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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. elcee


    Protein rich foods are good. The suggestions above are great. You can also try jerky, cold meats, peanut butter on apple slices etc
  2. elcee

    Angry 1 year post op

    There are of course 2 sides to this. I am sure that if you had put in all this effort and lost all this weight and people didn’t comment or tell you how great you look you would be more teed off. I know it frustrates me when no one says anything. Also whilst some people are attracted to obese people the majority of people aren’t. So whilst who you are hasn’t changed the way you look is probably a lot more pleasing now. Ask yourself if you thought you looked great when you were carrying all that excess weight, I know personally I think I look awful .
  3. I don’t log it’s too hard, I have better things to do with my day than try and figure out what went into a recipe. When I go and see my dietician I record about a weeks worth of eating in. book so she can have a look and tell me where I’m going right or wrong. I know that logging works for lots of people but I want to try and live without that obsessive diet mentality. I do however still weigh myself multiple times a week! If this stops working for me then I will reassess and may start writing things down.
  4. I can eat carbs with no issue.” Bad” carbs it depends on quantity , when they are eaten and the day of the week. If I want cake I try to choose one that has whole meal or almond flour and nuts or fruit rather than a big sugary confection. I have had a small ice cream ( whilst on holiday) with no issue but I was extremely nervous when I ate it. Small quantities of chocolate don’t seem to affect me but then there are days where I have a small quantity of something or eat a healthy food like oats and the body decides no. The result is palpitations, shakes, a funny taste in my mouth and generally feeling yuck. As for alcohol I am now a very cheap drunk. Had 1 glass of sparkling wine last night and had to go to bed as it went straight to my head. Being too scared to try these kind of foods is probably a good approach.
  5. I created a new album yesterday and put some pics in it. For some reason it shows that there are no photos in the album but I can see them down the side. Can you please tell me what I have done wrong and help me fix it? TIA
  6. This surgery isn't new, it is the first part of a duodenal switch which has been around for a long time. A couple of facts about weight - Men generally have male pattern weight gain which gives them a spare tyre rather than an hour glass shape. After menopause women don't have as much oestogen so they accumulate weight around the middle whearas previously they may have gained it more around the hips. You can't predict or influence where you lose weight - the flat belly diet etc are all a load of hype for the purpose of selling books. It will come off where it wants too. You can influence your shape by targeting muscles in certain areas You can also reshape your body with plastic surgery if you can afford to Most people that are obese or morbidly obese have large stomachs to start with so even after weight has been lost it stands to reason that there will be an accumulation of fat and or loose skin in that area.
  7. The only way to prevent loose skin is not lose weight
  8. Weight loss is not necessarily slower with a revision,that is dependent on multiple factors Including your weight is at revision and how close to a proper Weight loss diet you are eating. Also a bypass has the added bonus of being malabsorbtive it isn’t just restrictive so that helps the weight to come off. I had a band to bypass revision in Jan and my weight has come off quicker than when I was first banded
  9. elcee

    10 years out and Almost back to pre-op weight

    It may not be stretched it may be what and when you eat. If your diet contains a lot of sliders instead of protein and if you graze then that would be the issue. Try going back to basics. Only eating at appropriate meal times. Making sure that you eat off a small plate. Half a plate of protein then the other half should be mainly low carb veg with a tiny portion of high carb foods if you are still hungry. Eat slowly, don’t drink with your meals etc and see if that makes a difference.
  10. You know the answer. Smoking is never good at any stage. If you really want to get healthy you need to give it up permanently.Dont let that 1 cigarette become the first of many
  11. elcee

    Hip Issues?

    I’m sure it isn’t surgery related. It could be arthritis or if you are saying it feels like it’s dislocating maybe you have loose tendons. Let us know what your Doc says
  12. Just the title makes the mind boggle. It brings a whole new meaning to calling someone sh$thead!
  13. elcee

    New Scale

    All scales are inaccurate, the most important thing is to weigh on the same scales at the same time of day, with the same amount of clothes! Scales are also affected by environment, heat, cold, humidity all cause differences in the way they weigh.
  14. Well this is one of those questions that I probably thought I would never be asking. Does weight loss eventually stop by itself or do you have to consciously change things in order to maintain? I’m not quite at the maintenance stage yet but I’m not far off. I currently weigh 52kg and am at the stage where if I lose a couple more kilos that would be good but if I don’t I will still be happy. Last time I saw my surgeon he told me that he doesn’t want me to get below 50kg or he might have to start force feeding me and I think he was only half joking! I currently don’t track but just try to make healthy choices in appropriate sized portions. I also don’t avoid carbs. Advice from those who are maintaining will be appreciated
  15. elcee

    Yeast infection

    Are you sure it’s a yeast infection. There are other things that mimic a yeast infection. eg Lichen Sclerosus. You should go and see your gynae and get it checked out
  16. Thats the thing - I don't currently track, I don't actively diet, what I eat currently satisfies me and I don't feel like I need to eat more. So wondering what and how I will need to change for maintenance. It will be ironic if I haven't needed to track to lose but may have to to maintain
  17. I hope that you are able to work through your issues so that you are able to go ahead. But I have a question, what happens in cases like this, do you get charged a fee? I imagine that there would be costs involved for the surgeon and his/her team.
  18. I agree with the others, you know what your issues are.
  19. elcee


    Maybe it’s homeopathic salad dressing
  20. You are worried about doing things because they make you look like an idiot , maybe you should worry less about what other people think and do what is good for you. One could also say that posting for the first time on a site like this about how bad things are and trying to put other people off could make one look like an idiot. A much better first post would have had a backstory and if a person is struggling asked for help! I don’t have a bunch of rules and restrictions, I eat like a “ normal” person just in much smaller quantities. If you follow the 20/20/20 rule for eating and drinking then there aren’t hours in a day where you can’t drink. I don’t see what is wrong with carrying a water bottle as it is something a lot of people do these days, however unless you are going bushwalking it’s not really necessary. Most of the time we are not that far away from somewhere we can get a drink. Having to carry a lunchbox everywhere you go is also not normal. Generally there is always something available that is suitable to eat. Even at unhealthy fast food restaurants if you focus on protein you will find something. Eat some ribs, or the burger without the bun or some chicken or go to a 7/11 or supermarket and buy a yogurt or some cheese or............. I have just been on a months holiday to the USA, UK, Asia. Not once did I need to carry a lunchbox, I didn’t starve and I didn’t feel like an idiot. At the end of the trip I had lost weight with very little effort on my part. Sorry that you feel you weren’t given any info but there is a lot of info available for the taking for those that are happy to do thorough research. I think that maybe you need to see a food psychologist as it sounds as though you have an emotional attachment to food that you are struggling with. I hope that you are able to overcome your issues and that you can start using this tool to it’s full advantage and eat in a normal happy way
  21. You need to go and see your surgeon. At this early stage to be having issues could indicate a problem.
  22. My Dr was happy for me to do that type of travel after 3 months. I just got back from a round the world trip Australia - LA-London- Hong Kong - Australia and I had no issues. I just ate the plane food, didn’t need shakes or anything like that. I get my protein from real food sources but I do carry a nut bar in my handbag for just in case.
  23. I have just got back from a months holiday overseas and am really pleased that in spite of not eating very healthily I still lost weight. Down approx. 1.8kg and almost at goal. The main reason for the not eating as healthily as I should have should have is that for most of the holiday we were staying with other people so restaurants were selected that suited the larger group. We started off in California where we ate mainly Mexican or burger/ribs. I have to say that I like the fact that your restaurants allow and encourage meal sharing as it meant I could have some of hubby's food instead of having to order a huge plate of my own. I know the US has a reputation for huge meals but some of them are so oversized its not surprising so many people struggle with their weight, 4 sliders is not a starter and a sandwich is supposed to be 2 slices of bread not 4 plus chips! It was great to be able to eat ribs without spending the rest of the night in the toilet throwing up which is something that happened to me on countless occasions when I had my band. Then it was onto the UK home of the pub and pub meals. They are fine the first or second time but pubs are like Mexican restaurants - all the same once you get to no 3! We also ate a lot of lunches at store and stately home canteen style cafes. So I was sharing sandwiches with hubby and also sharing cake! One place I loved in both the UK and Hong Kong was Pret a Manger - they had lovely quick easy healthy options like Bircher muesli, yogurt with fruit, sandwiches etc. Our final destination was Hong Kong. This was the only part of the holiday where hubby and I were on our own. We should have had lots of lovely Asian food but we were so busy we mainly ate on the run. The "pasteis de nata" in Macau probably weren't the healthiest breakfast choice but they were fabulous. So essentially I ate a small portion of whatever I wanted without worrying about weight gain. Poor hubby did have lots of leftovers to eat and his relatives in the UK kept commenting on how little I ate although I thought I was eating heaps! I drank alcohol but not in huge quantities. The serves of wine and cider in the UK are huge, they would never allow that much to be served in 1 glass in Aus. I ate cake and I ate chocolate and even had an icecream. I ate that very cautiously as I was terrified I would dump but luckily I didn't. I did have 1 or 2 minor episodes of dumping ( nausea, shakes and palpitations) but that was when I deserved it for doing something stupid like eating chocolate first thing in the morning! Prior to my op I was very concerned as I kept reading about people that had accidents post op.I had visions of having to always carry spare undies or wear adult diapers. Luckily that hasn't been an issue although when I need to go I need to go - sometimes I had to find a loo in a hurry and the hardest place to do that was Hong Kong. Travelling with the bypass has been so much easier than travelling with a band and the variety of food I eat is so much greater and healthier.
  24. elcee

    I love my bypass

    I forgot to mention that we did heaps of walking too. We bushwalked around the San Jacinto mountains and Idylwild. We walked our butts off at Disney. We walked around stately homes and gardens in the UK and walked heaps in Hong Kong. There were lots of days when we did around 25 000 steps and the day we were in Macau we did over 32 000 steps. I am sure that must have helped.

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