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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BPM

  1. The efforts of my increased riding finally paid off. I knew I was fighting a sushi night that made me hold Water because I actually gained a lb on Friday right after accepting Telly's challenge.

    I am down 4lbs over the weekend if you include that water weight....nearly 3lbs without it. Either way...the 2lb mark has been exceeded.

    I also went back to my lifting roots over the weekend...and went from 3 meals a day to 5.....5 small meals and actually increased my calorie count from what I had been taking in from about 1300 a day on average to about 1600-1700 a day on average.....my metabolism was screaming. Even though I ate more....I was hungry almost constantly.

    It rocked....and I hope it wasn't a fluke and that it continues.

  2. Mall walked this morning....about 3.5 miles in just under an hour.

    Logged 10 miles tonight on the bike....in again...just under an hour...which on a Mtn Bike...isn't bad for my 3rd night out.

    I ate perfectly today...clean, no added salt or sauces, 50% Protein, 35% Carbs and 15% fat intake.

    If I don't lose weight tomorrow....I'm breaking something.


  3. No, no, I don't. I really was just curious. I've seen you post elsewhere, but never heard you say that you had decided the band wasn't for you. I should have looked at your first posts when you were researching, before I asked. :doh:

    And really... would it matter if I had an issue with it? :)

    Anyways, congrats on your loss so far!

    Cool...no it wouldn't matter :heh: I guess I was a bit defensive. It seems as though some on here will tackle you to the ground and try to force you to believe that their choice of Weight Loss method is the right way and me choosing to forego the band I thought that might be coming. No hard feelings I hope.

  4. BPM - sounds like we are both in the same boat - so to speak....researched, researching, and made great friends here who support us on our choice of weight loss :) just like we support those who have the band, had the band or are in the process of getting the band

    the way I see it - we are all 'in the process' of losing weight - one way or another :biggrin1:

    Ditto...I still may end up banded some day...I haven't completely ruled it out but I am more determined this go around than ever before. Something just clicked in my head and I said I can do this on my own....I am pretty confident I can do it.

  5. Hit Twoterville sometime between July 6 and July 12 (went from 301.08 to 296.06, but I don't weigh everyday so I don't know exactly when I got there). Twoterville rocks! Especially after being SO close to 400 lbs...

    I'm 10 lbs away from having lost 100 lbs. I have roughly 6 weeks before my 6 month bandiversary. Here's to hoping, and hoping, and hoping I can Celebrate 100 lbs lost by September 1!!!

    Rock on with your bad self.

    I wish I had the self discipline to not weigh every day. Maybe after I am a few months in.

  6. MoOrLess...

    But the difference, from what I gather of you, is that you WANT the band, and are technically 'pre-band'. You're here researching, like most of us did, before banding. He doesn't want the band... so I wonder, why would you want to be part of a support group for 'Bandsters".

    Sorry to hijack the thread, but he brought up a 3 month old thread anyways.

    I didn't bring up the thread...someone else must have voted in the poll which brought it to the top of the forum....I thought it was new.

    Argon...I may be taking your posts wrong......I do that from time to time....but do you have an issue with me posting here or you in fact just curious?

  7. I'm not sure what brings BPM here - but I am not banded either -- and quite frankly - I listen every day and gather info about the band - have various reasons (Medicare, finances for fills, etc) why I am not banded - but I have been embraced by a great group of folks who encourage and cheer me on daily - so that is why I am here - even without a band :)

    Ditto. I came here researching the band...and I was quite close to choosing it as my option but after reading numerous posts of people overeating the band I realized that even with the band you still need to be mentally strong.

    I think I was looking for a magic wand that would just do the work for me...and I think all would agree that nothing is capable of that...at least not without a price.

    The time I spent researching here......attached me to the site. I like it and many of the people here are very inspirational to me. No matter how we are accomplishing the goal.....we are all after the same thing so we can all relate to each other.

    That's why I am here.

  8. BPM, you are going to be very disappointed very often, then! Nature doesn't calculate things by hours or by days -- the human body adjusts weekly, monthly, and yearly, on its own natural schedule. Losing weight will happen the same way you gained weight - unevenly and over time. Most women, for example, will go through a part of each month right before their period where they won't lose any weight. Plus, the more exercise you do to build muscle, the less you are going to lose in pounds. However, you WILL lose inches. Pounds are only ONE way of measuring weight loss.

    You will find over the course of the next year that you will have short and long periods where you don't lose many pounds. Your body is going to go through adjustment periods every few months. Almost every experienced Bandster has experienced this. You just have to keep doing all the right things. If you hold yourself to such an impossible standard of losing the same amount every day, you are going to place a terrible pressure on yourself, and you will be disappointed.

    Well...a couple of points.....I am a man...so the period thing probably doesn't apply. :guess (Thank GOD)

    I don't expect to lose 2-3 lbs a week the whole time....what I said was this "early" on in my process....I expect to....and I will. I can't set my goal to anything but high....if you aim low...then you hit low. If you aim high...then you hit high. It's been my mantra in my career all my life and has worked so far.

    If I burn more calories than I consume...then I will lose weight. I don't expect to build much lean mass while in a calorie deficit...it is nearly impossible. The best I hope to do is not lose any of my current mass and make what I have harder and more efficient.

    I completely expect to have plateaus....just not yet. :heh:

  9. And from an uninvolved bystanders point of view...I don't think what Dody said was as heinous as some of you are making it.

    People generalize.....all the time.

    If you get wound up every time it happens....you will have a long and unhappy life.

    One thing that is guaranteed to work...is to eat less than you burn and exercise helps that tremendously. How you accomplish that is up to you.


  10. I guess it depends on how you define a platuea. For me I don't consider myself in a plateau until I hit 4+ weeks of no loss in weight OR inches. If you're losing either, you're not in a plateau.

    You guys need to be very careful about your rationale during weightloss. Not losing pounds for a week, then thinking that not drinking Water is a solution, is *not* healthy. 2 days of now eight loss isn't a stall, it's "normal". Did you expect to lose weight every day until you hit goal? scale obsession is a bad thing. :) Weigh once a week. Weigh once a month. Ideally, don't weight at all and go by measurements or FFM.

    Christa - you've lost nearly 18 lbs in 22 days. Do you REALLY think the cost of your band was a waste?

    4 weeks to be considered a plateau? No way....that just won't cut it. I can give a day or two here or there....and if I were cheating I could understand but not when I am being nearly perfect with strong exercise.

    I could also understand as much as a week or so...once I am deep into the loss...but this early....I expect and I will drop weight at least 2-3 lbs a week.

    We'll see what tomorrow brings.....as for water.....drink it like a fish. I would never cut back on Water to try and lose weight.

    I am going to ride my bike.

  11. By the way Tricia...you also have a very pretty face.......I will be happy to comment on the rest when you have a full length picture available...

    If anyone out there tells me I have a pretty face (see my avatar)....Iwill kill them!!!!! hahahahahahaha

    I don't know about your face...but that's a good looking Boxer....here is a pic of mine at about 5 months of age. He's nearly a year old now and much bigger and more muscled.



  12. How often do you guys hit a "plateau"?

    I seem to have hit my first one. Two days in a row with no weight loss despite minimal calories and strong exercise.

    I did have sushi last night....not a lot of it....but maybe the soy is holding Water?

    I have had measurable weight loss nearly every day since I started 3 weeks ago...so this has me perplexed.

  13. Another 10 miles today. We (wife and I) rode the same route.

    I did it much faster but it hurt more. My seat makes my entire crotch go numb and lose feeling. My butt is ok....it's the other that can't take it. My bike has a racing seat on it and it's very small and points upwards where it seems like it shouldn't.

    I am going to try buying a new seat today and see how that goes.

    Oh yeah...... :faint:

  14. I haven't made any Soup in about a week as I was growing a touch weary of it. We made a big batch of the White chicken Chili instead. I think it's time for the soup again...I like having it available when I want it.

    Does it freeze ok?

    I am down about 21 lbs since I started around 4 weeks or so ago.

    I am alternating lifting weights and aerobic exercise on alternating days...with an hour or so of mall walking added in when possible.

  15. What I personally like about the bike is that it is low impact and you can stay in "the zone" for a long time so you will be burning fat rather than muscle.

    Plus it's great fun...at least once your in shape enough to enjoy it. :heh:

  16. I would love to ride my bike more than I do. The one thing that stops me is the seat... it is soooooooooo uncomfortable. Its a good bike $$$$ the seat is on springs like and it is cushiony but OUCH! still hurts.

    Congrats on finding your love again :eek:

    It will hurt for a week or two but if you stick to it then your body adapts and you won't hurt a bit. The key is to stick to it the first few weeks. You could also try a Gel Seat they sell in most bike stores or even Wal Mart has em for some extra help.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
