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A New Woman

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by A New Woman

  1. A New Woman


    Good luck to you! I'm also having surgery on the 12th. I've had the same results, most of the weight loss has been in the first week. My body has since readjusted since Sunday. I think I was just having a "fat" day that day since I hadn't done anything different. I seem to be holding steady with 12 lbs. weight loss for my pre-op diet, which is fine with me if it is fine with my surgeon. Again, best of luck to you tomorrow.
  2. I am so frustrated right about now and just need to vent. My scale as of yesterday showed that I was -12 lbs. since starting my 14-day pre-op liquid diet. I have been dam near perfect -- I have not cheated at all. My family so impressed with how well I've been doing and with my motivation and attitude. I got up this morning, really wasn't even hungry and didn't even attempt to have a shake until noon. I weighed myself first and the frickin' scale says I've gained 6 lbs. since yesterday!!! Again, I ask, WTF???? I'm SO MAD!!! I know I haven't done anything but I don't want it to appear as if I've been cheating when I haven't. I'm just going to suck it up and not lose my focus, although eating food is kind of appealing right now but I know and recognize it's because I'm angry. And I'm not going to do that and sabotage myself. But seriously -- 6 lbs!!!! Seriously? Has anyone else encountered this strange phenomenon?
  3. A New Woman

    12 days in 2 days till surgery

    I'm getting ready start my 14 day liquid diet on this Thursday, 2/26. I'm wondering if that is the standard now since so many folks have to do 14 days. There were two other gals in my class that have to do it 3 WEEKS so I'm feeling pretty lucky with 2 weeks. :smile:
  4. I'm getting ready to start my liquid diet on Thurs, 2/26. My surgery is scheduled for Thurs, 3/12. Frankly, I'm more nervous about this part of the process than anything. I tried a liquid Protein diet sponsored by Beaumont Hospital a few years ago and it about drove me crazy. I got so depressed. I hope this is different because I know that in the long run I will be having food again just in much smaller portions. My surgeon uses the Bariatric Protein powder. We taste tested one yesterday and it was just okay, but that was just a sip. I think if I had to drink the whole thing it would have made me gag. I did order a few of the unjury samples today and hope those are better based on what I've read on this site. If anyone has any creative ideas for their powder please let me know. Slimfast, etc. is not an option with my doctor. I'm also trying to make some slow changes. I had my last diet pepsi yesterday. Wanted to get weaned off the caffeine before I start the liquid diet.
  5. A New Woman

    Being Banded March 11th !!!!!!!

    I'm not sure yet which Protein Drink I'll use. I go to my lap band class at the hospital tomorrow afternoon and she said that they will have us taste test different ones they sell at the hospital. I'm so tired of thinking about it; I'm just ready to start this whole process. Honestly, I've been treating myself to all the foods that I love that I won't have for a long time and I was doing that for a few days but now it's like I don't care. I just want to get started on my new life and leave that one behind! I'll let you know about the drinks I taste test. Let me know about the Unjury drinks too, please.
  6. A New Woman

    Hello to All

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum. I have my band surgery scheduled for 3/12/09 at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, Michigan. I'm thrilled, nervous, excited, anxious all at the same time. My story -- I'm a 44 year old woman. I hope to be "A New Woman" when I get my band and start living a healthier lifestyle. I've struggled with my weight for the last 20+ years. Strangely enough, as a child and teen I didn't have a weight problem. I was only a 3 lb. full term baby and was small most of my life. I graduated high school at 110 lbs. Somewhere along the way I learned to equate food with every emotion in my life. It's how I socialize. I go out to lunch with co-workers. I go to lunch or dinner with my daughters. I love to cook and show my family how much I love them by making fabulous meals and Desserts. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm bored or angry. Honestly, I don't know what it's really like to "feel" hungry since I can eat at any time and rarely feel hunger pangs. I've tried WW, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, doctor supervised liquid Protein diet. I'll be successful and then fall back into my old ways. I KNOW what I need to do. I just need help doing it. I've read some of the stories and looked at the pictures and I feel even more motivated. I was starting to worry "what if I fail at this too!" and then I saw the photos and realized I CAN DO THIS! I just have to keep telling myself that failure is NOT an option. Please tell me what has been the most challenging for you (either expected or unexpected) and what has been easier for you than you imagined. I look forward to hearing from you all. 24 days and counting!
  7. I'm being banded on Thursday, March 12th. Can't wait! I like March Melters too because I'm from Michigan and so sick of the snow AND the weight! Looking forward to more than snow melting in March!
  8. A New Woman

    Beer and Pop

    Beer is no problem for me to give up or any other alcohol. But I am addicted to my Diet Pepsi so have the same concerns about Pop (or as they say outside of Michigan "soda"). But I'm so ready to get even that monkey off my back. I spend so much money on Diet Pepsi. Today I started to cut back by only drinking 1 per day until I start my liquid protein. Then I can have clear, no caffeine pop like diet Vernors until the surgery. Since I start my liquid protein diet in about 10 days I'm trying to wean myself off the Diet Pepsi before I have to give it up cold turkey. Maybe then I won't get a caffeine headache and it won't be so bad. Isn't that a darn shame that I have to wean myself off Diet Pepsi and I'm so addicted. But I'm READY for this at all costs! Good luck to you!
  9. A New Woman

    Being Banded March 11th !!!!!!!

    Hello... I'm being banded the day after you on 3/12/09. Wishing you the best. I told someone the same exact thing today at work... now it's "me time". I'm also a Mom (2 girls) and married. I've always put my family first and me last. My girls are now in their early 20's so it's time for me now. This forum has given me so much inspiration and I only found it a few days ago. Hope the liquid diet goes well. I'm more afraid of that than I am of having the surgery because I feel like the surgery will help any hunger pangs but the liquid diet may be HARD. I'd like to hear how others have coped with the liquid diet. Keep us posted once you start it on how it's going. Lisa
  10. Hi Likeblanche and Marci: I'm another Detroiter. Although I'm not going to Harper (I was born there though in '64), I'm going to Oakwood in Dearborn with Dr. Bacal. My date is 3/12/09. Best of luck to you both. It would be nice to keep in touch and cheer each other on.
  11. A New Woman

    Big "B" Day

    Best of luck to you! Be sure to keep us updated on how you're doing.

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