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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by socalgal3

  1. socalgal3

    What does a slippage feel like?

    Search this thread for symptoms of a slip. It just sounds like you are too tight to me. Go in and have a little taken out.
  2. socalgal3

    5'6" - What weight/size are you?

    I am 5'6". I started around 250. I am now 155 and a size 10.
  3. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I went to my primary care physician yesterday for the first time since being banded! Crazy, eh? Well, I have Kaiser insurance and they don't do lap-bands, only gastric bypass and I never qualified for that(not that I wanted it either!) I did do Opti-Fast with Kaiser many years ago. Anyway, I called because I heard that Kaiser was starting to do lap-bands, but it turns out it is only in Northern California right now. I was hoping to join a support group here or be able to get my fills through my insurance instead of going to Mexico. Wel, they still wanted me to come in for blood work. The doctor also told me that my goal should be 155! He said I shouldn't lose anymore or I won't feel right. hmmmm...I weighed 160 yesterday at the office, but that was fully clothed with shoes, belt, etc. I usually weigh myself in the morning in just my undies/bra. Anyway, I go in for blood work on Monday, so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm feeling fine, but I have a cold right now. The doctor didn't really know anything about the lap-band so I schooled him! It's a rainy day here in sunny Southern California! I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  4. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I wanted people to be more active about posting, but I wasn't really looking to cause problems. I understand those who don't want to post about problems. I remember being very reluctant to post when I had my slip, but everyone here was great about being there for me. I also now feel reluctant to post my success because I don't want people to feel bad if it isn't working for them. I understand that everyone needs different things and maybe this board doesn't give you what you want/need. I just want to say that I am very happy to "know" you all either virtually/online or the ones I have met in person. I hope we can all find our way down the path not only to weight loss but to happiness.
  5. socalgal3

    Band Slippage

    You should look in the Band Complications Forum here. There are many posts about slippage. It can be caused by a few things like excessive PBing, busted stitches/not enough stitches, etc. It can be dangerous depending on how far the band slips. I was self-pay for mine, so I am not familiar with insurance requirements. Talk to your surgeon or an insurance rep. I hope you are healed soon and congrats on the excellent weight loss so far.
  6. socalgal3

    That final push

    5 to go! I want to be at goal in 2008! We can do it gang!
  7. socalgal3

    1st Step: Admiting There's a Problem

    It took me quite awhile to get that through my thick skull as well. Best of health to you!
  8. socalgal3

    Freeeezing..what does it mean?

    I'm glad you posted this. I mentioned that I was freezing on another thread and no one in my group responded. I've been SO COLD! And I live in Southern California! I'm glad I don't live anywhere cooler, I would never leave the house!! Brrrrrrrrr.............
  9. 1 year, 5 months. I had a major slip that had to be repaired surgically, but I love my band and hope to never lose it!
  10. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    What did Dr. Ortiz say when you told him about not being able to eat much? With no fill, I would think that would be a concern. Perhaps your esophagus is swollen. Have you tried going on full liquids for a few days to reduce swelling/irritation? There are several brands of chewable viatmins. There are Viactiv chews, children's Flinstones or similar, etc. I use liquid as I mentioned before which I buy at a local health market. Just browse the vitamin aisle at your grocery store, WalMart, Costco, etc. I wanted to be at goal by 2008, but the closer you get, the slower it goes. It's nice to know you are below goal, Stella. You may be the first of the June Crew!! I should get serious and start running or something. 8 pounds is doable in a month! I hope the fill is going well for you Cathy-keep us posted. Everyone needs to update their ticker. We may need a challenge in the New Year! Have a great weekend everyone!
  11. socalgal3

    Do you think I'm full of spit?

    I have a similar problem, but a different effect. I have a lot of mucus from allergies/sinus issues and it clogs my stoma. That is why I only have .6cc and still have a lot of restriction. I guess mucus is thicker than saliva?? I do have a nasal spray that is supposed to decrease the mucus, but I still have plenty-believe me! I try to drink lots of fluids to thin the mucus, but it doesn't seem to help. Hmmmmmm......
  12. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'm sorry you aren't happy with your band right now Barbara. Maybe try chewable or liquid vitamins. I love my liquid vitamins-Liquid Health. They taste good alone, but I usually mix them with iced tea or Crystal Light. I take their liquid calcium too. I also take liquid iron by Kirkman because I donate blood every 8 weeks. My Thanksgiving was good. I haven't been here much as I took on a 2nd job and I am super busy. I hope all my fellow bandsters are doing well and will post an update when they get a chance. Renew your efforts every day....whether it is a long walk, chewing extra well, not drinking with meals, avoiding soda, taking measurements, looking at some before/after photos, logging calories....whatever! Just don't give up! We have all come too far to quit now!
  13. How can I pick just one??!! 1. My cholesterol is WAY down 2. I am no longer on anti-depressants 3. My underwear doesn't cut into me 4. I can wear a belt 5. I can buy something without an X in the size 6. My knees don't hurt 7. I get compliments instead of being ignored etc. etc. etc.
  14. socalgal3

    My surgery is canceled- I'm so so :(

    Mexico is a lower cost option. The tax return idea is a good one. There are several medical financing places around. Call them first and see if you can get approved. Best of luck. Where there's a will, there's a way!
  15. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Sorry you have been struggling Barb465. I'm glad you got an unfill before your trip. I'm sure you didn't want to have trouble overseas. I am SO JEALOUs that you are in Scotland! I would love to go there someday. I've been to England and Ireland and loved them both, but didn't make it to Scotland or Wales. Tell us all about it when you return. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL-BE GOOD BANDSTERS!! I bought 2 pairs of size 10 pants!! Mostly I am in 12's, but this brand I could wear a 10. Does anyone have this problem? I am COLD all the time now! I guess having less layers of fat to keep me warm is starting to get to me! haha But, seriously-I am freezing.
  16. socalgal3

    researching my options

    I don't know any good surgeons in Kansas-sorry! I doubt that many people on this forum will call you crazy for considering this surgery. We are all pretty happy with the procedure! Of course, there are complications(I myself had to have a slip surgically repaired), but I wouldn't change my decision! Best of luck to you in your search for a surgeon. I went to Mexico and Dr. Ortiz was my surgeon. It is cheaper in Mexico, but you also need to consider follow-up care, etc. Read through the threads here, ask questions and you will make the best decision for YOU.
  17. socalgal3

    2nd Fill... Too Tight?

    Pain and only being able to tolerate liquids= TOO TIGHT! Don't chance it-get an unfill. Don't be afraid of a slight unfill. I won't guarantee a slight weight gain, but your health is more important. I struggled with a too tight band for months and ended up with a slipped band. I only have .6cc in now, but I have good restriction. It took a year to find that out. Go see your doc!
  18. socalgal3

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I Came To This Thread A Little Late, But I Read Through It All And It Made Me Laugh. I Just Wanted To Throw A Shout Out To Those People Who Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word.......... P.S. I Like Poutine, But Not Guinea Pigs
  19. socalgal3

    Whole wheat pasta?

    I have never had trouble with any kind of pasta. I do often use zucchini ribbons as a pasta replacement and I love spaghetti squash. Everyone is different, so you may just have to experiment to see what work for you.
  20. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    You didn't bring me down Regina! You brought me UP by checking in! I'm sorry you are having a tough time. Hang in there and remember we are here if you need us!
  21. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'm still learning with this darn band. I am realizing that the week before my period, I am SO TIGHT, I can barely tolerate solid food. I had a small can of tuna for lunch and have been sliming every since. Do you all treat slime episodes like a PB-going on liquids for 24 hours? I've been at 160 for a few days-need to update my ticker. I hope you are all out there somewhere doing well. Let's all do a check-in post!
  22. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Where is everyone? I had a NSV yesterday. I went to the post office to pick up a registered letter and I had to show ID. The clerk said "Are you sure that's you?" when I showed her my driver's license. She said "You look much thinner, you must have lost a lot of weight". I didn't think I looked fat in my pic, but I guess I did. I'm still having trouble with my body image. A co-worker told me yesterday I was REALLY THIN. I still feel plump! I wonder how long it takes to realize you aren't so fat anymore.....
  23. socalgal3

    Hi to All from Mary S

    I am glad to hear from you. I have thought about you and am happy that things are working out well. Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your continued progress!
  24. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barbara- I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Congrats on the new car and the scale movement and thanks for the compliment!
  25. socalgal3

    I have a NSV and super excited!!

    Yay! Keep the NSVs coming!

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