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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bevanfranks

  1. I"m now 20 weeks, and still working out. I noticed I have a little less endurance in me- but i'm still determined to work out and keep my weight in check. I've gained around 10 lbs, and I'm holding steady for now. . .

    I am a lot more tired, but I'm pushing myself to work out after work around 3-4 times per week. 30 minute workouts or so. My Dr said that during the 3rd trimester, i'll have to watch my heart rate more (and work out at a lower intensity)

  2. I'm almost 15 weeks right now, and my doctor told me it's ok to continue my workouts (45 minutes, 4 or 5 times per week), but told me to keep my heart rate around 140 or less. I agree that sometimes i used to work out harder, but I still feel good about exercising at this rate. I usually do the elliptical, or walk and jog a bit on the treadmill. I do some weights, but the doc told me to go easy a bit with any of those that may pull or stress my tummy area.

    I'll be 2 years banded next month. I'm worried about gaining too much, so I'm trying hard to keep up the exercise. With my son, I gained a lot of weight (several years pre-band of course!). So, i'm hoping that w/the band and exercise, I can keep my weight gain at a reasonable, managable amount. . .

  3. An hour or so after my surgery, I was given anti nausea meds in my IV. After that I felt fine-- a little sore and groggy from anesthesia. I went home the same day. I took Advil that evening, and I ended up taking a pain pill that night to help sleep. By the 2nd day, I only took one more pain pill, even though I had a prescription for them, I never took them again after that. I was fine with only advil.

    Some soreness at the port site is to be expected, but I think I just kept remind myself of the excitement of losing weight! I thought the surgery was pretty easy, and had very little pain after.

  4. That lapband book sounds interesting-- I'll have to look it up. I get SHAPE magazine, and I read the articles about weight loss successes, etc. and it helps keep me motivated.

    TinyTina-- our stories are nearly identical!!! I'm still working out, but not as hard as I was. I think sometimes I'm just kinda going through the motions. For the first year after being banded, I didn't allow myself to eat any sweets (except maybe a bite or two on a birthday, special event), but lately I've been grazing as well. I am confident that I MUST stop this behavior in order to reach my goal and not end up back where I was (weight wise). It's a really tough habit to break. I think I need to come up with a new "distraction" or routine. I know that I graze usually out of habit, or due to emotions. When excited, or bored, or depressed, I reach for sweets or carbs. I would LIKE to cut out all snacking, but at least if I can omit the unhealthy ones for now. I don't think my body needs Snacks at all-- it's just a comfort thing for me :)

  5. ddgal- I'm so happy to read your post. We are in a very similar situation. I was banded 5/09, I've lost just a little over 100, but I've kinda been "floating" for several months now.

    I had an appt last week, but the Dr said I don't need an adjustment, it's basically just me. . . I need to re-commit to a few things to get things rolling again. I think I've started snacking lately, whereas i didn't allow myself to do that in the past. I exercise like crazy-- but sometimes I eat more sweets than I should-- so I feel like I'm exercising just to burn off the extras I've eaten! It's an awful, vicious cycle! A small bag of M$Ms is soooooo not worth 20 min on the elliptical! ha ha

    I think it would help me to have the support, so I'll check back here and see how you all are doing! be sure to post any good tips, ideas you have-- i'm sure we all have them, but over time we forget :)

  6. I like the chocolate Unjury shakes. I order the powder online. I also agree with the greek yogurt, I eat chili often, Beans (all types), etc. On occasion, (especially in the beginning after surgery) I had felt slightly weak, and I didn't know why. Someone on this site said the same thing and recommended eating a banana, or even half. That seems to do the trick for me. It may not be only Protein you lack, but other Vitamins. I also take a chewable Vitamin daily.

  7. Next12bbanded,

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now. I'm trying to figure out what has changed with me. My loss has slowed dramatically, but I work out a lot, etc.

    I e-mailed my Dr, and he said I probably need a slight fill. I'm still a bit hesitant, because I don't want to be too tight. I live a few hours away from my Doc, so I'm going to wait 2 weeks til my next scheduled appt, and decide on the fill then.

    I also noticed with myself, that some of my habits have changed, which may have resulted in some of my snacking. One is the way/time I eat and drink. I used to make myself drink a lot of herbal tea or Water in the morning, then eat Breakfast an hour or so later. I'd try to space out my meals-- lately I've been more relaxed on that routine. Also, I used to try to read, walk, or keep myself busy for a bit if I wanted a snack, then if I still craved it half an hour later (ant it wasn't close enough to a meal time) I'd go ahead and have a healthy, somewhat small snack. I used to have half a peeled apple (I can't tolerate the peel w/my band), and a small triangle of laughing cow cheese. Lately I've been snacking on foods I used to consider "forbidden" most of the time-- like chips, or sometimes chocolate.

    I don't know if this is the case with you or not, but for me I'm trying to really get to the root of it for myself. I hope I have the determination/motivation to keep going and stay on the right path. I have 30 more lbs to lose, which used to seem like a small amount, but lately it feels HUGE!!!

    Hope we can both reach our goals soon!!! The holidays don't help :) But I guess we have to learn to live our life healthier-- holidays and all :)

  8. On the way,

    DId they just do a partial unfill, or total?

    I had a slight reflux problem in the past (not too bad luckily), but I read some things online that helped. . . eating at least a few hours before bedtime, watching out for acidic or spicy foods, not drinking too quickly after eating.

    you may be aware of these, but thought i'd share. . . oh and also measuring my foods. I still get occasional reflux if I eat too much, or too much of a bothersome food (like anything too spicy or much chocolate.)

    Good luck :)

  9. I had a fill nearly 2 weeks ago, and I've lost about 3 lbs so far. I'm glad to finally see the scale move a bit. I hope I can keep it up. My DR told me to make sure I"m still measuring, etc. I think I had become somewhat relaxed about having Snacks before, but I'm more on track again now.

    Good luck getting your fill-- it'll probably jump start you again too! I wish I'd have done mine sooner. I told my DR I only wanted a small fill, so I might ask for a bit more next time. I was afraid to get anything too drastic. HOwever, I could have stood to have a normal sized fill. I'm just silly that way!

  10. Thanks- I've found lots of great info on this site as well.

    I think it took me about 2 to 3 months to feel mostly adjusted to the new way of eating, measuring, drinking an hour AFTER eating, etc.

    Even still, if I wait to long to eat, I have to remind myself to eat slower. If you go too long and are extra hungry, you might be more likely to eat quickly. That's when I have to pay attention to how I'm eating. But most of the time now it just comes natural to me.

    When were you banded? how long has it been?

    I used to set my fork or spoon down in between bites to make myself slow down. . . actually, I still do most times! But I used to have to make myself do that-- now it comes naturally :thumbup:

  11. I had my surgery a little over a year ago. I've lost 100 lbs. I'm hoping to lose about 30 more.

    I also get ideas from Vegetarian magazines, sometimes other things like health magazines or cookbooks. Sometimes those recipies call for pastas or grains that I can't eat, but I just omit them. As long as veggies are somewhat cooked, I can eat them. They don't have to be total mush or anything. I actually like them to have some crunch to them :thumbup:

    If I'm unsure how a veggie will work w/my band, I'm really cautions and chew it a lot until I get the feel for it.

  12. I eat all types of green vegetables, but the one I have the most problem with is broccoli. I DEFINATELY cannot eat it raw. I can sometimes eat it if it's cooked really well. It's just too difficult to chew small enough I guess. . .

    I also have a problem with carrots (raw), even if I chew them like crazy- I PB them. Bell peppers are tricky too- they must be cooked, or chopped really finely.

    I eat the most:

    spinach (cooked or raw)

    kale (cooked, or blended in a green drink)


    green Beans (cooked well)

    cabbage, onion, bean sprouts (cooked as stir fry w/soy sauce and tofu or just as a side)

    eggplant (but I usually peel it, because the peels of some things get stuck)

    asparagus, but I must cook well and I cut smaller too

    If you want to eat some veggies that are hard to eat, chop them finely in a food processor. I just bought a really small one for $15 at Wal Mart. It's not the best one of course :thumbup: but it gets the job done. I use it for carrots and bell peppers when I make them in stir frys, etc.

    Oh- and I eat cucumber, but peeled. Those are my main veggies, hope it helps! I also eat lots of Beans in my diet.

    Try having herbal tea- it helps get your digestion moving!

  13. Jillybean- After a fill I always do 24 hrs of liquids, then soft foods for a day-- and my Dr recommends to wait at least 3 days before trying chicken.

    I never eat bread, tortillas, rice, or Pasta. I have crackers once in a while, but I keep it to an absolute minimum.

    As for meats-- my band is finicky. One day I can eat just about any meat, the next day I may feel slightly tighter and I avoid meats. I eat mostly Beans, eggs, and softer (ground meats) for my Protein.

    Chili is one of my favorites. I can eat fillet mingon steak once in a while, but I must cut it small, and I am to the point where I can tell if it's a day I should eat meat or not.

    I think over time you'll get more of a sense of what you can eat and what won't work for you. I'd suggest taking small bites, and waiting a minute or two to see how your body reacts to different things. That way you don't get backed up and have a bad PB.


    I would wait another day and see how it goes. Maybe have Protein shakes for one day to let your tummy relax. It could be still a bit swollen from the fill.

    Then, if you're able to eat soft stuff like cottage cheese, refried Beans, mashed avocado. . .you might end up being just fine.

    I had a friend who went to a fill place, and he needed a slight unfill-- they did it for free within a few days. Call them and ask how many days for a free slight unfill.

    If you are feeling miserable, go for the unfill.

  14. That has not happened to me specifically, but I do know that somtimes I feel like I can eat a lot more than other times. In order to keep myself on track, I eat out of small containers (so my food is measured 1 cup at each meal). My Dr says to eat that amount slowly (giving your stomach time to trigger the full sensation), then stop eating. Even if you THINK you're still hungry. If you stomach isn't growling, you are probably satisfied.

    If you still feel hungry after 30 minutes, maybe you need a fill. Sometimes I think I'm more hungry in my mind than in my stomach!

    Also, exercising helps me to feel less hungry.

    Are you waiting an hour to drink after eating? What types of foods are you eating? That's another thing I've noticed-- some foods help me to feel full much more than others.

  15. Yeah- I think it's normal to worry some, but basically, I think our bands will be fine if we just follow the rules. (measure and avoid certain foods) I know that I'm very vigilant about sticking to the rules, because I can't afford any complications! That has really helped me to lose weight too.

    I paid so much that I KNOW it's extra incentive for me to stick to the rules.

  16. I'm self pay. Around 18K, but I purchased a warranty that would cover complications for 1 1/2 years. I'm nearly 1 1/2 years out now, and so far, so good.

    I've lost 100lbs. Lately I'm having a hard time losing more, but I think I need an adjustment. I have an appt in 2 weeks luckily. I would totally do it again! if I could have afforded to finance it earlier in life, I totally would have!

    I'm so appreciative to my husband for being supportive of taking on the debt of my surgery. I feel it has given me new life.

    To the thread starter-- you may not have lost much yet because you are in the beginning stages. It took me a couple fills to begin losing more steadily. Just follow the bandster rules and measure foods-- you'll lose!

    Good luck :thumbup:

  17. I think toning totally helps. Other than that, there's not much that can be done. I was very overweight, so I knew early on that skin might become an issue for me. I just decided early on that I'd rather deal with some of the excess skin than to be overweight any longer. Excess skin can be hidden, but when I was overweight, no clothes could mask my size really. . .

    So far, my skin is not THAT bad. I wouldn't wear a binkini, but it wasn't an option for me to wear one before my band either! ha ha-- I'm actually much more confident in my body now than before. I do wear a swimsuit though, just with a little skirt so I feel less self conscious. Some of it is just in our heads too. I know I'll never have a model's body, but I'm so happy to be where I am considering where I WAS.

    I still want to lose more, but I feel that if I keep working out, my skin won't be that bad.

  18. That's great-- you're moving in the right direction! yes, that sugar-free stuff can be misleading. I honestly feel that sometimes those things make me feel more hungry. I do enjoy my Sugar Free Chocolate pudding now and again, but I have to be careful not to overdo my sweets :thumbup:

    My Dr. had to push back my appt by a week, but I think I'm going to ask for a small adjustment (in 2 weeks) and see if that'll help spark my loss again. I'm kind of floundering between the same couple of pounds lately.


  19. does this happen regardless of the TYPE of food? Or do you think it might be the type of food? I have to really watch-- because certain foods might do that to me, while others do not. . .

    for example-- I can't eat any rice, pastas, etc. I can't eat tuna, leftover or pre-cooked chicken, etc.

    The other thing-- I know what you mean about eating the whole cup and still being hungry. There are 2 things I"ve realized about that:

    1. If I wait a little bit (15 minutes or so) the hunger in my stomach will usually die down. I think it takes longer for the feeling to hit some days.

    2. If I exercise more, I feel more full-- it helps me to eat less without a doubt!

    It takes a bit of practice, but over time you'll adjust. If you really are uncomfortable with the feeling in your throat-- ask the doc for a slight unfill. Later, you can always have a "refill" if you feel the need.

  20. Ann,

    I'm super happy I decided to get banded as well. It's a bit more complicated to try and "balance everything" than I expected, but it's ok. Eating certain foods, measuring, and kind of timing out my meals. . .

    Do you notice any difference w/your slight unfill?

    Do you measure your foods? What amount? I was measuring at 1 1/2 cups, but it seems that I keep reading it's supposed to be 1 cup? I hope I haven't been over doing it. Sometimes I read that people are only having a half cup. I've never been full or satisfied off of half a cup?! Maybe I'm just not as tight. . . not sure.

    I've done pretty well so far with the band, but I haven't had/needed many fills. My last fill was either December or January. I think I might need another soon, but it's weird, because a month or two ago I was having trouble with several foods, and now I feel too hungry. I don't really think I have a slip though-- it's just odd because I haven't pb'd in over a month. Has this scenario ever happened to you? I'm not gaining weight, but I've been losing fairly slowly for a while now.

    I've also been having the urge to snack. I don't know if that's just in my head-- I'm trying to learn from this band, and it's probably not really hunger, but emotional? I went several months without snacking much, so I don't know what's triggering this-- maybe it is the band being too loose?

    I'm just thinking out loud here. . .

    As far as the upper GI goes. . . yes, I've considered exactly what you mentioned-- maybe I can get my insurance to pay for most of it if my doc will write that it's medically necessary. My insurance is still pretty bad, but if they pay for some-- that would be great! I had to take a loan for my band, and I still owe quite a bit on that.

    Did your band doc do your GI, or a technician? I've never had one before. . .


  21. Spideymom-

    Thanks for the reply :tongue2: Please do let me know about the upper GI if you don't mind. My insurance MIGHT cover some of that, but i need to be prepared just in case. As it is, I'm paying for my band loan. . . if I had known better, I'd have tried to negotiate the first year upper GI into the deal! Oh well :)

    Yes, at times I also tend to eat some softer foods-- yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetarian refried Beans. . . but I can eat chicken (some days), eggs, filet mingon steak, and a few things that are of substance. I had some of those flat Orowheat breads, which is similar to what you're talking about (I think), but I'm a little bit afraid to try them right now. I haven't had any breads in quite a while-- not sure how they'll work out. I really worry about slips, because I read about them often. I purchased a "warranty" with my band, but it was only 1 1/2 years, so it'll be void soon. That's partly why I'd like the GI.

    Lately my weight is BARELY changing, but I feel strange about having another adjustment, because I already tend to eat some softer foods. I've lost about 5 lbs since my appointment nearly 7 weeks ago.

    I exercise a lot, so I don't know what the problem is! Maybe next week my loss with pick up again-- sometimes it stalls a bit :w00t:

    I think today was just a crazy day, so I'm thinking too hard! :(

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