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Status Updates posted by 303'sJourney

  1. Well Dr. C doesn't have anything you shouldn't do before a fill that I know of. I hadn't eaten since the night before or had anything to drink... so I knew I'd be safe. I updated some pictures I took today... still can't see any change. I can tell that my boobs have gotten smaller and that is the 1 place I couldn't afford to lose it :( :( :( I am excited for your appointment on the 22nd and will anxious to hear how it all goes! :) :) :) I hope you're doing well!

  2. I read your post about how your first fill went and wanted to know when that was and how you worked through it... I went for my first fill today and feel the same way... I am apprehensive to even drink water... can you offer any advice?

  3. I am down 30.6 since the 11th when I started my pre-op so I can't complain about the loss... but being hungry has taken control of life! I hope this fill helps, I heard for most it doesn't. I have been having some trouble drinking today but am still starving which makes it hard. Drinking A LOT of water really helped me get the weight off. I only ate 2 times a day. No breakfast (he said to start getting used to not having breakfast b/c once you get a fill... the band is the tightest in the morning, so I haven't had breakfast since my surgery) I eat lunch and dinner and no snacks. So my last meal is usually around 6 pm and I go until lunch at 12 or 1 the next day... I also eat low carb am feel great but am ready to see the scale move more and the hungry monster subside...

  4. When do you go for your first fill?

  5. I am on clear liquids (again :() for 2 days and then I got to full liquids (protein shakes) for 2 days then soft food for 5... I go back on the 24th for my next fill. The fill itself... was a non event. It didn't hurt it was like it never happened. I was amazed how fast it happened. Other than my brief issue with the water I am feeling great! He wants me to lose 10 more lbs before my appt on the 24th... so off we go... I hope you're having a great day and look forward to hearing from you!

  6. Well today was my first fill and whew what I wish I had known... He tells you to drink some water when he gets done putting it in... Well i hadn't eaten since 6 pm the night before and hadn't had anything to drink yet in the am... so I was both hungry and thirsty... so here goes me. I gulped! Well it came back with a vengenance! So NOTE TO SELF... when you are told to drink... he means take a few SIPS! I am doing better now and tolerating water. He adv that we just shocked my body who thought it was safe back into fear mode so it will take a little bit to work back into eating...

  7. You are sooo sweet! Thank you for the sweet comment... that put the biggest smile on my face and I needed it today. I just had my first fill and am not feeling very impressed! I am having trouble with water even... he says it will get better that we just shocked my body but it's noon and I have had about 3 oz of water and that is it... :( I'm pretty darn hungry and thirsty! How did you feel after your first fill? How are things going for you? You look magnificient!

  8. How are you doing? How are you feeling? I hope all is well and look forward to catching up...

  9. Hey sweets! I am so excited for you that you are doing so well! Piper hasn't really taken an interest in my shake but I drink it more at work than at home. The chocolate it my absolute favorite! I add some heavy whipping cream and some psyllium husk powder... it's a dream! I wish I could say that I feel the same way as far as not being hungry... but I stay pretty hungry these days. I go for my first fill on Friday 6/19... I'll keep you posted on how it goes... what's new with you? Things still progressing well!

  10. Hey just wanted to see how your feeling and how you are doing...

  11. Wow... you lost 72 lbs in 5 months! What do you think has helped you the most? Any words of wisdom or advice?

  12. Well since last monday I have lost 3.5 lbs... but then I had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic and am now on prednisone which is a woman's enemy. it makes you retain water like the dickens... I am keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't cause me to gain before my appt :(. I'll let you know how it goes. I am very anxious about my appointment. I REALLY need/want them to do a fill... so we will see. I am so excited about your appointment on the 22nd! I think a surgery in early august is well within your reach. How are you doing eating wise? How are you feeling? I hope all is well and I will let you know the appointment goes! :) it's great to hear from you! :)

  13. Have you been banded yet? You don't look like you need it! What is your goal weight? You are soooo beautiful! The pictures of your wedding day are fantastic!

  14. I go back this Friday for my first fill... (hopefully) a guy I work with goes to the same dr. and he said when he went for his first fill they told him he was doing so great they would wait until next time. I don't want them to tell me that... I'm STARVING! :( Guess we'll just have to wait and see! I am glad all is well and hope to keep in touch! :)

  15. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary. I think at this point... your body is like HELLO 95 lbs... what more do you want from me! :) I know how hard it can be to hit a stall as well. I have only been banded for a little under a month and I had not lost in 2 weeks... then this morning BAM 3 lbs... I was soooo excited! They always say the last 10-15 are the hardest. I will keep you in my prayers but can already tell... if you've come this far in just 1 year... you can lose this last 15 without a problem. GREAT JOB! What do you think they key to your success has been? Do you exercise a lot or eat only certain things? Do you follow low carb or just watch your portions? I am doing pretty good. I had a single incision surgery so it has healed pretty well... the incision is in my belly button. That is also where my port is. I'm feeling pretty good.

  16. if you dont' mind me asking... when did you have surgery? How much have you lost so far? You look amazing and have so much to be proud of!!!

  17. Hey there... we were banded just a weeks apart and started at the exact same weight... I thought we could help support each other... you're doing great!!!!

  18. Do you have any advice for someone starting out... do you know of any keys to your success that you could share? I was just banded on the 18th of May and have already hit a stall in weight loss... I'd love to hear your thoughts...

  19. Hi sweets... it's soo good to hear from you. Things here are going ok. It's been a tough week. I finally lost the lb I gained +1 and am just ready to continue on this downward journey. I go see Dr. C on the 19th and am still 2 away from his minimum goal for me... Then today... I got the long lost Ms. Flow... 2 weeks late and am bloated and hungry but am plugging along. I'm sorry to hear that you were sick. Are you feeling better? I am so excited that you are getting so close to the end of your sup diet... Things are falling into place and you are just right around the corner to things getting so much better! :) I am so excited for you!!! Keep up the good work!! P.S. How are the little ones?

  20. I too have had an issue w/taking too big a bite of chicken or salad and having it... have a problem getting down. I have zero restriction but if I don't chew well enough... I have to remember to chew, chew, chew! I will be 5 weeksish... when I go for my fill on the 19th... almost 6 weeks. I'm doing pretty good. I am back to solids and seem to be tolerating everything just fine. I am so hungry all the time though. I am hoping/looking forward to some help. Have you lost all 37 lbs since your surgery? I hope all is well and look forward to keeping in touch! :)

  21. Hi there... my name is Teresa and we were banded a few days apart and was hoping we could support and encourage each other through this wonderful journey. How are you doing? How are you feeling? Have you had your first fill? I hope all is well!! :) :) :) :)

  22. You are doing fantastic and looking so good!!! How are you feeling? How did your fill go? Has your fill helped you with restriction! I am so proud of you! :) You look so much more confident in your pics since your surgery!!!

  23. How are you feeling? Have you gone back to the dr yet? When do you go for your first fill? I hope everything is great and you are feeling better!! I look forwarding to catching up :)

  24. How are things going? How are you feeling? How is your WLS going?? I hope everything is fantastic!!

  25. I'm sorry that you have 5 red scars... :( My port is actually just above my belly button. When do you go for a fill? How are things going? Are you still losing?? I hope you're having a great week!!

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