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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. I also had my op in Jan. I don’t think I have ever felt restriction but I do feel satisfied on small portions. I think I’m a bit different to everyone else as I have never logged all my food, it’s way too much effort. I have on occasion written things down in a book , usually if I have a dietician appointment coming up, so I can see what I’m doing right and wrong. I eat carbs, but not in huge quantities. I don’t feel the need to cut them out of my diet completely. Most of the time they are healthy carbs but occasionally they aren’t. I keep telling myself that I must be doing something wrong, that I should eat cleaner, track more or whatever , then I stand on the scales and realise that I am actually doing things right already. Feeling normal is good, wasn’t that one of the goals when we put ourselves through this?
  2. Since I was allowed real food at approx week 4. Raw carrots and celery are great
  3. Everyone is different I was in hospital for 5 days. When I went home I felt as though I had been hit by a bus, I was really tired , no energy and also had a weird dizzy feeling. The dizzy feeling eventually went but it was related to an ear problem ( not sure if it was a blockage , infection or because of fat loss in the ears) that lasted a month. Im lucky I don’t work but if did I would have struggled to go back for at least 3 weeks, possibly longer.
  4. Not as big an issue unless you happen to be the unlucky person for whom it is an issue. A sleever in 1 of my fb groups has a serious eye condition due to a lack of vit B due to not taking her vitamins. It really is an issue and it’s not something people should mess around with. If your Dr says you need to take them then generally there is a good reason for it.
  5. elcee

    Doubting my decision

    What Briswife says is correct. You have more chance of a serious side effect from being obese than from the surgery
  6. I keep hearing about people that have serious side effects because they didn’t take their vitamins so if you are planning on skipping them and are looking for validation to do that stop 🛑 Now. You can drink when you eat if you want. It has different results. For some it will cause discomfort, for some it will cause dumping and for others it will slow down or stop their weight loss. If you need to take NSAIDS occasionally it isn’t a train smash, you should make sure though that you also take nexium or Somac or other antireflux meds whilst taking them to protect your stomach. Not getting enough protein on 1 day isn’t a big thing, not getting enough regularly will cause muscle loss probably make you more hungry and may slow your weight loss. If you don’t know how to cook and can afford to eat out for all your meals that’s fine. Just make sure you make healthy choices. Going to rib and burger joints every day probably isn’t a good idea.
  7. I went from band to RNY in Jan and I never get a stuck feeling. My diet now is far healthier, it’s good to be able to eat steak and chops and not to spend nights out throwing up in restaurant loos. If you are looking for a feeling of restriction it is unlikely you will have one. It’s more about measuring portions and knowing what should be enough. I have to say it’s also a pleasure to not have that awful sensation in the chest and throat if I’ve eaten too much, now I feel it in the stomach like a “ normal “ person would.
  8. elcee

    Pre-OP advice !

    Don’t expect to feel full the way you are used to. Only eat the recommended portion and then stop. You should be satisfied or not hungry. Dont count on dumping to keep you away from unhealthy foods, you might not dump. Dont snack unless it is a part of your plan, snacking will sabotage your efforts. Dont expect the weight to come off overnight, it didn’t go on that way. Weight loss isn’t a race. Stalls happen Dont compare yourself to others, we each have our own journey. What you can and can’t eat may change from day to day HTH
  9. elcee

    Price of meds. $$$$$

    Wow, that’s expensive
  10. elcee


    Winter casual. Decided to French tuck the top. Just looked out of the window and I think I'm going to have to add a raincoat!
  11. elcee


    Meeting a friend for coffee
  12. elcee


    Wait, relax, listen to your body - you are still healing
  13. elcee

    Bypass or Sleeve

    Go to a different surgeon. Maybe the one you have been referred to isn’t skilled enough to perform a bypass and only feels comfortable with the sleeve.
  14. elcee

    Am I just a giant baby?

    Your dietician lied
  15. elcee

    Airline travel

    I just eat the airline food.
  16. elcee

    No Interest in Food?

    Hi! Probably a dumb question (I’m old :-) what does “left the band” mean? I no longer have a lapband
  17. elcee


    So many pics it's hard to keep up. everyone IS LOOKING GORGEOUS but I do agree that there are a number of you that could do with smaller sizes. Clothes that are too big and baggy are not as flattering as clothes that fit well. Its a hard adjustment to make after having been overweight. Keep the oversized stuff for around the house and treat yourselves to nice new things for going out.
  18. Is it lighter more baby 💩 colour?
  19. elcee

    No Interest in Food?

    I think you need to do something to make your meals more appealing. Snacking is not good unless it is a planned snack that contains protein , advocates snacking is a bad habit that can undo all your good work. Not getting enough protein is a serious issue which can lead to all sorts of health issues. If you don’t want meat find other protein rich foods that you do enjoy. Maybe make yourself a platter as your meal. Some cheese, egg, nuts, seeds and chopped up veg may satisfy your snacking urge.
  20. elcee

    Shave legs?

    I’m sure the guys don’t shave their legs so why should you have to?
  21. You should be able to eat them that far out but be very careful with portion size, all nuts are very energy intensive
  22. elcee


    Has anyone noticed how hard it is to buy clothes. I ordered a heap of dresses etc online and had to send a lot of them back as they were miles too big. That would have been fine if they had a smaller size to swap for but they didn’t. The one dress was really cute and even had pockets but it just hung like a sack!
  23. elcee


    Thanks. It’s actually a dress. I love wearing funky tights but they are so hard to find in the shops, all they seem to have is boring black.
  24. elcee


    Thanks! So GAFF would be give a flying f...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
