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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BPM

  1. BPM

    Two New Discoveries.....

    I will try mixing 1 container per gallon...that sounds like it might be just right....it is way too sweet tasting for me mixed the way the directions say. Thanks for the advice.
  2. BPM

    Two New Discoveries.....

    The Wal Mart brand says zero calories. It was 1.75 vs. 3.xx for Crystal Light so I figured I would try it.
  3. BPM

    Just a Question???

    I'd say you need to have a slight unfill.
  4. BPM

    Two New Discoveries.....

    I am using Fruit Punch right now...it's a little sweet tasting...I need to dillute it. The teas are good too?
  5. Second the Crystal Light and all of it's variations.....it tastes great and it's less filling. :biggrin1:
  6. BPM

    New diet i found

    This soup is great! I am shocked. Has anyone found or bothered to look for the nutrition information on the overall combination? I track my food intake with a software program and would like to know. I am not doing the diet as a whole...but rather just adding the soup to what I already eat......and I have to say it's very, very good.
  7. Why do some have so much trouble getting the fill right? It would seem to me that if you use the fluoroscopy (sp?) then it should be a very simple process to get at least very close. Are most of the bandsters that are having such a hard time getting the fill right using doctors that don't use the scope? Insight welcome.
  8. BPM

    Pre-Op Diet

    Most will tell you that it is designed to shrink your liver which can create issues if it is enlarged during the operation.
  9. That is the highest charge for a fill that I have read and I think I have read nearly every post on this board. I'd complain to your doctor.
  10. BPM

    Marriage on the Rocks?

    I agree...the way you posted this makes you sound like an ass. You may not have meant it the way it sounds but that's the way I took it....and I too am a guy.
  11. I am going to be self pay so cost is an issue. Wish Center in the States (Texas is closest to me) or travel to Mexico. The cost for Rumbeault is similar to the Wish Center but WC is in the states and therefore would somehow magically make it easier on fills down the road as the local doctors charge a much lower price if you were banded in the states. So.....opinions on the Wish Center? It seems Rumbeault is nearly impeccable in his reputation so I have no worries there. I am also debating Band or RNY still as well.
  12. BPM

    Wish Center or Mexico

    I have no problem with Rumbeault's reputation...it appears to be impeccable. I am more after feedback on WC. I still for some reason think staying in country would be somehow a better idea in case anything goes wrong or to avoid issues with aftercare.
  13. Dr. C I was hoping you could shed some light on maybe why this issue occurs. It is not the right topic for the forum but this is the only forum I have seen you reply in. Why do most doctors in the US have self pay prices for cash customers that is double the amount that an insurance company actually pays the doctor for the same surgery? Self Pay seems be around 15k on average in the US from what I have seen with some lower and some higher. The insurance companies generally pay around 7k dollars for this surgery. That sure doesn't seem right but I know their must be a reason. What's your input?
  14. I have seen these mentioned with conflicting information so I figured I would ask for myself. What is the difference and what determines which one you get?
  15. What is the cost of self pay..stem to stern through your practice?
  16. BPM

    Surgery Question

    So you can request not to have the catheter? I don't think that is something I'd be interested in. Aack.
  17. BPM

    Surgery Question

    What determines whether you need it or not? Does it vary by doctor or by patient?
  18. BPM

    Surgery Question

    Ummm...what's the catheter for? Excuse my ignorance of the subject.
  19. BPM

    Surgery Question

    Well...I guess let me be blunt...hope nobody minds....were you wearing underwear both before and after the surgery?
  20. BPM

    A Wrong Against Self Pay Patients.

    That's a great point...and one I would like to hear a doctor answer. I think if any of these doctors were bright enough to figure it out they could capture the 100s of thousands of dollars being spent in Mexico every year. Any doctors in the house?
  21. BPM

    Southeast Self Pay Docs

    Thanks Tricia. I checked their site and they list a lot of possible fees etc that you may run into including a psych eval etc. What was your actual cost out the door of your surgery if you don't mind me asking.
  22. BPM

    Southeast Self Pay Docs

    Ouch...was that a self pay price or insurance price. I am at the point that medical care in America seems hopeless due to costs involved and I don't think I want to jump through all the hoops to even try to get my insurance involved....although I am pretty sure they do not pay. Mexico is looking better and better I guess....I just wanted to avoid aftercare headaches.
  23. Look on the bright side....he will probably never pay any more attention or be more careful than with his first. Just a thought.
  24. Hey all...I have decided to take the plunge and get the band. I am debating Mexico vs. US and I am self pay...so obviously cost is a consideration. Anyone have a doctor in the Southeastern US that even approaches the cost of the Mexican doctors? If it's in the neighborhood I figure the aftercare alone might make the difference and would definitely be more convenient than flying to Mexico. Any thoughts....I am located in Augusta Georgia so the closer to that the better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
