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Status Updates posted by doodlebug11

  1. easter_baskets005.gifThank You, and the same to you! We do have a lot to Thank God for, don't we!! Hope you have a GREAT day tomorrow!!
  2. easter48.gifSo glad to hear from you!! I know how it is, when you go back to work after being off, you have to play catch up for a while! I go back to work on the 22nd. I am doing really good! I'm now on day 5 and still a little sore but othar than that, o.k. I go next Tues. and get the staples out and I know that will make things better!! I'm still on full liquids, can't wait to get some REAL food!! I think that's why I'm so weak! I've been on a 800 cal. diet 3 wks before surgery and now I'm getting less that that! I'm going to call my Nurse Monday and ask her when I can go on mushie foods. I hope she says now!! But that's enough of me whining, I really am feeling better!! Write me back when you have time! I totally understand about not having any free time!! Talk to ya later!!
  3. Thanks,malvo12, for your message! Ya know what is is funny, my daughter and I were just talking about the blood covering of Jesus this morning and then I get your message about the same thing !! God Is Good !

  4. Hey there ,was so happy to hear from you. No, I'm not jumping ship, just a little discouraged, but I'm feeling better now. Band_groupie, a lady on this site, told me she had heard of other people going thru the same thing and when they took all their pills, they were o.k., so that helped me alot to know that. I'm so happy for you on your weight loss!4_1_114.gif You are a stronger person than me! I don't think I could have gone on a liquid diet like that!

    Oh by the way, my anniversary is on your b-day, how cool is that! When I was a kid, we lived in Phoenix, it is truly a beautiful place! talk to ya later






  5. Good Morning,Mona4o,so glad to hear from you! I had my surgery on Mon. also, I think I seen a list that had me down for April 4, but it was supposed to be the 6th, but anyway I'm like you. I am so glad that it is OVER!! I'm still a little sore but getting better, I had to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 days after and so today I'm on full liquid , puddings, cream soup, and this morning I had some oatmeal for breakfast. I'm hoping that the new food will help me feel better. But all said and done, I feel really good. People that have seen me and knows I had the surgery says I don't look like I've had anything done and when I talk to my friends on the phone they say the same thing! So here's hoping you are still doing good!!

    Keep in touch so we can sort of compare on how we are doing!! Talk to ya later!!

  6. Hey there, was so glad to hear from you! I woke up extra early today, counldn't sleep cause I'm HUNGERY!!!! I'm in the pre-op diet now, so I've already had my first consult with the Dr., went thru 6 months of Dr.'s supervised diet(for the insurance to pay) so they approved, and now I have a surgery date in April. I have 1 more consult with my surgion and then 6 days later i have my surgery. I have to lose 10 pds. and keep it off, to shrink my liver, so he can work easier on my band. I actually started this process back in Oct.08, so it is a long process for the ins.to pay.

    Well gota go for now ,will talk more later!

  7. Hey there,thetig, that is GREAT news!! I am so happy for you! I just know everything will be ok for you!

    keep me posted and I will remember you in my prayers!

  8. Hi there,LL, just thought I would drop u a line to let u know I'll be thinking of u tomorrow! I know you will b o.k. I am so excited about getting mine over with!!

    I left Arizona when i was 15 so thats been a few days (lol) ago. I probably wouldn't know the place now. And yea there is a BIG difference in Az. and Pen. I've always wanted to go there and maybe some day I can. Well I gotta run, best wishes for you and I will say a prayer for you! Let me know how you are doing as soon as you can!!

  9. thetig, got your message and yes this nice to be able to have someone to talk to and talk about what you are going thru! I live in a litte town in Arkansas, and when I say little I mean like 300 pop. We have lived here about 35 yrs. so it's home to us. Yes I have asurgery date of 04-06 so I still have a few wks, to go.

    Right now I'm on my pre-op diet and I have to lose 10 lbs. by 03-31 per Drs. orders, so right now it's hard. But it'll be o.k.

    Well goota go ,talk to ya later

  10. I am sooo glad to finally hear from you!! I was getting a little worried! So, you don't think I'll be in too much pain? Are you getting up and moveing around? I've heard that's the best thing you can do for the gas in your chest and shoulder. So when I do get to have mine,I;ll watch out for that! I weighed in Tuesday and lost 17 pds' on my pre-op diet and tomorrow I'm going into the hopsital to have a scope run down into my stomach to ck. for bleeding ulcers. If he finds I do have them, he won't do the surgery but I've been taking those horrible pills now for 14 days and they are supposed to take care of any bacteria. If all goes well, I'll get my band on 04-06, so be sure and put me on your prayer list,o.k.? I'll know something tomorrow and I'll try to let you know, if I 'm able!! Talk to ya later!!

  11. Gillingc, I am going to have my surgery 04-06-09 so I'm kinda nervous also. When are you having yours? Maybe we could lean on each other.

  12. Good Morning ! How are you ? It's been a while since I've heard from you. I'm always careful about contactng people, don't want to bother anyone. I know how it is with a job, family and just life ! But I am always so happy to hear from friends !! I am doing really good !! I had a small fill ,.6cc, 2wks. ago and I think that I may be in the green zone. I'm eating smaller portions and staying satisfied longer. So far I have lost 45 pds, and feel great !! No problems at all and just enjoying life !! I am sooo glad I had this done !! Well, gotta run, take care and talk to ya later !!

  13. Good Morning, B, how are you doing ? Fine , I hpoe ! Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best ! Take care, Sharon

  14. Good Morning, LL So glad to hear from you!! No, it really isn't all that bad! I'm on day 3 and still a little sore but I did sleep better last night and this morning I can get off the clear liquid diet and I hoping that the new food will make me feel better. I had a protein drink with some tylenol crushed up in it, I woke up with a headache, and so far I'm not hungry. I go back on the 21st to see Dr., MAN, I hope I do half as good as you!! How much did you lose on your pre-op diet? How long did you stay swollen? My stomach is still swollen pretty bad, but I guess that will go down in time! Well I gotta run, keep me updated , I don't know if you know it or not but I'm using you as my guide, what to expect and not expect! Hope you don't mind!!

  15. Good Morning, M40, how are you this morning? I hope your doing o.k., I'm still a little sore but definitely getting better! Yesterday, I had a problem with the gas pain, but I think it was because I didn't walk that much but today I plan on changing that!! Well. I'm not going to keep you, I was just thinking of you and wanted to know how you are doing!!

  16. Good morning! I took my meds. too early and now I can't sleep! It is now 3:40 in the morning!! But that's o.k. now I have time to catch up on my "Thank Yous" Thank you so much for your prayers, that really helps knowing that there are people out there praying for you! I'm still a little sore but that is getting better, so far no sickness or problems with the gas built up. So when can I expect to start losing? I see that you have already had your surgery. Is there any thing I need to be doing right now? Well I;m getting a little sleepy now so I'm going back to bed,talk to ya later!

  17. Good Morning! So glad to hear from you! I was a little worried about you but I know how it is when you have job and family! Sometimes we just don't have enough time! I know when I first started this I didn't think that I was getting anywhere!! But once you get started ,it goes by pretty fast! Have you heard from your insurance! Well I've gotta go, keep in touch when you have time!!

  18. Good Morning! Thanks for asking about me, it means alot to know that ppl care! I have been gone for a long time!! Computer, phone line (we moved into our new addition)problems and just being lazy.I had a good Christmas, ate way too much, haven't exercised enough, and have only lost 54 pds. I am on getting back on track TODAY!! How have u been doing? I'll read your blog to catch up with u!! Again thanks for cking on me!! Sharon

  19. Good Morning! Thanks for cking in on me! It means so much to know someone out there is thinking of me! We built an addition on to our house and when we tried to move the phone lines our self, to save some $, we really messed them up and then we had to wait on the phone co. to fix it. Then my computer got a virus and it took forever to get that fixed, but I'm back now and doing o.k. So far I've lost 54 pds, it's still coming off slow but that's the way my Dr. wants it. He will only put in 4 cc's in my 10 cc band, right now I have 2.6 cc in. I got a treadmill for Christmas, yes, I've already opened it up, lol, and useing it!! So I'm hopeing this will help me get the weight off faster!! Enough about me, I have got to tell you that from your pic, you are doing and looking awesome!!!! How much have you lost so far? What are you eating and how much are you exercising? Well, I need to go for now, again Thanks so much for asking about me, it means so much!! TTYL

  20. Good Morning!! It was so good to hear from you!! I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago! My fill went really good, no pain at all but they only put in 2 cc's and the told me that I probably wouldn't feel any restriction and they were right, NO restriction at all !! But I'm not going to complain, I've lost a total of 34 pds. and that's not bad!! I also have a wedding coming up, June 13, my son, and I know there is going to be food to eat and I do want to enjoy this and not worry about getting sick if I do over do it!! I go for my next fill July 2 and maybe then I will feel some restriction!! How many fills have you had and when did you feel some restriction and how much have they filled you with? Well, I need to run, talk to a later!! Have a good long wkend!!! Sharon

  21. Good morning!! It is so sweet of you to get right back in touch with me! I do feel better this morning, I think my problem yesterday was that I didn't move around that much, so today I plan on doing better! The gas was really bad yesterday! I appreciate you letting me use you as a trail blazer, I know everyone is different so I know that what you do probably won't affect me the same way but it helps me to sorta know what is going to happen if I do the same things! Thank you so much for your help!!

  22. Good to hear from you! Thanks for the ideas on a liquid diet. I think maybe next wk. I will put myself on one, I really liked the one with putting protein in your water. I.m having a problem getting my protein in with out going over my calorie limit. I'll be remembering you on the 25. I'll be right behind you(April 6) Take care

  23. Got your message this time!! I don't know what happened , maybe it is the weather. Boy!! You sure are doing good in your weight loss! And you did that without a fill!! That is awesome! I sort of dread my fill, I DON'T like needles! Of any size, but if it helps me lose some more weight, I'll try not to be a big baby about it! Well I need to go, I'll catch up with you next wkend!!

  24. Hey Bstone, just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you tomorrow!! I don't know about you but at this time on my journey I was so nervous !!! But every thing turned out o.k. for me and I know it will for you too !!! Take care of yourself after, do what your Dr. says and take it easy !!! I will talk to you later !!

  25. Hey girl, it was so good to hear from you! I am doing really good now. I went back to work this wk. and it was hard. I have to stand on my feet and I have to be at work at 4:00 a.m. and on the first day back, they went around asking if anyone wanted to go home at 9:00, and you guess it, I went home!! Everyone at work laughed at me but I don't care!! But the rest of the wk got a little easier. I go on reg. foods Monday and That will help get my strength back. But as far as pain, I don't have any and the wt. is slowing down now, but I knew that would happen. As long as I lose something every wk., I will be happy! But enough of me , how are you doing? How much have you lost so far? Well, I need to go for now, write when you have time!!

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