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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. Yes the checkup went well, surgeon is happy with me and doesn’t want to see me for 12 months. I do have another checkup with the physician before that though. My recovery took a while. I had the op, woke up in recovery and was fine, minimal pain which was well controlled. A couple of hours later I was sitting up in bed enjoying the ice that I was now allowed to suck when I felt myself fading. Shouted to the nursing staff that they should bring the crash cart although as I was hooked up to BP monitors etc I think they would have come running anyway. BP was at approx 75/45. I then had the ECG machine attached , I remember being horribly cold and of course that made it worse. ED docs were called who were ultrasounding me as they were looking for a bleed.Nurse was poking me like a pincushion desperately trying to get a cannula into my collapsed veins. They cross matched and ordered me blood and decided I needed to go back to the OR. All I could think the whole time was this is it, I’m going to die! Got taken to the OR, scrawled a sig for the anaesthetist but my surgeon said it was ok if I wasn’t up to it he didn’t need me to sign again. Next thing I remember is waking up in ICU thinking I’m alive, yay.Had those sock things on that inflate and deflate and had a lovely nurse. I had been given 2 units of blood in theatre and got given another 2 late that day. That in itself is a bit scary especially when your temp starts spiking. The whole experience left me feeling like I had been hit by a truck! Luckily in the second op they had catheterised me so I didn’t have to get up. The next thing that happened was approx 5 nights later I started wheezing and feeling like I couldn’t breath,it was horrible I hardly slept all night and was by now convinced that I was going to die! Luckily when my physician did his rounds in the morning he ordered the staff to nebulise me. NB. I am not normally asthmatic.Went home that day. Hubby works , I don’t so from then on I was home alone. Still felt pretty yucky but no real pain or issues drinking. I started feeling like I was unbalanced with no idea why. I had to get a friend to take me for my 2 week dietician app as I didn’t feel capable of driving. The weird unbalanced feeling lasted approx a month. I saw my GP about it a couple of times. I was given 2 lots of antibiotics, decongestants etc and none of them worked. The thing that finally seemed to kick it was a nasal spray! So I’m not sure if it was a side effect of the anaesthesia, an infection or an imbalance in the ears due to fat loss there ( look it up, it is a thing) Since is then I have been fine. What appears to have happened is that when the trocars were inserted one must have hit a minor blood vessel which was bleeding in between the layers of the stomach. There was nothing of any consequence found when I was taken for the second surgery, I didn’t have a leak or anything. When I got home my stomach looked like I needed to be taken to Charlie’s dejuicing room, I even joked about that with my surgeon. Do I regret the surgery, no. Would I have regretted it if I had died , well probably not as I would have been dead but my family might have!
  2. Not good. Hope the Docs and the meds sort this out really quickly. You know that we are all thinking about you.
  3. Off to my surgeon today for my 6month postop checkup
  4. elcee

    Raw fruits and veggies

    At 1 month post OP I was allowed solids. I think it was another 2 -3 weeks before I got to add raw veggies, nuts and seeds. You could have a salad with soft veg like tomatoes, lettuce,cucumber that should be fine .its the more fibrous veggies that you need to be careful of
  5. I have to admit to being very confused as to what type of revision this is? I am also wondering what is being done that will help with the reflux.
  6. Since my revision my diet is far healthier. I can eat chops and steak and chicken and they don’t get stuck. Salads and fruit are easy. I eat off a small side plate and that is enough to satisfy me. When I’ve had enough I feel it as full ness in my stomach not a disgusting pressure in the throat and chest. To me the way the bypass works and the sensations when eating are what we all believed it would be like with a band but we all know the truth about that. It gives me the ability to be able to eat small amounts of healthy foods and be satisfied.
  7. Happy Birthday Im surprised that your team required a preop diet for your revision especially as you are at or close to goal. I didn’t have to do one when I revised from band to bypass, I just got told to stick to clean eating
  8. elcee

    Lap band failure

    My surgeon advised that the best option was RNY. Less risk of reflux. Less risk of more damage/ issues to the oesophagus. I also know a lot of people that have revised to a sleeve or had a sleeve as an initial surgery who have not lost or have had massive regains. I decided to go with my surgeons recommendation and had my revision in Jan. I am very happy. My diet is much healthier than with the band, I don’t spend hours in restaurant toilets throwing up and I have reload the weight I gained and am sitting at goal.
  9. elcee

    Had Emergency Surgery Just Now

    Wow what is going on around here? Certainly not good news this week. Glad you are ok and got sorted out quickly. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  10. And the thought of having most of your stomach chopped off and thrown away never to be seen again isn't?
  11. If there is any possibility that you may be prone to reflux I would dismiss the sleeve and go straight to rny
  12. I know the chances are low but sometimes the anxious part of the brain is noisier than the logical part.
  13. That would have been so scary, especially for it to be so completely out of the blue. Have to admit to now being a little bit freaked out . I'm glad that you got to emergency and that they acted quickly.
  14. Wow I wasn’t expecting to read that. Sorry to hear that you have had to go through this, best wishes for a speedy recovery. What were your symptoms? Was it an emergency op ?
  15. elcee

    So Dramatic...

    I didn’t realise that you were having a revision. Good luck, hope it all goes well and that it solves the reflux issue
  16. It’s done now so you have to get over it and move on. It would however be a good idea to think about why you ate what you did at this early stage. You need to find strategies and alternatives to help you stay on track.
  17. elcee

    Stomach doesn’t feel smaller

    Liquid passes straight through. Once you start solids things will feel different.
  18. Have a glass or 2 of milk
  19. My worst is the turkey neck. I wish there was an easy, affordable, painless fix
  20. There are a few that drive me batty. Defiantly which should be definitely, there are a heck of a lot of defiant people around. Walla which should be Voila . Then the other day I heard a new one, someone was talking about her dairy air, at first I thought she meant that she was really farty but it turned out she was talking about her derrière!
  21. I hate spelling mixtakes as well but really we have bigger issues to worry about. Just scroll past and try not to get your knickers in a knot.
  22. elcee

    Hate meats

    There are lots of alternatives to meat if you don’t like it. Look for vegetarian or vegan recipes and products.
  23. I see 2 issues here. Them telling you that you couldn’t eat it and you eating it as though responding to a dare. You need to be careful doing that it could lead to issues.
  24. elcee

    I think I'm dehydrated

    What colour is your urine. If it’s pale straw coloured that’s good, if it’s dark yellow or brown that’s bad. If you are struggling with water drink something else e.g tea. It doesn’t have to be water it just needs to be fluid, low cal fluid.
  25. Take a second job Get a loan from a family member Sell some of your stuff

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