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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by catfish87

  1. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    7.15 miile run today.. Felt Perfect.
  2. catfish87

    What’s Wrong With My Lap Band Diet?

    I don't see any good Protein until 1 chicken thigh at 6:30pm.....I'd be hungry all day! Even with the one chicken thigh, that's no where near the amount of protein I "eat" per day. I usually start with 20-40 grams of protein within an hour of waking. Usually Protein shake or Liquid Protein. Keeps me satisified until lunch. Lunch is deli meat, grilled fish, tuna salad, or lentil Soup (homemade!). Maybe some cheese or cottage cheese and a few crackers. dinner is solid protein. Fish/chicken/occasionally crock pot pork or beef (rarely). Salad, green veggie, sometimes potato. I eat fish/seafood probably 10 times a week. My fav solid protein source by far. Lots of liquids.....coffee all morning, Water, crystal light lemonade, Powerade zero, etc.
  3. catfish87

    veteran banders daily diet

    Most mornings for me consist of a home made Protein shake. Usually its Half a banana, cup of almond milk (unsweetened), scoop of 20g chocolate Protein powder, and some ice. Into the ninja. Rarely, I'll have oatmeal or grits. That will keep me satisfied until lunch. Lunch may consist of deli meat or grilled fish, tuna salad or homemade lentil Soup. With some crackers and cheese. Possibly some cottage cheese. DInners usually are solid protein like fish, chicken, rarely some beef (done in the crockpot), with a salad, or some broccoli, or other veggie. I probably eat fish/seafood 10 times a week.
  4. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Yep.....STARTING is the most important part. I started too, almost 5 years ago, WALKING on a treadmill in my basement, at 324 lbs. Then, I found something I enjoyed in March of 2012. I got me a good, properly fitting, road bike. The very first time I rode it, I went about 2 miles....and i was out of breath! ( that was at about 260 lbs) But even that first ride, I knew it was something I could learn to enjoy...and did/do I ever. Cycling for me now, doesn't seem like exercise. Its FUN...nothing but the wind in my face and the tunes in my ears. I went from 2 miles to riding a century ( 100 mile ride ) last year. Then I also read on here about this "runners high".....hmmm. Really? My NUT and I had discussed about me needing to also find some "impact" exercise. She mentioned about how it can help with improving bone strength. I'd read similar discussions about this topic. So, after 20 years of not running, I thought I'd give it a go....mostly thanks to some encouragement from my "coach" Steph. I got home July 22nd last year after working a 12 hour midnight shift, and went at a SLOW...VERY slow pace, and ran/jogged 2 miles. I felt like I had just completed the Boston Marathon! I couldn't believe it....2 miles nonstop! Boy were my legs sore the next day. Three days later, was my first 5km run. 8/8/13 I did my first 5 mile run. 9/7/13 I did my first "event" 5km run. ( I got that runner high this day. A memorial event for a fallen soldier) 9/16 my first 10km run, 11/18/13 my first 10 mile run, 2/21/14 my first 20km run, and on 3/1/14 I ran my half marathon distance for the first time. I hope this comes across the way it's intended....as a positive and encouraging post. To show others, that they too can accomplish what they never dreamed possible. If you know me, you'll know I've certainly had my struggles, doubts, wanting to give ups. But there is so much more to this journey than just some number on a scale... To remind us all, that no one starts out at the finish line... NEVER, EVER give up!
  5. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Thats AMAZING! Great job on being off to a fantastic start.
  6. catfish87

    Something wrong

    I KNOW the feeling! I am 4.5 years post op and had my first UN-fill Tuesday. I had a head cold/sinus issue last week and a pill got stuck last Thursday evening. I've have had irritation in the past from a stuck episode that went away after a day or two, so I spent a couple days thinking it'd get better, liquids only for Sat and Sun....and even they were uncomfortable, BUT I was able to get in plenty of Water....VERY slowly. I've read enough (probably too much) on this forum about slips/band erosions/sky is falling/etc....that I was actually starting to think something could be wrong....Went in Tuesday morning and my doc removed "a little" bit of saline.....WOW....instant relief. Band looks perfect, but he could SEE that I was having a little bit of refluxing due to tightness. And I hadn't had an increase in fill volume for several months. Just goes to show....listen to your band/body, and if something doesn't seem right, GO see your doctor. I'm glad you are feeling better as well.
  7. catfish87

    Wanted to share my results

    WTG runner girl! Awesome job! You look great!
  8. Parisshel, I had multiple injections in my right shoulder, before finally having rotator cuff surgery.....I never experienced it affecting my band/tightness. Hope you get to feeling better!
  9. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    5km run this evening after work.
  10. catfish87


    I'd like to add, that just because the volume of Fluid in your band is correct, doesn't necessarily mean your band will provide ANY restriction. I had a very rare thing happen to mine, where the band actually had come "unbuckled"....EXTREMELY small chance of that being your case, but possible. I agree finding some way of getting a fill using fluoro would be best. Or maybe this most recent adjustment will put you into the green zone. Best wishes!
  11. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    36 miles on the bike today in 70+ degree weather. Doesn't get much better than that.
  12. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    30 minutes outside running after work today. ... Hello sunshine!
  13. catfish87

    The power of self-delusion and a high pain threshold...

    Nice ride TPops! "I wonder where that trail goes?"....nice!
  14. catfish87


    Congrats Joe!
  15. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    30 minute run outside today... Celebrating my "baby" is 21 years old today....I can't be old enough to have a son that age!!
  16. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    1 hour bike ride today. 16.1 miles....had to dodge some ice Patches
  17. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Good choice T! I'm proud of you and how far you've come my friend.
  18. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    5k run today....Supposed to be 55* F here Friday....sounds like perfect riding weather. I'm ready!
  19. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    30 minutes on the treadmill today.
  20. catfish87

    Cardio Ideas

    I agree with Fiddleman....here's a pic of one. There are other styles/models as well.
  21. catfish87

    please help! need caloric intake

    Who told you that you "need" more calories? Maybe they'll provide you with suggestions. If I wanted to get in more calories and was limited on solid food choices,...I'd do a Protein shake or liquid Protein. I've never been told I needed MORE calories to lose weight though. ..
  22. catfish87

    Calories Calories!

    I was on Clear Liquids only, basically zero calories, a week pre and a week post op. Not sure of any amount of calories, but I am positive it would have been less than one HUNDRED per day. But each surgeon has their own protocol.
  23. catfish87

    When was you banded and how much u lost?

    I was banded in Sept of 2009...I have lost about 135 lbs...and have not had ANY band caused problems. So you could say I'm a happy bandster!
  24. !st Half Marathon distance today. Nice easy pace. 3 weeks to go.... http://connect.garmin.com/activity/453326810

    1. Debbie3sons


      Run Catfish (Forest) Run LMAO nd that's a good thing cause then my belly gets exercise , , that is great good job on doing any marathons.

    2. KAATNS


      I'm sooo proud of you!

    3. catfish87


      Thanks for the kind words my friends! I really appreciate you all!!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  25. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    13.11 miles running today. My first half marathon distance. Nice easy pace today. 10:03 min/mile http://connect.garmin.com/activity/453326810

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
