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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by socalgal3

  1. socalgal3

    How much is too much?

    You must have a 10cc band. I have a 4cc band, so I am not familiar with the standard first fill for the 10cc. It varies so much from person to person, it's impossible to say how much is too much. You will know if it is too much! You will have difficulty with many foods and even liquids if you are too tight.
  2. socalgal3

    Looking for input on stomach problem

    Exercise also helps to move gas through. Or, if you are constipated, drink more and keep moving.
  3. socalgal3

    Long Time Bandsters Experiencing Problems?

    As they say, hope for the best, plan for the worst. Hopefully, they won't have to remove your band. I was faced with the same problem over a year ago and luckily, my band was not removed. They added extra stitches to prevent a 2nd slip. Since then I reached goal and have been maintaining +/- 10 pounds. Maybe it will be better this time around and you will reach your goal! I wish you the best and keep us updated.
  4. socalgal3

    Movie Snack?

    Since you are only 10 days out, aren't you still on liquids? In that case, my favorite snack-a bottle of water! Or mix up some Crystal Light for flavor. A protein shake, juice, a popsicle. Most things would require refrigeration. Good luck and enjoy the movie!
  5. socalgal3

    Wasabubblebutt is in recovery

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I am sorry that you had so much trouble with the band, but I'm glad it is resolved now. I like to know there is an option if I have further trouble with my band, but $12,500 is a little steep as I was self-pay. But, it is invaluable in the end. Keep us posted and stay healthy!
  6. socalgal3

    almost a month!!

    When was the last time you lost 15 pounds in a month? It may seem slow, but that is very fast actually. That is over 3 pounds a week! The average loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Be patient. You are doing great.
  7. socalgal3

    Would you risk this?

    Personally, I couldn't financially afford to take that risk. I would stick with the band. As far as how a slip feels, it varies on the severity of the slip. Obviously Applex had a bad one, but some people have minor symptoms like heartburn or suddenly eating more or less than before. Sometimes an unfill and doing liquids for a few days-weeks can resolve the slip. Mine was fairly bad and I was unable to keep solids down at all. Liquids hurt and I had back pain. I never vomited blood. It turned out fine in my case as I had my band repositioned and haven't had problems since. Best of luck with your decision JeanneC and let us know the result!
  8. I had my band repositioned due to a slip, not a hernia. The procedure was easier than the first, as they didn't have to touch the port. I was self-pay, so the added cost was the only pain of the surgery! I am doing well, so there is life after repositioning! Good luck to you.
  9. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Happy Bandiversaries Julie and Cathy! Congrats on the trial too Cathy!
  10. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Happy Bandiversaries Barb, Aimee and Melissa! I have about 3 weeks to go until mine....
  11. socalgal3

    Band Slippage

    Hare- I am sorry that you are having problems. I had revision surgery and things have been pretty good since then. If your doctor said it is the worse he has seen, I doubt an unfill will resolve it. Surgery may be necessary. The healing period after the 2nd surgery was much easier for me. My best advice to you is to keep in close contact with your doctor and not to say "Out of sight, out of mind". We need to treat the band with care or we could lose this precious tool! That was the biggest lesson I learned from my slip. Be careful and I hope this is resolved soon one way or another. Best of health to you! If you have any specific questions for me, feel free to ask.
  12. I had a revision. I don't have any great advice for you except to follow the directions of your doctor and keep in touch with him/her. Best of health to you! If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!
  13. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Welcome back ofps! Congrats on losing 110 pounds! I am sorry you aren't able to exercise much. To update your ticker, you need to go to Ticker Factory.com and make a new one then upload it here using the upload image link. There are directions in the FAQ section of LBT. I'm sure newbies would be excited to buy a book on lap banding. I know there is a book by Dr. Ortiz, but his does not have recipes. There is also one by Mohammed Ali's daughter, but I have not read it. I am going walking tonight with a friend around a local lake. This one is 5 miles around I think. As everyone hits their 2 year bandiversary, I hope you will post a check-in and update! I am determined to be 150 or less by my bandiversary on June 29. I was over 160 this morning, but it is "that time of the month". I am off work for the summer next week, then I will be stress-free(well not completely!) and have more time to exercise, plan healthy meals, etc.
  14. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thank you ladies for the compliments! I had a BAD PB today. I was eating Chinese food with family and had a few things on the plate, but I am pretty sure it was some chicken that caused the problems. It went on for like an hour it seemed. I kept getting up from the table to go to the bathroom and was hoping nobody noticed. No one said anything, so that was a relief. I have protein drinks in the fridge, so I may stick with those tomorrow. Hang in there all.
  15. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

  16. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good to hear from you Barb123! I'm glad you had a slight unfill and are dedicated to eating healthier. Stella- I am sorry for your struggles. I reached my goal in December, but you may know I already had a 2nd operation to repair a slip. I was 159 this morning, which is up from my lowest of 150, but I determined to get it off this summer. Cathy-congrats on the trial and being 11 pounds to goal! I was without a computer for over a week and I was having withdrawls. I tried to upload pix of my new bathing suit, but the "upload image" button isn't working for me. I'll keep trying. Have a great Memorial Day weekend! (It's raining in "sunny" San Diego!)
  17. socalgal3

    Has anyone had a second slip?

    I experienced a slip and live in fear of it happening a second time. They do say once you have a slip, you are more likely to have another(I don't know who "they" are, I've just heard that!) I hope it isn't another slip! Best of luck and keep us posted!
  18. socalgal3

    The ice cream keeps calling my name

    If you have to give in to a craving ONCE IN A WHILE that is ok. Try not to make it a daily habit and sabotage all you have accomplished. Maybe try a healthier alternative like nonfat frozen yoghurt! There are a ton of sugar free, fat free options out there. I know they aren't as good as the real thing, but if you must indulge, it's a good option. Hang in there!
  19. socalgal3


    It is pretty rare to have a slip with NO symptoms. They vary, but usually you have some indication that there is a problem. Do they do your fills under fluoro? Do they remove the fill before refilling you? Perhaps you have a leak in your tubing and aren't holding the fill. Are you exercising? Measuring food? Listen to your docto and get the endoscopy. Best of luck!
  20. socalgal3

    Are you lacking iron?

    I take liquid Floradix iron every day. I've tested low on iron after banding. Never had an issue before. I am a regular blood donor so I have to take the supplement or I can't donate.
  21. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    You can try Fill Centers, USA. They don't have a location in TN, but there are some in Georgia, North Carolina and Missouri. What is your insurance(if any)? The best bet is to call them first. Also, go back over why you had the surgery in the first place. Start TODAY-don't procrastinate. Count your calories, measure your food, EXERCISE, take your measurements, start a journal, see a counselor, whatever it takes! We are here if you need support and guidance.
  22. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats on the house Melissa! That's a big step I'll probably never be able to take. Happy Mother's Day to Barb123, Pinkylee, Regina and all the other moms in here! Thanks for the comments girls. You'd think after losing weight, I wouldn't mind a bathing suit, but it still causes anxiety!
  23. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I must have looked so bad, you were all speechless! I decided to take the suit back. It was a tankini and after trying on several suits, I decided I don't like tankinis! I went back to the standard black one piece. I won't post any photos as to avoid further embarrassment!
  24. socalgal3

    Did I PB???

    PBs vary in their intensity. Sometimes it is like a simple burp or hiccup and the food comes back up with no pain, etc. Sometimes, things get stuck pretty bad and there can be hours of sliming, spitting, discomfort, sweating, etc. Just be careful with the "BIG" lunches and gulping too much fluids too soon after eating. Sounds like your first PB! Welcome to banded life! Hopefully they will be few and far between.
  25. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Okay, I just went and cleaned my mirror after posting this! I didn't realize how dirty it was!! How embarrassing!

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