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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by socalgal3

  1. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks for the support ladies! I think I am just PMSing. I did my 6.4 mile walk on Sunday, but I haven't been much better in the food department. I ate 2 big cookies yesterday at a meeting. Also not helping is that my trainer completely quit on me, so I need to find a new one. She had personal issues and left the state.
  2. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    "Onederland" is when your weight begins with a 1. Something I have yet to see! I am having serious "head hunger" issues. I mean serious people! I was going to get a fill Saturday, but then I had a major slime episode on Thursday. I didn't officially PB, but I was sliming for like an hour. I am sure it was my fault for eating too fast. I decided not to get a fill until the new year. I'll be out of the country for Christmas and I don't want to have any problems far from home. I don't know what to do to get over the "200" pound hurdle. I was on anti-depressants before my operation and I stopped after due to fear of taking pills, but also because with the healthy eating and exercise, I was feeling great. I always had SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder), so I'm thinking the shorter days and colder weather are getting me down. I need support ladies!(and gentleman) I've been eating chocolate, Doritos and all sorts of crap! HELP!
  3. Was there a time in your weight loss journey that it all seemed to "click"? I mean, I am 5 months out and I still watch what I eat, log calories, etc. Granted, I have no fill at this time. But, do you eventually get used to the band, the portions, the foods to avoid, or is it a constant thought? I am hoping to stop obsessing over food and weight, but that has yet to happen or even decrease for that matter!:help:
  4. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I've been bad about posting.....I did the same walk today as last Sunday- 6.4 miles around a local lake. It was nice. I tried to start my Christmas cards, but only got about 5 done! It makes me feel old to say "time goes by so fast" and all that, but it really seems to go by quicker every year!
  5. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I feel alot better today. I guess I get frustrated that you can be "good" for a whole week and the weight doesn't change. Then one "bad" day and the scales shows an increase! Grrrr...I wasn't exactly "bad". I had about 2 tablespoons of mini chocolate chips and some natural peanut butter, but I was dying for sugar! Sometimes our bodies don't reward us for all our hard work and it's crazy! I guess I should be glad considering I have no fill. Sometimes I think my band is working even with no fill, which is nice. I ate a turkey tortilla wrap and I didn't get stuck, but I had a little pain in my chest from the tortilla(whole wheat). I chewed well. And last week the apple skin incident. So, even with no fill I have to be careful. Sounds like you are doing well Barbara! Your loss is someone's gain(new pants for them at Goodwill!) I think I'm having serious psychological issues about breaking the 200 mark! I just can't seem to get below it. I can't motivate myself to exercise or to stop snacking!
  6. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I didn't exercise Monday or Tuesday and today I did my YOU 20 minute workout. I'm feeling kinda sad today. I just wish this journey was easier. I'm missing my old friend-FOOD!
  7. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats on the job Laura! Congrats on the great progress Cindy! I am lucky too as my hair hasn't been falling out. I LOVE wind! It is my favorite thing when the winds come here...I hate rain.
  8. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Oh...popcorn goes down no problem for me!
  9. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinky- I PB'd on an apple and I have no fill! I chewed and chewed but that darn peel came right back up. I peel my apples now. It kinda sucks cuz I've always heard there is more nutrients in the skin/peel and I've never peeled my apples, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.
  10. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Poodles- What you listed certainly doesn't sound like too much food to me, but hey, I'm no doctor. Are you still hungry after you eat all that? Are you exercising? That can help get the scale moving. Don't get a fill based on what others are doing. If you are totally closed off once a month, a fill will certainly not help. Just my 2 cents.
  11. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi all! I am on Day 6 of the You: On a Diet program and still doing fine. I am meeting a friend a 3pm to walk around a local lake-6.4 miles round-trip. The weather is so great, I just must take advantage of it. For Thanksgiving, I am going out to dinner at a restaurant with my Mom. We had a choice of a buffet, but we decided on a served meal. That should help with portions. Plus, my mom is a skinny health-nut, so it's always easier to be good around her! Then I also avoid leftovers. Good luck to you all on that day. Make sure to enjoy friends, family and tradition without stressing to much over the band!
  12. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'm on day 4 of the "You:On a Diet" Program and doing fine. But my TOM came today, so the scale is the same. This book touts the benefits of healthy sex, so don't deny your hubby Christa!hahahaa
  13. socalgal3

    Unplanned meals away from home

  14. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Julie- That's why we all come here-for support. What is your routine like? Are you exercising? Writing down what you eat? Have you had a fill? Anyway, don't give up! Re-commit yourself every morning and just do the best you can. Also, measure yourself! Maybe you've had success there that hasn't been reflected on the scale. Those NSVs keep me going! Hang in there!
  15. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    YEAH!!! Onederland! Congrats Pinky! I've been so close for so long, but I think it is mental sabotage. That's one reason I wanted to do this Dr. Oz thing. If I can get over that hurdle, it will mean alot. I walked to my polling place tonight-20 minutes round trip and I am about to do the Intermediate level on the You workout DVD. I stayed on this "diet" today and did well. I couldn't even finish my dinner. Good to see ya Lucy! Don't be a stranger.....
  16. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Christa- I am more than happy to also post daily. I need that accountability too! Just think of your weight gain as muscle! Muscle weighs more than fat remember? Just keep doing the right thing and the scale will follow! Are you measuring inches too? Try various indicators of success besides just that pesky scale!
  17. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I wasn't hungry the first few weeks after being unfilled, but I think my esophagus was still pretty swollen then. I've been very hungry lately, so I am assuming the swelling has gone down. That's why I wanted to try this eating plan because it is supposed to keep hunger at bay. I had my steel cut oatmeal for breakfast and some tea. I think it would be hard to follow this plan with proper restriction, because it really stresses eating high fiber foods and I know some fibrous foods are troublesome for bandsters. If you follow the program for 2 weeks, you are supposed to lose 2 inches in your waist so we'll see! Good luck to all my fellow Junebies. Barbara- Keep posting the info. Knowledge is never a bad thing!
  18. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I got my "You: On A Diet" book today(Dr.OZ and Dr. Roizen) and it came with a free workout DVD. It has 3 levels:beginner, intermediate and advanced. I did the beginner workout tonight. It's funny at the beginning of the video it says "Forget the FBI warning, copy this video and give it to everyone you know!" The book has a chapter on weight loss surgeries with a page on lap-band! Anyway, I am going to try the 2 week diet. I know.....I never thought I would "diet" after paying so much for an operation, but it's more like being healthy. I am not sure what to do about being re-filled. I really don't want to experience that too tight feeling again. I may wait until the new year.
  19. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    This morning I hiked a big mountain by my apartment. I have only been to the top twice before. The elevation is like 1592' I think. It is 2.5 miles one way from my place. It took me about 2 1/2 hours. It is rated a 5 on a scale of difficulty ranging 1-5!! Granted, old ladies, dogs and cyclists were whizzing past me, but I did it! I keep saying..."A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and "Slow and steady wins the race..." I swear I almost turned back so many times, but nice people passing me on the trail said "You're almost there" and "You can do it!" On the way down my legs were a little shaky and I almost slipped more than once, but I managed to maintain my vertical position! :clap2: http://www.mountainbikebill.com/CowlesMt.htm Barb-I did see that Oprah episode and I ordered Dr. Oz's book!
  20. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    My cholesterol is down 24 points! It was at 200 which is kinda borderline, but my good cholesterol was high, so it wasn't really "bad". Now it is 176! Yeah!
  21. socalgal3

    Oprah Today: Weight Loss and Obsessions

    I think the difference is the effects. Your scrapbooking will become an obsession if you ignore your family because of it, use all of your money on it, etc. We can have hobbies, but when you negatively affect others' lives as well as your own, that's the problem.
  22. socalgal3

    Article on lapband complications

    Also, I think many of these studies include things like heartburn and nausea in "complications", so one shouldn't assume that by complications they mean the worst case scenario like erosion and slippage. It is always good to hear about research. This means they are continue to study and improve the band!
  23. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats to all fitting into new clothes. I had this pair of pants I kept telling myself I wouldn't try on until I was under 200 because I didn't want to be disappointed. Well, I tried them on Saturday anyway and they fit! On the other hand, since I am not filled, I have been pushing the envelope on foods....I made myself a grilled cheese last night! I weigh in with my trainer today and I know I'll be up. As the days get shorter and it gets dark earlier, I find I want to go right home after work and sit on the couch instead of going to the gym. Somebody motivate me! hahaha
  24. I am so sorry about your erosion! That is I fear of mine! Best of luck in all that you have ahead. Your journey will educate alot of people here.
  25. socalgal3

    I'm in Onederland!!

    CONGRATS! I am close to Onderland myself, but self-sabotage isn't helping. Thanx for the motivation!

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