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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kristine73

  1. Kristine73

    I got approved today!!

    Woo-Hoo! Welcome to the first step to the new you!x:thumbup: I was nervous and anxious, too. I got banded 6/08 .... I had a rough first week. But, I'm totally happy I made the decision now. I LOVE my band :tongue: Good luck
  2. Yes, you do look beautiful! And Kudos to you. I can't see your face clearly in the pic, but from what I can tell, yes you are model gorgeous! I think part of the problem with me is that where I work, they've seen me lose the weight once before. I was a size 7/8 when Hurricane Katrina hit. All the weight I've gained since is not the fault of the Hurricane. After all, Katrina DID NOT force food in my mouth. When I was skinny before, I'd wear short skirt and sexy tops and go have lunch with my hubs during his break at work. He loved it! Of course, then I only worked part-time and wasn't in school, so I had time to pop-in here and there, LOL! Right now, I'd feel sexy in a size 13/14! I am also not content just to bob around in my life like a buoy on the Water. I am 35 years old, I work full time and I am also a full-time student. I am studying biology, which I think I'd like to teach. Maybe some of the hostility comes from the fact that they've seen me go from a size 24 to a size 7, once before. I gained the weight back. Weight has been a life long battle for me. Here I am fighting the fight a second time and many of them complain they can't begin to stick to a diet.
  3. I don't think I imagined what I experienced. I've gone through some of the treatment before when I lost 100 lbs. Then two catastrophic things happened that triggered 'uncontrolled emotional eating:' 1) *Mother-in-law moving in and 2) Hurricane Katrina. *M-I-L and I DID NOT get along. I don't work in the office, I work out in the field. So I can go for weeks w/o running into certain people. As far as the band being available to everyone, well there's an price for it. Where we work, there is no health insurance. I get my health ins through my husband, who retired from the military. If I didn't have the ins, I wouldn't have been able to do this. I am not ashamed of the band or embarrassed that I got. I am proud that I was strong enough to start this journey.
  4. I was told it's be about 6 months months. Well, 3 months later, here I am banded, LOL Good luck
  5. Kristine73

    I've been away because...

    If you go back now, you will be in more danger than ever before. I grew up w/an abusive father. It took my mom years to finally break free of him. At first she'd take him back believing he meant what he was saying "This time." Or, so thought two parents were better than 1. Well, the last time she took him back, lets just say that he brought out the guns, literally. We got away. I was 16 when we finally got away, so I am old enough to remember a lot of the crap that he pulled. I haven't spoke to him in years and plan on keeping it that way. No matter how well parents think they 'shield' the kids from what's going on, trust me, kids know. Stay strong, stay safe and protect both yourself and your children. I don't know their ages, they may not understand everything, right now. But down the line, they will know mom fought tooth and nail to protect them! :thumbup: Hugs
  6. I have tricare prime. I don't know which tricare you have. But, yes you need authorization. I find dealing w/the people over the phone aren't as 'educated' on all matters. Most just have a basic knowledge to pick up key words and transfer you to this department or that one. I don't know about tricare, but I do know w/another health ins co, phone reps were trained to keep phone calls under a certain time. Fast call-turnovers translate into 'effenciency' on paper. I think there is a dept you can call about trouble logging on. Ask if they have 'on-line assistance.' Most places do. Maybe you can call them and say you are on vacation and need to print a temporary ins card (wink wink) and they can give you your code. Good luck and try to enjoy your vay-cay
  7. Kristine73

    Bandster Hell AND Surgeon Hell

    I am so sorry you had to go through this! :smile: If I were you, I'd be on my computer writing a letter of complaint to the ins co, hospital the surgeon is associated with and the surgeons office. I hate doctor w/a "God Complex." :wink: My doctor's office is very supportive. We had to go to a nutrition class pre-op. It was made clear that after the band was put in, we will have weight roller-coaster. Sometimes the scale will go up. Also, sometimes the scale may NOT move for months, AKA the dreaded plateau. The key is to NOT get down on ourselves. But, rather try and identify any thing we may be doing different. Did we go to a wedding and go through the buffet line twice and have 3 slices of cake? Did we not exercize as usual? Are we NOT eating enough? We need support in all areas. Is there a 'fill center' in your area? Someplace that takes out-of-town banders? One thimg doctor's seem to forget is that they work for US! Even if you have ins, you pay your premiums and co-pays. So, yes you are still paying for the doctor. Would you take that behavior from anyone else you hired to do a job for you? Keep your chin up and tell the surgeon where he can put himself and his 'opinion'!
  8. Kristine73

    June 2009 Surgery

    I'm a vegetarian and I don't drink a lot of dairy. The shakes the doc wanted me to drink where based on whey (dairy) protein. I actually got thrush (yeast infection) from the shakes. Look in the mirror, do you have a whitish film on your tongue? If not, most likely not thrush. May just be pre-surgery stress. Hope you feel better
  9. Kristine73

    Weight Watchers and the band

    I joined WW for a few moths last year. I live in a small town. So, people believe all business is their business. I got sick and tired of the pettiness of some of the WW members that had been their the longest and had met their goal. Those of us that came in to lose weight were treated like lepers for being 'fat.' If I had met my goal via WW, I'd try to inspire people rather than putting them down. Needless to say, I quit going. I lost 20 lbs while on WW and every time I tried to get the 5lb star for my bookmark, I was told wait till next meeting. I went to a meeting in another town and people there were more supportive. But, I don't have the time or the gas to drive an hour (one-way) to get to WW meeting. Just keep in mind you made the best decision for you. No one should make you feel down for doing what you deem best for your well-being
  10. Kristine73

    post op meds?

    I was given about 3 days worth of liquid loritab and anti-nausea meds. I bought some liquid Tylenol for adults at wal-mart and use it as needed. My surgery was 9 days ago I haven't used the tylenol on 2 days. But, at least I have it. You'll also need multi-vits, chewable or liquid.
  11. Kristine73

    Does DH's opinion matter?

    My DH wasn't all that happy about the surgery, didn't want to talk about it. I'm only 35, but weight has been a life long battle for me. He wasn't thrilled the day of the surgery, 6/08. But, he was there and took 3 days off of work to be with me. Turns out that while I was having surgery, a co-workers 55 year-old sister was having a triple by-pass. She didn't make it. That shook him up alot. He came home, gave me a hug and just said, "I finally understand why you chose this." You need to do what is best for you. It would be better if he was with you, both for support and stress relief. Hopefully he'll come around! Sending positive thoughts and hugs :wink:
  12. Kristine73

    Does Anyone Use Bariatric Advantage Products?

    Yes, I use the multi-vitamin's that also include vit D. I also use the iron. Both are chewable. My surgeons office handed out a few samples at the nutrition class we had to take pre-op. You may want to ask your doc's office if they have any samples.:wink:
  13. Kristine73

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Woo-Hoo! Finally, I slept through the night! Well, I did wake up once for a pee-run! But, no nausea, horrid gas or pain keeping me up! I an finally see the light. I think I am going to try a 'mushie' for lunch. I've been on liquids since my surgery on June 8th.
  14. Kristine73

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hi, I had surgery June 8th. Today has been one of the best days, so far. That spasm feeling may be one of three things that I --> who is NOT a doctor <--- can think of: 1) Swelling of stomach and your stomach rebelling against the band 2) gas 3) My surgeon put a little Fluid in the band during surgery to prime the band and didn't pull it out. So I had a 'restricted feeling.' After a night of nausea and vomiting, I went to the surgeons office and that was the first thing they wanted to check. Sure enough, they pulled out fluid. It made a world of difference. It set my recovery back a few days, but now I am seeing the light. The surgeon suggested I drink luke warm fluids to help 'sooth' my spasms. It did help. Hope some of this helps. If something like Gas-X and/or warm fluids don't help, CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Also, you may want to call the surgeons office and ask that they call in something for nausea! Hope you get better soon!
  15. Kristine73

    Need some advise

    Have you had a lipid profile lately? Many people don't realize we need good 'fats.' Yes, loss of 'good lipids' can cause hair loss. I'd get some blood work done, really look at my diet and tweek a little hear and there before considering another surgery. There are more malnutrition worries w/the sleeve than w/the band. So, really look at your nutrition now. I know someone who has a sleeve and she swallows vitamins/supplements all day long.
  16. Kristine73

    and i wait...

    Good luck! I have triare prime. I knew w/in a few days. I actually knew before the surgeons office called to tell me I'd been approved. I keep going to Tricare's site and logging in and looking at the 'referral' section, LOL! I was so excited when I saw the approval! Enjoy your vay-cay!
  17. Kristine73

    Time off from work

    I had surgery 6/08. I arranged to take a week off. Now I'm working on week 2 off. I don't have pain from the surgery site. When the put in the band and port, the fill it (prime it) with saline to make sure there aren't any leaks. Well, my doc left some saline in. So when the swelling hit a certain point and with the 'partial fill' it completely closed up the stoma and I had a horrible night. They pulled out the saline the next day. However, that set my healing back a bit. If I were you I'd plan for 7-10 days off. But, if you feel like going back to work in 3 days, then go. But if you need more time you have it. As my hubs says, hope for the best, plan for the worst. I don't see my surgeon again until the 25th. Where I work, I need something from my doctor saying that I am 'fit for full duty' before I can go back to work. I am hoping my PCM will give me something tomorrow.
  18. Kristine73

    lap band pain after surgery

    Yup, I get pain around the band site. When I feel air stuck in there, I lightly tape my chest above the band (gently, like burping a baby) and that will sometimes lessen the pain and help the burp along. I've also noticed that sitting, or laying in certain positions, I can feel the band. I love sleeping on my left side. I can't do it, not because of the port pain, but because a 'tugging' feeling w/my band then the gas begins. So it seems, for now, I can only sleep on my back and right side.
  19. Kristine73

    Expected weight loss on post surgery liquid diet?

    After I had a total hyst .... I gained 10 lbs from a 6 day stay in a hospital, 5 of those on iv fluids. I was devastated. I was explained to me that it was normal and anyone who read my chart and the amount of fluid pumped into me would understand. Please remember after surgery, we need to heal, not worry about the scale.
  20. Kristine73

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I was banded 6/08/09. I have had a few 'set-backs.' I am still on liquids, to swollen for mushies. I was doing good yesterday. Even went on a short wally-world shopping trip. Then at 3:30 am, I woke up to a 3-hour episode of stomach retching, burping and a wee-bit of vomiting towards the end of the 'episode.' Poor hubs was frantic. I was so weak I promptly crashed on the couch. I'm finally feeling good. I've been sipping chicken broth all day. They also repaired a hiatal hernia. So, I don't know if that plays into my not-so-speedy recovery.
  21. So, last night around 3 am, I woke up nausiated, burping and vomiting. I called the docs office and they saw me at 1 pm. Turns out when they put in the band they fill it to make sure there are no leaks. Well, they left in 1 cc. Between the swelling and the 1 cc fill, it basically blocked my stomach. The nurse practioner had to rough up my port incision to be able to hit the port w/o going through the incision site. Can I just say OUCH?!? On top of it all, I started running a faver. 101.6 when I realized something was wrong. I took some loritab, which has tylenol in it. Fever seems to be going down. I am just so frustrated. I know once this is all over (healing) I'll not think twice about my decision for this band. But right now, I'm worried that I may have made the wrong choice. The worst part, I was going to move mushies tomorrow and now I'm back to the diet day1, only Clear liquids :confused:
  22. Kristine73

    Tired of it!!

    This is a tip I picked up somewhere, can't remmember where. But, when eating out, ask the waiter to have the chef cut the portion in half and put half on a plate to serve and the other in a 'to-go box.' This cuts down on temptaion and should cut down on people monitoring how much we eat. I just got my band last week, won't go out w/friends until about 6 weeks, at least to eat, LOL. But, I plan on using this method. And think about the upside, you get meals for the price on one!
  23. Kristine73

    Tired of it!!

    I live a small town. I had wanted to keep my surgery to myself. I told hubs this. I guess it went in one ear and out the other. The 'story' was supposed to be hiatel hernia repair. Well, hubs told everyone who asked that I was having WLS. He didn't do it out of spite or malice. He just didn't 'think' when he answered .... grrrr but so far, everyone has been possitive But I do like lipstix64's suggegestion to "Tell them to shut the fuck up and mind their own business!"
  24. Kristine73

    Does anyone measure food?

    Myndoc made it clear that I WILL gain back some weight between surgery and finding the 'sweet spot.' Between the swelling going down and not feeling quit as full, I will begin to change portion sizes. This is where the scale commes in, to keep portions consistant. Don't beat youeself up if you gain a couple of pounds. It will come off!
  25. Kristine73

    did i make a mistake?

    Call your doctors office. They should have an answering service. Let the answering service know what is going on. They'll relay the message to your doctor who should call in an anti-nausia med. In my packet, it lists vomiting under the "CALL IMMEDIATLY" section. Good luck and keep us posted

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