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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Phranp

  1. Just to update, talked to the Dr. and no problem with Enbrel just stay off it for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after! Maybe this will work out, praying for good news

    I have arthritis in my knees, spinal stenosis (arthritis of the spine), and had back surgery in 2004. I was banded in June 2009. I now walk 3 miles every morning. Couldn't do that before banding and weight loss. I love my band!:D


  2. I would like to suggest that before you actually "stock up" on one particular Protein drink/powder, you sample a few different brands to find out which one you like best.

    I have read posts about people stocking up on a certain drink that was recommended to them by their doc/nut/or someone else and they couldn't drink it because they hated the taste.


  3. You need a small unfill so you can tolerate the healthy foods and not have to resort to ice cream. Also, you should keep repeating this to yourself, which Lap Band Gal has on her blog header- "If hungry isn't the problem, then eating isn't the solution."

    "If hungry isn't the problem, then eating isn't the solution."

    Rachel, I absolutely love this!!! I am putting it on my wall (at my desk - I won't actually write on the walls LOL) right this minute. Thanks.


  4. I've been drinking more Water now n I really hope it works out for me but another issue for me also are bad heart burns I think that's what it is ma chest feels like its on fire just a bad burning sensation omg I really need to see my dr n see what he thinks. I get so emotional n start to think the worst about everything including my weight.

    You haven't had a BM in a month AND you have severe heart burn, and you haven't seen a doctor??? You must have an incredibly HIGH tolerance for pain. I am sorry you are going through this, please see your doctor asap.

  5. Ok skinny, take a deep breath and let it out slowly ... all is not lost. Do you REALLY want to know why you are gaining? Are you logging your food on "fitday.com" or something similar. There are people on this board that swear by this site.

    Here's the thing, we have spent our lives doing things that contributed to our obesity and we are experts at gaining weight. We are not, however, experts at losing weight and keeping it off. So, now we need to try something different because this time we want to get a different result -- that being losing weight AND keeping it off. Part of the something different will be not stressing yourself out, because it only hurts your cause. You CAN and WILL lose weight. . Try the "fitday.com" type sites so that you can see in black and white what is going on and do some research on walking for weight loss so that you can make your walks more effective.

    If you are exercising and dieting there has to be a reason you are gaining weight. So, before you throw in the towel, you need to find out what the problem is and how you can correct it.

    You are going to be a GREAT bandster. You will lose weight. This is NOT going to be the "end of you". Figure out why you are not losing and change what you can. You'll be all right, really you will ... just breathe. :)


  6. Hi everyone,

    So i got my band placed on june 3rd just last week, i flew to Mexico with my mom and we did it together, the surgery wasn't bad, i was pretty pain free for the most part. but now i am day 5 and i am hungry all the time, and when i am hungry i get a shotting pain up in my neck and shoulder, what is that about, but more so i am hungry, i would give anything to eat something besides broth and Jello, which i know something different will be coming soon, but i am just wondering was anyone else hungry alot after the surgery, also i have a lot of pain at my port site, has anyone else had that?



    Perhaps you can give your doc's office a call to see if they will allow you full liquids sooner than planned. I've seen it happen here many times. And, while you have them on the phone you can ask about the pain you are experiencing.

    Take care. I hope you feel better soon.


  7. Welcome Jada, and congratulations on beginning your journey to better health and a longer life expectancy. Before lapband I was (still am, they say it doesn't go away LOL) a type 2 diabetic. Within 3 months of lapband surgery I was off my meds. YAY!

    I agree with Kay, you are smart doing this while you are young. I had lapband surgery when I was 53 and I am truly happy with the results. I say this even though I am a "slow" loser. I am down to a size 14 bottom/16 top ... I started at a size 26 -- and I am still losing. I am down to 1 blood pressure med and I walk 3 miles every morning -- I had back surgery in 2004. All these things were made possible by my band. PTL!

    Please be sure to research WLS thoroughly. Knowledge is power, and that is so very true in this instance. You will hear so many different stories -- good and bad. You will need to sift through the info and make your own decision. This forum of chock full of information that will help you ... and some will even scare you; but take it all with a grain of salt and back up the info you get with research. The anecdotal info on this forum can be very inspirational and helpful ... with many cautionary tales.

    So, be brave, ask questions and read, read, read!

    All the best to you on your journey!


  8. I am the same way-if I didn't lose I don't want to get on that scale!!

    The secret is to keep refocusing and having dialogues with yourself! You'll have days you feel fat and days you feel like your losing weight-the trick is to make the losing days more often then the gaining days :)

    That's the plan! LOL One day, that "fat lady" is going to be gone for good!

  9. Congratulations! You are doing great!

    I have had the same problem with eggs. As a rule I don't eat food for Breakfast, just a Protein Shake. I get pretty dehydrated overnight so eating in the morning is a problem ... can't get food to stay down. Every now and again I test the waters ... it's usually because I have a taste for eggs. But as always, the eggs won't stay down!

    Although I have stopped trying to eat eggs in the morning ... I'm sure I will try again in a few months when I am craving eggs again.

    Again congrats! All the best to you on your journey.


  10. Ok, so I hopped out of bed at 5 a.m. this morning, got to the park by 5:30. Power walked 3 miles (not so power for a few laps -- talking to a fellow walker), got home, did my morning ritual and dressed for work. I was happy and singing and playing music all the while.

    Well, I put my gray slacks on with a purple top and a gray sweater, gray shoes ... nice combination ... silver jewelry ... everything was going fine. Then I looked in the mirror! There standing before me was the dreaded "fat lady"! She said "you look like you're gaining weight ... aren't these pants fitting a little snug?" I told her to shut up and finish getting ready for work ... but then I got to thinking ... do these pants look as good today as they did when I wore them 2 weeks ago? hmmmmm

    All of a sudden I am obsessing about whether I have gained weight or not; but I dare not get on the scale ... no, getting on the scale could derail my whole day if I saw weight gain. Geeeez I wish there was a "band" for the brain!

    The truth is, just like 2 weeks ago, I could actually wear a size smaller in these slacks. But have decided that as long as they are not falling down I will not buy anything new for a while. I tend to turn into a shopping maniac, and since I am trying to get my youngest off to school in Missouri in a couple of months ... all the shopping has to be for him.

  11. So I had my very first meeting with my surgeon today . It went very well and ive already started the necessary testing for surgery .He seemed all for lap-band he thought i would do very well with it . However , I noticed he seemed like he was more of a fan of the Gastric Bypass result wise. He explained to me the risk of both surgeries so I understand what it means to have the bypass. I was just wondering if anyone else battled with this ? I was 100 % all for my Lap- band but now since meeting with him im kind-of second guessing myself. I have 3 months to decide which is best for me . He said and I quote " La-band takes a long long time to see actual results and thats if you diet and exercise . The bypass you will see results right away " . Now of course im thinking " if I knew how to properly diet and exercise I wouldn't be in this predicament " .

    Help !

    Well it certainly does sound like he prefers gastric bypass. I would recommend that you continue doing reseach and then decide for yourself -- not because your doc prefers GB. There are soooo many people here on the lapbandtalk forum that lost their weight "fast". And, even though I am not one of them, I know that it can be done. I think the chief thing about the "diet and exercise" part is that if you change your diet and make some form of exercise a part of your life you will keep the weight off.

    You cannot maintain the loss of a large amount of weight without changing your diet and, if you want your body to "look good" you're going to want to exercise to tone all that loss or else you're going to look like a bag of skin. Now, that said .. as an older person, without plastic surgery I will likely have some excess skin that I can't exercise/tone away. But, you are young and may still have much elasticity left in your skin. You just might be able to pull this off -- without plastic surgery. ;)

    And finally, I just was not ready to have my stomach rearranged when I didn't have to. I can absolutely get the same results with lapband, and yes, it may take longer; but I actually believe the old adage that says "the longer it takes to take the weight off, the longer it will stay off". But that's just me.

    The decision is yours and I wish you the best with whatever you decide. Either way, there will be a healthier happier you in the end.


  12. "Always keep your goal in mind. Not the one the doctor has set for you but the one you have for yourself. None of us went under the knife just to have something to do. Remember your commitment to getting to a healthier and thinner lifestyle. Revel in the sense of accomplishment you feel when you see the inches and weight come off. Bask in the compliments from friends and family as they see the changes in you. And don't allow anyone to sabatoge you with negativity and doubt. And when you have a bad eating day, brush it off and start over the next day. There is no magical eating formula for the band. You just have to find what works for you and stick with it."

    Wow! dlynn said a mouthful, and all of it true. LOL on the "None of us went under the knife just to have something to do." Tooo funny.

    Kelli, if you are in fact a food addict (as many of us are -- that would be me) you might consider therapy as others have, myself included. I started seeing an obesity specialist 8 months before my surgery. It helped a lot ... I still see her, but mostly to keep the other stresses in my life from taking me back down "the road to 'food is the solution to all my problems'. There are other avenues as well if therapy is not for you. Perhaps OA, or self help books, tapes, etc. Whatever you need to get you through this because YOU CAN DO THIS ... really you can.

    It is my fevent belief that you will lose the weight when you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes. But, it must a program (whether it's your food plan or your exercise plan) that fits your life. Doctors can hand out a diet to all 50 or 100 of his patients ... but are they all alike? Absolutely NOT. So, it is up to you to take from him what will work in your life and modify the parts that don't fit quite as well.

    We are banded now and we have real chance at changing our lives for the better and forever more. But it means taking that first step, then the second, then the third, etc. Remember, you are not in a race with anyone to lose weight. You can take as long as you want to lose it, or you can sit down, make a plan, and lose it in "x" months. This is all up to you. It is your journey.

    All the best to you. YOU CAN DO THIS!


  13. Honestly, it was the best journey of my life and couldn't have come at a better time. My life was already doing a complete 180 (no pun intended!). After 20 years of my life revolving around my kids, they were finally heading out on their own. My surgery was 9 days after my youngest graduated. So I had nothing to concentrate on but myself. I absolutely loved me able to be self-centered for a change! LOL!

    Thanks, girls. If I can do this...thrust me, everyone of you can do it too. I'm beginning to think that life begins at 50. (OK>>>51) BTW, I'm 5'9" which is probably why you think I look thinner.

    Wooo Hooo! You look fantastic! Can't wait to be a size 10/12 ... on my way (14/16 now).

    Congratulations on both the weight loss and getting your life back. I know the feeling. My youngest is going to school in Missouri in August and his older sis will leave for grad school in 2012 (fingers crossed :rolleyes: ). It's a great feeling to be able to concentrate on yourself, isn't it? And it's true ... life DOES begin at 50+.



  14. Awesome post!!

    Thanks. I find it is so important to see the glass half full instead of half empty -- especially during "bandster hell" and/or plateaus.

    It's a journey and we are here to support, uplift ...and sometimes pull each other's "coattail" (old saying ... like me "old" :lol: ).


  15. I totally agree with Checkyes, and would like to add:

    You say: "I thought I would be thrilled but now I am afraid I am making the wrong decision and I will be one of the banders who does not loose any weight." Or perhaps you "will be one of the banders who DOES lose all your weight."

    You say: "I think I understand all the things that need to be done to make me successful, but what if I can't do it???" But what if you CAN DO IT??? Goodness, what a scary thought, huh? :P

    You say: "I read a lot of the posts under struggling lap banders and I could totally be one of them too." Did you read any posts under "success stories", bet you could be one of them too.

    You say: "Part of me is like if I keep doing what I am doing now I will keep getting the same results and lap band is my attempt to do something different but what if really I need to change something else?" You're right, what you're doing now will get you the same results (all us bandsters have been there). And, if you don't follow through with your decision to get the lapband how will you know if the band wasn't THE thing?

    This is TOTALLY your decision and, since you have a surgery date, it appears that you HAVE made a decision. If you make a clear decision that this is just not what you want to do, well, that's okay too ... but to torture youself with "what if's" and "iffa woulda coulda shoulda's" seems counter productive. Remember, the band is reversible or, you can decide not to have it filled and it will (likely) be as if you don't have a band. I think that's what I like most about the band ... it does not have to be permanent. There are a number of people on this forum that have had their bands removed. You might want to read about them for perspective.

    Stress before surgery is not good, so try to relax a bit. Continue to research, you still have time to change your mind ... but do it from a place of knowledge -- not fear.

    I wish you the best on your journey ... whatever you choose to do.


  16. Good Afternoon forum.... I am Sigma Pi and I am in the process of starting my journey with geting the lap band. I am scared to death of the process and worried my insurance. I have Anthem BCBS of Indiana and it's a PPO. If I may ask, what is the normal turn around for approvals?

    I have BCBS of California (aka Anthem BCBS, gets confusing). If you visit the website, which for me is "Empireblue.com", click on the "enter" button and then type "weight loss surgery" in the search box, you will find BCBS's policy for WLS. It will tell you everything expected of you.

    Once I completed my 6 month supervised diet and the necessary tests, etc. I think it took a week or two ... but I did have to "bug" them to make sure they stayed on the case.

    Hope this helps. If you can't find the info on the website let me know. I have a pdf copy that I would be happy to send to you.


  17. @Phranp I feel They are more open minded in LA about plastic surgery and anything to enhance your appearance. It's really great that you have so much support. @ CheckYes Though I'm strong willed and always do what's right for me no matter what they think, it's just hurts when the people who you love and support don't support you. Accept for my one cousin who supports me in everything I do. Thank God for her. I do these things to improve myself and my life, not to impress them, but nobody can tell me it doesn't feel better having the support of those closest to them. @Fran I have a diverse group of friends of all races in my real life, and have my entire life One of my best friends who I have the most in common with is Caucasian, so hope I didn't give off the wrong impression. I apologize if I generalized with my comments. I can't speak for all, just the A-As I know. I've always been my own biggest cheerleader, and I'll continue to be throughout this lapband process. Thanks all. Your opinions were all appreciated.

    You know, I may not like to admit it, but life in Cali can be very different from other states -- the farther east you go. I have family and friends in other states and yes, you are right Cali is different -- from politics, to style (or the lack there of sometimes LOL), to cults (that Harold Camping guy is located in the Bay Area), to the environment (businesses are running away screaming from all the regulations), etc. I also know that it is easy for us the think that "our" life in the A-A community is "typical" of the A-A community everywhere. And, no I did not get the impression that you do not have friends of other cultures. I was just trying to suggest that no matter what culture or whether they are relatives or not, sometimes they have to give us what our family members cannot, for whatever reason. Don't get me wrong, I get it that it would be nice to have the support of family, and I am sorry you don't have it -- yet. Hey, somebody has to be the "trailblazer" why not you? Once they see your great success with lapband they will be in awe! I am excited for you "my sistah" and look forward to hearing about your journey to better health and ... a longer list of clothing stores to shop in! LOL :D

    It's 5:30 a.m. -- time to get out of here and get to the park. Have a fabulous day!


  18. This is a really good post because people that are in the early stages will know what to look for when they decide to get lapband. What they should also know is that not all doctors have a non professional fee and if you choose the "right" surgeon (or maybe it's the hospital) you don'thave to pay the anesthesiologist separately. I remember, after having problems finding a surgeon/surgical center/hospital that would accept BCBS (BBCBS doesn't pay them much so they will refuse to do the surgery - even if they have a contract with BCBS) I was being super careful so I didn't find myself with hidden costs. I called the benefits dept at my job to ask about the anesthesiologist, telling them that is was ridiculous for the insurance to ok the surgery and put the responsibility on me to make sure the anesthesiologist was "in-network" - I was HOT! My benefits dept. said they would call me right back. They did. They said "don't worry about a thing your anesthisia is all inclusive". I did not pay a penny for my surgery. We have to be so careful about which practice we choose, some offices will gouge us given the chance.

    Thanks again for this thread.I am sorry you had to go through this but the info you are sharing is invaluable to people starting out.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  19. I am sorry that you have been made to feel like an island by family and friends. Sometimes you have to take what you can get, where you can get it. This forum provides a lot of support, a well spring of information, and it is a great place to vent.

    That said, I have to say that as an African-American my experience has been just the opposite. Most of the people I know that have had WLS (mostly gastric bypass) are A-A and there's been no stigma attached to any of us. As for myself, my family and friends are super supportive. (With the exception of a former sis-in-law, but that's a story for another time) I was telling my best friend that my sister was my "biggest fan" and so proud of my weight loss and she said "hey, I'm your biggest fan". I was like "yes, you too, you are both my biggest fans" LOL My brother and his wife are full of compliments when they see me and make every attempt to accommodate my food needs when I go to their house for dinner. Even though I tell them just to cook as they normally do. Another friend that had gastric bypass about 9 years ago was absolutely thrilled when I had lapband surgery and her mom called me a few weeks ago to ask about the band because she is considering the surgery. Her granddaughter is considering it too and came to me for information. I always send them to this forum.

    I guess my point is that from my perspective the A-A community is very accepting of lapband surgery. Heck I know A-As that have had breast enhancements, tummy tucks and even a nose job (that was due to a medical sugery that resulted in damage to her nose so ...). At the same time, I have no doubt that your (and the Noturningback's) experience is real and that in your circle this is the way lapband is viewed. I just would not view my experience (or yours) as the norm of the entire A-A community. We are a diverse group. As it happens I live in L.A. which may (or may not) be the reason that WLS surgery is accepted in the A-A community. But most of all I would hope that knowing that our community is so diverse, you will not feel so much like an island. Thanks to the internet and forums like this you will find many A-As that have a lot in common with you. You will also learn how much you have in common with other cultures, especially when it comes to the lapband. This is a good thing. We are all in this together and can help and support each other.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  20. Hello every one...

    I am a bandster since almost 3 months....not loosing much weight....can it be because Im taking less Water...

    do we have to drink more Water all our life now? what is the reason for this...I do feel thirsty all the time...my skin is also dry...

    How many litres should we drink ? I am doing my diet right...3 full meals....2 Snacks....more Protein...

    can someone guide me please....


    It sounds like you were not given much information about the band before surgery. This happens sometimes, you are not alone. I would like to suggest that you begin doing research (on this forum and/or other places online) on the band and how it works. Hopefully with a better understanding you will have more success.

    With respect to drinking water ... everyone needs to drink approx. 64 oz. of water everyday. Water is essential to staying healthy with -- or without the lapband. It absolutely aids in weightloss, but more importantly, if you become dehydrated after having lapband surgery you will likely find yourself in the emergency room. Please stay hydrated.

    Knowledge is power. There is a lot of info on this forum. Read, read, read. You are ahead of the game because you have already had the surgery. Now you just have to educate yourself.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  21. So when I began this process one of my first questions was, how much out of pocket? My lapband financial coordinator contacted my INS co & they told her that I'm 80% covered w a $500 deductible. She also told me that w their team they waive the excess 20% so naturally I was like ok let's do this! Well today the financial coordinator called me & said that whomever they spoke w from my INS gave them the wrong benefit information! So for a whole month I've been moving forward w the process ie: sleep study, endoscopy, psych evaluation, nutrition consult, travel expenses etc... Also come to find out that my Dr is not even in network for my INS! My only options now are to pay out of pocket, change to a different Dr who is in network, & even then I don't have as much coverage as I thought, or cross my fingers to get financed for everything. I am at a loss. I know I don't have enough to pay out of pocket. I really loved my Dr & team, & I'm not sure I could get financed. I feel soooo utterly defeated & sad today I'm beside myself. It was such a huge life changing decision in the first place & now to have it all taken away by someones mistake. Please if anyone has any knowledge of how to work this out I would greatly appreciate ANY information or ideas.

    First, what kind of insurance do you have? I had the same thing happen to me TWICE. My PCP sent me t a wonderful doc and his team was really great ... only to find out they were out of network. So I checked the website for my insurance and found another doc (I have BCBS). Once the new doc started the paperwork they found out that he was no longer on my insurance! So I found yet another doc ... I was careful and made sure he was on my insurance ... jumped through every hoop. The date was set and about a week before surgery I got a call from his office, they told me that my surgery had been cancelled because the surgery center that the doc uses (whichalso had a contract with my insurance) refused to accept my insurance because they said BCBS does not pay them enough. They just flat out refused! I couldn't believe it. Finally I searched and searched and found a general surgeon who in turn found a hospital that accepted what my insurance and was willing to pay. I had my surgery 2 weeks after the original date that had been set.

    When all this happened I was disappointed just like you, at first. But I kept plugging through because I was determined to have this surgery. I am so glad I did. Check with your insurance directly and ask them where on their website you can find their policies for this surgery, then get to work making it happen.

    Keep your head up, all is not lost. It may take a little footwork on your part, but you can make this happen.

    All the best to you!


  22. I was 53 when I was banded. Had back surgery in 2004 (L3, L4, L5 fusion), and I have spinal stenosis. Tragic, huh? NOT! Thanks to the weight I have lost with the lapband I walk 2.5 miles every morning before work and 3 miles on the weekend. I would walk farther ... but my life is too busy, I don't have the time! :lol:

    Once you have had the surgery you might wish you had done it sooner ... but you won't stay in that thought too long because your life will be moving so fast you won't have time to think about all the "iffa, coulda, woulda, shouldas" -- you will be living life like it's GOLDEN!

    This is the best thing I have ever done for myself and I don't regret it one bit ... and being 55 now doesn't make it any less fantastic!

    Oh ... just for a moment, let me get real -- I am a slow loser. A lot of that is due to the fact that I cannot do strenuous exercise because of back surgery, spinal stenosis, etc. But, when I started this journey in June 2009 I was wearing a size 26, I am now wearing a size 14 -- and still losing. I am 5'8" so a 14 looks pretty good on the old girl. :lol: So, yes, your journey may be different from some but it will be very similar to a lot of others -- like me. :) Either way, success is on the horizon.

    All the best to you on your journey!


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