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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Teacher07

  1. So I got banded in September 2010. I'm only 19 years old now.. anyone else out there 20 or under? I've lost 58 lbs but really struggling. I need a friend.

    If you click on the Forums tab and scroll down there is an "age group" forum and you will find many people your age to relate to! However, anyone here would be willing to help you with whatever you are struggling with. :)

  2. Just got my new second band, but still thinking positive. New surgeon much more experienced than first surgeon. So I'm back on the liquids again, whoo-hoo. First band was June of '09. Totally unfilled in June of '10 because of multiple slips. Gradually filled again almost to complete capacity with no restriction until it was completely blocked again. Went in for revision in November '10 when surgeon found that my stomach had adhesed to my spleen...yippee. So now I have a hundred little titanium staples, and my band was removed to prevent any infection from a foreign body. His suggestion immediately was the sleeve. Went for second opinion to a much more experienced surgeon. My original surgeon had done four...thank you very much...but lots of bypasses. New surgeon even recommended the sleeve because of complications but at the same time was pretty confident that problems very well could have been from inexperience of first surgeon...of course, he didn't come out and say that in direct quotes...gawd forbid they speak ill of another doctor...Insurance approved either band or sleeve again...I was shocked. Over the course of June to November I had gained 40 lbs, but so much of my weight loss had been from vomiting all the time.

    So I signed on for the sleeve until the last minute when surgeon popped his head in the door before anesthesia hit me with the Michael Jackson happy juice and doubled checked which way I wanted to go, band or sleeve...so I opted for the sleeve again. My main concern with the sleeve is that I don't have that much more weight to goal...50 lbs and everyone I know that's had it has lost weight very very quickly and a lot. Wasn't sure about the maintenance.

    So Im a bandee again but it's gone so much differently than the first time around. They did x-rays before I left the hospital and a swallow test...didn't happen first time until much later. Came home last Thursday and just a little sore at this point, no pain meds since I've been back home. So I have a great feeling this time around plus I plan to be a much better bandee this time. I threw up so much the last time that ice cream was my go-to food and not sure if I always ate as slowly as I should have but having been through it once, I feel like I know the signs to look for that aren't normal.

    New surgeon is an hour closer so easier to get in if I need to quickly.

    So it's been a journey!!! My daughter is a bandee, of course, without any complications...I never like her anyway...lol


    Hi Trisha! I read you post and can completely relate. I also just found out I had a slip that can not be fixed without surgery. I am in a lot of pain and have been scheduled to have it fixed on the 22nd. I hope I can last that long. I had thought about having it revised to the sleeve but I am not sure if my insurance will even cover that. I have an appointment with the surgeon today so I guess I will find out. I wish you the best of luck and hope we can keep in touch.

    Trisha (also my name;)

  3. See girl you already know that you can do this:) It just sounds like you need a little reminder from outside sources. As far as the cough goes, yep that sucks and I have heard of other people having their throat scratched and different things like that. I fortunately didn't have to deal with that. I did however have to deal with feeling like I was STARVING for awhile. I would suggest eating more often until you get your first fill. I mean eat smaller portions of something throughout the day. I know I was told eat your meals with no or minimal Snacks throughout the day but maybe you could try smaller meals throughout the day at least until your first fill. It might help to keep you satisfied and stay away from the unhealthy foods! Good luck! :thumbup:

  4. Ok, first take a deep breath. Second, you knew when you got the band that it was not a magic wand that would just make you skinny. It is a tool, so use it. Have you had your first fill yet? It will take awhile to get restriction; therefore, you have to make sure you make a conscious effort to NOT eat like you did before. It won't be easy but you can do it because if you didn't think you couldn't, you would have never had the surgery done in the first place.:thumbup: People around you are going to eat the way they always did, they didn't make the decision to change YOU did so the only person that can hold you accountable is you.

    I am glad that you are looking for a workout buddy, it is always easier when there is someone around to help keep you going! As far as recipes go, treat the internet like your best friend. There is a plethora of meal ideas out there. I just want you to realize that you CAN do this and no one needs to hold your hand. Take charge of your future, health and jean size. You already took the big leap now just start walking. Positive thoughts and hard work will get you exactly where you want to be. :laugh:

  5. Oh I have enjoyed reading this whole thread! Dating is so darn hard but please don't be so hard on yourself, you are definately NOT abnormal. It might just be a sign that you are not ready to date someone just yet. I can receive 10 compliments if I am out and it does not have half the affect on me that ONE negative comment does and that is just the way us ladies our programmed. That is how I know I am not ready to date and not ready for rejection just yet. I know we will never know until we try but we have to be ready to hear the NO as well as the Yes answer from someone! Good luck and just give yourself some time girl!

  6. I am being banded on October 12 and pray I don't say anything stupid, because my doctor is adorable. I had breast cancer in 2001 at age 37 (and single) and while I was having reconstruction, I told all of the nurses in the OR how I thought my plastic surgeon was gorgeous. They were cracking up but I was drugged and had no idea why. (he was standing right there). My friend who is a nurse and was in the room told me about it the next day and I was so embarrassed. I am sure he has heard it all, and he did give me some nice new boobs. My goal now is for my boobs to stic k out further than my stomach.

    Can you all tell me how to get that ticker added?


    Haha I did the same thing. I was told by my doctors nurse that I told him if he wasn't married I would be all over him. I couldn't look him in the face after that!:thumbup:

  7. I have had a major unfill and I am still having the same problem. I have 7 cc in my band now and I had 9 before. When I had the original 7 in my band it was no problem, now I feel like I slime up everything I eat. However, sometimes I wonder if I am just slimming and throwing up a little just because I am so used to doing it now. Sometimes I wonder is it possible to become bulimic (sp) with the band? I think I may have an issue with that.

  8. Well dear we were literally the same starting size, currently are the same size, dealing with the same issues and I live about 45 miles north of you! How is that for coincidence. I will tell you I have done alot of research on having a TT done and was also worried that insurance didn't cover it that I would be SOL. However, Altru and Fargo plastic surgery are about 3 thousand MORE than a very good doctor I have found in Bismarck. It is Dr. Beckers plastic surgery institute in Bismarck/Mandan. He has been very good to answer my questions and send me alot of information. Check him out! :thumbup:

  9. I have literally had a cry fest over this very issue. I am having a hard time trusting people (especially men) because I am treated so different it makes me sick. Men and women who I have known for 3 years are suddenly interested in becomming my friend. I even had a girl say hey we should go shopping now that we shop in the same stores. WTH!!!! Yes, I agree I enjoy shopping alot more now and probably wouldn't have went before but I still don't want to go now just because if she didn't want to be my friend before why would I want to be her friend now. As far as men go well I understand them not being attracted to me before but the fact that no one even asked my name and suddenly they want to know all about me well it makes me pretty hesitant as to what kind of person they really are. I suppose I will always have this reservation, I sure hope not though.

  10. I haven't been on BC for over a year because I had no need to be on it. Well, now that I want to go back on it I am a little nervous. I DON'T want to gain a bunch of weight back because of BC. Do any of you ladies have any suggestions as to a type that worked for you with minimal weight gain?

  11. My doctor also suggests 4-6 weeks between fills. They also ask if I am getting hungry between meals and if so I probably needed more of a fill. However, I was SOOO tight I was having problems and I was still thinking I was hungry between meals. It was all head hunger though and then I realized I wasn't able to eat enough at meals to stay full so then it was no longer head hunger but actual hunger and I had to actually let me band out some. So all I can say is follow what YOU think is best for you because each person is so different.

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