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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by socalgal3

  1. socalgal3

    Exercise Today

    R u guys/gals doing a video/personal trainer or your own exercise routine? I have a "Perfectly Fit Arms" tape by Claudia Schiffer cuz my triceps SUCK! I used to have a personal trainer and she made up all these exercise cards for me. I think I need to dig those up. Just wondering because you guys/gals ROCK!!
  2. socalgal3

    Exercise Today

    I've been a total flake, but I'm back on track. I walked 2 miles this morning.
  3. socalgal3

    Book Recommendations

    I read that blood type book and as soon as it said NO tomatoes ever for my type, I said No way Jose! I LOVE tomatoes. My friend did it and it worked, so who knows. I think it's a load of "bleep". These are my books. Anyone is welcome to borrow: The Ultimate Weight Solution- Dr. Phil The South Beach Diet- Arthur Agatston, MD Overcoming Overeating- J. Hirschmann/C. Munter The Hunger Within- Marilyn Migliore all by Geneen Roth: When food is Love Appetites Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating Feeding the Hungry Heart Why Weight? When you Eat at the Refridgerator, Pull Up a Chair I also have Suzanne Somers books-Eat Great, Lose Weight Eat, Cheat & Melt the Fat Away Fast and Easy, etc.
  4. socalgal3

    Book Recommendations

    I'd be glad to swap with anyone. I'll put a list on here later of the books I own. Did anyone read Dr. Ortiz's book Lap Band for Life?
  5. socalgal3

    Drinking Water with Meals?

    Cuz it washes the food right through the tummy! This is one of the harder things for me to "swallow" about this surgery!
  6. socalgal3

    Exercise Today

    Mon.- 1 mile walk Wed.- 1 mile walk Fri(didn't exercise, but was shopping at the mall for like 4 hours, so I'm sure I walked over a mile!) Sat-2 mile walk Sun.- 2 mile walk Going to the gym tomorrow!(First time in months!)
  7. I was self-pay and there is no way I could afford PS. Besides, I don't wanna! I am 36, but I have pretty good genes(I look younger), so I'm hoping my skin will snap back into shape somewhat. Losing slowly and exercise should help that. Has anyone tried cosmetic creams like FatGirlSlim or Olay Skin Firming lotion?? Just curious if they help!
  8. socalgal3

    Book Recommendations

    I think I've read 90% of the weight loss book on the market! (a slight exaggeration). I do love Geneen Roth's books because I am an emotional eater. When Food is Love is my favorite. I've gone to 2 of her conferences too.
  9. I'm glad you have fun, didn't gain weight and are home safe! I went to Punta Cana in 2003 and LOVED it! Swim up bar, fun and sun....
  10. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Poodles. The funnel analogy helps. Sorry about the PB.
  11. socalgal3

    Port Pain and Burping

    Any reply? Are you taking pain reliever and acid reducer? Maybe take liquid vitamins and or aloe vera juice to help with healing.
  12. socalgal3

    How soon can you drive?

    Personally, I drove home the day after surgery and I have a stick shift! I was fine.
  13. socalgal3

    Thirtysomething women, no kids?

    36 here...no kids
  14. socalgal3


    I'm 36, single with no kids....except my cat.
  15. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok...I need help. My instructions are clear liquids(juice, jello, broth). As of today I can add yogurt and protein drinks. I know they say SIP your drinks and only have 4 oz. at a time, but everyone also says liquids go right through. So, why do we have to sip and limit the amount of water, for example? Am I being stupid(highly likely)? I admit I have swallowed gulps, not sips of water and I had no problem. I just can't see getting my daily water intake in by sipping small amounts. I'm only a week out, so of course I don't wanna stretch my pouch or hurt my band, so someone please explain it so I understand.
  16. socalgal3

    Port Pain and Burping

    I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time Laura! Today is my one week bandiversary. I get to have yogurt and protein drinks! Have you called or emailed Dr. Ortiz's office? I suggest you did that and I hope you feel better soon!
  17. socalgal3

    Challenge To Every Body!

    I'm in! I weighed 235 this morning, so the goal is 224. I walked a mile today, so I'll have to keep increasing that and decreasing ME! Good luck all!
  18. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Randi- You are NOT alone, because we are all here for you. Don't beat yourself up about testing limits, but do try to stay on the plan for your health. One day you will have to deal with making wise food choices(me too!) Not eating will never be an option. Sometimes when I feel that way,, I just wish I had an intravenous tube cuz no food sounds good, but I want the hunger to go away. Find something to do for yourself-read a book, go for a walk, go to a movie, something constructive and positive. Hang in there and Happy 4th! Remember, it's INDEPENDENCE day, so you are celebrating your independence!
  19. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    This may be somewhere else on the site, but I want to know....when can I take a bath? The liquid stitches are still on me and I don't want to mess them up, but I'd love a nice warm soak!
  20. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I know I just had surgery a few days ago, but after I lost 8lbs pre-op, my scale froze! This morning it moved! Yay! I know I need to concentrate on healing, but it is a little discouraging to have no movement on the scale when you aren't even eating! Anyway, wanted to share.....
  21. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks 4 all the tips poodles! I don't really feel hungry. My stomach just gurgles and churns and ROARS! It scared my cat yesterday! The nausea is subsiding somewhat but still present. I have to remember I just had surgery 3 days ago! The pain is a little better too-not intolerable. Thank you all SO MUCH for your support. I haven't told anyone so you guys are it!
  22. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    There's a rumble in my tummy! First, I figure I'm hungry, so I have some broth or diluted juice or jello and the grumble continues. So, I figure it's gas and take some Gas-X or Gaviscon. RUMBLE RUMBLE. So, I walk..gurgle gurgle and I lie down rumble rumble....HELP! How do I settle the tummy down, just have nothing for a day or what?:phanvan
  23. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good luck Ubermom! Anyone out there have ideas for exercising through/despite pain. I wrapped up my waist this morning and took some pain med. and could only walk around the block because every step was throbbing on my left side! I really want to be good and exercise, but it hurts!
  24. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I agree with the feeling of needing to burp and not being able to! Anyone have nausea?? help! My surgery date weight was 237. I'm only gonna weigh once a week I think, so I'll update next Thurs.
  25. My port hurts too. I was thinking of binding mine to exercise too. It hurt just walking to my mailbox. Housecatgirl- feel better soon. I was able to leave this morning as I had my car at the clinic. My main issue is NAUSEA. ugh

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
