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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BPM

  1. I have been cycling and have added a membership at the Y to pump Iron...but I try to find activities that I truly enjoy to get my exercise like the biking.

    Anyways....we have some great places to kayak and I think it would be an amazing upper body workout to balance my cycling and then the gym would cure whatever I might miss.

    Anyone do it?

  2. Show me a child anywhere, of any social background who has NOT blamed someone else for the choices they make (i would also extend that to most of the adults on this planet as well). It is easier to put blame on others rather than accept it yourself. There are awful parents all over the place whose children turn out to be wonderful people, on the same coin there are wonderful parents who do everything "right" with plain old rotton children. In the end we all make our choices for whatever reason we accept at that time. And you know what? In 100 years kids will still be blaming their parents or someone else and there will be this same argument going on...who is to blame? ...Will we ever learn? (i doubt it).

    This isn't my fault. :nervous

  3. Im assuming from your response you must have kids that are in this situation and you feel offended that I blame the parents. As i said the parents are almost always to blame when a child becomes addicted to drugs. Even Sharon Osbourne admitted it was the fault of her and her husband that 2 of thier kids became drug addicts.

    Do some research on crime and drug abuse. You will find that the majority of the time it started from poor parenting

    Again...ignorance being bliss....you make assumptions about people you don't know and end up looking foolish....I have no children.

    I am not necessarily arguing with your point...although I do believe people make their own choices......but more the tone of your prior post. You had a holier than thou attitude about someone else's faults...when simply by being a lap band candidate or patient....you have a whole lot of faults of your very own.

    We all do.

  4. Are you kidding me ? It is almost always the fault of the parents. Children are a reflection of the parents. She had 2 young kids go into drug rehab while she was off being a celebrity. Is that just a coincidence ? Do you really think it`s appropriate for a mother to be using such foul language in front of her kids on a daily basis? Wake up !

    Ignorance must be bliss I guess.

    I don't think it's appropriate for you to pass judgement on someone you don't know about something you know nothing about and then tell people you have never met to wake up because they don't agree with your uninformed view of the world.

    I am sure your opinion will differ as you must be the latest expert on everything to grace this website with their presence.

    Seeing as you know everything and live a perfect life...why exactly are you here? Maybe you too have imperfections in your life?

  5. Are you joining a gym? Many gyms will give you a few free personal training sessions, they can help you to set up a exercise program thats right for you. As far as weight limitation I don't know, but you can def. hurt yourself if you do not know what you are doing.

    Start slow...it isn't hard to figure out but personal training sessions would help.

  6. I'm not sure about the thermogentics. My doctor says absolutely no caffiene. It's bad for the heart and can be stressful on the body. I would think that the exercise and weights and diet changes would be enough. What does everyone else think?

    If you ask 10 doctors of their opinion on caffeine...you will get 10 different opinions.

    Many studies show several positive effects of caffeine while others show negative effects.

    I myself don't use any kind of thermogenic anymore...I have tried them but I think you are right...the diet and exercise is the secret weapon...most thermogenics secret ingredient is a diuretic which shows a quick initial weight loss for first time users and they start thinking it's a magic drug.

  7. I just wanted to pout about my weight loss being so slow. It seems like as soon as I got a fill I lost a few pounds then it just stopped. So I just wanted to boohoo about it cuz I am having a feel sorry for myself day. Its like you lose eating and you are supposed to get being thinner in return but you dont or you dont get what you expect so the reward is so far out of reach its hard to keep your will power going day to day. I want to run out and get a giant bucket of chocolate icecream but I wont, I will just sit and mope instead. My doctors are all excited if I lose 4 pounds in a month but that seems discouraging to me.:cry

    Have you exercised at all?

    Just a thought.

  8. Congrads congrads you are the winner!!!!!!! I will send you out a gift card. you have one two. Do you want to play another one?

    The next game we will do , every one that joins in throws two dollers in the pot. doe's any body else have any ideas?

    JQ...thanks but a bit premature...the original post says October 27th. :grouphug:

    Won't matter....cause I am kicking it into overdrive...although I am going on a golf weekend this weekend with buddies who like to eat and drink.


  9. Well if you find that you have time..in the evening to watch 2 - 5 hours of tv or play on the internet.....then you have the time.

    You are doing great but just reminding you that your starting weight was fairly high. The higher the weight, the more you lose faster in the beginning.

    It's funny what we can find the time for if we are truly committed to something.

    I follow a very similar routine to the one above although I have not split my workouts to morning and night. I plan to start riding my bike and doing aerobic activity in the a.m. as it is getting darker earlier and then weight training and swimming at the gym in the evening when it is dark.

    So far...most of the exercise I have done is still riding my bike. I do it religously and I follow my diet almost to perfection. I eat carbs though...lots of them....almost 60% of my diet comes from carbs....but they are complex carbs like lima Beans, brown rice, vegetables etc.

    I think I am doing pretty good so far.....still a long way to go but my progress has been steady and my resolve has not wavered in the slightest.

    Knock on wood. :guess

  10. ....and I, for one, (though I'm sure I speak for many) am very very HAPPY with the mods for making a good decision and getting rid of the ENTIRE problem.

    Thank you mods; appreciated.

    I agree. I like the new No Idiots Allowed policy....well....as long as I get grandfathered in anyways.


  11. noooooo. if some people said what they really thought, half this place would get banned overnight.

    I for one think that's a great idea.

    The same morons keep starting the same threads and posting the same moronic BS that they posted in the last thread that got locked.

    If I owned the joint I'd kick all of them to the curb and let those who want to stay drama free...stay.

    It would be an idiot free zone....well...except for my posts. :heh:

  12. CHOOO CHOOOOOO!!! Ok...conductor is back. Who is doing the Soup with me? I am going out this weekend to replenish my stock. I have to say I am brilliant (in my own mind) for learning to freeze bandster portions of this and keeping it around for a quick snack and full meals. I am doing 6 meals a day, and this soup is perfect for one or many of my meals. I have also added Protein powder to the soup to make sure that i am getting a good amount of protein into each serving.

    How is everyone doing? I know that I have lost a lot, and am keeping it off, unlike what most of the nay-sayers have said would happen. So how is it going for you?

    I am done with the soup for a while. It got old for me quickly....maybe again in a few months once in a while.

  13. You're awesome, you go get it girl! I would be so happy for you! You can do it!

    I'm chicken...I'm sticking with 250. But, 235 would be incredible.

    Anyone else want to join in with their Christmas goal? We can start a list and track it each month? Let's "weigh in" each 25th. Since August 25th has passed we'll just use our current weight. If you want to join just copy the list and add your info in. (Julie, I'm using your signature weight, you can change it if it's not current.)

    Name August Weigh In Christmas Goal

    JulieNYC 282 235

    LapBandit 291 250

    Molly-I am so happy for you! You are doing great!

    I am in.

    BPM 288 230

    Bring it. :heh:

  14. Go Molly! You can do it! Keep that momentum going and come on over the border! I bet if you commit to fitday until you're "safely" at 295, you'll be there in no time. I lose the best when I'm tracking as well. As long as the head hunger isn't too bad, knowing what I've had and what my goals are really helps me to make the right choices later in the day (my danger time has always been dinner).

    Lapbandit, I finally decided my Christmas goal is 235. It's aggressive, but I do better with an aggressive goal. I'm not too hard on myself if I don't meet my goals, but if I meet them early, I'm prone to slacking off until I set the next one. So, that's 2.7 lbs per week. I know it's aggressive for a bandster, but I think I can do it.

    My X-Mas goal is similar....230 lbs by then.

    My current pace of weight loss will get me there with a bit to spare....

    I have only hit 1 plateau that really wasn't a plateau except in my head...so maybe I can keep the pace up but I suspect it will get harder and harder...at which time I will have to continue to increase the intensity and duration of exercise.

    If I hit it...it will be a Merry X-Mas. :heh:

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