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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by doodlebug11

  1. doodlebug11

    Friday Weigh Ins

    Good Morning!!! LingLing, Here are my ###'s Highest---- 245 4-17---[ drum roll, please!!] 209 I can't remember last Fridays weight. Thank you so much for what you are doing! I think it is just great for you to keep up with all this info! And Baby Bunny, aka Hanna, YOU GO GIRL!! I am so proud of you!! I've been keeping up with you and I remember you being scared of doing this but aren't you glad you did!!! Keep up the good work!!
  2. It was so good to hear from you! I'm really glad your doing o.k.! It has been a long road, hasn't it! I have this really good friend at work, if fact she is 1 of the 2 that I told, and she once told me that she would be so glad when "we" had this baby! When I did get approved , I told her that we were having a baby on April 6 and that I was naming her "Bunny"! But any way I'm doing good, just a little soreness around the port area, and I'm also getting hungry! I'm even watching the food network! And I still have 4 more days on liquids! I can't wait until I can go to soft foods! Well I need to run. Take care of your self!!

  3. doodlebug11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, PB, DB here!! I was banded on 4-06-09 and it took a couple of days for the gas pains to hit, and I don't know if anyone else has had lower back pain, but my Nurse said that was normal also, I got that about 3 days after, but anyway, I still have an occasionally pain in the chest area but it is getting better. Moving as much as possible is the best thing for the gas pains. As far as the band being tight, keep in mind you just had surgery so you are still swollen. I also had the tight feeling but the Dr. said that was from being swollen. But believe me, it does get better! I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it but it does! So hang in there!!
  4. doodlebug11

    Friday Weigh Ins

    Hey you guys!! B_G just told me about this thread and I think it is a great place to keep up with our losses!! I agree, I think it would be fun to see how much weight we can lose as a group!! This is Thursday morning so I will " weight " ( get it ?? ) until in the morning to post mine! It always helps me to have to face someone on how I've been doing on my food choices!
  5. doodlebug11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello All ! How are you guys? I had the staples took out yesterday and ,my, my, my!! I am soo glad that is over!! I also lost 7 pds. so that makes me feel a lot better! I'm still having trouble getting all my water down, I never was a big water drinker, so I have to make a conscious effort to make sure I get it all down. Also, all those vitamins, I have to crush some of them cause they are huge! Any ideas? I could use some help in these areas!! Thank you so much, Miss Leanne, for your post!!! As bad as you feel, and you will start to feel better if you keep hanging out here, you have really helped me for sure as well as anyone esle who reads your post! Bless your heart!! YOU CAN DO THIS !!! We are all here for you!!!
  6. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Hello Everyone!! So glad to hear everyone is doing sooo good! I'm on day 8 after surgery and doing a lot better! Had my staples out yesterday and that helped a lot! I also got to weigh and lost 7 pds. so that for sure made me feel better! I go back to the Dr. May 19, just to see how things are. So how do we post losses, do we wait until we go to the Dr. or weigh at home and maybe post once a month? The Nurse told me that they have people that have waited 3 mt. before they had a fill and they had 1 man that has had only 3 fills in a year. So that means that maybe I won't be going in to the Dr. but every few months. So if anyone has any suggestions, let me know! Also for those of you that have yet to be banded, there is also some back pain that is normal. About 2 days after, my lower back started hurting and hurt for several days and the Nurse said that a lot of people have that. I, also am having trouble getting all my water down, I found a 48 oz. water jug at Wal-Mart, so I fill that up every day and that way I can keep up with how much I've drank that day.
  7. So glad to hear from you!! Yes, I agree with you on getting enough rest! I'm really surprised at how long it is taking me to feel back to my old self!! This is my 1st surgery and I wasn't counting on being so weak for so many days but I'm now 8 days out and feeling so much better! I had the staples took out yesterday so I'm doing a lot better now!! Thanks so much for your sweet message, it really helps to know there are people out there that cares!

  8. doodlebug11

    4/13/09 Go To The Back Of The Class

    Maybe we should start a new thread to vent all our trials and frustrations on getting to Bandland!! It seems we all have a horror story to tell!! Loved your blog!!
  9. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Good Morning, Jukebox!! Here is my ins. horror story! I get a phone call from my Dr. in Feb. telling me I was approved and then I got a letter saying the same thing and that I had until Aug.09 to have the surgery, so I thought everything was good. I start going to all my pre-tests, lab work, ekg, x-rays, breath tests( which I failed) and that meant going under and having a scope put down into my stomach, looking for ulcers, and then I get a letter from my ins. saying they would not cover the lab work, $200.00. So I call the ins. to find out what is going on and I get a lady that sounds like a robot, and all she does is read to me what the letter says, like I couldn't read, not 1 time but 2 times! Well needless to say, we weren't on good speaking terms when I hung up! Then I find out the Dr. has to have all my deductible plus his share of the money up front, there goes $600.00 and it has to be a money order or cashiers ck.!! Then I get a letter from the hospital saying they have to have their share before I can have the surgery! I go with all my paper work showing that I had already pd. my ded. to the Dr. so I shouldn't have to pay my ded. again! WRONG!! Not only do I have to pay my ded. 2 times but in my ins. when I'm out of pocket $1000.00, I don't have to pay anything so everything is falling on deaf ears, I have to pay the hosp. $1347.00!!!! They tell me that if I have pd. to much that I will get a refund, sure I will!! I give them the $$ and tell them I want an itemized statement on everything that is done to me while I'm in there!! And I'm not thru with them, I plan on writing a letter to the Administrator and tell him just how I was treated! But all in all, I've had to pay nearly $2000.00, and all I should have pd. was $1350.00 and then everything is pd. 100%. Whew, I sure feel better getting all that off my chest!! Sorry so I wrote so much!!
  10. Hey There!! So glad your home! Hope you had a good weekend! This place is just not the same without you! I am doing so good! I go tomorrow to get staples out and that will for sure make me feel so much better! well gotta run, can't wait to read about your weekend!!:thumbup:

  11. doodlebug11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Elayne, Here we all are wishing you the BEST tomorrow!! It is your turn now!! I'll be thinking of you in the morning and tonight I'm going to say a special prayer for you! It really does help to know that there are people who are going thru the same thing you are and are thinking of you!! I had the last min. jitters but they pass, just know that you are doing something that will benifit you the rest of your life! Take care and when you feel like it let us know how you are doing!
  12. Hey there, B_G, Hurry up and come home, I miss your lively and ever soooo wise inputs!!! Hope you are having a good time at home! I ck every day to see if you have blogged, but nothing yet, maybe tomorrow! Take Care!!

  13. doodlebug11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Here's hopeing everyone has a great Easter day!!
  14. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Hope eveyone has a great Easter!!
  15. easter48.gifSo glad to hear from you!! I know how it is, when you go back to work after being off, you have to play catch up for a while! I go back to work on the 22nd. I am doing really good! I'm now on day 5 and still a little sore but othar than that, o.k. I go next Tues. and get the staples out and I know that will make things better!! I'm still on full liquids, can't wait to get some REAL food!! I think that's why I'm so weak! I've been on a 800 cal. diet 3 wks before surgery and now I'm getting less that that! I'm going to call my Nurse Monday and ask her when I can go on mushie foods. I hope she says now!! But that's enough of me whining, I really am feeling better!! Write me back when you have time! I totally understand about not having any free time!! Talk to ya later!!
  16. easter_baskets005.gifThank You, and the same to you! We do have a lot to Thank God for, don't we!! Hope you have a GREAT day tomorrow!!
  17. doodlebug11

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good Morning All !! My name is Doodlebug, also known as Sharon, and I would love to join in your group! I started on this life saving journey back in April 08, telling my family that this is what I wanted to do and although they weren't 100% behind me, they did say I had to do what I thought was best for me. So I started looking up everything I could find and read about it! Come to find out later, my family was afraid that I would change and I wouldn't be the same old Mom or Maw Maw that I was before! I have a sister that had the gastric and she really lost it , she lost her husband, most of her friends and some of her family, just because she thought she was Miss Thang!! I really do love her but I am not going down that same road!! I have my family and co-workers that is going to keep me on the strait and narrow!! But anyway! I went thru 9 months of going to the PCP,all the work up, all the lab, tests and just about everything you can think of and finally got approved in Feb.09, had my surgery on April 06. So today is Day5 on my new life! I'm still having a little shoulder pain, but that's mostly at night and still a little sore at the incision sites. I go next Tuesday to have the staples taken out and I know that will make me fill a lot better!! Well I didn't mean to write so much but I've been reading on here and I know how everyone is so supportive and I am so happy that we have a place like this to go to! Maybe next time I won't talk so long!!
  18. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Oh, I forgot something! Hopeful' what was the patch for? The Dr. gave me liquid Hydrocodone for pain, is it a pain patch? Also I had no problems with my vision won der what was going on with that? My family got a good laugh the other night, we had some tornadoes coming thru, of course,after I took my pain meds and went to bed,so my hubby got me up and told me I should get ready in case we have to go the storm shelter, I started calling all my kids and told them they should watch out that we had a tornadoe that was going to hit us, but I didn't tell them to come on down, just be careful! What kind of Mother am I ??? Well I really goota go this time !!
  19. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Good Morning All!! DB here, just cking up on everyone! I am so glad hear Jersey was able to get her band!! I ran into some miner setbacks on my way here and there was always the question in the back of your mind "What if I can't get this done", your mind plays some mean tricks on you sometimes! But anyway, I am really happy for you!! WE ARE REALLY ON OUR WAY, AREN"T WE!! And we can really do this!! Hopeful, I am on day 4 post-op, and so far I really don't have any real hunger pains, although I had to take my 4 yr. old g.son to get a haircut yesterday and promised him Mickey D's if he was good, I thought I was going to die!! When he finally finished , I was so glad!! His ckn nuggets smelled soooo good!! He doesn't eat french fries so I tossed them out before I started wondering "What if"!! But other than that, I 'm also finding it hard to get all the liquids down that I'm supposed to! And this is with no restrictions! Just think of how it will be when we do get a fill!! Anyway right now I'm feeling pretty good, I 'm finding that I don't have any shoulder pain until late in the evening and then I go to bed and they really helps a lot!!
  20. doodlebug11

    Day 3 and still a little sore

    Good Morning All !! Well I'm on day 3 and I'm still a little sore but I know that will get better with time! I did sleep better last night, I wasn't awake at 3:00 in the morning, so that is a definite improvement! I'm off the clear liquid and on to full liquid, cream soups, protein drinks, cream of wheat(YUM YUM!!!!) but I guess if your hungry enough,you'll eat just about anything(except for cream of wheat!) But this morning, I woke up with a headache so I had protein drink with a Tylenol crushed up in it. Not to bad!! I did take my bandages off yesterday and the staples really didn't look as bad as I had imagined! I think maybe there are about 15 and some of Thom are lose now so it won't be bad when they come out. Thanks, LL and Cali for the kind words, I guess you can say I'm sort of a baby when it comes to things like this, or that's what my family says!! Well I've gotta run for now, talk to ya later!! :thumbup:
  21. doodlebug11

    Someone found out !

    Someone found me out!! But that's o.k. I teach 5-8 yr. olds on Wednesday nights at Church and of course. I didn't feel good on that night so I called an older lady to take my place and my grandson ( Bless his heart! ) requested prayer for me cause I had surgery and I was cut all the way from my stomach to my leg!! Well, you can imagine her reaction! She began asking questions and of course, my daughters wouldn't say anything! Well, we had a Ladies meeting last night, I still didn't go, and Dear Sis. Doll, just would not let it drop!! She began asking my girls more questions and there was no way out of it, they had to tell ( after all, they were in Church, and we all know how God feels about not telling the truth!! ) so after everyone discussed my well being, it was time for a little confessing! Come to find out, the same lovely Sis. Doll, has a sister that goes to our little Church, and she is just beautiful!! She is so tiny and petite, classy,and so cute,well she had by-pass about 30yrs. ago! She kept telling her sister,Doll, to hush up, that it is a personal decision and it was the best decision she had ever made in her life!! So IN YOUR FACE, Sis. Doll, I really do love her, but she just needs to know when to leave things alone!! :rolleyes2:
  22. doodlebug11

    Someone found out !

    Someone found me out!! But that's o.k. I teach 5-8 yr. olds on Wednesday nights at Church and of course. I didn't feel good on that night so I called an older lady to take my place and my grandson ( Bless his heart! ) requested prayer for me cause I had surgery and I was cut all the way from my stomach to my leg!! Well, you can imagine her reaction! She began asking questions and of course, my daughters wouldn't say anything! Well, we had a Ladies meeting last night, I still didn't go, and Dear Sis. Doll, just would not let it drop!! She began asking my girls more questions and there was no way out of it, they had to tell ( after all, they were in Church, and we all know how God feels about not telling the truth!! ) so after everyone discussed my well being, it was time for a little confessing! Come to find out, the same lovely Sis. Doll, has a sister that goes to our little Church, and she is just beautiful!! She is so tiny and petite, classy,and so cute,well she had by-pass about 30yrs. ago! She kept telling her sister,Doll, to hush up, that it is a personal decision and it was the best decision she had ever made in her life!! So IN YOUR FACE, Sis. Doll, I really do love her, but she just needs to know when to leave things alone!! :thumbup:
  23. Good Morning, M40, how are you this morning? I hope your doing o.k., I'm still a little sore but definitely getting better! Yesterday, I had a problem with the gas pain, but I think it was because I didn't walk that much but today I plan on changing that!! Well. I'm not going to keep you, I was just thinking of you and wanted to know how you are doing!!

  24. Good morning!! It is so sweet of you to get right back in touch with me! I do feel better this morning, I think my problem yesterday was that I didn't move around that much, so today I plan on doing better! The gas was really bad yesterday! I appreciate you letting me use you as a trail blazer, I know everyone is different so I know that what you do probably won't affect me the same way but it helps me to sorta know what is going to happen if I do the same things! Thank you so much for your help!!

  25. doodlebug11

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Good Morning, Murphy, I had my surgery Monday and I stayed all night in the hospital just because it was so late when I woke up from recovery. I didn't have any problems with the gas until Thursday. It was all in my left shoulder and so far this morning, it seems to be better, I am going to try to move around more today so that will help! My Dr. put me on clear liquids for 2 days after, beef, chicken, vegetable broth, s/f jello, any kind of liquid that you can see thru. Then on day 3, I went on full liquids, cream soups, coffee, cream of wheat(YUCH), s/f puddings, and your protein drinks. I have to stay on this diet for 2 wks. Oh and you can still eat the things on the clear liquid diet. But he said nothing spicy, cause you need to give your stomach time to heal, and the V-8 is probably to much right now! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll try to help all I can and if I can't help you then someone in here will be able to help you.:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
