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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by elgrad

  1. Check with your doctor regarding this. I had my surgery on Wednesday, 23 September, and was a little concerned so I called my doc. He suggested warm prune juice a couple of times a day and between that, walking and lots of Water, voila, success :smile2: Elgrad
  2. I was banded this last Wednesday, 23 September, and other than a little nausea that first day, it has not been a bad experience. I am still very sore and somewhat tired, but other than that, no big issues. However, I am having a hard time believing that I have a band inside of me. I can't see it and since I am so sore, I couldn't tell if it is the surgery or the band that is causing the discomfort. Believe me, I know that the doc put in the band, but my brain hasn't accepted it yet. When did you feel that "yep, it's there" feeling? I am so excited because I have been waiting for a while to get this done and I feel that I am finally at the point where the hard work can really begin, but I just haven't got the idea in my thoughts yet. Elgrad
  3. I am finally banded! Had my surgery on Wednesday, 23 September. Had to be at the hospital at 6:30 am and like most folks, got fressed in the lovely gown, prepped and off to surgery. Last thing I remember was the mask going over my nose and mouth. Woke up a little in PACU but don't remember much until I woke up in my room. I ended up spending the night in the hospital as I had some nausea issues and didn't feel strong enough to make the 1 1/2 hour ride home. Doctor agreed and so I settled in for the night. Of course, I didn't get much sleep but since they had me awake about every two hours, I used that opportunity to pee and walk. Needless to say, the nurses were a little suprised to see me walking the halls at 1:00 am, but I knew that I would need to do it. As it happened, it helped me break down the gas a little. I am home now and still have a little issue with the gas pain in my left shoulder, but it is getting better. I still haven't grasped the fact that I have a band in my stomache. I know that I cannot drink too much at one time cuz it hurts but other than that, my mind hasn't grasped the concept yet that I have this tool in me. I am not hungry but am thirsty, so I keep trying to drink lots of Water, one sip at a time. I have lost 10 pounds since last Friday, but I know that this will likely be temporary as I go through bandster hell. Thanks to all who post here as I remembered a lot of what I have read and am ready for what is coming down the pike. Good luck to all who have not been banded yet. It is an experience that is certainly life altering. Elgrad
  4. For those, like me, that have not been banded yet and may be having second thoughts, let me tell you what has given me a shot of motivation. I went to a fashion show/celebration hosted by the surgical clinic that is doing my banding. It was a gala event and the models were patients that had lost weight with the band. OMG, they were awesome! Many had lost over 100 pounds and the before and after results were amazing! I had a chance to talk with many of the folks, both male and female, and asked them a lot of questions regarding the surgery and expressed some of my fears. They all (repeat, all) stated that they would do it again and that the worst part of the whole process was the unknown, not the surgery! They stated that although it was not totally pleasant, it was not nearly as bad as they THOUGHT it would be. Sitting at the table with me were 2 ladies who had undergone the procedure in July and had already lost over 40 pounds each. They filled me in on much of what is discussed on this board repeatedly - so it was like speaking with someone I already knew. At that moment, I knew for sure that this is what I want to do. No more anxiety or second guessing - I am being banded on Wednesday, 23 September, and I am ready. Let my new life begin and next year, I will be walking across the stage in a stunning outfit, slimmer and healthier! To all those who have yet to be banded - Be Strong! Be Ready! And be positive in your choice! Elgrad
  5. Thanks to both of you. I am so ready! Elgrad
  6. Honey, I know that this is scary but what you need to do now is take a deep breath and relax. It could be that there was a problem with reading the test results and they want to do something over. Could be that they just want to verify some information. Granted, having someone call and leave a message like that would be a little disconcerting, but please try to remain calm. I am like you, in that I often jump to the worse case scenario when I don't know all the facts, but most times, it is nothing. And you probably know that the reason you got hungry was the stress, not hunger, right? If you can breathe through this stressful time, you will have the control you will need for later. Let us know what is going on and remember, we are all here for you. Elgrad
  7. elgrad

    7 days away

    Dear Chellz, I am a only 9 days away from surgery and I am starting to get a little nervous so I can understand how you feel. There are a lot of unkowns involved and that, I think ,is what is making me nervous. Oh how I wish I could see into the future, but I can't, so I guess I will just have to face forward and march! You will do fine. Take your time to adjust to your new lifestyle, don't expect sudden changes and look to this whole thing as a marathon, not a sprint. Keep up on the board so that we can all see how you are doing and good luck! THis place has the best support of all. Elgrad
  8. elgrad

    Changine surgeons

    Pickles: I think you have hit the nail on the head with your thoughts on why you are letting these people walk all over you. You have made a big decision, something that has you a little nervous, maybe even scared, and these are supposed to be the "duty experts", the one's who you are trusting. Maybe they have gotten too uppity for their own good, maybe they see you as "money", not as a person. Whatever the reason, if you are not comfortable with the care you are receiving now, you do not want to trust them to care for you after the surgery is done. Trust your gut on this one (no pun intended) and find a surgeon and staff that you can feel comfortable with and who are there when you need them. It may take a little extra money and time on your part (and I can understand that concern) but if you do not get the support you need in after-care, all the money you have spent to this point may be lost. Look to the future as a long-range plan, not just a brief moment, and make your plans wisely. Good luck! Elgrad
  9. elgrad

    Changine surgeons

    Pickles.. You have to look at the whole picture. The surgery is only one part of this journey. Follow up care is as important and if the office staff is difficult to work with or worse yet, non-existent, you will not have the availability of support to complete this process. Changing now, at the beginning, will be the best way for you to ensure success. I realize that this is frustrating, but making the change now gives you the chance to work with your new surgeon from start to finish. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Elgrad
  10. I am scheduled to be banded on 23 September with the Allegan lapband system. I too am supposed to start a low carb (basically Atkins) diet 2 weeks before the surgery. I am not required to be on a strict, liquids only type diet, just no more than 40 grams of carbs per day for 2 weeks. I am such a carb fiend tho, this will be an interesting time for me. I find it so interesting that there is such a wide variety of pre-op plans out there. Elgrad
  11. elgrad

    what have i done

    I am not banded yet but from everything I have read, what you are going thru is very normal and yes, it will get better. You are in pain. The drugs that have been given to you are making your emotions run amock and you are hungry. This is quite a volatile mix. Please try to rest and give yourself time to heal. For some assurances, go to the listing of success stories here and see what others have accomplished using the lapband. This is a small amount of the rest of your life and although it is not pleasant, it will pass. Rest! Drink your Water, try not to think about anything else but healing. I am sure that others who have gone thru this will chime in shortly with more advice but I wanted you to know that someone was hearing your plea and thinking about you. You have gone thru a big event but it will soon lead to great success! Elgrad
  12. I have been scheduled for surgery on 23 September! I met with the surgeon yesterday and imagine my surprise when he told me that I was one of his smaller patients. I am over 100 pounds above my ideal weight!! Sheesh, who'd have thought I would be considered a "smaller" person?! Anyways, I am excited and ready to go. I start my pre-op diet on the 9th of September. Luckily, it is like an Atkins diet...not just clear liquids and such. Just low carbs. I am very happy about that. At least I get to eat somewhat normally. So folks, I am almost to the starting gate of this fabulous (albeit scary) new life!! :w00t:
  13. I finally get to add my name to the "approved for surgery by insurance company" list! Aetna has given me the okay and I meet with the surgeon on 10 August to schedule the operation. I have been hanging on this list, gathering information and feeling jealous but now I see that proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel" and it isn't a train. Thanks to all who have kept me motivated and excited. Especially RestlessMonkey and Jachut. The two of you rock and I want to grow up to be just like you :thumbup: Elgrad
  14. elgrad

    I'm approved!

    Thanks! I know I will. Elgrad
  15. elgrad

    Hello ! I am a Newbie from North Carolina

    I am also from Jacksonville, NC. I am working with the Carteret Surgical Associates in Morehead City. Haven't been banded yet..still wating on insurance approval :thumbup: Elgrad
  16. elgrad

    Insurance hell....

    I know we have all heard of "bandster hell" but I am caught in "insurance hell". My doctor's office tells me that they sent the info required for pre-cert/authorization over 2 weeks ago. My insurance company says they have nothing. So, I call my doctor's office. The patient liaison states she will re-send. I give it a couple of days, call the insurance company and ...nope, they don't have anything. This is getting frustrating and I don't know who to be mad with. I feel like I don't have any way to just jump in and get this done. I know they told me to be patient, but this is ridiculous! I will return you now to your regularly scheduled program and apologize for the rant. Elgrad
  17. How great that must feel!! I think that I have been "programmed" for so long just to eat whenever and not to think about whether I was hungry or not that the idea of waiting until I am hungry is a new concept. I am not banded yet but one of the things that I am looking forward to is viewing food as a tool, not as a friend that I turn to constantly. Eating to live instead of living to eat, as the old saying goes. Congratulations on your "ah-ha" moment! Elgrad
  18. elgrad

    Another fun thing

    That is so funny as one of my goals is to actually match the weight on my drivers license! It is currently about 50 pounds lower than my actual weight! It's the small things that I am so looking forward to when I finally get banded Elgrad
  19. elgrad

    New here!

    Good Morning and welcome! The reason for the sleep study is to determine if you might have sleep apnea, a condition in which you may actually stop breathing during the night for a brief period, causing some hardship for your heart, higher blood pressure and other issues. Folks who are overweight are prone to this problem. This is considered a co-morbidity ( or additional issue ) with some insurance companies and it is definitely a health issue that you would want to know about. The sleep study is usually done in a sleep lab or clinic. You simply go there in the evening, get hooked up to some wires which are then hooked up to machines that monitor your heart rate, breathing patterns, sleep patterns, etc. Then, you are asked to go to sleep! It is not painful, but can be a bit uncomfortable, with the wires and things being stuck to your face and head. Sometime in the early morning, you will be woken up and basically you go home to await the results. I have had a couple of studies done, as I have sleep apnea and currently sleep with a CPAP machine to aid in my breathing. It is one of those things that I hope to get rid of as I lose weight after I am banded. Hope this answered your question. Keep in touch with us here and good luck! Elgrad
  20. Ashley, you said it yourself "I have 80 pounds to lose...well, like 59 pounds now". Hey, that is a great statement! You have lost weight and you will lose more. And, it may take some time but consider your options. You could be stating that you have 80 pounds to lose. Period! But you don't. So, you are successful. Hang in there and take each day as it comes. You will wake up soon and that weight will be gone. Elgrad
  21. elgrad

    Are you kidding me?

    Hang in there, Kat. I know that I really want to lose the weight fast (and I am not even banded yet) but it will come off. Just try to relax a little, get yourself mentally prepared for the surgery and you will find, I think, success very shortly. I used to do tae-kwan-do and it is one of those things that I am looking forward to doing again, after the banding and some wieght loss. I love the martial arts! Elgrad
  22. elgrad

    Are you kidding me?

    Okay, I have to ask why you are only taking in 800 calories a day? I see that your surgery is right around the corner, but it seems to me that you body may be going into starvation mode, what with the exercise and the low caloric intake. Maybe you need to up the calories a little to reassure your body that you are not starving it and to nudge it into letting go of some of the weight. Just a thought. The old methods of starving and exercising to lose weight just don't work. Elgrad
  23. So folks, put me in the line for those waiting to hear back from the insurance folks! I just got off the phone with my surgeon's office and they have informed me that all the paperwork has been submitted and they are just waiting for the insurance company to call back with the per-certification/authorization. Whoohoo! The next step would be the final meeting with my surgeon and the setting of the surgery date. I am hoping it does not take forever for the insurance company to respond. Elgrad :smile2:
  24. It is like a macabra dance. I have completed all the pre-op appointments and was waiting for the surgeon's office to call and schedule my appointment with the surgeon (last thing to do before they will submit the paperwork to the insurance company) when I noticed a problem with one of my teeth. Okay, so I have a cavity, right?! Wrong! The root canal that was supposed to last forever hasn't so I am now scheduled to have a minor surgery to repair the root canal so that I can save the tooth and the crown attached to it. This will take place in a couple of weeks. Then, if everything heals correctly, I should be good to go for an August surgery. I swore I would not whine on this list, but I am feeling just the wee bit sorry for myself today. Sorry to all, but I know that you folks understand. Keep marching towards the future and better health! Elgrad
  25. FOr those that have been banded, a question please: How much info regarding the whole process did your doctor give you prior to being banded? I don't need all the particulars, but I am curious as to whether you felt it was adequate for what you experienced. I ask this because I often see a lot of folks posting to the site and their questions seem like those that should have been covered by their medical staff. Like - How do I get rid of the gas? What can I eat in the first week? Why does my left, right, middle incision hurt? What is a fill? etc. I am not saying that this forum isn't a great place to get information, because it is. And I understand that every doctor is different, but it seems that there are a lot of questions being left un-answered that should be covered by our surgeons. Of course, since you don't know what you don't know, many of us don't know to ask. Just wondering. Elgrad

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