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Posts posted by BPM

  1. Yes. It used to take me 2 hours 15 minutes to do the 35 mile trudge. Now It takes me a little under 2 hours and I have 3 kinds of bikes. 1 is a Trek racer (which I used yesterday) - it's a 5k bike - carbon frame

    Columbia - Mountain bike, I use often but this one kills me, not as light or as fast - $350.00 bike

    Mongoose - Mountain bike, Wal-mart but great bike either way. $259.00 bike

    There is another bike that I never use anymore. It was 60.00usd but the kids use that one.

    Cool...which model Trek?

  2. I do absolutely great all day long when i'm at work, but i have realized that when I get home and get in front of my TV my body is automatically trained to eat. So I start craving food and go after it. Now I LOVE my tv time and am not willing to give it up but I know i have to replace my eating with something else. Any ideas? In the meanwhile I think i'm giong to go trash alot of food so I don't binge (on my 100 calorie snack packs). What else should I do to get out of the habit of eating when i'm in front of the TV.

    Any ideas? Anyone with a similar problem?


    I think you are fighting a losing battle without dropping the TV time. Get out of the house, exercise and you won't even miss the food. It works for me at least.

    Good luck either way.

  3. For the record...the poster that this thread is referring to...was not bashing god.

    Only an imbecile would have taken it that way.

    Now THAT...was a bash.

    Very different.

    I swear the first few months on here were so enjoyable and everyone seemed content....now all the drama queens just can't leave well enough alone.

    Go exercise, ride a bike, take a walk....but quit pissing and moaning already!


  4. I understand why places wouldn't want to accept the cards - but I do think they should accododate customers with WLS and it's not that I think they owe me anything like Babs said,,,, I just think they should do it if they want to keep customers. I am not going to pay $10 to eat at Golden Corral, or anywhere where I can't take the part of my meal I don't eat to-go. But if Golden Corral wantrs my friends, family, and husband coming in - they should honor the discount - because those people aren't going to eat without me, and I'm not going to go there if I have to pay $10. I'm sorry, but money is an issue in my family, and I don't have much extra money. If Golden Corral wants to lose me as a customer, they should remember they are also losing my husband, my friends, and my parents too.

    Also, if they have a problem with people copying the cards - I'd be happy to show them my scars!

    This might have already been said but if you expect a buffet restaurant to charge you less because you eat less....then I would assume that you would also be for them charging fat people who eat a LOT more?

    Same principle right.

    How about airlines....should skinnier people pay less for a ticket than fat people?

    Don't get me wrong...I think it's considerate of a restaurant to do that if you ask but I don't think it's right to get all indignant and upset about it if they don't.


  5. A few short weeks ago my goal was to finally weigh under 300 lbs......now it seems like I am really making progress.

    Another week or so and I will weigh 280 "something" probably for the first time in 6 or 7 years.

    What strikes me as odd....is so far it has been easy....at least the diet part of it. I rarely have cravings, I have only "cheated" once with a Dominoes pizza and I don't struggle with that part.

    I think it's all your mindset...at least it is for me. Once I finally (thank god) made the decision that I was fed up with being fat and making excuses.....it's been an easy road since then. I hope that it continues....and the NSV keep piling up. :nervous

  6. Rode the same 12 mile course tonight....I am keeping the mileage the same and trying to up the intensity and cover the same distance in shorter time. Tonight was my fastest night so far with an average speed of right at 15 mph for the 12 miles.

    First night started out with an average speed of right about 9-10mph so the improvement is coming rapidly.

    I am going to get about a month worth of base miles in to build basic endurance and then add distance and interval training to build power and muscle.

  7. For the first time in my life I have joined a gym... a real gym. Yes, I did a few Water aerobic classes at the Y, but now I have a personal trainer! YIKES!

    I weigh 327... and I am scared. What do I wear? Will the muscled meat heads stare at me?

    Any hints:paranoid , suggestions,:nervous stories:o , encouraging words:eek: from you would be appreciated.

    If you don't want anybody stereotyping you because you are fat or making fun of you while you work out then why would you use a term like muscled meat heads?


  8. Hey people,

    This is mostly just a rant but if any one has any thing to add please do. I have been obese my entire life. And it had become such a problem that I had surgery to help me overcome that difficulty.

    My husband was a bean pole until we married. Since we got married he has steadily gained weight. He is now what is considered borderline "fat" not obese by any means. 190lbs 6ft. but he has a pretty big tummy, little to no muscle, the doctor told him to exercise and lose a little fat and gain a little muscle

    Tonight i fried him 2 eggs for dinner, 3 slices of ham and 2 slices of buttered toast with a mug of chocolate milk. This is not a normal dinner, it was ment as a treat because I came home really late and to make up for it I made him one of his favorites. When he was finished he said he was still hungry. I asked him if he wanted me to cut him some fruit, or if he wanted a yogurt. No, instead he got a bag of chips and ate the entire bag.

    He keeps complaining about how fat he's gotten. His brothers wedding is next month and his suit that we bought last year doesn't fit, we have to buy a new one. But yet every chance he gets he will eat something bad. Every time we go out to eat he stuffs himself until he's sick. He eats everything his mother wouldn't let him have when he lived at home, every chance he gets.

    To boot, his parents blame it all on me. It's me and my "American" food thats making him fat.

    You think I would be more understanding because of my own problems. I know it's hard, and I understand it's hard. But I'm at a loss for as what to do or how to help him. It's hard enough dealing with my own weight issues and now this.......

    This is my take....nobody can help someone else with their weight issues....you either make the choice to change or you don't.

    I am sure if you reflect on your own struggle....your strength to finally do something did not come from him...but rather from you.

    He needs to make the same decision for himself.


  9. Cool...that's where I bought my bike. Tim and Henry are great! You'll enjoy their service. If you ever need to bring it in for service, let me know so I can come say hello.

    Yep I agree...we have a good bike shop here in Augusta named Andy Jordan's bicycle but they didn't have what I wanted so I ended up in Columbia.

    I've had good luck with both Henry and Tim...I just wish they were slightly closer to me but that's life.

  10. I belong to an online triathlon site. BeginnerTriathlete.com Check it out, its a very supportive and informative site.

    I already checked that one out. Tons of information....I am concentrating on weight loss for right now....then I will start a focused training plan once I hit 250 ish....which I hope to be by the end of this year.

  11. I've had chronic back pain since the age of 17 but it flared up really bad yesterday. I have no idea what I did to aggravate it, but I'm paying for it now.

    That sucks. My wife struggles with the same thing....she is missing a vertebrae in her lower back....born that way. Everything is fine normally but if she works her back hard it tightens up like steel.

  12. 4 miles mall walking.

    13 miles on bike...avg speed of 15 mph.

    Going for my first 20mph ride tomorrow....try to keep the avg. speed up around 14-15mph. Will depend on the amount of hills. :Banane27:

    I haven't had a chance to ride much in the last week due to being out of town for work.

  13. Hey PC I am in SC too. I live in North Augusta.

    I noticed that most of the triathlon activity in the state is in upstate...greenville area.

    I hope to be at or near goal by the end of February...goal being 200 ish.

    My wife loves to ride the bike but I don't think she will be into a triathlon but she continues to surprise me though.

  14. Me personally I am going to start with local Sprint distance Triathlons to learn the ropes. I have never done it, never been to one, and only have seen parts of them on TV....but I figure I can swim, I can ride, and someday I will run.

    I haven't even attempted the running part yet...not til my weight gets to a more reasonable level.

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