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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BPM

  1. Ok guys, I just dont understand, I am doing exactly what the doctor asks me, Im going to crack down harder tomorrow, but as far as I can tell I would swear that I was doing it right????:think

    Ive been crying for about a week in realization that Im not losing weight and I havent lost a pound since October, and now my bandiversary is coming up and I have only lost like 30 lbs, which is a lot I know, but its not enough ya know???? And my sister is just a downer about everything because she admires ppl who drop weight fast, and I know she doesnt know any better (shes not the brightest in the world, but she makes it alright) and my mom thinks I am making it up when I cant eat certain foods and have to go throw my food up if it gets stuck because she cooked something that I cant eat. I have first bite syndrome so I drink something warm b4 meals to open up the band, which works well as long as I drink it well enough in advance and dont eat stuff Im not supposed to. I really hate that I am having to have one of these entries, but I really need some support. I may start keeping an online eating journal so that I will have to post and will have to do right so I can post and not be embarassed. I had my blood tested and everything came back normal as usual. I just really need to LOSE WEIGHT, Im 18 it should be falling off.

    I dont eat white bread, rice, oatmeal, or anyhting that is on my list (I understand that some of your lists allow different things, but for my surgeons purposes I try to avoid what he says to so that if its not working in a few months I will have something to show him that he cant disprove).

    Im not eating Snacks (Im only supposed to have 3 meals a day, and 3 meals only.)

    Im working on the Water situation now Im up to about 3 glass which is about half of what I should be drinking, but its an improvement from none.

    I have 3 of the longest weeks in my life left with my parents before I move and I dont want to fight with them anymore. Mom swears Im lying and making up problems, and Im not, I wont even tell her anything is wrong with me anymore. She thinks that because I have the surgery then I dont get hungry allllll day, but I get hungry when its time to eat (breakfast, lunch, and supper) And Im finally eating the right portions, but its been a month of this and I still havent lost a pound!!!!!!! Nor a size, or anyhting, in fact I feel bigger than I ever did before. I guess Im more aware of it. Im afraid if this isnt fixed then Im going to dive into depression again and I dont want that, Mom threw away my anti-depressants she said that she didnt think I needed them anymore, or ever, that they are a bunch of crap and have no affect. When I know I need them to function, tonot her the negativity in my head..

    Ill tell yall right now August 17 will NEVER come soon enough!! Ill miss em' but I wont miss the nagging and (pardon me) bitchin that I have to take from my mother, she needs antidepressants and I need them also, and until then we will never get along.

    P.S. my skinny friend that has never worried about her weight EVER gained 10lbs (taking her from 107 to 117) during the pregnancy that she is trying to lose and all she does is call herself a fatass now, and she never did that before so now I cant hardly stand to be around it....I mean I weigh twice as much as she did while she was pregnant!!!!! Id give anything to be that healthy. Im supposed to weigh about 115 after I lose ALLLLLL of my weight, and at 210 (on a good day) I dont see that happening, and life's just not worth living when you spend and whole year's worth of tuition on a surgery and its not working for you. I want to be healthy, I dont care about how I look anymore, I just want to be healthy. Im tired of spending weekends alone because I dont get asked out on dates by anyone that someone in their sane mind would go with (and that is seldom). Even people with mental and physical handicaps have made fun of me when I would NEVER have said one negative thing about them! Im just on a pity party tonight, its been a bad day with my sister claiming herself to be fat when she could go on trimspa for a damn month and lose every pound and look like a super model.

    I dont even like junk food. I like tofu and seafood (just not catfish) and grilled beef and venison and stuff and Mom doesnt like it so she doesnt cook it to help me out and fries EVERYTHING and claims shes on a diet! And she has no idea what healthy is..........

    I dont know, kudos to anyone who reads this all the way through I appreciate your support in just reading it.........:faint: :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint:

    I didn't read a single mention of exercise. It's critical...more so to some than others...but if you actually are eating right....and not losing then you need to exercise.

    You mention what you eat.....how many calories do you take in during a given day?

  2. LisaG,

    All I can say is that Cannondale is nothing but the truth!!! I understand it was specially designed by women, at least the one I have which is an Adventure 400. I cant wait to get it out on a trail and really put it to the test.

    Depending on your idea of a trail...it won't be the bike that gets tested....it will be you.

    HUGE transition from pavement to dirt...unless it's hard packed and smooth trail.

  3. I definately suggest against riding with any kind of music. If you cant hear traffic, you are much more likely to get hurt!

    I don't see many cars on the sidewalk and I can't hear traffic when I am in my car.

    I also don't see too many cars on the trails I ride.

    Do you have any facts to back up your allegation or did it just seem to make sense to you?

  4. I don't think ALL men are low life dogs. Not at all. Like I said. I enjoy playing devil's advocate. Makes for interesting conversation for all who can handle it. And I absolutely would not be mad at you making the generalization of "all women are assholes". If that was your opinion I would respect that. And for the record. I know just as many cheating women. I read back over my posts and I did sound very anti-male. I promise I'm not. I apologize for that tone. I don't believe the "statistics" that it is mostly men cheating either. I think the amount is probably alarmingly the same between men and women.

    Well obviously. Who do you all think the married man is cheating WITH?

    My theory....Men brag about it...Women are ashamed of it. You hear about one...and you don't the other.

    Makes sense to me.

  5. You are absolutely right about him stating his opinion. and no, as far as I know my husband is not cheating on me and never has. Same scenario as most the other women in this thread. I always seem to know where he's at, unless of course he doesn't go to work when he is scheduled to. I doubt that of course because we work at the same place. Like I said earlier. I just enjoy playing devil's advocate. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

    Yeah me too. That's why I wanted to remind you that using your own logic...your husband is likely cheating on you....of course...this is YOUR logic...not mine.

  6. If you can fence your yard and put in a doggy door so they have all day access..then get a big dog. If it truly is going to be an inside dog...the go with a toy breed.

    I have:

    A 7 year old Chihuahua....fantastic dog and not anything like the stereotype of small dogs.

    I have a 5 year old "Daschua" Daschund/Chi mix.

    I have a 2 year old Rat Terrier.....Holy hell on 4 feet. I love her to death but she will run you ragged and wouldn't make a good indoor dog.

    I have a 1 year old Boxer....also an incredible dog. If you are stuck on a big dog...do some research on these dogs....they are incredible....and I would highly recommend either a Boxer to the big dog fan or a Chi to a small dog fan.

    As you can see.....we are dog lovers.

  7. Can you show me one place where I said anything about having a negative outlook on MY marriage. And it is not a rediculous generalization. It is MY opinion. I don't think my opinion is any more "rediculous" than yours. I'm pretty sure I made a point to say "MY OPINION". Maybe you missed that.

    Well...using your logic....your current husband is cheating on you too....that seems like a negative outlook to me.

    It is your opinion...and he was posting his opinion of your opinion. That's how this stuff works right?

  8. 10 lbs is not a relapse and not a reason to avoid a fill.

    Go get filled, get back on track and start exercising.

    If you keep procrastinating...the 10 will turn into 20..then 30...then 40....

    you see the trend right.

  9. I feel the need to defend the male species and point out that women...are just as guilty.

    Brad Pitt......or Larry the Cable Guy?

    Which makes you swoon?

    :heh: :confused:

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