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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by catfish87

  1. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    WTG everyone! Glad to see all the posts in this thread. It's motivating to ALL of us. Keep on doing what you can do. Today was a 10km run for me this morning....I'd like to get on the bike later if the wind dies down. Happy Tuesday!!!!!!
  2. catfish87

    Stupid question of the day

    @@Alex Brecher ???
  3. catfish87

    Went To The Gym Only ONE Day

    I would suggest going to a running store...not just a "shoe" store. They should be able to evaluate your feet/stride/how you land, etc and suggest a shoe for you. I started running in one brand of shoes (a VERY popular running shoe) that I got at a shoe store....4 months later having knee/I.T. band pain. So I went to a true running store and got what they recommended and haven't had pain since. You'll be amazed at what a difference the correct shoes for you can make. I now run in Newton Sir Isaac's and love them! And they are HIGHLY visible.
  4. catfish87

    First triathalon in the books

    Great Job!! Congrats!!
  5. catfish87

    Stupid question of the day

    If you're on a PC, its pretty simple. 1. At the top right of the screen, click on your profile pic. 2. That should open a drop down box. 3. Click on "my tickers". 4. On the right hand side, click on "create new ticker". Hope this helps.
  6. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Swim and weights this morning
  7. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    5km run today....then spent the last 2 hours hollering/clapping...as UK advances to the Final Four! Go Big Blue BAAAAAAABYYYYYYY.
  8. catfish87


    I don't mind a little rain...but running in a hailstorm??? You're dedicated!
  9. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Swimming and some weights at the gym today.
  10. This was the title of a news story this morning as I was reading the "mail": http://www.charter.net/news/read/category/Top%20News/article/the_associated_press-christie_weightloss_surgery_lifechanging-ap So the New Jersey governor thinks surgery is life-changing?.... I AGREE!!! No matter if you agree with his politics or not, he's been successful with the weight loss since surgery. Christie: Weight-loss surgery 'life-changing' TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says undergoing stomach banding surgery more than a year ago was a "life-changing decision." Appearing on his monthly TownSquare Media radio show Wednesday night, Christie says he works out four days a week and has achieved better health. The 51-year-old governor hasn't said how many pounds he's shed, but he has become noticeably thinner since secretly undergoing the surgery last February. He says he enjoys riding a stationary bike but does not like doing side-lift exercises with dumbbells. The possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate has said he's struggled with being overweight his entire adult life. 2014 The Associated Press
  11. catfish87

    Ten Month Results

    Great job on your success!
  12. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    5km run today. Happy hump day everyone!
  13. catfish87


    Hi Lapper32014 I thought I'd paste the link to a "banders exercise" thread that was started some time back. You might also choose to join us on that thread? http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/294850-banders-exercise/?hl=%20banders%20%20exercise I bike and run. Started out walking on my treadmill years back....SLOWLY increasing over time. For me, it was finding something I enjoyed (cycling) and sticking to it. Days become weeks, weeks become months.....etc. I do not exercise without my tunes. Pandora is a great option, and I have recently found a website called steadymixes.com It has some great workout mixes on it .....all are free! Congrats on your treadmill workout!
  14. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    26 miles outside on the bike today....BRRR...Hurry up spring! I think its time for a new HR strap...this one is starting to wizz out at times. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/467114393
  15. catfish87

    1st Half Marathon

    From the album: Davids Pics

    March 22nd 2014 Alton Half Marathon
  16. catfish87


    March 22nd 2014
  17. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Thank you for the kind words. I hope everyone who reads what I write knows that my goal in continuing to post here is exactly that....to help inspire and encourage others, just as I have been on here. I have received so much encouragement and advice on here. I want to "pay it forward" if you will. I remember first starting out cycling, getting advice from folks on here and others. I'd get on here and listen to what they were saying and think, I could never do that..... But YOU CAN! Just do what you can do, and then do it again tomorrow and the next day. Nothing comes easy....but it's so worth it!! Go at YOUR pace, and accomplish little goals. As a wise friend told me once, NO ONE starts out at the finish line. Congrats on your desire! You can do it!
  18. Alton Half Marathon this morning. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/465531831

    1. catfish87


      Thanks everyone! Really felt good today.

    2. KAATNS


      You're so awesome!

    3. ADJL


      So excited for you! And impressed. Soooooo impressed!

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  19. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    Alton, IL Half Marathon this morning! My "goal" = have fun, no injuries. Goal accomplished! This course is along the Mississippi river, so you can imagine.....WINDY! It was a brisk 37*F to start...perfect temp for me. I felt great the entire course, never pushing the pace, until the last half mile or so. I finished in 2:12 minutes, which was about 2 minutes slower than I had anticipated. My HRM kinda went on the fritz a couple times...so I just ran by feel. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/465531831 So many of you have inspired/motivated/encouraged me...I can never thank you enough. Happy Saturday everyone!
  20. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    30 minute run after work today.
  21. Congrats Shel! Happy bandiversary!
  22. catfish87

    Does running get easier?

    As mentioned earlier....for me, it's 95% mental. Kind of like most things in life, when you really decide you WANT to do it, you can. Of course there can be physical limiting factors for some, health issues that can't be "ran through". When I decided to start running, last July, I went 2 miles the first time, VERY slow. I just wanted to get through the two miles. I had no idea what any time would be. I had already been doing quite a bit of cycling cardio for a while, and I've read and heard often "cyclilng leads to running"...I'm a believer! After that first run, I went to 5k distance, then progressed from there. This Saturday will be my first organized Half Marathon. I'm not sure about ever doing a full, but who knows....... My suggestions: 1. Go to a running store and get the proper shoes, FOR YOU. 2. Slow down and accomplish the DISTANCE you want first. 3. If something doesn't feel right, find out what it is, and correct it. Running shouldn't hurt. 4. Set realistic goals, maybe an organized 5k run within a couple months. 5. Find out what heart rate is good for you and stick to it....running into a wall halfway sucks. 6.....Buy lots of hangers for all your newest running shirts!
  23. catfish87

    My Journey...A Work in Progress

    Great job! Congrats!
  24. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    7.25 mile run today. My last long run before Saturdays HM. After Saturday's run, I'm gonna concentrate more on cycling for a couple of months...."Banders Biking" thread get ready! Also noticed on my Garmin, todays run was my 300th exercise activity since getting it about a year ago. Lifetime Totals Activities 300 Distance 3,263.72 mi Time 376:21:39 hrs Calories 182,716 C Elev Gain 39,516 ft
  25. catfish87

    Banders Exercise

    @SillyAuntDi Sorry to hear of your knee pain!!! Take it easy! What part of the knee is it?

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