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Everything posted by TracyW2

  1. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Thank you so much. You absolutely made my day. I even got all teary eyed. It is just amazing how much I am truly loving life and loving myself. I'm so glad to have all you to come to and share this experience.
  2. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    So yesterday was my 3 month anniversary with my band and even though I was mad at it, somehow it seemed to pull through for me today. Here I am at 70 pounds lost! And here is a pic I just took of me and my new nose ring. One thing that I have really noticed about my monthly pictures is that I don't look near as bloated and I actually have cheek bones. I am loving the new me!
  3. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Does anyone sometimes feel as if their band isn't working some days. I worked my butt off yesterday at eating little and exercising a lot. I didn't even lose an ounce and I was so frustrated. So I took my anger out on food and ate and ate and ate. I ended up having pizza for Breakfast that my family ate last night at dinner (I didn't eat any last night because I was being good). I was able to get down 3 whole pieces that were thick crust. They went down fine and I never got the full feeling. Then for lunch I ate half a sandwhich, chips and a few Cookies. Then had a glass of milk. All of which went down easily. Today I have been letting myself eat everything that I have been staying away from. I am just so frustrated at my band. One day it seems like I have restriction and other days it is nonexistant. I don't think I can even give my band much credit for my weight loss. Sorry just having a down day. Tomorrow I will get back on track.
  4. I had surgery on a Thursday and was back to work on Monday. I do home daycare and I had some restrictions as far as lifting. By a week after my surgery, I was back in full swing.
  5. Wow, what a difference! You look great even with the swelling. And go you for being so confident at putting such revealing pics up.
  6. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Ara - that is hilarious!! Anthony - best of luck to you chickadee81 - I have not named my band, in fact I have never really thought about it. That is so funny about the tattoo because I just got a new one of those about a month ago. HAHAHA KarynA - thank you. So far I have found that rice doesn't seem to bother me too bad. Which is fantastic for me because I really do love rice. I need to quit the drinking too because it is way too many calories right now. I just got back from the Y and I worked out for 2 hours. That is my all time high. According to their machines I burned over 1000 calories, and I only took in about 800-1000 today. I'm eager to see my scale drop in the morning.
  7. Wow, that is just gross.
  8. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Sorry you had trouble with sushi. I had some about a month ago and did fine, but I have also had another fill since then.
  9. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Hello fellow bandsters. I have been a bad girl this weekend. Drinking and eating out. Luckily I am only up a pound and I am getting back to my exercisnig today! My kids dropped our hair clippers on my little toe on Wednesday and I haven't been able to get my tennis shoes on, so I havent been going to the gym. But I am back in full swing today!! Oh and I must be reliving my younger days because yesterday I went and got my nosed pierced. It does look really cute and I cant wait to get a smaller stud in it. I had just about everything pierced when I was in my late teens/early twenties. Maybe being 30 now is doing somethign to me :thumbup:...well that and losing weight! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  10. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Have a great time on your trip!!
  11. TracyW2

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    I also have the same dr. I love his office. Best of luck to you on your journey and cant wait to hear when you finally have you surgery scheduled!
  12. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    illuminationlady - thank you for posting that. I need to print it out. Some I already do and others I need to start doing!
  13. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Great - you can do it!! I can't believe we were banded on the same day and you are only at 1cc. I would definitely be seeking a more aggresive fill. I officially had to take off my wedding ring and my mother's ring today. They are just getting too loose. When my fingers are cold, they both fall right off. I was so scared of losing them, so I will put them in a safe spot for now. I want to wait to have them resized until I have lost more and I am closer to my goal. I would hate to have to have them resized again.
  14. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Thank you so much!! I think the first time in my life I am actually feeling beautiful too. :thumbup: I checked out your pictures and WOW. There is such a difference. It is truly amazing!
  15. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    We all have those times where we are weak. You just have to think today is a new day and get back on track. I stress eat too, so I know how you feel.
  16. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    Hello everyone. I wanted to post a quick comparison pic. I am finally starting to really notice the difference in myself and love showing off my new self. :biggrin: This is me the day of surgery. And this was me and my 2 boys last night. My oldest son and I were going on a mommy/son date night.
  17. I had a 3yo and a 1yo at the time of my surgery. I didn't lift my 1 yo for a couple of days. My 3 yo was understanding when I showed him my stomach and why he had to be careful. I had my surgery on a Thursday and by Monday it was just me plus I run a in home daycare. I found it easier to pick up my little one if I sat on the couch and got him up there with me. Then I would stand up and pick him up from the couch. I also had to change diapers on the couch because I couldnt get down and up from the floor very well.
  18. TracyW2

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    I have the same dr as you! I live in Quincy. It is one heck of a road trip, but luckily I usually have someone riding with me. I really like their office. Plus they listen to my concerns.
  19. TracyW2

    Does EVERYBODY Vomit?

    I have only thrown up once since being banded and it was my fault. I ate too much too fast and I tried to wash down my stuck food with Water. The water ended up coming back up. What does PB stand for?
  20. TracyW2

    December Delights 2009

    You guys are definitely my band family! I enjoy coming here and hearing all the inspiring stories!! I am too curious about ab exercises. There are a few things at the Y that I do, but would love to do more.
  21. I know how you feel. I started this weighing 330. I am now down to 270. I never thought I would even hit 250 and now I am so close. My goal is 200, but would love to see those 100s. I haven't seen those numbers since I was probably 12.
  22. TracyW2

    7 ccs and I need some advice

    I have the 11cc Realize band and I have had 2 fills and am at 7ccs. So exactly the same as you. I am not feeling much restriction at all. I was told that most patiets start feeling restriction around 8ccs. I go for my third fill on Monday and I want to tell them to fill it up! I actually put on a couple of pounds this week because I have been able to eat like normal.
  23. TracyW2

    are your fills....

    Mine are done while standing. So far they have never had trouble hitting my port.
  24. TracyW2

    100 lbs in 4 months

    That is awesome! Congrats!

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