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Posts posted by texasnewf

  1. Mine wouldn't allow starchy vegetable including peas which I would not have considered starchy . Salads,1 meal at or below 300 calories, loved Lean Cuisine and it's cousins, otherwise. fluids , limited and approved fruits and Protein Shakes. Had my surgery in Columbus Ohio, the home of Abbott Labs so given a gangoozle of Ensure coupons,hey it helps when you're on a Social Security limited budget, really does! I lost 15 pounds on my 1 month Liver- shrinking diet, took my Hepatic Organ from NASH to smooth, sleek and healthy like a Baby calf, so worth the restrictions for the Greater good. And since he Didn't have to use the Industrial- sized liver retractor I didn't have the tummy pain many suffer! And A win- win for all concerned.
    Thanks, I guess I'll have some mashed cauliflower instead..lol

    Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Has anyone had a venus insufficiency in their leg ? I just had an ultrasound at a vein specialist and that's what the technician said. I go to see the doctor this Friday about what the treatment will be.. I'm just curious, worried.. I just got all the clearance for my VSG surgery and now I found out this. My left toes have been numb for the last several months so I finally decided to get it checked. Just wondering what to do ?


    Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I tried the GENEPRO and as everyone said I cannot taste it which is great. The only issue is , that I use lukewarm Water in a coffee mug about halfway and stir in the Genepro with a fork and it completly dissolves. Then I mix in more water and stir in chicken bouillon powder and microwave it to heat everything up.. After a couple minutes sitting the Protein Powder starts to clump up a little.. Is this normal ? Thanks

  4. Thanks everyone, I tried the GENEPRO and as everyone said I cannot taste it which is great. The only issue is , that I use lukewarm Water in a coffee mug about halfways and stir in the Genepro with a fork and it completly disolves. Then I mix in more water and stir in chicken boullion powder and microwave it to heat everything up.. After a couple minutes sitting the Protein powder starts to clump up a little.. Is this normal ? Thanks

  5. 1 hour ago, sjemle said:

    I also use Isopure. I have been able to mix it in hot bouillon, I just mix it in my magic bullet with one or two pushes down. If you mix to much it does become foamy, the foam does slowly dissolve. I have found it hard to drink the Protein Shakes, but I really enjoy the bouillon.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Great info, thanks and good luck .. I don't have my surgery date set yet .. but should be soon .. scared to death but I don't feel like I have any other choice ..

  6. 1 hour ago, it'sonlythefirststep said:

    from the hospital alone for one night stay I was billed over $65,000. Anesthesia I was billed $8,000. Surgeon’s Bill was over $6,000. Then I was billed separately for blood work which was $3,000

    Wow, that's crazy expensive .. I was checking google just now and they say avg price is about 24k$ I guess I'll have to check around and see.. or wait like everyone else... Thanks for the information

  7. Way to go Jack ! I enjoy reading your posts !

    re: "then try really hard to listen for the "full" signal."

    there are lots of ways we all find useful.

    I find the "full" signal to be worthless, as I spent most of my life as Morbidly Obese trying to GET "full"....which is impossible.

    Success for me was learning to hear the "satiety" signal...as in...."you're NOT hungry".....which is totally a different trigger in my own experience.

    I spent my entire life training with the "eat till FULL" theory...which never happened, I could always tamp it down with my eating shovel and stuff in a little more.

    And I developed somewhere along the way the "if you're not FULL you must EAT till you are".

    Of course that's madness.

    Personally postOp I also learned much of my overeating was triggered not by hunger or appetite, but by FEAR of BECOMING 'hungry'...so I'd eat...then over eat...since there was no difference as 'satiety' was a concept I had to actually LEARN....

    In the postOp mushies-phase, yes a few oz. of anything would make me 'full'.

    And for a snack sometimes I would take a single saltine and nibble for perhaps 30 minutes , luxuriating in a 'dessert'.

    Even now my calorie intake remains around 1600/day rarely 1800 and only very rarely (once in 6 months perhaps) as much as 2000.

    Some days I'm in the 1200 range.

    Still I remain "40# plateau from goal".

    Yet my A1c hovers around 7.1, all other blood points are within range, and I'm not on insulin shots after 15 years. Life is good.

    Mostly I revel in the discovery there is a LOT of other stuff I like to do between meals---beside eat!

  8. Cheryl Ann, the same thing happened to me .. about the 50 lbs mark ... but then I have to lose a total of 200 lbs ! so being big and tall .. it took a while for people to notice.. so I took photos every month.. and in those photos you can definately SEE the difference .. also.. take your measurements... you will see yourself losing many inches ... and you will be going down in dress sizes.. etc... it wont' be long and people will notice... and when they do.... you will feel even more invigorated to keep on track ... good luck !

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