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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BPM

  1. BPM

    HELP!!! Reality Check!!!

    You've lost 62 lbs...you know what to do.....you just need to do it.
  2. You don't need to wait for your surgery to start working your ass off...just a thought...and I agree that Telly is inspiring.
  3. Your broken home argument is too simple minded to even bother....the majority of people in prison in America also come from one race too....and we aren't going there. Poverty begets crime.....young, old, black, white, broken home or not....poor people statistically will commit crimes in a higher percentage....regardless of whether they are from a broken home or not. I think you are insulting to anyone that was raised in a broken home with your comments and your crappy attitude.
  4. No..actually some children take on characteristics of their parents and some children are repulsed by them and vow to live differently. Could you please tell us about your education or experience on this subjec that apparently makes you a professional and somehow allows you to cast aspersions on the entire human race and paint everyone with the same brush? We're dying to know. You are proving yourself wrong...because if by your theory one kid turns out good then the others that are raised by the same parents have to turn out good too. Stats will also show that MANY deaths are preventable....and given the tendency of teen drivers to crash their cars...this isn't a surprise but it doesn't in any way to relate to their parenting. No offense...but unless you can cite some factual statistics....you have already been show to be incorrect....in fact you proved YOURSELF wrong in this very post. I do agree that parents shouldn't be looking to place blame on anyone but themselves or their child. If you're going to try and argue like an expert then you need better junk than this.
  5. BPM

    Anyone Kayak for exercise?

    I am in Augusta Ga.
  6. This isn't my fault. :nervous
  7. Again...ignorance being bliss....you make assumptions about people you don't know and end up looking foolish....I have no children. I am not necessarily arguing with your point...although I do believe people make their own choices......but more the tone of your prior post. You had a holier than thou attitude about someone else's faults...when simply by being a lap band candidate or patient....you have a whole lot of faults of your very own. We all do.
  8. Ignorance must be bliss I guess. I don't think it's appropriate for you to pass judgement on someone you don't know about something you know nothing about and then tell people you have never met to wake up because they don't agree with your uninformed view of the world. I am sure your opinion will differ as you must be the latest expert on everything to grace this website with their presence. Seeing as you know everything and live a perfect life...why exactly are you here? Maybe you too have imperfections in your life?
  9. BPM

    Help! Weight limitations

    Start slow...it isn't hard to figure out but personal training sessions would help.
  10. If you ask 10 doctors of their opinion on caffeine...you will get 10 different opinions. Many studies show several positive effects of caffeine while others show negative effects. I myself don't use any kind of thermogenic anymore...I have tried them but I think you are right...the diet and exercise is the secret weapon...most thermogenics secret ingredient is a diuretic which shows a quick initial weight loss for first time users and they start thinking it's a magic drug.
  11. BPM

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    Update...bike riding is good...riding about 100-150 miles per week now. 269 this morning.... That makes 19lbs since the challenge started.... :nervous :guess :confused:
  12. BPM


    Have you exercised at all? Just a thought.
  13. BPM

    Excessive Fatigue After Increase?

    An increase in exercise is SUPPOSED to wear you out...and it is supposed to make you sore....at least at first. As you adapt to the new routine then your soreness will disappear. The weight isn't going to lose itself.....a lot of wisdom in the old adage....no pain....no gain.
  14. BPM

    Bike shopping advice?

    What kind of bike are you looking for. I would suspect most of your questions could be answered here.
  15. BPM

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    JQ...thanks but a bit premature...the original post says October 27th. :grouphug: Won't matter....cause I am kicking it into overdrive...although I am going on a golf weekend this weekend with buddies who like to eat and drink. :heh:
  16. BPM

    Exercise for life!

    That is truly disgusting. Are you sure that is only 1 lb?
  17. It's funny what we can find the time for if we are truly committed to something. I follow a very similar routine to the one above although I have not split my workouts to morning and night. I plan to start riding my bike and doing aerobic activity in the a.m. as it is getting darker earlier and then weight training and swimming at the gym in the evening when it is dark. So far...most of the exercise I have done is still riding my bike. I do it religously and I follow my diet almost to perfection. I eat carbs though...lots of them....almost 60% of my diet comes from carbs....but they are complex carbs like lima Beans, brown rice, vegetables etc. I think I am doing pretty good so far.....still a long way to go but my progress has been steady and my resolve has not wavered in the slightest. Knock on wood. :guess
  18. BPM

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    274.4 this morning. Puts me at 13.6 lbs since the challenge.
  19. BPM

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    Current update....277 I hit a plateau for a little while but the weight is peeling off again....thank god. I was getting cranky for a little bit. :heh:
  20. BPM

    Exercise Today

    Had issues tonight.....rode an easy 15 miles on the bike. Doing 30-40 tomorrow.
  21. BPM

    Yeah, I'm bringing it up again

    I agree. I like the new No Idiots Allowed policy....well....as long as I get grandfathered in anyways. :heh:
  22. BPM

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    I for one think that's a great idea. The same morons keep starting the same threads and posting the same moronic BS that they posted in the last thread that got locked. If I owned the joint I'd kick all of them to the curb and let those who want to stay drama free...stay. It would be an idiot free zone....well...except for my posts. :heh:
  23. BPM

    Bring back Lisa Bones....

    I Vote that we Ban any member for life that starts another Delarla/Lisa Bones thread. :heh:
  24. BPM

    new october challenge!!!!!!!!!

    I am in...288 today.
  25. BPM

    New diet i found

    I am done with the soup for a while. It got old for me quickly....maybe again in a few months once in a while.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
