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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sandeee_77

  1. Hi Jane,

    Congrats on your weight loss...38lbs is awesome...way to go! Well the yoga room is certainly hot...and can be very intimidating at first. But once you get used to it, you're okay. It almost feels like you're on a beach on a very hot day (but without the sunburn!). It does make you feel tired, but there are a lot of resting postures to help you get through the class. The great part is, I know this may sound gross, is sweating so much! I am just drenched afterwards, but that certainly helps with the weight loss. Most moksha yoga places have trial weeks or classes so try it out and see how you feel....good luck with it!


  2. Hello All,

    I am a lower BMI bandster. I was banded on August 3, 2006 in Toronto. I have lost 20 lbs so far, it is very slow but people at a lower weight do lose slower. I am trying to be patient, giving myself a year to lose the weight. I am close to the midpoint now. My starting weight was 187 lbs (I am 5'8") and I am now 167 lbs. My goal is to be 145 lbs. So I have another 22 to go. I am sure I will get there by summertime! What I have realized so far on this journey, is that the band very much is a tool. It is I who must make smarter food choices, which is hard to do since often times it is the "bad stuff" that goes down easily! It is I who must make the effort to exercise five times a week and to do so consistently. I think I needed the band to help me realize that I have had the determination and will to become a healthier person in me all along...and for that I am thankful. Something that I've tried this year that would like to share is moksha yoga. It is yoga in a heated room 0f 37 degrees celsius (not sure what that is in farenheit since Im from Canada!..hehe) Anyways, it is such a great workout--it's cardio and toning as well. In a one hour and half session, you can burn between 500 and 700 calories!! I absolutely love it...it increases circulation, detoxifies and makes you feel great. I've been going now for two weeks and I'm hoping it will help me on my weight loss journey...not just for losing but toning too. Well there is my little blurb as a lower BMI bandster...good luck to all:)



  3. Hi all,

    Thanks for the advice. Im relieved knowing that the band does not set off the metal detector, because the person Im travelling doesnt know Im banded! Anyways, does anyone know why flying makes some people feel tighter?? Just curious...



    Banded Aug. 3rd, 2006

    TLBC Toronto

  4. Hi there,

    I too am approaching TOM and find that I can eat a lot more! So much so that I am considering a fill. I feel as though I have lost much of my restriction and don't understand why. Usually I cant eat half the amount I am able to around this time. I am glad to hear Im not the only one...

  5. Hey There,

    I am experiencing the same thing. I just had my third fill and hope to feel a saiety/fullness as well. WIth my last two fills I felt only some restriction and often times stop eating because I physically can't keep eating but this does not mean I am "full." I will stop eating and still feel quite hungry. I just had my third fill yesterday, so I will let you know if it helps. Sure hope it does...

  6. Hi August Bandsters!

    I was banded August 3rd, about a week ago, and I had a great recovery...everything went very smoothly and I've had minimal pain, just a little soreness, particularly in the port area. I've been feeling a little tired, likely due to the liquid diet Im on, but Im motivated and sticking to it. I'm excited and I hope that I've made a wise investment! My first fill is on Sept. 12, and im looking forward to it because I have zero restriction currently. Good luck to all...:Banane27:



    Banded Aug. 3

    TLBC Toronto

  7. Hi August Band Crew!

    I'm really psyched about my banding on August 3rd..this coming Thursday! I just booked it yesterday and there happened to be a cancellation so I took it instead of waiting longer. Today I got all my pre-op testing done, so Im good to go!

    Best of luck to all getting banded in August!




  8. Thanks for your input Carol,

    I'm still so distraught though...sometimes I feel like I wish I never found out about this band as an option. A part of me feels like is it really worth it?...all the posssible complications and the tremendous cost...and then I feel like can I afford not getting it, living a life consumed by weight and the inability to lose it and keep it off for good....

    Feeling hopeless and confused...


  9. Hi There..

    I saw the commercial too..and think it was done very well...

    I have been contemplating getting the band done at TLBC. I went for a consultation but Im still not sure. I don't have too much weight to lose, about 40 lbs, but I have been struggling with it for years now, yo-yo'ing back and forth...Nisrine, the pre-op coordinator, was very kind and told me that I don't really need it and to take my time to really consider doing it. I think I may go ahead with it though...To lose and keep off 40 lbs for life is worth the 16 grand!

    Take care,


  10. Thanks everyone for your valued insight!!

    I am now leaning towards getting the band. I know it's a drastic measure, but after years of yo-yo dieting, I've come to realize that I am a food addict. It's amazing how I can be so diligent for a couple of months, and then totally lose it...always going back to food, my drug of choice. I need this band to help control my addiction, so that I can relearn healthy eating patterns. I'm tired of feeling like a failure everytime I screw up a diet, or go over my WW points, or eat too many carbs...and so on and so on. It's such a vicious cycle. Well enough of my ranting. Tomorrow Im going to the bank, need to get a line of credit since im self pay....Im hoping to get a date by the end of next week.

    Thanks again for sharing your experiences.

    Best of luck to all....its nice to know there are people out there who understand.


  11. Hi Raven!

    Thanks for your feedback. Im actually in the same situation as you. I am currently 180 and would like to get down to 140 lbs. So be honest with me...am I nutso for wanting to do this?? I briefly mentioned the procedure to my mom and a couple of friends and they're all telling me Im crazy to even consider it, to just go to the gym and work out more...but Ive been down that road already. WHat has been the hardest thing about being banded? I know everyone is different, but Im trying to get a sense of what a banded life is like...

    Congrats on losing 20 lbs...!

  12. Hi Beachee Girl,

    Best of luck on your upcoming surgery. I am from Canada and I've already been to a consult and I would be self-pay for sure. Its a large sum of money but when I calculate how much I have arleady spent on weight loss over the years and how much I may spend in the future (if I dont get the band), I will probably end up saving money!!



  13. Hi there,

    I am considering getting the band. I am about 35-40 lbs overweight, my BMI is 27. I know that the band seems like a drastic measure but I have been battling weight for about 15 years and Im struggling just not to gain. I do exercize and eat generally healthy but I am a volume eater, I simply eat too much good food. I have tried WW and every other diet known to man (or woman...) and Im hoping that the band will help me take off these extra 40 lbs and maintain a healthy weight. ANd yes, a part of me would like to do this because I want to frolic around in a bikini....So if there are any bandsters out there who started out with a low BMI..what has your experience been like? would you do it again??? any regrets?

  14. Hello 3loves,

    Thanks for your input. I am curious to how you found the Optifast program. I was thinking of trying it before I do something as drastic as lap band. However, whenever I think about Optifast, I get visions of Oprah lugging out 67 lbs of fat, just to gain it back soon after. Isint this the usual pattern with liquid diets? What was your experience with it?



  15. Hi Jacqui,

    Thanks for your input...I do suppose I'm getting desperate. I'm just so fed up with the constant struggle. My BMI is 27, which is considered overweight. The idea of permanent weight loss is just so appealing...but as Im reading some of these posts, I am beginning to realize that this lap band is no miracle cure and not worth the possible complications (and money). I suppose that I just need to come to terms with the fact that the challenges associated with losing weight will be a part of my life forever...

    Thanks again and congratulations on your progress!


  16. Hi There,

    My name is Sandy I have been considering Lap band surgery after I saw a news report about it a few weeks ago. I am not obese, but overweight by about 35 lbs. I lost 30lbs by dieting around three years ago, because I was originally about 65 lbs overweight. I know this does not seem like much weight to lose, but every day has been a struggle to maintain or lose more weight. I am completely consumed with diets and losing more weight but as hard as I try, my body won't budge! I just want to end the cycle of yo-yo dieting. However, my question is, is lap-band surgery worth it?? It's very costly (which I will have to finance because it wouldnt be covered) and it seems like there are many uncomfortable adjustments. I know the ultimate decision is mine but I am curious to know if people who have had the surgery done, would go through it for a weight loss of 35-40 lbs??

    Thanks for your input,


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