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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lanashegog

  1. I feel you...But you have gotten some really good advice. Drink lots of water...eat your lean protien. I prefer Atkins protien products and see a personal trainer. I see one because I didn't want to work out in vain. I wanted to know I am doing all I can. It can be pretty expensive. I am fortunate my trainer is $15 per session. You really may only need to see him or her once or twice then you can do what you were taught on your own...

  2. Well it depends on your eating habits. At least that is what my doctor told me. The band will make you feel content with smaller portions. So if it took two cheeseburgers for you to feel okay then it will only take one. It will definitely help with Portion Control. As far as your exercising is concerned, are you seeing a personal trainer? I just started seeing one three weeks ago and she is a big help. I learned that we burn fat according to our heart rate. Meaning your target heart rate depends on your age and weight. My target rate is between 125-160. I burn more calories when I am at that rate. If you are asking about your weight then I definitely recommend the lap band..But your doctor will be more help.

  3. Well I was put on mushies on day 4 and on full solids day 8 post op. However, I called my doctor before I began to eat mushies. I wanted to ask first. I don't think you are losing too fast. I think you are worrying too much. The band is doing what it is supposed to do. So be happy!!! LOL...The weightloss will slow down and you won't be happy about that. So just take it one day at a time kiddo!

  4. I had no problem cooking for my DH. I was told not to cook anything special. I was told to cook like I was before the surgery. Of course, I made a few adjustments. Then again, I don't have any babies and yet and I was on full solids 8 days after I was banded. I hear that most doctors make the person wait 4 to 6 weeks??? Thank God my doctor didn't...lol..You will be fine and before you know it you will be eating the same foods again just smaller portions.

  5. I was banded on March 3. I can't believe it's been a month already. My advice to you is to go in the a positive attitude. Do what your doctor says of course and make sure you walk as soon as you can after the procedure. I went to the bathroom myself soon after recovery. I walked around quite a bit to get the air out of my stomach. Within a week, I was almost back to myself. Don't exercise too soon. You want to heal. You will do fine. Be optimistic.

  6. Well I wouldnt really worry about it. Just do as much research as possible about the lifestyle change and diet. I know insurance companies are a pain in the rear but we need them. I lost 10 and would gain 10 during the time I was doing the procedure. Unfortunately and luckily, my bmi was so high it wasn't affected by the loss or gain. My bmi was 57 went I started..54 when I had the surgery, i think.

  7. Be encouraged! You didn't come this far to allow fear to hold you back. I know how you feel. However, like the other fellow bandsters said, do what you are supposed to do. Drink your Water, have your Protein and exercise. You will learn so much about your body. I am learning what exercises to do to burn fat for my body. The band is a tool, We have to use it. You will do just fine. Much love!

  8. I kinda understand what you are talking about. I am losing weight. I know it. I've made a few diet changes and I go to the gym faithfully four times a week even though I went five times this week. I suggest going to a gym or working out. I have a personal trainer and at my gym its only 15.00 per session! I know that at other gyms it may be more costly. However, I am not really weighing myself. I don't want to count pounds because I know it will come off slowly. I don't want to be discouraged. I think you are being a little too hard on yourself though.

  9. I was actually approved for the bypass at first. I got sick with my colon and had to have colon resection surgery first I wasn't happy with the idea of the lapband. I wanted to lose weight fast. However my surgeon was more comfortable with my getting the lapband instead of the bypass. The two people who referred me to the bypass have had problems with it. My sister's mother died from complications of it, one had a heart attack on the table during surgery, she didn't die but has some serious regrets about the surgery. Another woman I know had to have emergency resection surgery and the other is going bald. I am sure people have their horror stories about the band. I was banded on march 3 and so far haven't had any problems with it. I am losing fine. I dont know how to update my ticker or I would...lol..Just pray about it and ask God to lead you to what He wants you to have. He will take care of you. Much love

  10. Hey! No you aren't weird or crazy. I think you are perfectly normal. One thing you have to remember, you can still eat what you want with the lapband. Your lapband will tell you what you can eat. For instance, I can eat bread but can't eat breadsticks. I used to love them. Also, I was a pepsi addict! I drank it full strength with the sugar...don't care for diet pop...lol Also, with your approval from the parent company the insurance will pay...either way, you won't be responsible for the bill. Also, you are right, you aren't very big. Diet Coke is very good to alot of people and it is a life change. But think of it this way, Are you happy with yourself? Are you comfortable with you?? If you are then this is a no brainer, don't do it. But if you have health issues and have issues with your body and the way you look, then do something about it. Take a little control. God will take care of the rest believe me. I know how you feel. I was supposed to have the bypass. I went through all of the things I had to do. One week before my papers were to be sent for approval I got sick and was hospitalized. I was told that I need colon resection surgery. I got three opinions from three different surgeons and all said the same thing. The surgery had to happen. I was approved for the bypass one week after submittal then waited a month for the colon surgery do to the second and third opinions and the colonoscopy. The surgery went haywire and I was opened up. No laprascopic surgery for me! lol..It took two months for me to heal because a few weeks after the procedure I got MRSA. After I got through all of that, my surgeon told me he didn't feel comfortable with me having the bypass because of my colon surgery. One month later I was banded. It was very easy for me to get discouraged and scared not to mention my husband and family didn't want me to do it anyway. I am banded and very happy. Everything went well Praise God! I said all that to say this, its your life. You only have one, don't let it be governed by fear. Its your responsibility to live your life to the fullest. If you are happy...there is no point to having the surgery..if you aren't and want to be, there is going to be some sacrifices..including Diet Coke... Much love! Keep us posted!

  11. I didn't lose weight but my doctor didn't require me to lose anything before the surgery. I've heard many people on here say their doctor required a certain amount of weight loss before the surgery. I know for a fact that you will lose on your pre op diet. I had to see a dietician six times before I was approved. She weighed me before our meetings. I know that they say the insurance company wants to see some loss. Maybe you can call your insurance and see if there is a requirement. I know it's hard but try not to worry. Much love!

  12. Hey! My doctor told me that I can't have soda or those drinks again. The reason he gave me is because the bubbles in it have air and when they pop the air can expand the pouch. I was a Pepsi addict. However, I am three weeks banded and haven't had one. I am in love with Crystal light! lol. I don't really miss it. However, if I were you I wouldnt let the fact that I couldn't have diet Coke be the determing factor for WLS... Much love!

  13. Thank you so much for the advice. I am scheduled to have my first fill April 8 and I am kind of nervous about it. I know for a fact that I do not want a tight fill. I am losing weight even though I haven't been filled because my eating habits were horrible and I am going to the gym. So, thank you. I will find my sweet spot and stick to it! The horror stories about a tight fill are scary.

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