a man was getting a 1/2 hour list ... more like 3 "Don't do this, I don't like it" things. If you can't trust someone in an intimate setting, then you can't trust them anytime ... so buh-bye! My hubs said his ex-wife liked it when she was preggers .... he's not into, for which I am thankful. He thinks it's a little too 'gay' for him. I have a lot of male friends and I'm not shy when it comes to discussing general sex stuff with people. When I've asked men who are into anal why they like it so much, there seem to be two top answers, 1) it's taboo and 2) it's tighter. I don't know too many women who like it. Or, maybe they are just embarrassed to say they do, lol. On a hygiene note, don't go from the anus to the vagina with out proper cleaning of the penis or device used, as you can introduce bacteria into the vagina and get a bacterial infection.
  12. Kristine73

    Public Service Message

    too funny! I think we need a sense of humor to deal with life! I have surgery June 8th, I'll have to watch out for the ankle slippage and port-in-the-ass entanglement! :cool:
  13. Kristine73

    Banded 5/5/09-bandster hell

    I am scheduled to have my surgery June 8th. My doctor's office requires us to go through a 'nutrition class' that explains how our diet should change after the lap band and what to do to make the liver as healthy as possible before the surgery. I was told that there would be weight loss the first 10 - 14 days after surgery, due to swelling. However, once the swelling goes down, I was told to expect some weight gain and not to let it get me down. One the fills start, the weight gain will start to slow and weight loss will begin once restriction begins to be felt. I was also told I wouldn't feel as restricted via fills as I will from the swelling. They also made a point of telling us that we are responsible for our weight loss. The lap band won't negate the calories in pizza and ice cream, LOL! I'm not saying that your weigh gain is due to improper dieting. It's most likely from the swelling going away. Good luck and don't try to beat the numbers on the scale. I limit myself to one weigh a week. If I weigh myself more, I try to beat the scale and end up sabotaging myself ... not good.
  14. Kristine73

    Hostility from the jealous unbanded

    No, I wasn't alone with the creep of a doctor during the exam, there was nurse there. They did an ultra-sound on my ovaries and it was when he came back into the room to go over the results with me. Every sense, I have demanded that my hubs be allowed in with me, when he's there, and I havn't had a problem. I had endometriosis and PCOS (though I was not dx'd for either until I was 21). My hubs would always go with me to important appointments. I know I am very lucky to have a supportive hubs. But, it took him about 6 months to become comfortable with this procedure. Moonbeam, you need to do what ever possible to ensure that you get the level of care you deserve. I've found it's better to send letters along with making phone calls. The higher-ups can ignore a phone call, they can't ignore a letter. Good luck
  15. Kristine73

    what do i do

    Also, you may want to check with ins policy. I know mine has something that says if you had an appointment/procedure that was referred to you by your doctor and you went through with the appointment/procedure before you received a denial letter, you can refile it so that you are not harmed, financially. It's basically an after-the-fact appeal. But, I also agree with eviebell, wait for your EOS. Good luck Kristine
  16. Kristine73

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    This is a great idea! My surgery is scheduled for June 8th! Woo-hoo! :cool:
  17. Kristine73

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Woo-Hoo! I am scheduled for surgery on June 8th! Pre-op is June 2nd. I have been on the Prescript diet for roughly a month now. I can't wait to start the journey towards the me that I know is in there ... HEALTHY and HAPPY! :cool::smile::bat:
  18. Kristine73

    Hostility from the jealous unbanded

    I would think of all people, a nurse who knows the risks of morbid obesity, would not be so negative. I'd have asked for another nurse or a supervisor. You can always write a letter to the hospital about the behavior of the nurse, w/o getting into to much personal detail. I've done it before. When I was young, naive and just married (19 yrs old) I wound up in the ER for an ovarian cyst. The doc would NOT allow my hubs in with me for the exam, even though I requested. Then when the doc was alone w/me he started telling how he likes to beat women. My hubs was (and still is, lol) 15 years older than me. When I got out of there he could tell something was wrong. When I told him he was furious. When we got home he typed up a letter, had me read it to verify that every thing was valid then mailed a copy to our ins co and the hospital. We got a letter of apology from the hospital and the doc and a copy of our letter was going to stay in his file to haunt him where ever he went. Our ins o wasn't to happy with the doc, either. Ok, sorry about the novel, the point is that is you feel the nurse crossed a line with you, the only way to let her know it's not acceptable is to put it in writing and fire off a copy. I am in college studying biology, I want to teach. But many of the courses I a taking are pre-reqs for the nursing program. What we learn aout how obesity effects the body truly opened my eyes. That nurse has had training and should have applauded you for being pro-ative in your health. Kristine
  19. Kristine73

    a non-supportive spouse...

    I have lost over 100 lbs TWICE! The, gained it all back, plus some. So, in my mind, I have a 100% failure rating when it comes to my 'keeping the weight off' ability. My hubs sees it as a 100% success rate because I DID lose the weight, twice. I've explained to my hubs that I am doing this for my health. I don't want to "expire" in 10 years because I can't keep the weight off. So, I look at this as a preventative measure. I don't mind dieting to lose the weight. This is a tool to help me NOT gain it back. He's ok with that. It took him awhile to come around, he never told me NO. He's more worried about the surgery and any pain I'll have when recovering. Good luck with your surgery and your relationship Kristine
  20. Kristine73

    How do you NOT drink with meals?

    I don't have a date set for surgery, yet. I've been practicing getting in the habit of not drinking w/meals. I don't like to drink w/a straw. But, I am a gulper, when I drink a bottle of Water I can down half of it in a few gulps. The past few days I've been drinking w/a straw. I notice w/a straw, I sip. I understand drinking w/a straw introduces air into the stomach, so I hope by my surgery date I'll be able to sip w/out a straw and not drink w/meals. Good luck Kristine
  21. WOO-HOO! :crying: Now, my PCM just needs to fax over the surgical medical clearance that he was supposed to do last week. I am sooooo excited. If I could, I'd do back flips. So, now the journey begins! Kristine
  22. I haven't been banded, yet. However I am a vegetarian and asked my doc about post-op issues. They just told me to stay away from string stuff like pineapple chunks, asparagus(sp), ect. I eat veggie burgers. My hubs is not a vegetarian and not too fond of veggie burgers. However, if I put a sunnyside egg on it, he loves it. The runny yolk might help it go down better. Just a thought. Good luck! Kristine
  23. Kristine73

    College Student in New Orleans

    Hi, I live outside of Hammond, la. I, too, am waiting for my band surgery. I am a college student, as well. I'm a few semesters from my associates degree. I work full-time, to boot. I am hopeing to have the surgery before the fall semester starts. I chose not to take a summer class in hopes that the surgery can be schedule soon. If not, then it'll have to wait until winter break Kristine
  24. Kristine73

    doctor holding records hostage

    I had this happen when I moved from one state to another. I was told whenI get to my new doctor, file a requst for my records and they'd send them. HA! Wound up being a lot of stress. I had to inform myself. As previously posted, you have some recourse. But, you need proof you've made these requests. Put it in writing that you want the a full copy of all your records. Also, that you want your doc office to comply w/other medical offices, as it pertains to your health. Send the letter registered. They have to sign for it. This solves the 'proof of contact' thingy. Also, keep a copy of the letter for your records. Also, put it in the letter that failuar to comply w/this request will result in you notifing the AMA, HIPPA, your ins co, the better busines bureau. And here's the biggie that the doc's don't want you to file a complain with because it follows them everywhere w/in the state ... the State medical board. My new doc had my medical records w/in a few weeks of my old doc receiving the letter. Good luck Kristine
  25. Kristine73

    Have anyone tried Wii Fit?

    I've never been a 'gamer.' Last game system I owned was an Atari (sp) system . I've been interested in the Wii Fit. Please keep us posted on how it works for you. Good luck! Kristine

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