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Too Fat To Fish

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Too Fat To Fish

  1. hey now. have not been on in awhile hope u all r good. hi to all the new people since September. i hit the big 100 lbs in September and have not moved. must say i have not been trying too hard. why you ask. because i am an ass. wasted months on camping relaxing golfing playing with my kids. instead of sitting in my chair i had fun.

    i am stuck. i am discouraged. But i am moving and that's something i couldn't say before lapband.

    too all those people that said lapband is a tool not a cure, ok you were right. But i am trying..............

  2. hi there girl27. i am from Regina, SK. hope your doing well after surgery. hope to hear from you soon. if i dont answer right away its because i am out camping:thumbup: Just alittle history i had surgery June 20 last year at maples in wpg man. at that time Regina never had a place to get it done so my wife and i went to Manitoba. my wife is totally wanting someone is Sask to talk too:smile: not alot of people here that have had this done....hope things are going well and take your time its a long journey but totally worth the ride.:thumbup:

  3. I watch the shows about john and he lost 115lbs and looks good. my q? is how can he drink that much deit coke....i seen he was ,so of course i followed and wow i burped for hours...anyone else drinking pop...

  4. If you make the usual rapid recovery, you should be able to get at least 'some' golfing in by that time frame.

    Although I no longer golf due to other issues, by Day 3 post op I was carrying a few pieces of firewood from the wood shed, and within a week chopping and stacking same.

    Normal mobility returns rapidly in most folks.

    Cheers on your journey.

    Three weeks after surgery i had to jump in the Water to save a kid and when i pulled myself back in the boat it was tuff...i had swelling for weeks in my stomach...i know it was more pulling/strain then golf but just be careful..i was swinging the club about a month after the swelling.

  5. This afternoon I got a call from my insurance telling me I was approved for surgery!!!! Then 2 hours later I got a call from my drs office to set up the date. They had someone cancel and wanted to know if I wanted their spot. i said sure. Im getting banded April 29th!!! Only 9 days away!!! OMG im just a ball full of emotions. Im super excited and anxious and of course nervous too.

    I asked about pre-op diet and they said just high Protein and low carb. I should have asked for more specific foods but I was too wound up. Can anyone give me some pointers? Like is steak and other meats ok? What about Breakfast and lunch time? Eeks!!!!!

    Wow carnation shakes r good protien. no breads at all u might as well because u r not going to have then in ten days anyways :ohmy: try real hard at the pre op. shrink that liver makes recovery easyer..

  6. Anyone get bumped from a fill on Tues. Mar. 30th :thumbup: because the docs and Terri were not available? Now I don't have any appointment any time in the future and am living on sheer will power. Hoping for one soon...


    just at one der:thumbup:land

    Never got bumped ...the wife and ii drove in from regina had a 1:00pm...hope i didn't take your spot....

  7. hi trying. i had my surgery done in wpg and live in regina. so i know to well the five hour drive. i dont do it..we have a nurse that does fills here in regina. is it better to have the surgery done quickly and then do all the driving i guess thats up to you. you will have to pay like i do and pay for fills if you stay in wpg and dont drive to regina if you get surgery done in regina... i hear surgery in regina is cheaper then wpg so you might want to do the math.

  8. hi to all...i just seen that it was February of last year when i joined lapband. march is when i went it for consult to wpg, and June 20th for surgery...... truth be known i was thinking about this long before i joined this site but got all the info here to make the decision to go to wpg and see the docs...as i have said in the past that if i only lose fifty pounds on lapband i would be happy..... thats how i made my decision to do it.... pay all the money and only lose fifty is it worth it...hope to all the new people reading this that it gives u some encouragement that it can be done.... i drive truck and dont exercise much and to be honest i have just done this with diet...now in saying that eating has always been my Achilles heel so this has been a big struggle for me....protien..protien..protien is all i can say... i had to lose weight just to have this surgery sooo....... i am so happy that i can now say i am not the largest man working at my work place...:D..... i have not been this size since 1996 and when i graduated high school i was 240lbs...life is starting over...life is getting better...i can now see my life....:(

  9. ya linda's great. hope she does not stop she says she wont so thats good.. wifes doing well. she started losing after her last fill.. i think she is at 60 pounds lost now i will get her to email u. is your hubby going to manitoba or regina? i hear its like 15000 bucks there or something like that, or did he get it already...good luck....

  10. Hello everyone, How did you all do over the holidays? I must confess buttertarts got the best of me....and as Doctor B. says the band isn't buttertart proof :thumbup: I went in this morning for my checkup and managed to be down a bit.....good thing all these bits add up! Now to get back on track.

    well i was wide open all xmas and did not gain any weight...first time i think in twenty years...did not lose but frick'n happy did not gain:)...trying to get back on the band wagon and will give the next six months a good try....one year comes pretty quick...hope everyone has a good year...

  11. I've to be there at 10:45am, I think I'm scheduled for 1pm. The girl didn't phone me today, but we discussed it last week, I am just hoping I'm doing what I'm supposed to. She said something about having a Zantac 150 before I go to bed and then one in the morning? That sound right??

    Good luck u guys

  12. "Fish" - Have you guys been back to Linda again for fills? I was contemplating trying to get up there to see her in the next couple weeks before Christmas, but because we're going to Texas for Christmas, I think I'll wait and pop up to see her in the new year for another fill. (I don't want to get filled right before we leave incase I need adjusting if it's too full or something) I really did enjoy going to her the time I did, though - she's AWESOME!!

    I think I'm almost where I need to be for fills (currently at 6) but think I can go a bit tighter yet as I can still put quite a bit of food away. Still working on chewing better and taking smaller bites, but even when I ace that, I can get a lot down.

    Yes i have been twice lisa three times to linda. we are going tues. so by x mas we will be not so tight. lol. still thinking about that food...we find her good to talk to about stuff ....not getting the maples treatment but what can we do i am not driving ten hours to go see a nurse in wpg.. plus linda has more training then any nurse on this in wpg...very nice to have her.....go before texas...plus stay away from dowtown dallas its scary lol been there and done that.....merry xmas

  13. :thumbup:my hubby and i both attended our first consultation to see if we are candidates for LAP-BAND®.... his BMI is 41.7 and mine is 40.3.... we are both candidates and from what I understand our ins. does cover the procedure it appears there is a 4 month waiting period in which we will have to have monthly dr appts with nutritionist and psycological evaluations as well as other testing.... the staff said for us to maintain our current weights and that ( can you believe it) I could stand to gain about 5 lbs... THE ONLY TIME IN MY LIFE THAT GAINING WEIGHT WOULD BE A GOOD THING.. lol...

    we go next month for another dr appt and also for a sleep study... i guess the sleep study is that they can be sure we are healthy enough to be put under??? from what i understood...

    we are both very eager to have the band and we are ready to start our NEW LIFE together. I am glad we are doing it together so that we can be on the same page and also encourage each other but we will also be more understanding and sympathetic of what the other person is going to experience with this new journey of our lives.

    I would like to hear from other couples of how their process went to get banded and how they are doing now.

    we have been married 15 yr and I am so excited that this procedure will allow us to live a happy, healthier longer life together.:thumbup:

    we have chosen to go through TRUE RESULTS in Dallas, Tx and to use Dr. Benavidez...

    any questions or comments on Dr. B would be appreciated. thanks to all

    My wife and i got banded. hers in may and me in june. i had made up my mind to get this done before i even talked to her. so she came along to make sure i would be ok then when we got to the clinic the docs said i has to lose some wieght before surgery but my wife was ok to go n have it done. i was suppose to be first so she was scared. its been great she is off her bp's pills and i have lost alot so its been good. understanding and letting the other person deal with there own eating habits is the real big kicker. mine was eating to fast and too much , so the band has made me see my problems from the start.

  14. That is some AWESOME news!! It's great on a lot of levels, and I'll admit it, I'm pretty pumped that Saskatchewan is getting this service when it's really not that wide spread - go go Saskatchewan!

    If you happen to hear any more info , please keep sharing it Joel - it's nice to have someone that knows what's going on out there!


    Tough for your husband i would for sure look into regina. i have not been back to maples yet just for the fact of the fill nurse is good in regina. real good knows her stuff and the way everyone talks on here u only see the docs sometimes at maples. hope to See u n your husband sometime.

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