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Status Updates posted by Carriedaway78

  1. Heather, that is so awesome! Congrats on your 100 pounds, you must feel so great! Way to go. I'm sure you've actually lost more since you left that message. :-) And your new profile picture looks great, you look like a whole different person!


    Sounds like you had a fun 4th!


    I haven't tried a liquid diet. I should though. Thanks for the advice. I have to go see a doctor. Since I moved to Illinois in March, I haven't seen a doctor to follow up on my lap band. But now I got a new job and am working 40 hours a week, so my time is really limited. But I really need to go see a doctor because my progress is totally stalled. Oh well, I'm sure I will figure it out and get it fixed! You are an inspiration, keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Heather, congrats on the 5 pounds, that's awesome!!!! This past Friday I lost one pound. This week hopefully I'll lose more! I've lost 40.5 lbs so far. My goal is 50 my Labor day! I know what you mean, I'm 254, I want to get into the 240's as well! So what is your total now? Over 60 right??? That's awesome!!! :)


    Your weekend sounded fun! What movie did you see?

  3. Hey Heather! Wow, it's been a while! CONGRATS on your loss, that is so awesome! I bet you are super excited!

    IL is going well. Settling in well. I have lost 92.5 lbs so far. The loss has really slowed this year, but as long as I'm heading in the right direction, that's all that matters. I hope you have a great holiday!

  4. I know what you mean. As you said every lb is one closer to goal! I know that it seems like a far way off, but look how well you've done already! You'll be there in no time. Hopefully I won't be too far behind, lol.


    OH awesome! Have a great time at the concert! That's bound to be a great time!

  5. I think at this point, I'd take a lean cuisine! lol, I'm getting sick of plain chicken and fish. Oh well.


    Thank you! I will let you know how it goes! I know, I'm looking forward to those meds in the hospital! :)

  6. See, I need to think more like you! lol. I am already thinking about all the gravy and mashed potatoes and pies...I didn't even think to bring salad or anything like that. I guess I was just thinking about what my mom will have there to eat...But I can make it work, I've got the willpower...I think, haha. And a walk is a great idea, work off the dinner you just had. I might do that as well.


    I'm kind of nervous about Halloween now that I think about it. I usually pass out candy at my moms and it's going to be hard. But you know, I could tell her to get candyI don't like! Good thinking Heather! :)


    And yeah, I totally love cookies too. How could you not. ;)

  7. Thank you, yeah I'm already feeling better as it is!


    Don't stress about that, I'm sure you're doing the best you can. When you weigh yourself tomorrow, you may well be surprised, you never know. And like you said, if you did gain a little this week, you know that next you will have it right off and then some! Keep up the positive attitude and good luck with your weigh in tomorrow! :)

  8. That sounds like a really nice 4th! Very relaxing I'm sure. What beach did you go to this past weekend? It's been so long since I've been to a beach! LOL


    Oh no, I'm sorry about your weight loss...BUT at least you're still losing right? Good for you! You are doing great. I'm sure you'll make that goal for 6 weeks. Haha, I would probably have the same reaction as you to what your doctor said. Even though we know that's ok, we still want to lose a little more! ;) My loss is going alright. I have 3 cc's in a 9cc band. I have my 2nd fill next Thursday. I'm looking forward to it because I'm still not having any restriction. Everything is will power still. I lost 5 pounds last week and only half a pound this week. Oh well, I'm happy! My 4th was nice, it went by too fast though!


    I'm really glad that you are having a nice summer! I heard that it's supposed to be super hot later this week, so maybe you'll enjoy that more! Have a great week!

  9. That's great news! I know you can do the 21 lbs by then! I'm going to have to go to livestrong.com.


    Thanks for the heads up. I go for my first fill June 29th, so 4 weeks from today. I'm so ready for it, I still have quite an appetite, although not eating too much.

  10. Wow, 50 that's awesome! You should be so proud of yourself. I bet you feel great already. Did you have a nice time with your mom?


    I actually slept on my side for part of the night last night, the most sleep I've gotten in days! And I have alot more energy today. I am getting through the weekend pretty well. Today will be the true test because my parents are bbqing steaks and having baked potatoes, while I'll be having blended soup. But that's ok, I go home after dinner tonight and it won't be as tempting! How about you? How do you handle it now when you can actually eat when people have bbq's and stuff?

  11. Alright, that's great! Keep up the good work! 2 pounds a week is great, and the healthy way to do it too! :) The diet is going alright, not too bad. I'm down 10. Less than a week and I can actually have broth and jello, lol. I'm excited. My surgery is going to be at Henry Ford Bi County on 10 mile and Schoenherr. I can't wait!

  12. Heather that's awesome! 75 lbs, wow, that's amazing! Congrats to you. And I wouldn't say that's slow at all, that's about 10 pounds a month...just think of where you were a year ago! That's so great to hear that you say life is great. I have had some ups and downs personally lately, but am trying to get into that mindset as well. I know that once I get to where you are, I'll feel the same way! You are inspiring! :)

  13. Hey girl, not sure if you are in Disney right now, but thought I'd check in to see how you are doing!

  14. Hey Heather, I hope you are doing well. I just had some questions I wanted to ask you about your surgeon...I see that he is located in Troy? Do you like him? Is it easy to get appointments at his office? Where exactly is his office located? I am considering switching surgeons and want to find one that I know would be recommended! Thanks for any info you can give me! :)

  15. Hey Heather, it's been a while since I've been on the site, just checking in to see how you're doing!

  16. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how life is treating you! :0)

  17. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how you are doing! How was your weekend?

  18. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how you are doing? How was your 4th of July? Are you having a nice summer! TTYL!

  19. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how you are doing???

  20. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how you were....

  21. Hey Heather, just wanted to say Happy Holidays! I hope you have a great one. I hope you are doing well!

  22. Hey Heather, so glad that you had a great time! I'm jealous. lol. Yikes, the bathroom 5 times! not fun! I hope you have a good holiday!

  23. Hey Heather! Glad you are doing great and had a nice New Years! Mine was good too! Hey, I grew up in Sterling Heights! :) Hey isn't your one year bandiversary coming up?!?! How exciting!

  24. Hey Heather! I know, it had been awhile for me on here too! SO glad to hear you are doing well. I'm sure you will lost those last pounds in no time now that you are hopefully over the plateau! I have also hit a plateau, part of it is my fault but part of it is the band. I haven't been eating the best foods lately, but also, everything and I mean everything, seems to get stuck. But it's not because I have too much of a fill, the doctor isn't sure why it's happening since I don't have that much liquid in there. ANyway, hopefully I will get past that soon! Are you enjoying the summer? Any big plans?

  25. Hey Heather! I'm doing really well, been pretty busy too! I'm down 65 lbs and feel really good, still don't have a ton of restriction though. I haven't tried another doctor yet because I decided that I'd wait until my next appt with my surgeon, which is in 2 weeks and discuss my issues with him in full detail. If after that, I'm not satisfied, I'll go somewhere else. How are you? How's your loss going? I bet you're doing incredible! Anything else new?

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