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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Chelley

  1. Hi - I had surgery in Mexico under Dr. Ortiz in April 2006. I never considered I'd be a canidate for the VG band because my weight the day of surgery was 215lbs. I was suprised to find out post-op that Dr. Ortiz had placed a VG band with the explaination that my belly fat was the cause. I do indeed carry more than 50% of my excess in my abdomen.

    It has been a struggle. My sister who was also banded with me got the regular size band and has lost 60lbs. At my lowest, I was 204 then started gaining back my weight. As of Monday, I was back up to 214. Currently, I have 6.2cc in my band with my last fill being Monday. I'm hoping that this will do the trick. I have a theory that you have to be tight to loose ... eating only spoonfuls of food at one meal. I am now down to eating spoonfuls. If I were to receive anymore restriction at this point I'd be obstructed per the fluroscopy I had on Monday.

    I understand your frustration and disappointment. I paid for my surgery on credit card which has left me in personal debt. I told everyone about my surgery and I want to scream now whenever someone asks, "how much weight have you lost?". I've blamed myself once again for failing to loose weight.

  2. Hi - I just wanted to say thanks again for all your posts. Sorry I stirred up a lot of worry about pouch dilation, but I always heard of slippage and didn't know you could stretch your pouch and esophagus by packing it when you are too tight.

    This time of transition after surgery is tough because you are forced to learn a new way of eating. I think that we all "test" the band ... afterall isn't that what it is there for .... a reminder that we can't overeat? If I could control my portions I wouldn't have needed the band. I think I was too impatient to get restriction and those two fills I had back to back in June did make me to tight because since that 3rd fill I've PB'd daily. Sometimes I PB because I am not focused and take too big of a bite, sometimes I PB because I take a sip of liquid (I know I did it to myself) but sometimes I PB on my own sinus drainage or liquids. Because I can't eat protien sources like meat without PB'ing (and I'm talking about the soft ball in the chest kind where you actually pray over the toilet that God will let you die), I'm making soft food choices which is another band no-no.

    Since I can't hop on a plane every 3-4 months to see my doc in Mexico, I've made an appointment with a surgeon in Dallas who was willing to take my case. I have an appointment Oct. 10th for a band evaluation and I hope and pray that all I need is a slight unfill. I really don't want to go back down to no fill and start gaining weight (especially right before the holidays), but at this point I have not lost any weight in 2 months and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get back on track. So, I'll keep you posted as to what the new doc says.

  3. I have the VG band and I do PB daily. I'm praying my band hasn't slipped, but I do fear that I have pouch dilation. I was freaked out post surgery about not feeling any restriction with my 1st fill. I went in for two fills back to back in June and my doc thinks I'm way to tight. I'm going for an eval in October to see what can be done. This has been most discouraging as the only thing I'm loosing is my hair. Thanks for your replies.

  4. My doc in Mexico has recommended a complete unfill for me. He thinks I'm too tight and could have possibly stretched the upper pouch or have had some slippage. After a 4-6 week rest, he recommends adding fills slowly. Has anyone else ever had to do this and did you start loosing weight? I'm 5 months post band and I've not lost any weight in 2 months and am certainly eating less than 1/3 of what I could before.


  5. I've been using a 3 step hair product called Nutri-Ox for Hair loss. I picked it up at a local beauty supply store in a 3 peice kit: Shampoo, conditioner, leave in treatment. I can't say I have any new growth, but the hair loss seems to be slowing ... can't say if my shedding is just naturally slowing or it is because of the hair product, Biotin, multi vit ... all of it... or none of it. :confused:

  6. I am at a loss to understand why I am not loosing weight with my band.

    I was banded 4/18/06 and went from 227.5 to 204lbs. During the 6 week waiting period before the first fill, I gained weight until I was back at 215lbs, which was what I weighed the day of surgery after the pre-op diet. I was so freaked out, I thought maybe my band was leaking because the amount in my band fluctuated between fill 1 and 2. I had no clue that my VG band required a greater fill and that air could have been displaced causing the dicrepancy, until I was Enlightened on this board. I got my first fill in Mexico and then got my last two fills in the states. Since my last fill in June, I have maintained my weight at 210 lbs. I am so frustrated. I PB daily. At times I feel tight and others I can eat like a horse.

    After talking to my doctor in Mexico, he would like me to return to his clinic and have an evaluation for possilbe band slip or pouch enlargement and if neither have occurred he recommends a complete unfill, let the stomach rest and start filling the band again. He thinks I am too tight.

    I honestly don't know what to do. I was banded with my mom and sister on the same day and my sister who has a regular size band has lost 60lbs in the 5 months since surgery.

    Any thoughts?

  7. The scale is stuck at 210lbs.... but it always has been. Whatever weight loss attempt I've made it seems I can't break the 200lb barrier, so I'll take your advice and consider that this is a plateau and hope for the best. My hair loss is slowing and I think it is the Biotin, multi vit, protien shake, and this Shampoo kit Nutri-Ox that is a 3 step program.

    I've been trying to eat sensibily and as recommended by the doctor and nutritionist with protien first ... but it is hard when I slime. I've gone back to using a baby spoon and fork to make sure I'm not taking in too big of a bite and I now count how many times I'm chewing before I swallow and it has made a small difference. There is just some stuff that won't go down though and the more I try to swallow it the bigger it gets ... so I slime until I PB.

    I'd like to thank you all for your replies. I was feeling very depressed and alone in this and with the help of this forum I realize these are just some of the struggles one goes through with the band. Thanks!


  8. I'm curious what a typical meal is for those of you who have been banded now for several months and have restriction. The nutritionist at my doctor's office recommended the plate method where you divide your plate in 4's: Protein, green veggie, fruit, and carb. I can't eat meat as a protein source unless it is boiled very tender. As a result of not getting enough protein, I'm loosing my hair. I take a multi vit daily and 1000 mcg Biotin and have started using a special Shampoo for Hair loss to try to combat hair loss. I have started drinking Protein shakes for Breakfast also. The thing is, I'm not loosing any weight. I lost 17lbs and I've been stuck at 210lbs for the last 2 months now. I'm so discouraged. My hair really is one of my best assets and now that it's falling out to drain clogging proportions I'm totally freaked out. This is how a typical day of eating goes for me... if any of you have suggestions, please let me know!

    Breakfast - Low Carb Slim Fast - 20grams protein per serving

    lunch - 1 cup taco Soup - PB'd on the last bite :D

    snack - 1/2 cup dry Cherrios

    Supper - 1/4 cup tuna, 1/2 cup green Beans - PB'd the green beans

    Snack - 1/2 c no sugar added vanilla yogurt

    Water - Consumed 4 16oz bottles today between meals/snack times

    This food consumption is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy less than what I could eat before, so why do you think I'm not loosing weight? Why is my hair falling out????


  9. I posted a question about my fills under lap band complications and two lap band surgeons have answered my questions to my satisfaction. Apparently, the VG band must be primed and my first fills went into priming my band. According to both doctors, it sometimes takes 3 cc or so to prime the VG band. I do have restriction today and I am optomistic that once the swelling subsides and I start regular foods again in a few days that the restriction remains and I'll be on the road to meeting my weight loss goals.

  10. :help: I'm very worried my VG band could be leaking. I had surgery April 18th, a 2.8 cc fill June 12th, a 2.5 cc fill July 10th and a 2.4cc fill July 24. The radiologist who is doing my fills has no explaination as to what could be happening to my fills. Upon aspiration at the time of fill #2, the doctor could only pull back 0.5cc of my original 2.8cc fill. Today, he didn't tell me how much he aspirated b/c he probably knew i'd freak out! Has anyone else had a similar problem with the VG band?

  11. I got a 2.4cc fill today, just two weeks after a 2.5cc fill. The barium passed through the banded area lickity-split like there wasn't anything there when two weeks previously I'd seen it curl backwards as it hit the banded area. The radiologist couldn't offer an explaination... he just fills them. I'm worried about loosing restriction... but hopeful this fill will do the trick.

  12. Thank you for your support... It's so nice to know I'm not alone in my frustration. I scheduled another fill for tomorrow. I am back to my pre-op weight of 215lbs today and just disgusted with myself because the more I worry about this band and my weight, the more I want to eat to comfort myself. I did talk to a colleage of mine and she told me it took 3 fills and 2 unfills before she got good restriction and didn't start loosing weight until 4 months after being banded. I'm trying to hold on to some hope and I know it works because my sister who was banded at the same time I was has lost 40lbs! She has the 10cc band and got restriction on her first fill... lucky gal!

  13. Thanks for the info... although I haven't been able to find out much about the VG band (even went to the Inamed website) I can see from the pictures that it is segmented and that makes perfect sense. I am frustrated tho because I want to loose this weight. I'm realizing that having surgery is only 1/2 the battle.. getting the fill just right is the harder part.

  14. I was banded on April 18th with a VG band in Mexico. My starting weight was 227.5 lbs. My doc put the VG band in because I carry the majority of my weight in my abdomen and as a result, my internal organs are packed in fat. I got a 2.8cc fill on June 12th in Mexico. No restriction noted. I got my 2nd fill July 10th in Texas and the doc said he could only pull back 0.5cc. He gave me a 2.5cc fill under fluro. When I asked my doc in Mexico what could have happened to my first fill I was told it had dissipated possibly due to air being in my band. The first 4 days after the second fill I had restriction and now I'm back to eating whatever I want and I'm trying to follow the "rules". I was so worried, I e-mailed my doc in Mexico asking if my band could possibly be leaking! I was reassured it most likely was not... but I don't understand this. My sister who was banded at the same time with a 10 cc band has almost too much restriction after her 1st fill. I mean, the girl can eat 4 tater tots and she's stuffed like she ate a Thanksgiving dinner! I'm discouaraged with my weight yo-yoing so much. I am so anxious to see these pounds drop! I'd lost down to 204lbs at one point after the liquid phase of the post-op diet, went up to 215lbs (which was my pre-surgery weight) ... down to 207lbs and now I'm back up to 211lbs. I don't know what else to do other than schedule another fill. What recommendations do you all have?

  15. Beachee & Lizzie - I was banded in April of this year and I had some of the same concerns you gals do. I'm also in my 30's. My doctor recommended a preop diet of 3-4 protien shakes a day and unlimitted salad greens with balsamic vineagar or your choice of low fat dressing up to 2 tablespoons a serving. The preop diet lasted for 7 days and it was hard during the 1st 3 days. I ended up sneaking in a grilled chicken breast! But after those first 3 days of going to bed with my tummy growling it got easier. My motivation was the fact I didn't want my liver damaged in the surgery. The whole purpose of this crash diet before surgery is to shrink your liver to make the procedure safer and easier. The second motivating force was the fact the pounds started to come off... sometimes 1-2 pounds a day. I ended up loosing 12lbs on the pre-op diet and my starting weight was 227.5. So, on the day of surgery I was at 215. It only took my doctor 12 min to place my band ... 30 min in all for the surgery. As far as smoking goes... I can't help you much there because I've never smoked, but I've dealt with plenty of my patients who have. It is a medical fact that smoking delays wound healing. So when you light up, just think do I want my scars to heal so I can get into a bikini without them being noticed or do I want to be in a one peice the rest of my life! LOL!!! Try the patch or gum... your nerves are in full swing right now because you are questioning yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. Conquering the negative self talk that goes on in our heads is 1/2 the battle. Will power is a myth ... and if you believe that you can do things by sheer will power then you are self-sabotaging yourself. Instead.. tone down the negative self-comentary in your head. The band is a tool that gives you restriction so you can't eat the volumes you did pre-band. Since the band, I've not been hungry ... but I have had the dreaded head hunger that tells me I need to eat when I'm upset, lonely, or bored and that is challenge. I turn off the negative self talk and try to do something else to occupy myself until those feelings pass. I wish you the best. Don't be hesitant to talk to your doctor about these feelings you are having. I promise, he/she has heard it before ... and you are paying 10G for them to listen to you... right? Best wishes! Chelley

  16. I told everyone I knew before I had surgery ... kinda suprising for me because I'm somewhat a private person. I was so excited about my decision to have lapband surgery that I just couldn't keep it a secret. Now that I'm 1 1/2 months post op, my only regret in having told some acquaintances at work is I feel like they watch every morsel that goes into my mouth and I know it sounds crazy, but I also have gotten some less than supportive commentary about "You've only lost 21lbs"... well CRAP... 21 lbs in 1 1/2 months is fabulous and I refuse to let these nay-sayers bring me down. Right now, I have no restriction. My first fill is scheduled June 12th. I've gone from a women's 22/24 to a 18/20 and I'm feeling very good about myself. I've also noticed that people you thought may be supportive are a little snippy ... one of the gals I worked with commented on how baggy my clothes were getting and asked how much I'd lost. When I replied 21 lbs.. another co-worker (a large gal, herself) announced "Yeah, she cheated.. she went to Mexico and had surgery!" ;) I was speachless ... of course I have a thousand retorts in my head now.. but I was stunned speachless.

    I have no regrets in telling my friends and my family. Everyone who knows me and loves me has been very, very supportive.

  17. The year my Dad died, my sister and I got identical tatoos of butterflies on our right foot. I went first and mine is located right above my 4th-5th toe ... skin is really thin there and I recommended my sister get her's a little higher... so they aren't in exactly the same spot. When I reach my goal weight I want to get some type of butterfly design on the small of my back. Just like a butterfly, I feel like I'm emerging from my cocoon!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
