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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Phranp

  1. Ramadan is starting next Monday.... n I was wondering if anyone here will be fasting... like me? or if anyone has had an experience with fasting while banded and has any tips to shares... We fast in Ramadan everyday from sunrise to sunset (for a month)...

    Ramadan Kareem rolleyes.gif

    I am not of your faith so I won't be fasting ... but I am thinking that you will have FANTASTIC weight loss for the month of August!

    All the best to you on your journey.


  2. Tomorrow I will be one week post surgery. I'm still having to take pain meds about once a day. I've been trying not to but it seems with housework, seeing after the kids, and just life in general that the pain just gets to me about mid afternoon and if I don't take something for the pain I turn in the cracken (is that how you spell it? You know, the beast from the sea in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.) I guess this has me a bit down. I was expecting to be pain-free by now and back to my normal energy level self. I go back to work tomorrow and I'm really not sure I'm ready, but I know my boss is going to be seriously ticked off if I'm not back at work. She was seriously ticked off when I told her three weeks in advance that I was having the surgery and would be taking a week off. I am also having some hunger issues here and there and I know its probably another 3 weeks until a fill. Aren't I supposed to be all happy and thrilled? I don't regret having the procedure done. I guess I just expected to feel normal again and I don't. Plus my need for sleep has increased as well. Even when I don't take pain meds I'm finding myself dozing off and taking a nap. Anybody else suffer the post-band blues?


    You just had surgery a week ago and you are healing. Some take longer than others to heal, especially when they have: housework and kids. Ideally, you should be resting, but it doesn't sound like you are getting a lot of that. Take your pain pills when you can, pamper yourself as much as you can and, avail yourself of ALL help offered by friends and family. I had my family waiting on me hand and foot. LOL My kids are big (at the time 19 and 20) and my sister came to stay a few nights. I didn't really need much help, but I accepted it cuz surgery can wear you out! LOL

    I had surgery on Monday and went back to work half day on Friday. I was really glad it was half day because I was pooped when I left at noon. By Monday I was feeling better. Fortunately, my workload wasn't bad. It has to be pretty hard on you to have (small?) children to care for while you are trying to recover from surgery. Please remember that if you don't take good care of yourself, you won't be able to take good care of them. :)

    As for your boss being angry, well, I understand your anxiety, what with the economy being what it is today. But, the bottom line here is that you have to put your health first. Don't worry about how angry your boss is, she will probably give you a chilly reception when you return since she wasn't happy that you were going to be off for week in the first place. Remember that you had this surgery so that you can have a healthier future. Don't let her atitude make you anxious. There are going to be a LOT of people that aren't going to be ... hmmmm ... let's say "happy" when you lose weight. People are just like that. So don't give others a thought (beginning with your boss), just try to keep your head up and remember the bright future ahead for you and your family.

    Be sure to wear something loose so there won't be pressure at your port site. Hopefully that will keep the pain at bay. Hunger is a part of the process for many. Be sure to stay hydrated -- very important. I imagine your are still on a liquid/semi liquid diet so be sure to get plenty of Protein, it should help with the hunger. Also, be sure to take Vitamins -- good ones. If you must go back to work tomorrow, try to get a good night sleep tonight and have everything prepared (nourishment-wise) so your day runs as smoothly as possible.

    Good luck to you. Let us know how your day goes.

    It gets better.


  3. I was banded June 1st, 2011 since my surgery i have lost a total of 18lb but i really expected to have lost a lot more. I got my first fill July 12th and my band is 5cc i have lots of restriction now and think i should see some improvement however i am starting to get depresed. Any advice?

    Okay, my head is swimming here ... I must have misread something ... it has been 7weeks since your surgery and by my math (and, of course I could be wrong ... I was never a math whiz) you have lost at a rate of 2.57142857 (ok, I cheated ... I used a calculator) per week. AND, to top that off you are still healing! You are doing great! (So are you, Jennifer!)

    This is lapband not gastric bypass, and, as a rule, you don't drop weight overnight. With the band it takes a minute -- but your numbers are FANTASTIC!!

    You are doing better than the average. Please don't minimize your current success. If you minimize your success now, when you are actually doing so well ... what will happen when you hit a plateau? To be disappointed with what you have done for yourself at this point would be setting the scene for sabotage in the future. (All that crazy thinking about failure and stuff ... you don't want that, trust me.)

    It sounds like you need to do a little more reading about the band to really understand how it works. You are doing great and if you keep up what you are doing now you will reach your goal in record time.

    Be proud of yourself ... you too Jennifer. Great job!


  4. Here is why I was fat:

    I was/am an emotional eater. I ate when I was: happy, sad, angry, excited, depressed, tired, sick, lonely, frustrated, bored, unhappy, etc.

    I thought the band was the answer for ME. IT IS!!!!

    I have been in therapy on and off for more than 30 years about my weight and other issues. I knew what I needed to do to lose weight ... I just couldn't seem to get it done ... until I got banded! Now I eat healthy (mostly), I walk 3+ miles every morning before work (never thought THAT would happen ... but I LOVE it), and because of the way the band works for me, I don't overeat when I am emotional. Bottom line here: Different strokes for different folks.:D

    I am honestly happy that you have conquered your demons and lost weight without the help of the band. Good for you!

    As for me, I'll keep my band ... it's workin' for me. And you know what they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

    All the best to you on life's journey.


  5. How much of your weight loss success is based on exercise? I'm 2 weeks post op and not exercising yet but wonder how important it is at my current weight of 350?

    I think a lot depends on the person and their metabolism, as well as age. I am older and my metabolism is slower, add to that I am a diabetic and voila! exercise is a MUST. I am no longer on medication for diabetes but that does not mean I am "cured", so I remain insulin resistant (not too bad though) and exercise keeps diabetes at bay.

    I had back surgery in 2004 and I have spinal stenosis so strenuous exercise is out of the question. But, I power walk 3+ miles every morning. I am also working with a physical therapist to build more muscle so that I can do more strenuous exercises. I will never be a jogger, but I am hoping to be able to do yoga and pilates -- my physical therapist says I am not there yet, but maybe in the future.

    So, yes, for me exercise has been a big part of my weight loss.


  6. Hi all,

    I had my surgery on 6/29 with little to no problems thanks to God. My problem is now that I am tired of the pureed/liquid diet and have been eating solids for the past week. I know I shouldn't be doing this as it can cause problems for me but I just gag at the sight of Protein shakes and Soups. I need real food in my body. At first I felt restriction and didn't eat quite as much as I used to, but now that I am used to it I feel that I can eat as much as I did before. I am a little depressed because I don't feel like I am losing anymore. I checked on the scale and think I have actually gained a couple of lbs. I know I should focus on weight loss at this time because I am still recovering but I am. I wanted to hold off on the fill and try to do it without it, but I really need it. I am scheduled on the 9th of August to get my first fill but feel that it's too far away.

    Oh Shannon, I am so sorry ... it sounds like your doc didn't explain to you how the band works (i.e., that without fills it often - not always, but for most - feels as though you don't have a band). You have no restriction and/or your band as yet is not suppressing your hunger. That's how the band works -- SLOWLY (for most, not all). It can be a difficult time for some. The thing to do is to decide how you "personally" handle challenging situations. If you aren't a patient person you may have to distract yourself with other things (i.e., exercise, reading self-help books about changing the head while trying to change the body, etc.).

    The thing you don't want to do is sabotage your success. You wrote, "I know I shouldn't be doing this as it can cause problems for me", take a moment and let that sink in. Instead of doing what is best for you, you go head on into something you KNOW can cause problems. Why do you think you would do that to yourself? Please understand, I do not say this to be critical -- trust me, we have all been there. I just want you to realize that you CAN succeed with the band, but you have to be careful not to sabotage yourself. We ALL got sick of Protein Shakes and Soup (well, I like the Protein Shakes, still drink them; but I have NEVER been a "soup" person). Doctors are so different with the pre- and post-op diets. My doc was extremely lenient and had me on solid foods in about 2 weeks. Why don't you call your docs office and see if they can move you to the mushy stage sooner. It's been known to happen, I've read about it on this forum.

    The post op diet is temporary, remember that. Try to hang in there. Do something different this time around, be your own champion.

    One last thing ... if you eat as much as you did before ... you won't lose weight. Don't get depressed, do something different -- take really good care of YOU. And, why on earth would you want to hold off on the fill???? You say you're depressed, sick of Protein shakes and Soup, not losing weight ... the fill is what takes you to the next step -- don't miss it!

    You can do this Shannon! We are all here to support you!


  7. You are doing VERY well for someone with only a little restriction. Congratulations!

    Some people (not me), require zero to ... maybe 3 fills before they are at their sweet spot. For me it took 7 fills. I was banded 6-15-09 and got to my sweet spot some time in April 2010. I haven't had an adjustment since. It takes time ... you will get there.

    Some people need the dimming of their appetite. I do not. It is good for me to stay on a "food plan" that is condusive to losing weight. If I don't the indicators that I am "hungry" are when I become fatigued, weak, lose focus ... and a little grumpy. So, I am glad that I actually have restriction. If I eat too much (unless it is a "slider" food, and sometimes even then) it backs up into my esophagus and out it goes -- not pleasant, so I try not to do this. I am a "head" hungry person which is very difficult to overcome (I see a therapist ... very helpful to me). The band helps because when I allow emotions (i.e., head hunger) to rule, I am unable to overeat without repercussions (i.e., up and out). But it took time to get to this point.

    Keep getting fills ... you'll get there. Either dimming of your appetite or restriction. I have no clue why some people have actual restriction and others do not. I do believe that the band dims my appetite, it's just hard for me to notice because I didn't get fat because I was hungry all the time. I got fat because I ate too much -- I didn't have to be the least bit hungry.

    With the lapband (for a lot of us) patience is a true virtue.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  8. You have my support and my prayers.

    Know that God did not bring you this far to leave you now. You are amazing and an inspiration to us when we want whine about one thing or another. :)

    Give yourself a moment to breathe, you have been through a lot. Take the time to remember how and why you lost the weight the first time and move forward from there.

    I hope you have good support from friends and relatives where you are ... I am sure you could use some comfort -- the kind that doesn't have calories. LOL (Been there, done that.) Cyber hugs coming your way now.

    All the best to you.


  9. Yes, thank you that does help. Sometimes all i need is a little encouragment to keep going... Question though.... Does every Bander go through a few months of this in the beginning? Does it ever get easier to eat less? If so, then what is a typical period of time before it finally starts to "switch on" so to speak...

    Most, but not all, bandsters go through "Bandster Hell". This is the period after surgery but before you reach your "sweet spot". You are obviously NOT anywhere near your sweet spot. I am sorry you are having such difficulty. How are you with carbs? Are they are part of your food plan or no? Sometimes eliminating most carbs from your diet can kick start weight loss. I have great difficultly eliminating carbs ... but some people have seen great results. I have actually seen great results when I cut my carbs ... but I also turn into an axe murderer and my family doesn't appreciate it when I do that. LOL I am keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have one of those doctors that is stingy with the fills ... it could take forever to get to your sweet spot if he is. But you will get there ... you might be my age when you get there but ... :lol: okay, only kidding. When you get closer, and finally to your sweet spot life will be much better.

    As for your disability ... may I ask how severe it is. I had back surgery in 2004 and cannot run or do exercise that is too strenuous. I have spinal stenosis (arthritis of the spine) and arthritis in my knees ... and a few other joints. That said I walk 3-4 miles every morning before work and 2-3 miles each day on the weekend. If you cannot walk, how about Water aerobics? Gotta get that body moving.

    Each of us is on a personal journey and no two are alike. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. It is important for you to try different things to find what works best for you. Remember, even though our doctors have a plan for their patients ... we are not all the same, so their "cookie cutter" program may not work for every single patient. Get to know your body and how it reacts to different types of foods. And remember, too few calories can be as bad as too many. Be sure that you are getting that 1000-1200 calories.

    Be kind to yourself and patient. The man you are marrying obviously proposed to you at this weight ... he's not going to be dissappointed if you do not walk down the aisle wearing a size 2 Vera Wang gown. He is looking to see the woman that he loves and admires and that's you just as you are today.

    Hang in there. You are going to be fine. We are here to support you. Keep reading ... there's a well spring of information on this forum. Take what you can use and leave the rest behind (including my advice :P ).

    All the best to you on your journey.


  10. I really think it comes down to what works for you, and sometimes a combination. I think that the idea of portion size with smart choices is a good idea because once you learn to eat healthier we would want it to be "second nature" that we eat right in smaller portions. That said, sometimes calorie counting is in order. I do the smart choices/smaller portions until I stall -- then it's time to rethink what I am eating/drinking and count calories/journal my food until I am back on a food plan that helps me lose weight.

    I think it boils down to what works for you, and trying different things until you get it right. We have to do something that we can live with for the rest of our lives.


  11. I had my surgery a couple of weeks ago and have been starting into soft foods. I've gained a couple of pounds back from that and so I joined a gym so that I can start exercising because I really want this to work out for me and I'm terrified that it's not going to despite my husband's encouragement.

    Now my problem is that I went to the gym today and was completely overwhelmed... There were two really thin women and a bunch of fit guys which just made me feel more awkward. But that's something I have to learn to ignore because everyone has to start somewhere right?

    I specifically joined this gym because they offer classes so I plan to do yoga and Zumba but I also need to get in strength training and cardio. What do y'all do? It would be so easy to just jump on the elliptical for 45 minutes or whatever but everything I read talks about how important strength training is... Any suggestions from people who have been where I am now or are currently here with me?

    Take a deep breath MLR. Newbies frequently feel overwhelmed and a little scared.

    When you say "I really want this to work out for me and I'm terrified that it's not going to despite my husband's encouragement. " You need to next ask yourself "how does it serve me to be "terrified" BEFORE I have even begun?"

    Start by turning your thinking around. You have the encouragement of your wonderful husband. :D Why be terrified? Take it one step at a time and, just as Debora says don't over do it, you are still healing. Don't set yourself up for failure by expecting too much too soon. While you're at it you should be reading about how this band really works right here on this forum. Learn about the dreaded "bandster hell" BEFORE it happens so you won't be "terrified". Learn everything you can so you can pace yourself and develop patience.

    Stop looking at the other people at the gym and envision "the new you". :lol: You are going to do GREAT! Don't let FEAR take away your success. Keep a positive thought. You can do this and we are all here to help you!

    Be proud of yourself for taking this monumental step while you are young. You have a fantastic future ahead of you ... don't let your "head" talk you out of it. Geeezzz, way too many puns ... and bad ones at that. :lol:

    Remember, educate yourself, pace yourself and stay positive!

    All the best to you on your journey!


  12. OP... I don't think you should be apologizing for your viewpoints. If you're original intent was to vent about some people whining about no weight loss...without looking at their own bad habits... I think you did it well.

    I am in total agreement with you on your original post. I'm not very big into sugar coating things or giving false hopes or promises.

    Everyone has made it a point to say that this is a support group. But I think many take that as an opportunity to act like whining children. I can't judge this... but I will say that it sometimes deters other hopefuls from getting banded.

    To me, whining and complaining should only happen AFTER the fact. This means a couple months of good diet tracking, exercise, and over-all behavior modifications. Then if you are still not averaging 1-2 lbs per week... it's time to ask questions.

    What also gets me is that some people blame their surgeons about their lack of knowledge or pre-surgery information. This, to me, is unacceptable. Now I'm not on the side of the surgeon. I know for a FACT that there are less competent surgeons out there and those that are just motivated by cash.

    But this does not make an excuse for anyone to blame their surgeon about their lack of weight loss. Being on the forum, I'm thinking it's not a stretch to assume that these people have access to the internet. How about doing some research? Researching all the pros and cons... all the possible side effects, ADEs, and/or failures, etc.

    Most people want and demand informed consent on their part...but expect the physician and their surgical team to provide all of it. "Is that really too much to ask from your doctor?", you may ask. It's actually not. You would expect your surgeon to be able to tell you EVERYTHING about the process. But apparently there are surgeons who do not (or cannot). But either case... YOU should have researched about that surgical team beforehand... so for me..the fault lies in you (the misinformed patient).

    Harsh? I know. But this isn't a blackjack table at the MGM. This is your life..your health. Why gamble? Do your research. Educate yourself. Then make an informed decision.

    You know, Wheels, I am not in disagreement with everything that you said but ... there are surgeons out ther selling newbies a bill of goods better than any "ambulance chaser" could. And some, while experienced surgeons, are new to the lapband biz and do a fine job with the surgery but cannot (I did not say "will not") offer support via staff, support groups, etc. My surgeon was the latter. A great guy, but I knew from the first fill that he was "experimenting" on me. But it all turned out okay and he didn't charge me for the fills ... so how could I complain? I did quite a bit of research before surgery, but it didn't quite sink in until ... hmmm ... maybe when my surgeon said "I'll see you in 1 week for your post op and in two more weeks you can have your first fill." It was then that I had an "aha" moment. Nevertheless I pressed on and told myself to be patient ... and I was/am. But, I am older and regardless of how much weight I lose (or if I get a tummy tuck), it will never be appropriate for me to wear a bikini. MY KIDS WOULD DISOWN ME. LOL I am good (mostly) with the pace at which I am losing and I am clear that I alone bear responsibility for my success.

    I think that an important point is that most doctors don't mention when "selling" the band is that your success is based on what "you" are willing to DO to achieve it. That even goes for those that say their journey has been a breeze. These people changed their diet and their thinking. That's a BIG deal for an obese person.

    Sometimes people don't do extensive research because they feel the doc has answered all their questions ... sometimes people don't know what questions to ask. So, yes, once the "truth" hits them after surgery they whine a bit. Hey, when I was young I'm sure I whined a lot. LOL Think about it, how out of control must persons life be to become obese? So, after being banded and finding out that they must learn to "control" themselves ... that there is NO magic bullet, well ... you know the drill ... I'm sure you've seen it here time and time again. People are people and will always complain.

    My hope/wish for them is that eventually they will take stock of their situation and do what they need to do to get where they want to be. It takes alllll kinds .... :D

    All the best to you on your journey.


  13. firehawk,

    Don't be angry or disappointed ... be an inspiration. You may be the one that helps your sis get passed her fears. As you begin to lose weight your sis will see what is possible with the band. She will see how it changes your life, and how it can change her life as well.

    Don't "tell" her, "show" her. Let her see that while lapband is not "magic", it is a useful "tool"(yes I said it, LOL) in the weight loss battle. Show your sis compassion and understanding, let her know that regardless of her decision you are there for her. She is only 20 ... it took you till you were 30 to do this ... she is barely an adult ... imagine what she went through as a teen ... you're a man, you know how teenage boys are, so you know it must not have been easy for her. She needs time -- and her big brother's understanding and guidance. Teach her all you learn about working the "band" and she'll be "on the wagon" (I know, corny LOL) before you know it. When you start working out perhaps you can invite her to join you ... get the ball rolling, you know?

    So, don't be angry or disappointed ... be your little sister's hero. You can BOTH do this!

    You are already a great brother just because you care enough to be angry. She is lucky to have you. :-)

    All the best to you on your journey.


  14. So I went for my second fill today (i will be 10 weeks on thursday) 8and I was talking to the nurse practioner that was doing my fills and she scolded me for drinking Protein shakes in the morning.

    According to my doctors plan, I am suppose to be totally off Protein Shakes except for after fills. I like having my shake in the morning. Its quick and easy and I stay full until at least noon. So whats the big deal? If it wasnt keeping me full that would be another story, right?

    By the way, I got .30 in my band today, so im at little over 6cc now. She wanted to give me 1, but I didnt think I needed it. Just needed a little tweek.

    I think that the bottom line here is that it is your body; and while the doctor's office has a "plan" ... we are not ALL alike. We have to listen to our bodies -- we're the only ones who can. LOL If a shake holds you until your next meal, then I'd say it is working for you. It may not work for another person. I have been drinking a Protein Shake every morning for well over a year. I am very dehydrated in the morning so getting food down before 10 a.m. is an issue. So I start my day (after my walk at 5:30 a.m.) with a Protein Shake and plenty of Water. I try to have a mid morning snack ... lately I have no appetite so the snack has been difficult, but I know I need the nutrients. Ultimately, no amount of scolding would change the fact that, for various reasons (including that I walk 3-4 miles every morning and lose even more hydration), I cannot eat in the morning.

    You must do what is right for you. If your weight loss suffers ... do something different.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  15. Oh my, I read that as "deli meat spread"! I am thinking...eeewww, that sounds nasty! blink.gif

    Phran, can you do the lactaid pills to help you consume dairy for the time being?

    Almonds pack a good punch, especially if your blood sugar is dipping.

    You know Cocoabean ... I haven't tried the lactaid pills in so long, perhaps I should give them a try. Almonds are good, but not my favorite ... can I get the same "punch" from pecans?



  16. Hello... wow what a hectic work schedule... you be careful with that!

    Yesterday I concocted a Soup which turned out rather well.

    It went down very easy and is high in nutrients.

    My mum and husband loved it too. smile.gif

    Salmon and Silverbeet Soup

    8 serves

    Don't have to be too accurate with amounts.

    Salmon fillets, skinless - 600g ( about 1.35 lbs)

    Silverbeet (or spinach), chopped - 2 cups

    Powdered vegetable or chicken stock - 4 tsp

    Garlic paste - 1 tbsn

    Ginger paste - 1 tbsn

    Powdered cumin - 1 tsp

    Powdered coriander - 1 tsp

    Pinch chilli or cayanne

    8 cups Water

    *Add or omit spices/stock to suit.


    Make broth with the Water, stock and spices.

    Bring broth to boil and add the skinless fillets.

    Simmer on low heat for at least 30 mins.

    When cooked pull apart with fork.

    Add chopped silverbeet and simmer for another 15 mins.


    Sky, this soup sounds interesting ... not sure I am ready for "salmon" in my soup ... but I will keep it in mind. LOL



  17. I walk every morning. I start moderate and build speed until I am power walking (and dripping wet LOL).

    I make a new playlist every month or two. A few songs from my latest playlist are:

    I Smile - Kirk Franklin

    Harvest for the World - Isley Brothers

    Great DJ - The Ting Tings

    Firework - Katy Perry

    Cold Blooded - Rick James

    Glamorous - Fergie

    Let's Groove Tonight - Earth Wind & Fire

    Do You Love What You Fee - Chaka Khan

    and many more!

    Music definitely keeps me moving!

    Good luck!


  18. It's 10:53 p.m. and I just got home from work! Whew, long day! I am very happy with the great suggestions I am seeing here!


    The Jimmy Dean D'lights sound delicious! I will look for it my next trip to the grocery store. I will also check out "Eat This, Not That".


    I too am okay with cheese ... as long as I don't overdo it. I like the deli meat spread with laughing cow idea.

    Okay CheckYes .... on your recommendation I just might get the courage to try a Quorn product..

    Thanks everyone for all the wonderful ideas!


  19. Rachel,

    Soy nuggets??? hmmmmm ... I don't know about that ... LOL I do make my Protein shakes with soy milk (although my "health crazy" friends are brow beating me into "almond milk" even after I told them that I don't like the taste... LOL) but soy nuggets?? Have you tasted them? Are they good?


    I will definitely stop at the store for some turkey peperoni. It sounds perfect. I am at this moment at work after a CRAZY DAY that has not ended (and I pray it does not repeat tomorrow) and I am trying to eat the other half of the Lean Cuisine lasagna w/meat sauce. I could not eat the whole thing at lunch and after 2 bites now, I think I am done. This is insane. I am so glad that I see my therapist this weekend!


    I am not a BIG hummus fan, but I like it from time to time. It will definitely be on my list of things to eat in a pinch durint this OT schedule. The sugar snap peas sound like a great choice for something crunchy when I need it.

    Thanks to everyone.


  20. Hi Fran. Have you tried greek yogurt yet? I eat Chobani brand. It takes some getting used to. But, it is only 6oz and has 14-16g Protein. Foster Farms makes pre-grilled chicken strips. If you take a couple of those strips, add a few garbanzo Beans, fresh spinach, sliced cucumber and red bell pepper, a small amounts packs a big nutritional boost. String cheese or a handful of raw almonds are also good. Good luck.

    Thanks gMommy. I can't do the greek yogurt :( ... lactose intolerant. But I can do a little string cheese ... maybe once a day. The chicken strips are good idea too. I need to buy some garbanzo Beans ... I had forgotten all about them ... I love them in a salad. Great ideas, thanks!


  21. I REALLY need suggestions. Beginning June 10, I have been working overtime -- 13 hour days Mon-Fri and 5-6 hours each day Saturdays and Sundays. During this time, surprisingly, I have lost my appetite. I think I must be too tired to eat ... who knew. :blink:

    I will be continuing at this pace until July 31. I continue to get up at 5 a.m. to walk 3 miles every morning. I have been bringing my Breakfast, lunch and dinner to work ... but only eating Breakfast and lunch -- and not much lunch at that. I have NO appetite. I have been trying to eat today's mid morning snack (a small banana) for about an hour now. I have a Protein drink for breakfast every morning because I cannot get food down; so in order to keep my energy up I try to eat a snack mid morning. Since I started working this overtime I haven't been able to eat even the smallest meal. I finally gave up cooking during the week and decided to buy Lean Cuisines. They taste okay, they are small and they fill my nutritional needs. Yes, I am aware of the salt ... but I think I can deal with it for a couple of months. There is a diuretic included in my blood pressure med. I am already a person that does not have an issue with "ravenous hunger" and after banding even less. I am a "head hungry" person all the way. But I do get fatigued and lose focus when my body needs nutrition -- my signal "it's time to eat". Anyway, I can't even finish 1 Lean Cuisine these days. And, apparently I am too tired to be emotional about anything. LOL

    While the thought of having virtually no appetite might sound great in theory, I know that if I do not get enough nutrients I will not be able to get through this grueling schedule.

    So I ask you good people ... what can I eat that is small in portion/high in nutrition?

    Thanks much ... I know that my apetite will be back to normal once I am rested and back on my normal schedule.


  22. He's my surgeon as well..just wanted to get some feedback. Thanks!

    My PCP referred me to Dr. Liu when I asked about LB surgery. I went to his office and fell in love with everyone there. Dr. Liu was great and his staff was fantastic. I even had the chance to sit down with another doc in his office who had been banded! She was also great and gave me tons of info. UNFORTUNATELY, it turned out they were not a provider on my insurance so Dr. Liu did not end up being my surgeon. I was so bummed when I learned that he would not be doing my surgery. :(

    I do get evites for his support group, but I haven't attended one yet due to scheduling conflicts.

    I have met a couple of his patients and they rave about him too.

    Good luck!


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