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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. elcee

    Woo hoo! Onderland!

    woo hoo , well done
  2. Saw my surgeon today and got my date. 17th Jan. Lapband removal, possible hiatus hernia repair and revision to RNY
  3. I had liposuction years and years ago when it was still new and it does nothing for weight loss. The fat cells come back and other ones are quite happy to store extra. My BMI was 32 when I got my band 10 years ago. I am of the view that people that are only a “ little bit obese” eventually become a “ lot obese” if they don’t do something early on. All those people that got to BMIs of 40 and above would once have had a BMI similar to yours. Did they manage to lose the weight with diet and exercise or WW, no, they needed surgical intervention. That is because obesity is complex and the solution is not as simple as just diet and exercise, if it was none of us would have a problem. I had to have my band out in Jan due to issues and I revised to an RNY, at that point my BMI was under 30. I am happy I did because after 56 years I know that I need help to control my weight, I can’t do it on my own.
  4. It’s liquid, they generally go straight through
  5. If it's something your surgeon requires I would suck it up and do it.
  6. Just tell her to butt out. It's your weight, your life , your journey. It's not the easy way out but even if it was why should that matter.
  7. I wouldn’t worry too much as they staples are probably not required long term. Once the stomach has healed and formed scar tissue it probably stays together.
  8. I feel the same , especially as I had a band before and that used to cause all sorts of issues. Now I can eat just about anything and I don’t have a full signal. BUT I am eating far healthier and if I follow the guidelines I find they work. I dish up a small sideplate of food in the right proportions and eat that. Generally that satisfies me even though I don’t have what others refer to as a full signal. I eat snacks between meals but they are planned, healthy and 95% of the time in accordance with the guidelines. So if you follow the instructions you will find that your tool works, but you have to remember it is only a tool it won’t do all the hard graft for you.
  9. elcee

    Unsupportive Caregiver

    Sorry that she has been unhelpful but you can do this on your own, you don’t need a caregiver. When I got home from hospital I was on my own as hubby needed to work. Just do what you can for yourself and let the rest of the family sort themselves out. Hopefully you grocery shopped before your surgery so your fridge is full of things that you are allowed to consume at this stage.And don’t lift anything that you shouldn’t or attempt housework, just look after yourself and tend to your needs
  10. That’s horrible. Who would have thought that a previous unrelated surgery could cause such a problem. Good luck moving forward
  11. elcee

    Fears wls

    My biggest fear was and always will be surgery and anaesthesia.
  12. I had my guts rerouted because that scared me far less than the idea of most of my stomach being chopped off and thrown away! Plus I have a number of friends with sleeves with varying rates of success.
  13. They are probably jealous because you are skinnier than they are
  14. Flat butts unite. We need to bring them back into fashion. KK butts are overrated
  15. Not taking your vitamins can cause all sorts of severe deficiencies some of which are non reversible. You need to start taking them again now. Losing 12lb in a week at this point of your weight loss journey and when you are already a healthy BMI is very strange and unexpected. Were you sick, did you have a stomach bug, we’re you deliberately not eating?
  16. When I had my revision I was told not to worry about a preop diet to just stick with clean eating
  17. It sounds as though you are doing all the things with your band that you are not supposed to. Drinking and eating together causes issues. Trying to push food through with liquid is problematic. Eating foods that don't work with your band and then throwing them up is not good and could have caused your band to slip. Which country do you live in and why don't you have access to a specialist? Where did you get your band done? It sounds as though you need xrays/tests to check the position of your band. If it is still in place and not eroded then you probably need some fluid taken out. Then you need to go back to eating the way you did in the beginning. Eat slowly, don't drink with meals or for 20 - 30 minutes afterwards. Make sure you chew your food really well. Choose less dense textures if dense foods are a problem. If your band has slipped or eroded then you are going to need surgery to remove or reposition it.
  18. Which surgery did you have? You may be eating too much/too fast/ foods that don't agree with your new tummy at this point/textures that don't agree with you. Are you on solids, you may need to take a step back and do a bit longer on soft/mushy and just introduce new foods slowly to see how you tolerate them
  19. Didn’t know you got special water, most people here would just use cooled boiled water!
  20. What on earth is infant water?
  21. elcee

    4 years post op nightmare

    Why are you concerned, have you starting regaining weight or have you not lost enough to get to goal yet. 96lb lost seems pretty good
  22. elcee

    Back again family

    I know that but the OP says she was out for 45 min while they were trying to introduce the laparoscope. If she was out for that long the breathing tubes shoud already have been in place.
  23. elcee

    Unexplained night time reflux

    For some reason this just happens, some people even have reflux with no fill. Have you tried all the general advice such as not eating close to bed time , avoiding spicy foods, not drinking with meals etc? You may need to get meds and if they don’t work and it persists you may have to book an appointment with your surgeon.
  24. elcee


    Bananas are healthy as are potatoes etc. If you are not willing to eat them then take a supplement but just be aware leg cramps may be from low magnesium so you might want to take a magnesium supplement too

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
