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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. JENNIFER7375


    I was extremely hot post op. i was so hot and in so much pain. Between the 2 i nearly had a panic attack.
  2. JENNIFER7375

    so what good is the band if....

    As others have stated the bands about portion control for me as well. For example went out for pizza with my kids the other day. There was a time where id have ate 4 slices of pieces. With the band im lucky if i can finish 1.and that 1 slice leaves me satisfied for a long time. I also make sure food dosent rule my life anymore. no i dont eat junk everyday. but nothing is forbidden in a reasonable quantity. I spent most of my adult life obsessing and feeling guilty about every bite in my mouth. that all being said. the hardest part of the band or any WLS is can you committ to changing your relationship with food? I know head hunger is something that most of us struggle with everyday. Learning to deal with that is the hardest. its that little voice in your head telling you to eat chips and ice cream when you know you dont want or need it? the one that says it cuz you're mad, bored or angry. Were only human and no one can ignore that voice every time. but before you have the band or any other surgery you've gotta deal with the emotional issues that cause you to overeat. whether is just doing some deep soul searching. attending over eaters annonymous or seeking some form of professional counseling. so far the band has been an amazing tool for me. and yes requres some work, but its been WAY easier than any of the many diets i failed at in the past.but you also need to make some effort, better food choices and going in for fills. With good restriction and attitude you just dont eat as much.
  3. JENNIFER7375

    Any problems with oral Sex After Banding?

    well ladies, im 5 months most post op and much to the delight of my boyfriend, the band causes no problems with oral sex. have fun girls and just remember its unladylike to spit.LMAO!!
  4. i it sucks but try to stick to the diet. about a week or so out for me my 18yr old sister was making chicken. i took a bite of it without even really thinking. it did not go well at all. i spent the next 2 hours gagging and PBing. not to mention all the anxiety i caused myself thinking i had damage my band. none of us are perfect and we all screw up. i know it sucks but try sticking to the post op diet to prevent an incident like i had.
  5. im not really sure i know what you mean either? inject yourself meaning do your own fills? or treatment with a blood thinner? i never had to have that either. and i might worry about a surgeon that would only give you half of something you need. maybe you can be more specific so we can help point you in the right direction.
  6. JENNIFER7375

    iPhone/Food, Nutrition, Exercise Tracker

    i use the lose it ap as well and love. but theres also an iphone ap for spark people. you have to register on the website 1st. im pretty sure any info you enter from your iphone will be available when you later log on to your account from a PC and can probably be printed out. hope this helps
  7. JENNIFER7375

    Sex after Banding

    as long as it feels okand not putting any pressure on your incisions. you should be just fine. after a girls got needs, lol:thumbup:
  8. all i can say is you look amazing!! im trying to get like you

  9. JENNIFER7375

    I want to hear about........

    1. i can shop in any store now., not 1 lane bryant tag is left in my closet. 2. im no longer embarrassed to have pics takem with my skinny friends, you cant keep me away from the camera now 3 walking into a bar and feeling confident about my appearace. i now feel like im one of there prettiest girls there instead of feelling embarrassed cuz im one of the fattest. 4. taking a long walk with my boyfriend and not wanting to pass out after wards 5 wearing belts!. i had to borrow one of my 16 yr old daughters last week! i could go on forever the band has given me so many great experiences. i love my band
  10. glad to see you back on the right track. how are you feeling now?

  11. JENNIFER7375

    How often do you weigh in?

    I weigh myself at least once a day. it keeps me accountable. i too used to avoid the scale on a regular basis. i used to be scared to look half the time. but now i look forward to getting on it!! its such a rush having the numbers go down instead of up!!
  12. JENNIFER7375

    Fat Burners?

    id definitely say no to the fat burners. thet do have some unpleasant side effects and can encourage yo-yo dieting. just give your band time to get to the right spot and the weight should start coming off the way you want it to. i know it can suck when its slow at first, but trust me if you give it time it will work and as far as Vitamins i take a childrens chewable similar to a flintstone, i buy the CVS brsnd and i like them pretty well. i also take the viactiv chocolate chews for my calcium
  13. the simpsons comic book guy is the perfect comparison to HH a know it all jerk with no apparent life. i wouldnt be surprised if they looked a like. ive id my run ins with him in the past, hes fun to argue with for a while but his nastiness grows old quickly

  14. JENNIFER7375

    I feel a little guilty....

    becca i feel your pain. sometimes its hard cooking knowing you are only gonna get a few bites down. lately i've setting certain nights of the week and cook those nights no matter what i can or cant eat.ive also taken to making a lot of food in the crock pot,it goes in in the morning before work then its done when you are home. at least that way its done when i get home. cooking food you arent gonna eat much of sucks even worse when you are cooking it exhausted from working all day. i have teenagers so there probably a little more vocal when they dont get cooked for. i also dont wanna to set a bad example for them by letting them see me skipping meals
  15. JENNIFER7375


    I started out a 42 D and im down to a 38 D, ive only got around 20 lbs until goal. but if they go down any smaller im definitely getting a boob job. besides i breastfed 3 kids and i kill to have them back up high where they belong. besides i've already sacrificed most of my butt to being skinny, dont know if my boyfriend could take losing the twins as well. lol
  16. how long ago was your last fill? are you able to keep liquids down? if its only been a few days you may need more time for your swelling to go down. if its been awhile then you need to go back to your doctor ASAP. and if you cant get liquids to stay down you should go to the ER if necessary
  17. JENNIFER7375

    Are things going to change?

    everyones given really good advice so far. A few pointers I'd like to add. When u feel full stop eating immediately. Do not try to get in a few more bites. It only takes a very small amount to take you from full to PBing. and if you feel like foods stuck don't take a drink to get yourself unstuck. Whatever u drink will usually come right back up and just make it worse. And it can be rough at first but once you get used to new eating habits it gets a lot better. That being said Ive had really good success so far and have never regretted my decision to be banded! Good luck!
  18. JENNIFER7375

    please help

    i myself have been very successful with band. i've lost 60 pounds in the 5 months since my surgery. but everyone is different. my suggestion is to do your research. but to also make an attempt to seek out and discuss all the types of surgery with people that have had all the types of surgery. and not just people that are in there 1st year post op which some kind of consider a honeymoon phase. but people that are actually living with the long term affects of there decisions. hte online research is very helpful and informative. but so is sitting down and having a long talk with someone whos ben banded, sleeved or had the bypass fora signifigant amount of time. thats one of the tools i used in making my decision.and not every surgery is the right surgery for everyone.and if you arent committed anyone of them can fail. and there are risks and complications possible with any of them. i love my band. so far its been great for me. it may be just as good for you. just do your research and you will come to the right decision for you,
  19. JENNIFER7375

    very drunk. lol

    From the album: making progress

  20. JENNIFER7375

    slightly drunk. lol

    From the album: making progress

  21. JENNIFER7375

    165 baby!!

    From the album: making progress

  22. JENNIFER7375

    Fabulous february friends

    It does suck having all your co-workers know, but in my case i kind of felt it was easier just to tell. im a nurse. i figured when i took 2 weeks off work and then came back dropping weight like crazy they would figure it out anyway. bariatric surgery seems very popular among nurses. maybe cuz we have the chance to regularly what a lifetime of obesity can lead to. i'd rather they know i had the surgery than all think im bulemic or anorexic. or smoking crack. lol i had a friend who hid her bypass at work and those were the most popular speculations for her sudden weight loss. and as for losing in the face i can so relate! if you look in my progress pics i put up a close up pic from new years(my heaviest) and 1 from a few weeks ago. sometimes i dont even recognize myself. and you seem to be doing great at well 43 pounds is not too far to go!!
  23. i have a 10 cc band. my surgeon put in 1cc during my surgery.That held me pretty well until my 1st will which was'nt til 6 weeks post-op. but when the time comes if you are losing well go ahead and post pone your fill. nothing sucks worse than being too tight!
  24. JENNIFER7375

    Breaking Plateau

    upping my calories by a couple hundred a day has usually worked for me. usually i just add in another high protien snack or 2. also try switching up your workouts. good luck and i will see you in onederland soon!!

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