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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BPM

  1. Agreed. You can find something that won't hurt your knees. I also agree on the calories....if it's a true 1000 calories then that combined with no exercise....your metabolism is likely almost nil. I actually lose weight better when I eat my calories spread out over 4-5 meals instead of 3. I would also shoot for caloric intake in the neighborhood of 1500 or so combined with exercise. Good luck.
  2. I can't offer any advice because my wife has a great husband who never loses his temper. :heh: Have him watch the movie Anger Management.....it might not help...but it's funny as hell.
  3. BPM

    Crystal Light

    The way they say to mix it is far too strong for me. I'd try adding more water.
  4. Well this answers my first question. The answer to your knee issue might be swimming or bicycling. It is much lower impact than most exercises.
  5. I didn't read a single mention of exercise. It's critical...more so to some than others...but if you actually are eating right....and not losing then you need to exercise. You mention what you eat.....how many calories do you take in during a given day?
  6. I used to be an avid rider.....before I got fat and lazy I would usually log 20-30 miles a night on pavement and 2 times a week 15 miles or so on heavy cross country hilly terrain. It rocked and I loved it...which when it comes to excercise I think it helps if you love what you are doing.
  7. BPM

    Bought a new Mtn Bike today

    You will improve...RAPIDLY if you stick to it. My wife almost threw up the first time I took her riding after only about a mile. She hangs with me for at least 10 now.
  8. BPM

    Turkey Chilli

    What's stopping you from "doing the breakdown on it?" Just google the nutrition info for the ingredients and figure out your serving size....either that or read the info from the packages.
  9. BPM

    anyone else riding their bike?

    Depending on your idea of a trail...it won't be the bike that gets tested....it will be you. HUGE transition from pavement to dirt...unless it's hard packed and smooth trail.
  10. BPM

    anyone else riding their bike?

    I don't see many cars on the sidewalk and I can't hear traffic when I am in my car. I also don't see too many cars on the trails I ride. Do you have any facts to back up your allegation or did it just seem to make sense to you?
  11. Well obviously. Who do you all think the married man is cheating WITH? My theory....Men brag about it...Women are ashamed of it. You hear about one...and you don't the other. Makes sense to me.
  12. Yeah me too. That's why I wanted to remind you that using your own logic...your husband is likely cheating on you....of course...this is YOUR logic...not mine.
  13. BPM

    Dog-how long alone during day?

    If you can fence your yard and put in a doggy door so they have all day access..then get a big dog. If it truly is going to be an inside dog...the go with a toy breed. I have: A 7 year old Chihuahua....fantastic dog and not anything like the stereotype of small dogs. I have a 5 year old "Daschua" Daschund/Chi mix. I have a 2 year old Rat Terrier.....Holy hell on 4 feet. I love her to death but she will run you ragged and wouldn't make a good indoor dog. I have a 1 year old Boxer....also an incredible dog. If you are stuck on a big dog...do some research on these dogs....they are incredible....and I would highly recommend either a Boxer to the big dog fan or a Chi to a small dog fan. As you can see.....we are dog lovers.
  14. Well...using your logic....your current husband is cheating on you too....that seems like a negative outlook to me. It is your opinion...and he was posting his opinion of your opinion. That's how this stuff works right?
  15. Body Fortress. Cheap. Available at Wal Mart. Tastes good...at least I can vouch for the chocolate.
  16. BPM

    In theory this should work...

    If you plan to exercise.....actual real exercise....then it will open up a lot of eating options for you.
  17. Drama.....Drama....Drama.
  18. BPM

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I can see the border.
  19. Wow....Surgery snobbery. This is too funny. I have news for everyone....either one of these surgeries is drastic...and that is nothing to be ashamed of if it works for you.
  20. BPM


    10 lbs is not a relapse and not a reason to avoid a fill. Go get filled, get back on track and start exercising. If you keep procrastinating...the 10 will turn into 20..then 30...then 40.... you see the trend right.
  21. BPM

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    A bump is simply a new post that will bring an old thread to the top.
  22. We're probably more scared of you than you are of us. Just don't tell anyone. :nervous
  23. BPM

    Overlooked -

    I feel the need to defend the male species and point out that women...are just as guilty. Brad Pitt......or Larry the Cable Guy? Which makes you swoon? :heh: :confused:
  24. Sissy. :heh: :confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
